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Nicotine gum and self-help manuals in smoking cessation: an evaluation in a medical context

Harackiewicz JM; Blair LW; Sansone C; Epstein JA; Stuchell RN
This study evaluated the effectiveness of nicotine chewing gum in smoking cessation, when incorporated into a behaviorally oriented self-help program. One hundred ninety-seven patients were randomly assigned to nicotine gum with a self-help manual, a self-help manual without gum, or a control condition, but received no further treatment from the prescribing physician. At six weeks, the nicotine gum group was superior to both the self-help and control conditions. By one year, many gum patients had relapsed, and the treatment effect was no longer significant. Patients who were able to quit initially were most likely to remain ex-smokers in the self-help condition. The clinical importance of these findings is discussed
PMID: 3239463
ISSN: 0306-4603
CID: 35456

Attributional processes in behavior change and maintenance: smoking cessation and continued abstinence

Harackiewicz JM; Sansone C; Blair LW; Epstein JA; Manderlink G
PMID: 3597951
ISSN: 0022-006x
CID: 35457