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Lung microbial and host genomic signatures as predictors of prognosis in early-stage adenocarcinoma

Tsay, Jun-Chieh J; Darawshy, Fares; Wang, Chan; Kwok, Benjamin; Wong, Kendrew K; Wu, Benjamin G; Sulaiman, Imran; Zhou, Hua; Isaacs, Bradley; Kugler, Matthias C; Sanchez, Elizabeth; Bain, Alexander; Li, Yonghua; Schluger, Rosemary; Lukovnikova, Alena; Collazo, Destiny; Kyeremateng, Yaa; Pillai, Ray; Chang, Miao; Li, Qingsheng; Vanguri, Rami S; Becker, Anton S; Moore, William H; Thurston, George; Gordon, Terry; Moreira, Andre L; Goparaju, Chandra M; Sterman, Daniel H; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Li, Huilin; Segal, Leopoldo N; Pass, Harvey I
BACKGROUND:Risk of early-stage lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) recurrence after surgical resection is significant, and post-recurrence median survival is approximately two years. Currently there are no commercially available biomarkers that predict recurrence. Here, we investigated whether microbial and host genomic signatures in the lung can predict recurrence. METHODS:In 91 early-stage (Stage IA/IB) LUAD-patients with extensive follow-up, we used 16s rRNA gene sequencing and host RNA-sequencing to map the microbial and host transcriptomic landscape in tumor and adjacent unaffected lung samples. RESULTS:23 out of 91 subjects had tumor recurrence over 5-year period. In tumor samples, LUAD recurrence was associated with enrichment with Dialister, Prevotella, while in unaffected lung, recurrence was associated with enrichment with Sphyngomonas and Alloiococcus. The strengths of the associations between microbial and host genomic signatures with LUAD recurrence were greater in adjacent unaffected lung samples than in the primary tumor. Among microbial-host features in the unaffected lung samples associated with recurrence, enrichment with Stenotrophomonas geniculata and Chryseobacterium were positively correlated with upregulation of IL-2, IL-3, IL-17, EGFR, HIF-1 signaling pathways among the host transcriptome. In tumor samples, enrichment with Veillonellaceae Dialister, Ruminococcacea, Haemophilus Influenza, and Neisseria were positively correlated with upregulation of IL-1, IL-6, IL17, IFN, and Tryptophan metabolism pathways. CONCLUSIONS:Overall, modeling suggested that a combined microbial/transcriptome approach using unaffected lung samples had the best biomarker performance (AUC=0.83). IMPACT/CONCLUSIONS:This study suggests that LUAD recurrence is associated with distinct pathophysiological mechanisms of microbial-host interactions in the unaffected lung rather than those present in the resected tumor.
PMID: 39225784
ISSN: 1538-7755
CID: 5687792

Ambient Air Pollution and Depressed Mood in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) Wave IV

Yu, Wuyue; Thurston, George; Shao, Yongzhao; Zhang, Yian; Copeland, William E; Stein, Cheryl R
Depression is a major contributor to the global burden of disease. There is limited understanding of how environmental exposures may contribute to depression etiology. We used Wave IV of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) to examine associations between low-level ambient air pollution exposure and depressed mood in a generally healthy population of over 10,000 24-32 year olds. Annual mean PM2.5 levels in the 2008-2009 study were close to the current U.S. standard. In fully adjusted quasi-binomial logistic regression models, there were no meaningful associations between IQR increases in air pollutant and change in depressed mood status regardless of specific pollutant or moving average lags. In interaction effects models, an IQR increase in lag day 0-30 PM2.5 resulted in 1.20 (95% CI, 1.02-1.41) times higher likelihood of having depressed mood, but only for persons with chronic lung disease (interaction P=0.04); the association was null for participants without chronic lung disease (OR 0.98, 95% CI, 0.91, 1.05). Our findings suggest that among persons with a lifetime history of chronic lung disease, greater exposure to even low-level PM2.5, PM10, and sulfate may be associated with modest increases in the likelihood of having depressed mood.
PMID: 39191648
ISSN: 1476-6256
CID: 5729702

Indoor Air Sources of Outdoor Air Pollution: Health Consequences, Policy, and Recommendations: An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report

