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The Evolving Surgical Paradigm of Scleral Allograft Bio-Tissue Use in Ophthalmic Surgery: Techniques and Clinical Indications for Ab-Externo and Ab-Interno Scleral Reinforcement

De Francesco, Ticiana; Ianchulev, Tsontcho; Rhee, Douglas J; Gentile, Ronald C; Pasquale, Louis R; Ahmed, Iqbal Ike K
To review the latest surgical advances and evolving clinical use of scleral bio-tissue for reinforcement in the eye and review the published literature on novel surgical applications of scleral allograft bio-tissue. Conventional surgical procedures for scleral reinforcement using homologous scleral allograft have been traditionally ab-externo interventions comprising of anterior or posterior reinforcement of the sclera for clinical indications such as trauma, scleromalacia, glaucoma drainage device coverage, scleral perforation, buckle repair as well as posterior reinforcement for pathologic myopia and staphyloma. There have been a few novel ab-interno uses of scleral bio-tissue for reinforcement in both retina and glaucoma. Over the last decade, there has been an increase in peer-reviewed publications on scleral reinforcement, reflecting more interest in its clinical applications. With favorable biological and biomechanical properties, scleral allograft may be an ideal substrate for an array of new applications and surgical uses.
PMID: 38919403
ISSN: 1177-5467
CID: 5733122


Shah, Saumya M; Eliott, Dean; Cox, Jacob T; Yonekawa, Yoshihiro; Mahmoudzadeh, Raziyeh; Peck, Travis J; Regillo, Carl D; Ho, Allen C; Oellers, Patrick; Choudhury, Mahin; Arboleda, Nathan; Gentile, Ronald C; Sun, Vincent; Iezzi, Raymond
PURPOSE:Foveal herniation occurs when neuroretinal tissue protrudes through and above the level of an epiretinal membrane. This study describes the visual symptoms and spectral domain optical coherence tomography findings associated with foveal herniation and evaluates the postoperative visual, anatomical, and surgical outcomes. METHODS:A multicenter retrospective review of patients diagnosed with epiretinal membrane identified 59 patients with preoperative foveal herniation on spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Data regarding visual symptoms, preoperative and postoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), central retinal thickness, macular volume, and size of foveal herniation were collected, and statistical analysis was performed. RESULTS:A total of 58 of the 59 patients with foveal herniation underwent surgical epiretinal membrane peeling, with foveal contour restored in 53.5% of patients after surgery. Average BCVA improved from 20/80 to 20/40 Snellen equivalent at most-recent postoperative visit (P < 0.0001). The average central retinal thickness decreased from 632 µm to 432 µm (P < 0.0001) and the average macular volume decreased from 11.3 mm3 to 9.5 mm3 (P < 0.0001) at 3 months postoperatively. Preoperatively, greater herniation height was associated with worse BCVA (P = 0.008), greater central retinal thickness (P = 0.01), retinoschisis, cystoid macular edema, foveolar detachment, ellipsoid zone abnormality, and external limiting membrane abnormalities (P < 0.05). Postoperatively, there was a decrease in retinoschisis, cystoid macular edema, foveolar detachment, ellipsoid zone, and external limiting membrane abnormality (P < 0.05) on spectral domain optical coherence tomography. CONCLUSION:Patients with larger foveal herniation height had greater preoperative central retinal thickness, worse preoperative and postoperative BCVA, and more intraretinal abnormalities on spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Surgical epiretinal membrane peeling in patients with foveal herniation resulted in a significant improvement in patients' BCVA and microstructural abnormalities.
PMID: 36695789
ISSN: 1539-2864
CID: 5419592

Macular Hole Closure with Medical Treatment

Sokol, Jared T; Schechet, Sidney A; Komati, Rahul; Eliott, Dean; Vavvas, Demetrios G; Kaplan, Richard I; Ittiara, Shaun T; Farooq, Asim V; Sheth, Veeral S; MacCumber, Mathew W; Ke, Rhona; Gentile, Ronald C; Skondra, Dimitra
PMID: 33338669
ISSN: 2468-6530
CID: 4798522

Optimizing the Patient Experience and Satisfaction: The Role of Topical NSAIDs with Intravitreal Injections [Editorial]

Kaplan, Richard I; Rosen, Richard B; Gentile, Ronald C
PMID: 32381252
ISSN: 2468-7219
CID: 4439832

Cytomegalovirus retinitis after treatment with topical difluprednate in an aphakic eye of an immunocompetent patient [Case Report]

Kaplan, Richard I; Do, Brian K; Gentile, Ronald C; Kedhar, Sanjay R
Purpose/UNASSIGNED:To report a case of an immunocompetent 64-year-old man who developed cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis after using topical difluprednate. Observations/UNASSIGNED:A 64-year-old man with type 2 diabetes developed hemorrhagic retinitis while using topical difluprednate after penetrating keratoplasty. Polymerase chain reaction of the vitreous was positive for CMV DNA. Complete blood count was within normal limits and 4th generation human immunodeficiency virus assay was negative. The retinitis resolved with oral valgancyclovir and intravitreal foscarnet injections. Conclusion and importance/UNASSIGNED:CMV retinitis may occur after topical difluprednate in an immunocompetent patient.
PMID: 31650081
ISSN: 2451-9936
CID: 4163632

Pain Control after Intravitreal Injection Using Topical Nepafenac 0.3% or Pressure Patching: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial

