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ABCDEF Guide [Letter]

Rodriguez-Sains, Rene
PMID: 24182573
ISSN: 0161-6420
CID: 614392

Pigmented conjunctival neoplasms

Rodriguez-Sains, Rene S
Pigmented lesions of the conjunctiva are not rare. They may be acquired, congenital, benign or malignant. In the present paper, the author provides a brief review, in a non-exhaustive manner, of the common melanocytic pigmentations, with more emphasis on the malignant and pre-malignant variants
PMID: 12187419
ISSN: 0167-6830
CID: 39603

Regarding invasion of the lacrimal system by basal cell carcinoma [Letter]

Rodriguez-Sains RS
PMID: 10691956
ISSN: 1076-0512
CID: 65121

Melanoma of the eyelid [Letter]

Rodriguez-Sains RS
PMID: 10359277
ISSN: 0032-1052
CID: 65122

Coexistent primary ocular and cutaneous melanoma [Letter]

Rodriguez-Sains RS
PMID: 8043092
ISSN: 0003-987x
CID: 65123

Ocular findings in patients with dysplastic nevus syndrome. An update

Rodriguez-Sains RS
Two hundred fifty-seven patients with biopsy-proven dysplastic nevus syndrome (DNS) were evaluated ophthalmologically and compared with 264 non-DNS patients, who acted as a control population. A statistically significant increase in the percentage of the DNS patients versus controls harboring conjunctival nevi (8.56% vs. 1.14%), iris nevi (24.90% vs. 9.47%), and choroidal nevi (14.40% vs. 5.30%) was encountered. The number of iris nevi found per patient was also greater statistically for the DNS group. Also encountered in the DNS group was presence of multiple nevus types in the same patient (iris and choroidal, iris and conjunctival, conjunctival and choroidal); 3 patients had all three nevus types present, and 4 patients had two choroidal nevi per eye. No patient in the control group had more than one nevus type present per eye
PMID: 1934647
ISSN: 0733-8635
CID: 65124

Malignant melanomas of eyelid skin [Letter]

Rodriguez-Sains RS
PMID: 2349285
ISSN: 0032-1052
CID: 65125

Reconstruction of the medical canthal area [Letter]

Rodriguez-Sains RS
PMID: 2794209
ISSN: 0148-0812
CID: 65126

Lower eyelid reconstruction

Rodriguez-Sains R
The Hughes procedure of tarsoconjunctival flap sharing for lower eyelid reconstruction following removal of basal cell carcinoma is described. Although this technique has the disadvantage of being a 2-staged procedure that requires closure of the eyelid for 2-8 weeks, its cosmetic and functional results are outstanding. While the Hughes procedure is not the only technique for eyelid reconstruction, it is a time-tested method commonly practiced by ophthalmic plastic surgeons
PMID: 3361012
ISSN: 0148-0812
CID: 65127

Radiotherapy of periocular basal cell carcinomas: recurrence rates and treatment with special attention to the medical canthus

Rodriguez-Sains RS; Robins P; Smith B; Bosniak SL
Basal cell carcinomas of the eyelids, especially those in the medial canthal area, may cause extensive local destruction. Recurrent tumours are more aggressive and become progressively more difficult to treat; this is especially true for postirradiated recurrent, medial canthal, basal cell carcinomas. Tumours in this area should thus be treated by a technique which allows tissue sampling in order to gauge the adequacy of the treatment, with the goal being complete extirpation of the tumour. Excision monitored by frozen section control or Mohs' surgery is our recommendation based on a retrospective analyses of 631 eyelid basal cell carcinomas, half of which were primary tumours and half recurrent
PMID: 2894839
ISSN: 0007-1161
CID: 65128