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Health-Status Outcomes with Invasive or Conservative Care in Coronary Disease

Spertus, John A; Jones, Philip G; Maron, David J; O'Brien, Sean M; Reynolds, Harmony R; Rosenberg, Yves; Stone, Gregg W; Harrell, Frank E; Boden, William E; Weintraub, William S; Baloch, Khaula; Mavromatis, Kreton; Diaz, Ariel; Gosselin, Gilbert; Newman, Jonathan D; Mavromichalis, Stavroula; Alexander, Karen P; Cohen, David J; Bangalore, Sripal; Hochman, Judith S; Mark, Daniel B; Ricci, Joseph; Tello Montoliu, A; Robero Aniorte, A I; Mulder, Abbey; Laddu, Abhay A; Goyal, Abhinav; Dubey, Abhishek; Goyal, Abhishek; Knighton, Abigail; Oomman, Abraham; Jaskowiak, Adam J; Kolodziej, Adam; Witkowski, Adam; Hameed, Adnan; Anesini, Adriana; Hussain, Afshan; Juceviciene, Agne; Urboniene, Agne; Jakal, Agnes; Szramowska, Agnieszka; Khairuddin, Ahmad; Abdel-Latif, Ahmed; Adel, Ahmed; Aljzeeri, Ahmed; Kamal, Ahmed; Talaat, Ahmed; Mann, Aimee; Contreras, Aira; Kumar, Ajit; Kumar, V K; Furukawa, Akemi; Bagai, Akshay; Smigelskaite, Akvile; Furber, Alain; Rheault, Alain; Loehr, Alaine Melanie; Rosen, Alan; Varga, Albert; Qelaj, Albertina; Barioli, Alberto; Russo, Aldo; Moorman, Alec; Gisbert, Alejandro; Fratczak, Aleksandra; Laucevicius, Aleksandras; Kuleshova, Alena; Sionis, Alessandro; Sirker, Alexander A; Chernyavskiy, Alexander M; Craft, Alexandra; Vazquez, Alexandra; Ciappina Hueb, Alexandre; Colafranseschi, Alexandre S; Schaan de Quadros, Alexandre; Tognon, Alexandre; Alghamdi, Ali; Manica Muller, Alice; Nogueira Rabaça, Aline; Peixoto Deiro, Aline; Hallam, Alison; Stone, Allegra; Schley, Allison; Castro, Almudena; Rabelo Ales, Alvaro; Germann, Amanda; O'Malley, Amanda; Uxa, Amar; Ojajuni, Amarachi; Oliveira, Amarino C Jr; Hull, Amber B; Roy, Ambuj; Zarka, Amer; Janmohamed, Amir; Brown, Ammani; Malinay, Ammy; Martinez Monzonis, Amparo; Richards, Amy J; Iskandrian, Amy; Ollinger, Amy; Djordjevic-Dikic, Ana D; Fernández Martínez, Ana; Gomes Almeida, Ana; Batista, Ana Paula; Francisco, Ana Rita; Mladenovic, Ana S; Santana, Ana; Siddiqui, Anam; Kuzmina-Krutetskaya, Anastasia M; Vertes, Andras; Sousa, Andre S; Gabriel, Andre; Schmidt, André; Lundeen, Andrea M; Bartykowszki, Andrea; Lorimer, Andrea; Mortara, Andrea; Pascual, Andrea; Coelho, Andreia; Rocha, Andreia; García-Rincón, Andrés; Howarth, Andrew G; Moriarty, Andrew J; Docherty, Andrew; Starovoytov, Andrew; Zurick, Andrew; Łabyk, Andrzej; Swiatkowski, Andrzej; Lam, Andy; Kawakami, Anelise; Hoye, Angela; Kim, Angela; Smit, Angelique; Nobre, Angelo; Shah, Anil V; Ljubez, Anja; Anand, Anjali; Sachdeva, Ankush; Greenberg, Ann; Luyten, Ann; Ostrander, Ann; Di Donato, Anna; Cichocka-Radwan, Anna; Fojt, Anna; Plachcinska, Anna; Proietti, Anna; Teresinska, Anna; Webb, Anne Marie; Cartwright, Anne; Heath, Anne; Mackin, Anne; Amaritakomol, Anong; Chaiyasri, Anong; Chauhan, Anoop; Mathew, Anoop; Gemignani, Anthony; Andres, Anto Luigi; Vega, Antonia; Hansen, Antonietta; Iglesias, Antonino Ginel; Carvalho, Antonio Carlos; Di Chiara, Antonio; Serra Peñaranda, Antonio; Carvalho, Antonio; Colombo, Antonio; Fiarresga, Antonio; Rao, Anupama; Valdespino-Estrada, Aquiles; Boan, Araceli; Ishani, Areef; Diaz, Ariel; Ghosh, Arijit; Prommintikul, Arintaya; Roberts, Arline; Seto, Arnold H; Good, Arnold P; Quyyumi, Arshed; Labovitz, Arthur J; Kerner, Arthur; Campos-Santaolalla, Arturo S; Misra, Arunima; Mukherjee, Ashok; Seth, Ashok; Seedhom, Ashraf; Cheema, Asim N; Ahmed, Asker; Mathur, Atul; Verma, Atul; Leong, Audrey W; Åkerblom, Axel; Fuentes, Axelle; Naher, Aynun; Valaiyapathi, Badhma; Kaur, Baljeet; Guruge, Bandula; Brzezińska, Barbara; Nardi, Barbara; Czarniak, Bartosz; Singh, Bebek; Igual, Begoña; Merkely, Bela; Alvarez, Belen