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Reconstruction of Shattered Lumbo-Sacral Junction/Pelvis Utilizing Bilateral L4-Sacrum Fibula Strut Allograft And Double Iliac Screws Plus Routine Lumbar Pedicle Screw Fixation

Agulnick, Marc; Cohen, Benjamin R; Epstein, Nancy E
Background/UNASSIGNED:A traumatically shattered lumbosacral junction/pelvis may be difficult to repair. Here the authors offer a pelvic fixation technique utilizing routine pedicle screws, interbody lumbar fusions, bilateral iliac screws/ rods/crosslinks, and bilateral fibular strut allografts from the lumbar spine to the sacrum. Methods/UNASSIGNED:A middle aged male sustained a multiple storey fall resulting in a left sacral fracture, and right sacroiliac joint (SI) dislocation. The patient had previously undergone attempted decompressions with routine pedicle screw L4-S1 fusions at outside institutions; these failed twice. When the patient was finally seen, he exhibited, on CT reconstructed images, MR, and X-rays, a left sacral fracture nonunion, and a right sacroiliac joint dislocation. Results/UNASSIGNED:The patient underwent a bilateral pelvic reconstruction utilizing right L4, L5, S1 and left L4, L5 pedicle screws plus interbody fusions (L4-L5, and L5, S1), performed from the left. Unique to this fusion construct was the placement of bilateral double iliac screws plus the application of bilateral fibula allografts from L4-sacrum filled with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP). After rod/screw/connectors were applied, bone graft was placed over the fusion construct, including the decorticated edges of the left sacral fractures, and right SI joint dislocation. We additionally reviewed other pelvic fusion reconstruction methods. Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:Here, we utilized a unique pelvic reconstruction technique utilizing pedicle screws/rods, double iliac screws/rods, and bilateral fibula strut grafts extending from the L4-sacrum filled with BMP.
PMID: 33194269
ISSN: 2229-5097
CID: 5022712

Unique Bone Suture Anchor Repair of Complex Lumbar Cerebrospinal Fluid Fistulas

Agulnick, Marc; Cohen, Benjamin R; Epstein, Nancy E
Background/UNASSIGNED:Spine surgeons encounter occasional complex cerebrospinal fluid fistulas/dural tears (CSF/DT) during lumbar spinal surgery. In some cases, these leaks are found during the index procedure, but others may appear postoperatively, or in the course of successive procedures. Here we asked, whether these complex CSF fistulas/DT could be more readily repaired utilizing a "bone suture anchor" technique, particularly where there is no residual dural margin/remnant. Methods/UNASSIGNED:With the combined expertise of the orthopedist and neurosurgeon, mini/micro bone suture anchors, largely developed for hand surgery, facilitated repair of complex DT occurring during lumbar spine surgery. This technique was utilized to suture in place fascia, periosteal, or muscle grafts, and was followed by the application of microfibrillar collagen, and a fibrin sealant. Results/UNASSIGNED:This mini/micro suture anchor technique has now been utilized to repair multiple significant intraoperative and/or postoperative recurrent DT, largely avoiding the need to place lumbar drains and/or lumbo- peritoneal shunts. Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:Here, we reviewed how to directly suture dural grafts utilizing a mini/micro bone suture anchor technique to repair complex intraoperative primary/recurrent DT occurring during lumbar spine surgery. The major advantages of this technique, in addition to obtaining definitive occlusion of the DT, largely avoids the need to place lumbar drains and/or lumbo-peritoneal shunts with their attendant risks and complications.
PMID: 32637206
ISSN: 2229-5097
CID: 5022692

Randomized study combining interferon and glatiramer acetate in multiple sclerosis

