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Rocky Mountain Spotted Feaver and other Rickettsial diseases

Chapter by: Kihiczak, GG; Schwartz, RA
in: Treatment of skin disease : comprehensive therapeutic strategies by Lebwohl, Mark [Eds]
[S.l.] : Saunders, 2010
pp. ?-?
ISBN: 9780702031212
CID: 212672

Periorificial dermatitis in children: an update and description of a child with striking features [Case Report]

Kihiczak, George G; Cruz, Manuel A; Schwartz, Robert A
BACKGROUND: Perioral dermatitis is a relatively important and often enigmatic type of eczema. METHODS: We describe a child with this disorder and review our experience and the literature. RESULTS: Clinical features of perioral dermatitis in our patient and in many others described elsewhere show a high prevalence of perinasal and periocular involvement alongside perioral findings. CONCLUSIONS: Perioral dermatitis is more suitably termed periorificial dermatitis.
PMID: 19261023
ISSN: 0011-9059
CID: 161751

Cockayne Syndrome : its overlap with Xeroderma Pigmentosum and other progeroid syndromes

Chapter by: Lambert, WC; Neilan, EG; Gagna, CE; Kihiczak, GG; Kuo, HR; Lambert, MW
in: Molecular mechanisms of Cockayne syndrome by Ahmad, Shamim I [Eds]
Austin TX : Landes Bioscience, 2009
pp. ?-?
ISBN: 9781587063213
CID: 212682

Erysipelas: a common potentially dangerous infection

Celestin, R; Brown, J; Kihiczak, G; Schwartz, R A
Erysipelas is an acute superficial cutaneous cellulitis that commonly occurs not only in elderly and immunocompromised persons, but also in neonates and small children subsequent to bacterial inoculation through a break in the skin barrier. Group A Beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS, Streptoccocus pyogenes) is the usual etiologic agent. Factors that predispose pediatric patients to the development of erysipelas include very young age, diabetes mellitus, an immunocompromised state, and nephrotic syndrome. Patients typically have a well-demarcated, erythematous, indurated, rapidly spreading patch with a palpable advancing border on the face or extremities. Fever with chills and general malaise may be prominent symptoms. Antibiotics are usually effective. Patients handled in a timely manner tend to recover without problems. However, potential complications include abscess formation, necrotizing fasciitis, septicemia, recurrent infection, and lymphedema.
PMID: 17994173
ISSN: 1318-4458
CID: 212592

Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome: a multisystem disorder possibly resulting from a pathogenic gene for vascular and tissue overgrowth

Kihiczak, George G; Meine, Jon G; Schwartz, Robert A; Janniger, Camila K
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome is characterized by a triad of varicose veins, cutaneous capillary malformation, and hypertrophy of bone and soft tissue. Appropriate evaluation and treatment of children displaying features of the disease may minimize morbidity. The clinical appearance, etiology, genetics, diagnostics, and treatment of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome are herein explored.
PMID: 16911369
ISSN: 0011-9059
CID: 161753

Necrotizing fasciitis: a deadly infection

Kihiczak, G G; Schwartz, R A; Kapila, R
Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a life-threatening condition, consisting of a soft-tissue infection with rapidly progressive, widespread fascial necrosis. NF may be caused by a wide variety of microbes. Indeed, NF may be an infection of one species of bacteria or may be polymicrobial. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential. Surgical debridement and antibiotic therapy are the primary treatment options.
PMID: 16643131
ISSN: 0926-9959
CID: 212572

Giant cutaneous melanoacanthoma [Case Report]

Kihiczak, George Gregory; Centurion, Santiago A; Schwartz, Robert A; Lambert, W Clark
PMID: 15569024
ISSN: 0011-9059
CID: 212582

Piebaldism: an update

Thomas, Isabelle; Kihiczak, George G; Fox, Michael D; Janniger, Camila K; Schwartz, Robert A
PMID: 15485525
ISSN: 0011-9059
CID: 161756

Bedbug bites: a review

Thomas, Isabelle; Kihiczak, George G; Schwartz, Robert A
PMID: 15186224
ISSN: 0011-9059
CID: 161757

Pseudoporphyria: an atypical variant resembling toxic epidermal necrolysis [Case Report]

Papadopoulos, A J; Schwartz, R A; Fekete, Z; Kihiczak, G; Samady, J A; Atkin, S H; Lambert, W C
BACKGROUND: Pseudoporphyria has been attributed to both medication usage and chronic hemodialysis. Histologically, it is identical to porphyria cutanea tarda. It is most commonly seen as localized bullae on sun-exposed skin, often on the dorsum of the hands and fingers. OBJECTIVES: We describe a 31-year-old man with rapidly evolving bullae which became denuded, clinically suggestive of toxic epidermal necrolysis. Pseudoporphyria was proven histologically. However, our patient's eruption was not localized as small bullae but was widespread, with large bullae evolving into large, cutaneous, denuded erosions. CONCLUSIONS: We describe a previously unreported, generalized variant of pseudoporphyria that resembles toxic epidermal necrolysis. We provide a review of pseudoporphyria and compare our variant to toxic epidermal necrolysis and mimicking disorders.
PMID: 11907856
ISSN: 1203-4754
CID: 212602