Nassikas, Nicholas J; McCormack, Meredith C; Ewart, Gary; Balmes, John R; Bond, Tami C; Brigham, Emily; Cromar, Kevin; Goldstein, Allen H; Hicks, Anne; Hopke, Philip K; Meyer, Brittany; Nazaroff, William W; Paulin, Laura M; Rice, Mary B; Thurston, George D; Turpin, Barbara J; Vance, Marina E; Weschler, Charles J; Zhang, Junfeng; Kipen, Howard M
Indoor sources of air pollution worsen indoor and outdoor air quality. Thus, identifying and reducing indoor pollutant sources would decrease both indoor and outdoor air pollution, benefit public health, and help address the climate crisis. As outdoor sources come under regulatory control, unregulated indoor sources become a rising percentage of the problem. This American Thoracic Society workshop was convened in 2022 to evaluate this increasing proportion of indoor contributions to outdoor air quality. The workshop was conducted by physicians and scientists, including atmospheric and aerosol scientists, environmental engineers, toxicologists, epidemiologists, regulatory policy experts, and pediatric and adult pulmonologists. Presentations and discussion sessions were centered on 1) the generation and migration of pollutants from indoors to outdoors, 2) the sources and circumstances representing the greatest threat, and 3) effective remedies to reduce the health burden of indoor sources of air pollution. The scope of the workshop was residential and commercial sources of indoor air pollution in the United States. Topics included wood burning, natural gas, cooking, evaporative volatile organic compounds, source apportionment, and regulatory policy. The workshop concluded that indoor sources of air pollution are significant contributors to outdoor air quality and that source control and filtration are the most effective measures to reduce indoor contributions to outdoor air. Interventions should prioritize environmental justice: Households of lower socioeconomic status have higher concentrations of indoor air pollutants from both indoor and outdoor sources. We identify research priorities, potential health benefits, and mitigation actions to consider (e.g., switching from natural gas to electric stoves and transitioning to scent-free consumer products). The workshop committee emphasizes the benefits of combustion-free homes and businesses and recommends economic, legislative, and education strategies aimed at achieving this goal.
PMID: 38426826
ISSN: 2325-6621
CID: 5684852

Climate action has valuable health benefits

Roca-Barceló, Aina; Rice, Mary B; Nunez, Yanelli; Thurston, George; Weinmayr, Gudrun; Straif, Kurt; Roscoe, Charlotte; Ebi, Kristie L; Andersen, Zorana Jovanovic; de Nazelle, Audrey; Negev, Maya
PMID: 38343737
ISSN: 2474-7882
CID: 5635592

PM2.5 and cardiovascular diseases: State-of-the-Art review

Krittanawong, Chayakrit; Qadeer, Yusuf Kamran; Hayes, Richard B; Wang, Zhen; Thurston, George D; Virani, Salim; Lavie, Carl J
Air pollution, especially exposure to particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5), has been associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality around the world. Specifically, it seems that PM2.5 promotes the development of cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension and atherosclerosis, while being associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, including myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, heart failure, and arrhythmias. In this review, we seek to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms by which exposure to PM2.5 can result in adverse cardiovascular outcomes, in addition to understanding the link between exposure to PM2.5 and cardiovascular events. It is hypothesized that PM2.5 functions via 3 mechanisms: increased oxidative stress, activation of the inflammatory pathway of the immune system, and stimulation of the autonomic nervous system which ultimately promote endothelial dysfunction, atherosclerosis, and systemic inflammation that can thus lead to cardiovascular events. It is important to note that the various cardiovascular associations of PM2.5 differ regarding the duration of exposure (short vs long) to PM2.5, the source of PM2.5, and regulations regarding air pollution in the area where PM2.5 is prominent. Current strategies to reduce PM2.5 exposure include personal strategies such as avoiding high PM2.5 areas such as highways or wearing masks outdoors, to governmental policies restricting the amount of PM2.5 produced by organizations. This review, by highlighting the significant impact between PM2.5 exposure and cardiovascular health will hopefully bring awareness and produce significant change regarding dealing with PM2.5 levels worldwide.
PMID: 37869561
ISSN: 2772-4875
CID: 5736232

Long-term exposure to several constituents and sources of PM2.5 is associated with incidence of upper aerodigestive tract cancers but not gastric cancer: Results from the large pooled European cohort of the ELAPSE project

