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Compartmentation in the blood-brain barrier: a correction

Samuels S; Schwartz SA
PMID: 3683734
ISSN: 0364-3190
CID: 11435

Pre-natal amino acid transport inhibition: long term influences on behavior and protein metabolism

Samuels, S; Randt, C T; Fish, I; Schwartz, S A
DBA/2J mice were exposed in utero, between days 15-18 of gestation, to either of two enzyme inhibitors, previously shown to decrease blood-brain, large-neutral amino acid transport in adults: L-methionine-RS-sulfoximine and 2-imidazolidone-4-carboxylic acid. The young mice demonstrated persistently altered motor behavior relative to saline controls when 40-42 days old and evidence of differences in the entry and incorporation of 14C-valine in brain at up to 80 days of age. The findings suggest that interference with blood-brain amino acid transport in utero has long term consequences. This may be related to some human conditions such as maternal phenylketonuria
PMID: 3945659
ISSN: 0091-3057
CID: 106858

Anticonvulsant activity of glycylglycine and delta-aminovaleric acid: evidence for glutamine exchange in amino acid transport

Samuels, S; Fish, I; Schwartz, S A
We have proposed that glutamine serves in a facilitated diffusion process, mediated by the enzyme gamma-glutamyl transferase (gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase; gamma GT) and that it leaves the brain in exchange for entering amino acids. Glutamine is also a precursor of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Thus, providing an alternate substrate for gamma GT should spare brain glutamine, raise GABA, and cause an anticonvulsant effect. We have found that glycylglycine, the best-known substrate for gamma GT, and delta-aminovaleric acid (DAVA), a structural analog, have anticonvulsant activity in DBA/2J mice. Both compounds can decrease the incidence and severity of seizures induced by L-methionine-RS-sulfoximine or electroconvulsive shock. DAVA was also tested and found to be active against seizures caused by pentylenetetrazol or picrotoxin. [14C]DAVA entered the brain at the rate of 18.7 nmol/g/min. The activity of DAVA as a substrate of gamma GT was intermediate to that of glycylglycine and glutamine. Preliminary studies have shown that brain glutamine and perhaps GABA are elevated 3 h after administration of DAVA (7.5 mmol/kg). These findings support the theory that glutamine exchange plays a role in amino acid transport across the blood-brain barrier and suggests a new concept in anticonvulsant therapy.
PMID: 6834037
ISSN: 0022-3042
CID: 1542442

Age related changes in blood-to-brain amino acid transport and incorporation into brain protein

Samuels, S; Fish, I; Schwartz, S A; Hochgeschwender, U
Blood-to-brain amino acid transport consists of at least two components: 1. a fast rate or early process, commonly measured by the intra-carotid bolus injection method and attributed to transport across the capillary endothelium and entry into the astrocytes, and, 2. a slow rate or later component measured over 2 to 15 minutes probably associated with exit from the astrocytes and entry into the neurons. Incorporation into brain protein is temporally related to the second process. In the present study the slow and fast rate transport components and the incorporation into brain protein of tyrosine (Tyr) and Valine (Val) was measured in young adult and aged male C57BL/6 mice. The results indicate that the fast rate transport component is unaffected by age while the rates of the slow process and protein turnover show an exponential decline most marked between 3 and 8 months of age. Changes in the relative incorporation of Tyr and Val suggest that brain protein metabolism is altered qualitatively as well as quantitatively in aging, in these animals.
PMID: 6856024
ISSN: 0364-3190
CID: 1542432

Compartmentation in amino acid transport across the blood brain barrier

Samuels, S; Schwartz, S A
Under steady-state conditions, the transport rates for amino acids from blood to brain have been found to be about half that seen using the intraarterial injection technique. Using a method that mathematically mimics the constant infusion procedure, we were able to reconcile this apparent discrepancy. At less than 1 min after subcutaneous injection of [14C]tyrosine in mice, we have observed a rate of entry into brain of 19.7 nmol/g/min, while from 1-15 min we have measured the rate at 6.4 nmol/g/min. Using methionine sulfoximine as an inhibitor of the gamma-glutamyl cycle, the early rate was reduced to 10.0 nmol/g/min and the later rate to 3.7 nmol/g/min. These data are consistent with a two-compartment system regulating amino acid transport into the neurons. A mathematical model fit to these data indicates that the first compartment contains 8.3 nanomoles of tyrosine per gram brain or about 6.7% of the brain total. It is speculated that the first compartment consists primarily of the astrocytes.
PMID: 7301042
ISSN: 0364-3190
CID: 577252

Sparing of the brain in neonatal undernutrition: amino acid transport and incorporation into brain and muscle

Freedman, L S; Samuels, S; Fish, I; Schwartz, S A; Lange, B; Katz, M; Morgano, L
Rates of tyrosine and lysine transport and incorporation into protein were measured in control and undernourished weanling rats. Undernutrition was induced by feeding lactating dams a low protein diet (12 percent casein) from birth to day 21. At weaning, body and brain weights of undernourished rats were 50 percent and 88 percent, respectively, of control values. Lysine and tyrosine transport rates into skeletal muscle were reduced by over 75 percent, more than twice the reduction seen in brain. Rates of amino acid incorporation into muscle protein were reduced by approximately 50 percent; the change in rate of incorporation into brain protein was not statistically significant. These data indicate that, in spite of marked retardation of amino acid transport into brain, the brain seems fully capable of maintaining normal rates of protein synthesis.
PMID: 6766565
ISSN: 0036-8075
CID: 163403


Samuels, S; Fish, I; Randt, CT; Schwartz, SA; Lange, B
ISSN: 0031-3998
CID: 28024