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Inhibition of methotrexate-induced rheumatoid nodulosis by colchicine: Evidence from an in vitro model and regression in 7 of 14 patients

Merrill, JT; Cronstein, BN; Mitnick, H; Goodman, S; Diakolios, C; Paget, S; Greisman, S; Bauer, B; Dinu, A; Shen, C; Lahita, RG
Methotrexate is one of the most effective and widely used medications in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. One poorly understood side effect of methotrexate is increased rheumatoid nodule formation, a phenomenon which has been reported to occur in some patients despite suppression of synovial inflammation. Using an in vitro model of nodulosis, induction of monocyte differentiation into multinucleated giant cells, we previously found that methotrexate promotes this inflammatory response by a mechanism dependent on adenosine A 1 receptor stimulation. In the current study, we tested the effects of an A 1 signal inhibitor, the commonly available anti-inflammatory medication colchicine, and found that it markedly inhibited nodulosis in vitro as well as in seven of fourteen patients in a clinical series
ISSN: 1076-1608
CID: 589422

Reversal of new but not old rheumatoid nodules by colchicine: Evidence from an in vitro model and case reports of 14 patients [Meeting Abstract]

Merrill, JT; Cronstein, BN; Shen, C; Goodman, S; Paget, S; Mitnick, H; Greisman, S; Bauer, B; Diakolios, C; Fisher, R; Lahita, RG
ISSN: 0004-3591
CID: 52785

Craniofacial dermoids

Pensler, J M; Bauer, B S; Naidich, T P
Thirty-two patients with nasal dermal sinuses and cysts were treated during the 10-year period from 1978 to 1987. These patients presented with midline cysts (N = 18) or sinus ostia (N = 14). Only 6 of the 32 patients manifested intracranial extension (19 percent). All the patients with intracranial extension exhibited an intracranial mass on preoperative CT scans. Ten patients with no CT evidence of intracranial mass were noted to have only a fibrous cord extending to the base of the foramen cecum. In 4 of these 10 patients, craniotomy confirmed that there was no intracranial extension of the dermoid. Four other patients presented with sinus ostia at the base of the columella. None of these 4 patients had intracranial extension. Clinical examination and preoperative CT scans provide most of the information needed to determine the nature, course, and extent of these lesions
PMID: 3200958
ISSN: 0032-1052
CID: 146708

Median cleft face syndrome: MR and CT data from 11 children

Naidich, T P; Osborn, R E; Bauer, B; Naidich, M J
Examination (including CT and magnetic resonance studies) of 11 unrelated children with median cleft face syndrome revealed 6 (55%) with dense calcification of the falx and 5 (45%) with interhemispheric lipoma. Of the 11 children, 3 exhibited Sedano facies type A, 4 exhibited Sedano facies type B, and 4 exhibited Sedano facies type D. Type A patients had no calcification or lipoma. Two of three type A patients were products of separate twin gestations, the only twins in the series. Type B patients had frequent falx calcification (three of four) and interhemispheric lipoma (two of four). Two of the four type B patients had concurrent Goldenhar syndrome, the only such patients in the series. Type D patients also had frequent falx calcification (three of four) and interhemispheric lipoma (three of four). Patients with median cleft face syndrome and Sedano facies type B or D should be examined radiologically for concurrent intracranial pathology
PMID: 3335674
ISSN: 0363-8715
CID: 146716

Nasal dermal sinuses and cysts

Naidich, T P; Bauer, B S; McLone, D G; Kernahan, D A; Tomita, T
Nasal dermal sinuses and cysts are best detected by careful clinical inspection of the face for tiny ostia or widening of the nasal bridge and by detailed radiologic evaluation of the nasal bones, nasal septum, crista galli and falx. The sinus tracts may remain superficial to bone, extend partway into the nasal septum or pass far posterosuperiorly beneath the nasal bones, through the foramen cecum, and anterior to or through a bifid crista galli to lie between the leaves of the anterior falx. Glabellar sinuses may pass through the midline frontonasal suture to the foramen cecum, crista galli and falx. These courses correspond to embryonic midline diverticula of dura (with or without arachnoid and brain tissue) that protrude into a) the fonticulus nasofrontalis and b) the prenasal space situated behind the nasal bones and in front of the nasal capsule, occasionally reaching the surface ectoderm. Persistence of variable portions of these diverticula results in the clinical spectrum of nasal sinus tracts, fibrous cords, interposed (epi)dermoids, meningoceles, encephaloceles and 'gliomas'
PMID: 2980486
ISSN: 0365-5954
CID: 146733