Lublin, Fred D; Cofield, Stacey S; Cutter, Gary R; Conwit, Robin; Narayana, Ponnada A; Nelson, Flavia; Salter, Amber R; Gustafson, Tarah; Wolinsky, Jerry S; Agius, M; Bashir, K; Baumhefner, R; Birnbaum, G; Blevins, G; Bomprezzi, R; Boster, A; Brown, T; Burkholder, J; Camac, A; Campagnolo, D; Carter, J; Cohen, B; Cooper, J; Corboy, J; Cross, A; Dewitt, L; Dunn, J; Edwards, K; Eggenberger, E; English, J; Felton, W; Fodor, P; Ford, C; Freedman, M; Galetta, S; Garmany, G; Goodman, A; Gottesman, M; Gottschalk, C; Gruenthal, M; Gudesblatt, M; Hagan, M; Hamill, R; Herbert, J; Holub, R; Honeycutt, W; Hughes, B; Hutton, G; Jacobs, D; Johnson, K; Kasper, L; Kattah, J; Kaufman, M; Keegan, M; Khan, O; Khatri, B; Kita, M; Koffman, B; Lallana, E; Lava, N; Lindsey, J; Loge, P; Lynch, S; McGee, F; Mejico, L; Metz, L; O'Connor, P; Okuda, D; Pandey, K; Panitch, H; Pelletier, D; Preiningerova, J; Rammohan, K; Riley, C; Riskind, P; Rolak, L; Royal, W; Scarberry, S; Schulman, A; Scott, T; Sheppard, C; Sheremata, W; Stone, L; Stuart, W; Sriram, S; Thadani, V; Thomas, F P; Thrower, B; Tullman, M; Turel, A; Vollmer, T; Waldman, S; Weinstock-Guttman, B; Wendt, J; Williams, R; Wynn, D; Yeung, M
OBJECTIVE:A double-blind, randomized, controlled study was undertaken to determine whether combined use of interferon β-1a (IFN) 30 μg intramuscularly weekly and glatiramer acetate (GA) 20 mg daily is more efficacious than either agent alone in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. METHODS:A total of 1,008 participants were randomized and followed until the last participant enrolled completed 3 years. The primary endpoint was reduction in annualized relapse rate utilizing a strict definition of relapse. Secondary outcomes included time to confirmed disability, Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite (MSFC) score, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) metrics. RESULTS:Combination IFN+GA was not superior to the better of the single agents (GA) in risk of relapse. Both the combination therapy and GA were significantly better than IFN in reducing the risk of relapse. The combination was not better than either agent alone in lessening confirmed Expanded Disability Status Scale progression or change in MSFC over 36 months. The combination was superior to either agent alone in reducing new lesion activity and accumulation of total lesion volumes. In a post hoc analysis, combination therapy resulted in a higher proportion of participants attaining disease activity-free status (DAFS) compared to either single arm, driven by the MRI results. INTERPRETATION/CONCLUSIONS:Combining the 2 most commonly prescribed therapies for multiple sclerosis did not produce a significant clinical benefit over 3 years. An effect was seen on some MRI metrics. In a test of comparative efficacy, GA was superior to IFN in reducing the risk of exacerbation. The extension phase for CombiRx will address whether the observed differences in MRI and DAFS findings predict later clinical differences.
PMID: 23424159
ISSN: 1531-8249
CID: 5348012

Factors affecting profitability for craniotomy

Popp, A John; Scrime, Todd; Cohen, Benjamin R; Feustel, Paul J; Petronis, Karen; Habiniak, Sharon; Waldman, John B; Vosburgh, Margaret M
OBJECT/OBJECTIVE:The authors studied factors influencing hospital profitability after craniotomy in patients who underwent craniotomy coded as diagnosis-related group (DRG) 1 (17 years of age with nontraumatic disease without complication) and who met their hospital's craniotomy pathway criteria and had a hospital length of stay 4 days or less during a 20-month period. METHODS:Data in all patients meeting these criteria (76 cases) were collected and collated from various hospital databases. Twenty-one cases were profitable and 55 were not. Variables traditionally influencing cost of care, such as surgeon, procedure, length of operation, and pharmacy use had no significant effect on whether a patient was profitable. The most important influence on profitability was the individual payor. Cases in which care was reimbursed under the prospective payment system based on DRGs were nearly always profitable whereas those covered by per diem plans were nearly always nonprofitable. CONCLUSIONS:1) Hospital information systems should be customized to deliver consolidated data for timely analysis of cost of care for individual patients. This information may be useful in negotiating profitable contracts. 2) A clinical pathway was successful in reducing the difference in cost of care between profitable and nonprofitable postcraniotomy cases. 3) In today's health care environment both cost containment and revenue assume importance in determining profitability.
PMID: 16212305
ISSN: 1092-0684
CID: 5035872