Weinmayr, Gudrun; Chen, Jie; Jaensch, Andrea; Skodda, Lea; Rodopoulou, Sophia; Strak, Maciej; de Hoogh, Kees; Andersen, Zorana J; Bellander, Tom; Brandt, Jørgen; Fecht, Daniela; Forastiere, Francesco; Gulliver, John; Hertel, Ole; Hoffmann, Barbara; Hvidtfeldt, Ulla Arthur; Katsouyanni, Klea; Ketzel, Matthias; Leander, Karin; Magnusson, Patrik K E; Pershagen, Göran; Rizzuto, Debora; Samoli, Evangelia; Severi, Gianluca; Stafoggia, Massimo; Tjønneland, Anne; Vermeulen, Roel; Wolf, Kathrin; Zitt, Emanuel; Brunekreef, Bert; Thurston, George; Hoek, Gerard; Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole; Nagel, Gabriele
It is unclear whether cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) and gastric cancer are related to air pollution, due to few studies with inconsistent results. The effects of particulate matter (PM) may vary across locations due to different source contributions and related PM compositions, and it is not clear which PM constituents/sources are most relevant from a consideration of overall mass concentration alone. We therefore investigated the association of UADT and gastric cancers with PM2.5 elemental constituents and sources components indicative of different sources within a large multicentre population based epidemiological study. Cohorts with at least 10 cases per cohort led to ten and eight cohorts from five countries contributing to UADT- and gastric cancer analysis, respectively. Outcome ascertainment was based on cancer registry data or data of comparable quality. We assigned home address exposure to eight elemental constituents (Cu, Fe, K, Ni, S, Si, V and Zn) estimated from Europe-wide exposure models, and five source components identified by absolute principal component analysis (APCA). Cox regression models were run with age as time scale, stratified for sex and cohort and adjusted for relevant individual and neighbourhood level confounders. We observed 1139 UADT and 872 gastric cancer cases during a mean follow-up of 18.3 and 18.5 years, respectively. UADT cancer incidence was associated with all constituents except K in single element analyses. After adjustment for NO2, only Ni and V remained associated with UADT. Residual oil combustion and traffic source components were associated with UADT cancer persisting in the multiple source model. No associations were found for any of the elements or source components and gastric cancer incidence. Our results indicate an association of several PM constituents indicative of different sources with UADT but not gastric cancer incidence with the most robust evidence for traffic and residual oil combustion.
PMID: 37996018
ISSN: 1879-1026
CID: 5608792

An Evaluation of the Asthma Impact of the June 2023 New York City Wildfire Air Pollution Episode [Letter]

Thurston, George; Yu, Wuyue; Luglio, David
PMID: 37582196
ISSN: 1535-4970
CID: 5708192

Author reply to letter regarding "Gaps and future directions in research on health effects of air pollution" [Letter]

Vilcassim, Ruzmyn; Thurston, George D
PMID: 37683328
ISSN: 2352-3964
CID: 5728722

Author reply to letter regarding "Gaps and future directions in research on health effects of air pollution" [Letter]

Vilcassim, Ruzmyn; Thurston, George D
PMID: 37683328
ISSN: 2352-3964
CID: 5728712

Gaps and future directions in research on health effects of air pollution

Vilcassim, Ruzmyn; Thurston, George D
Despite progress in many countries, air pollution, and especially fine particulate matter air pollution (PM2.5) remains a global health threat: over 6 million premature cardiovascular and respiratory deaths/yr. have been attributed to household and outdoor air pollution. In this viewpoint, we identify present gaps in air pollution monitoring and regulation, and how they could be strengthened in future mitigation policies to more optimally reduce health impacts. We conclude that there is a need to move beyond simply regulating PM2.5 particulate matter mass concentrations at central site stations. A greater emphasis is needed on: new portable and affordable technologies to measure personal exposures to particle mass; the consideration of a submicron (PM1) mass air quality standard; and further evaluations of effects by particle composition and source. We emphasize the need to enable further studies on exposure-health relationships in underserved populations that are disproportionately impacted by air pollution, but not sufficiently represented in current studies.
PMID: 37357089
ISSN: 2352-3964
CID: 5535152