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Outcome of surgical treatment for forearm pronation deformities in children with obstetric brachial plexus injuries

Liggio, F J; Tham, S; Price, A; Ramos, L E; Mulloy, E; Grossman, J A
Seven children were operated on for pronation contractures of the forearm due to obstetric brachial plexus injuries. All underwent extensive preoperative evaluations to determine the extent of injury, secondary deformities, and capacity to perform a few basic tasks. Sequential video studies were used to document these findings. Operative procedures performed included various combinations of tendon/muscle lengthenings and/or transfers. Postoperative evaluations focused on function rather than gains in active range of motion and the patient/parental assessment of the benefit of the procedure by response to a questionnaire. All patients were followed for a minimum of I year following surgery. The average gain in active supination was 45 degrees. Each patient showed significant functional gains with a high degree of satisfaction
PMID: 10190603
ISSN: 0266-7681
CID: 71316