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Rumpel-Leede Phenomenon in a Patient with Laboratory Markers Positive for Sjogren Disease

Ramme, Austin J; Gales, Jordan; Stevens, Nicole; Verma, Vijay; Egol, Kenneth
Rumpel-Leede phenomenon is a rare clinical sign involving the appearance of purpura after application of a tourniquet or in noninvasive arterial blood pressure monitoring. This sign has been most commonly associated with hypertensive and diabetic microvascular fragility and thrombocytopenia. We describe a case of Rumpel-Leede phenomenon in an otherwise healthy patient with positive laboratory markers for Sjogren disease, a previously undescribed relationship. We aim to inform physicians of this potential complication in patients with Sjogren disease and suggest special consideration be given to patients with autoimmune diseases with secondary vascular or dermal manifestations.
PMID: 27075423
ISSN: 2325-7237
CID: 2078362