Kaplan, Richard I; Drinkwater, Owen J; Lee, Rachel H; Chod, Ross B; Barash, Alexander; Giovinazzo, Jerome V; Gologorsky, Daniel; Jansen, Michael E; Rosen, Richard B; Gentile, Ronald C
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Pain after an intravitreal injection (IVI) can last up to 7 days and negatively impacts the patient's experience, potentially reducing treatment compliance. We prospectively evaluated topical nepafenac 0.3% suspension and patching for the reduction of pain after IVI. DESIGN/METHODS:Randomized controlled trial. PARTICIPANTS/METHODS:Sixty patients receiving an IVI of bevacizumab, aflibercept, or triamcinolone acetonide in 1 eye. METHODS:Participants were randomized equally to receive either a single drop of nepafenac 0.3%, a pressure patch for 2 hours, or a single drop of preservative-free artificial tears (control group). A single-blinded placebo-controlled design was used to mask the topical treatment used. Pain was assessed using the Numeric Pain Rating Scale that ranged from 0 to 10 (horizontal pain scale). Because pain scores were not normally distributed, statistical analysis was performed using a nonparametric randomization-based analysis of covariance. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE/METHODS:Pain scores. RESULTS:Fifty-six and 53 patients of the 60 patients enrolled completed the 6- and 24-hour follow-ups, respectively. Numeric Pain Rating Scale scores at 6 and 24 hours after IVI were lower in the nepafenac group (0.8±0.3 and 0.1±0.1, respectively; n = 18) and the patching group (1.3±0.4 and 0.4±0.2, respectively; n = 19) compared with the control group (2.5±0.6 and 0.9±0.4, respectively; n = 19). After controlling for age, gender, number of prior injections, and physician administering the injection, patients in the nepafenac group reported significantly lower pain scores than those in the control group at 6 hours (1.3±0.6 less; P = 0.047) and 24 hours (0.7±0.3 less; P = 0.047). Although the patching group reported lower pain scores than the control group, this was not statistically significant (6 hours, P = 0.24; 24 hours, P = 0.29). CONCLUSIONS:Nepafenac 0.3% was effective as a single drop in reducing pain at 6 and 24 hours after IVI compared with placebo. Limited patching was associated with lower pain scores than placebo, but the difference was not statistically significant. Additional studies are needed to determine the most effective method to maximize the patient's experience after an IVI without sacrificing outcomes.
PMID: 31221565
ISSN: 2468-7219
CID: 3967622


Yanoga, Fatoumata; Gentile, Ronald C; Chui, Toco Y P; Freund, K Bailey; Fell, Millie; Dolz-Marco, Rosa; Rosen, Richard B
BACKGROUND/PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:To report a case of persistent retinal toxicity associated with a high dose of sildenafil citrate intake. METHODS:Single retrospective case report. RESULTS:A 31-year-old white man with no medical history presented with complaints of bilateral multicolored photopsias and erythropsia (red-tinted vision), shortly after taking sildenafil citrate-purchased through the internet. Patient was found to have cone photoreceptor damage, demonstrated using electroretinogram, optical coherence tomography, and adaptive optics imaging. The patient's symptoms and the photoreceptor structural changes persisted for several months. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Sildenafil citrate is a widely used erectile dysfunction medication that is typically associated with transient visual symptoms in normal dosage. At high dosage, sildenafil citrate can lead to persistent retinal toxicity in certain individuals.
PMID: 29489563
ISSN: 1937-1578
CID: 2965922

Evaluation of a diabetic retinopathy telemedicine screening program in a metropolitan primary care setting [Meeting Abstract]

Sundararajan, Miel; Gentile, Ronald; Saleem, Sophia; Gupta, Meenakashi
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 3566902

Corneal abrasion following anaesthesia for non-ocular surgical procedures: A case-controlled study

Carniciu, Anais L; Fazzari, Melissa J; Tabibian, Pauline; Batta, Priti; Gentile, Ronald C; Grendell, James H; Braithwaite, Collin E; Barzideh, Nazanin
The aim of this study was to identify risk factors associated with perioperative corneal abrasion at a single hospital in Mineola, New York (United States). A chart review was conducted of patients with perioperative corneal abrasion following non-ocular surgery and age-matched controls between June 2011 and November 2013. An age-stratified logistic regression model evaluated the association between corneal abrasion and potentially predisposing variables. The adjusted odds of a corneal abrasion occurring were 4.6 times greater for patients having surgery for ≥ 3 hours (p=0.001) and 3.6 times greater for patients with pre-existing ocular disease (p=0.02). Gender, diabetes status, surgical procedure or position were not found to be associated with the occurrence of a corneal abrasion. Corneal abrasions were associated with longer procedures and history of pre-existing ocular disease. No significant association between body positioning or surgical site and perioperative corneal abrasion was found. The study concludes that a longer duration of surgical procedure and pre-existing ocular disease are risk factors for perioperative corneal abrasion.
PMID: 29328794
ISSN: 1750-4589
CID: 3453342

Vitreous Occlusion of a Glaucoma Drainage Implant-Surgical Management [Case Report]

Vinod, Kateki; Panarelli, Joseph F; Gentile, Ronald C; Sidoti, Paul A
Vitreous occlusion of a glaucoma drainage implant (GDI) can lead to failure of the device and severely elevated intraocular pressure. The pathophysiology of tube obstruction is related to central and anterior displacement of vitreous that is drawn into and condenses within the proximal lumen of the tube. This can occur from days to years following GDI surgery. Successful management of vitreous-tube obstruction generally requires manual removal of the condensed vitreous plug with end-grasping forceps. This technique achieves reversal of tube blockage and restoration of GDI function. Amputation of the incarcerated vitreous alone with vitrectomy or neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet vitreolysis does not consistently restore GDI function and risks persistent intraluminal tube obstruction.
PMID: 28557828
ISSN: 1536-481x
CID: 3319362