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Episcleral Apocrine Hidrocystoma Following Strabismus Surgery [Case Report]

Charles, Norman C; Panarelli, Anthony J
Apocrine hidrocystomas are benign cystic tumors derived from apocrine sweat glands; they are most commonly located in the skin of the head and neck regions. Ophthalmic occurrences typically appear at the lash line and canthi of the eyelid, although rare instances have been described in the conjunctiva, caruncle, and orbit. The authors illustrate an exceptional instance of a mobile episcleral cyst in a 12-year-old girl that developed about 2 years following strabismus surgery. The cyst was located anterior to the insertion of the left medial rectus and was excised in response to the patient's complaints of irritation. Histopathology of the excised specimen displayed an empty cyst lined by a double layer of cuboidal epithelium with the inner layer exhibiting apical decapitation secretion. Confirmatory immunohistochemistry demonstrated reactivity of both layers with CK7 and the outer myoepithelial layer with D2-40. Postoperative and traumatic cysts formed after interruption of the bulbar conjunctiva are usually conjunctival cysts lined by stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelium.
PMID: 35797674
ISSN: 1537-2677
CID: 5268882

It Takes Two to Make a Cell Go Right

Panarelli, Anthony
PMID: 26584745
ISSN: 1938-2405
CID: 3980352

Imaging through opaque corneas using anterior segment optical coherence tomography [Case Report]

Garcia, Julian P S; Garcia, Patricia M T; Buxton, Douglas E; Panarelli, Anthony; Rosen, Richard B
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE/OBJECTIVE:To investigate the capability of the prototype AC Cornea OCT (Ophthalmic Technologies Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada) for imaging eyes with opaque corneas. PATIENTS AND METHODS/METHODS:More than 50 eyes of patients were included in the study. RESULTS:The density of opacification influenced the ability of OCT to reveal anterior segment details. Imaging was limited by shadows cast by abnormal pigmentation or vascularity within the cornea. However, the system's unique coronal perspective capability was helpful in revealing occult spatial relationships. CONCLUSIONS:The AC Cornea OCT is valuable for examining eyes with opaque corneas and provides cross-sectional and coronal views helpful in formulating specific management strategies.
PMID: 17674922
ISSN: 1542-8877
CID: 3980342