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Intimate Partner Violence and Its Multiple Negative Consequences [Letter]

Lutwak, Nancy
PMID: 30241619
ISSN: 1873-2607
CID: 3316452

It Saved My Life

Lutwak, Nancy
After being appointed the Women's Health Emergency Department Champion at our Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital, I became aware of the large number of veterans who experienced military sexual trauma (MST). I realized coming to our medical center for care could be daunting for many women. The expansive main lobby is a bustling place where many male veterans congregate speaking in loud voices causing them to seem frightening and aggressive. The men may sometimes approach women to chat, but I have been told by female veterans this act, although seemingly benign, causes anxiety and discomfort.
PMID: 29645319
ISSN: 1553-2712
CID: 3037392

The Psychology of Health and Illness: The Mental Health and Physiological Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on Women

Lutwak, Nancy
Violence against women is a global public health problem with about one in three women experiencing either physical and or sexual intimate partner violence during their lifetime. Globally as many as 38% of homicides committed against women are by a male intimate partner. Violence against women may have negative effects on their mental, physical, and reproductive health (WHO fact sheet, 2016). Untreated individuals who have experienced violence or life-threatening situations may develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This disorder has the potential to be life-changing and cause negative psychological and medical issues (Rokach, Ahmed, & Patel, 2017). This potentially life-changing nature and consequence of violence affecting women world-wide deserves greater attention to ensure elimination of risk factors, financial support of investigational studies to promote detection of victims, and research to increase therapeutic efficacy of remediation. These efforts should be bolstered by all physicians, mental health experts, social service specialists, and public health advocates.
PMID: 30089083
ISSN: 1940-1019
CID: 3226222

Rethinking the Approach to Veteran Suicides [Letter]

Lutwak, Nancy
PMID: 29659204
ISSN: 2155-7780
CID: 3042662

I Thought He Was Going to Set Our House on Fire

Lutwak, Nancy
PMID: 29150965
ISSN: 1553-2712
CID: 2974212

Integrating Mental Health Services into Primary Care [Letter]

Lutwak, Nancy; Dill, Curt
PMID: 28667409
ISSN: 1525-1497
CID: 2614862

Elder Self-Neglect: Another Ethical Dilemma for Physicians

Lutwak, Nancy
PMID: 29028473
ISSN: 2376-6980
CID: 2742532

Homeless and Older Veterans May Be at Risk for Malnutrition and Food Insecurity

Lutwak, Nancy; Dill, Curt
PMID: 28384012
ISSN: 1942-7905
CID: 2521582

Veterans Administration (VA) healthcare providers must be aware of the risks of fluoxetine [Letter]

Lutwak, Nancy; Dill, Curt
PMID: 28681412
ISSN: 1365-2125
CID: 2617352

Veterans and the National Tragedy of Suicide [Letter]

Lutwak, Nancy; Dill, Curt
PMID: 28935089
ISSN: 1873-2607
CID: 2707872