Cid; Spooner, Benjamin J; Chow, Benjamin J W; Cheong, Benjamin; Shah, Benoy N; de Bruyne, Bernard; Valecka, Bernardas; Jäger, Bernhard; Archer, Beth A; Abramson, Beth; Jorgenson, Beth; Harvey, Bethany; O'Neal, Betsy; Atkinson, Bev; Bozek, Bev; Lang, Bevin; Sasidharan, Bijulal; Yang, Bin; Zhang, Bin; Kurian, Binoy Mannekkattukudy; Goebel, Bjoern; Hu, Bob; Popescu, Bogdan A; Crnokrak, Bogdan; Zhu, Bolin; Kirby, Bonnie J; Zimbelman, Brandi D; Starks, Brandy; Beleslin, Branko D; Hart, Brenda; Shapiro, Brian P; McCandless, Brian; Wisniewski, Brianna; Smith, Brigham R; Mirrer, Brooks; McManus, Bruce; Rutkin, Bruce; Paulino, Bruna Edilena; Ascoli, Bruna Maria; Smith, Bryn; Allen, Byron J; Gibson, C Michael; Bairey Merz, C Noel; Pop, Calin; Hague, Cameron; Thais de Ormundo, Camila; Gopaul, Candace; Edillo, Candice P; Polanczyk, Carísi A; Krannila, Carita; Vicente, Carla; Gagné, Carl-Éric; Briguori, Carlo; Peña Gil, Carlos; Alvarez, Carlos; Ohmart, Carly; Beladan, Carmen C; Ginghina, Carmen; Kartje, Carol M; Alsweiler, Caroline; Brown, Caroline; Callison, Caroline; Pinheiro, Caroline; Rodgers, Caroline; Spindler, Caroline; Corbett, Carolyn; Drum, Carrie; Riedberger, Casey; Bone, Catherine; Fleming, Catherine; Gordon, Catherine; Jahrsdorfer, Catherine; Lemay, Catherine; Weick, Catherine; Patten, Cathrine; Goletto, Cecilia; Kepka, Cezary; Suvarna, Chandini; Xu, Chang; Mercure, Chantale; Viljoen, Charle A; Wiyarand, Charlene; Jia-Yin Hou, Charles; Lui, Charles Y; Cannan, Charles; Cornet, Charles; Pirro, Charlotte; Rimsukcharoenchai, Chataroon; Wang, Chen; Tsai, Cheng-Ting; Chien, Chen-Yen; Allardyce, Cheryl A; Hedgepeth, Chester M; Patel, Chetan; Attanasio, Chiara; Yen, Chih-Hsuan; Chow, Chi-Ming; Er, Ching Min; Ong, Ching-Ching; Manjunath, Cholenahally Nanjappa; Beck, Chris; Buller, Chris; Vassaliere, Christel; Hamm, Christian; Caldeira, Christiano; Ballantyne, Christie; Björklund, Christina; Hinton, Christine R; Bergeron, Christine; Masson, Christine; Roraff, Christine; Shelley, Christine; Laure, Christophe; Thuaire, Christophe; Kinsey, Christopher; McFarren, Christopher; Spizzieri, Christopher; Travill, Christopher; Liu, Chun-Chieh; Hung, Chung-Lieh; Li, Chunguang; Yun, Chun-Ho; Xia, Chunli; Heard, Ciarra; Schultz, Cidney; Venn-Edmonds, Clare; Hochberg, Claudia P; Wegmayr, Claudia; Cortés, Claudia; Escobar, Claudia; Freixo, Cláudia; Mesquita, Claudio T; Kadalie, Clemens T; Berry, Colin; Philander, Constance; Thobois, Corine; Costantini, Costantino; Page, Courtney; Atkinson, Craig; Barr, Craig; Paterson, Craig; Bare, Cristina; Baumann, Cynthia; Burman, Cynthia; Espinosa, Dalisa; Collison, Damien; Deleanu, Dan; Elian, Dan; Gao, Dan; Oliver, Dana; Vezina, Daniel P; O'Rourke, Daniel; Komar, Daniele; Schade, Danielle; Francis, Darrel P; Malaev, Dastan; Bull, David A; Winchester, David E; Faxon, David P; Booth, David; Cohen, David; DeMets, David; Foo, David; Schlichting, David; Taggart, David; Waters, David; Wohns, David; Vo, Davis; Teodorczyk, Dawid; Shelstad, Dawn; Turnbull, Dawn; Li, Dayuan; Kereiakes, Dean; O'Neill, Deborah; Yip, Deborah; Johnson, Debra K; Dees, Debra; Bhatt, Deepak L; Gopal, Deepika; Kumar, Deepti; Mattina, Deirdre; Murphy, Deirdre; Small, Delano R; Rose, Delsa K; Jiang, Dengke; Phaneuf, Denis Carl; Braganza, Denise; Fine, Denise; Cyr, Derek; Tobin, Desiree; Cukali, Diana; Parra, Diana; Camara, Diane; Minshall Liu, Diane; Vences, Diego Adrián; Franca de Cunha, Diego; Stournaras, Dimitrios; Patel, Dipti; Li, Dongze; Exley, Donna; Grahl, Dorit; Stanojevic, Dragana; Cacela, Duarte; Conway, Dwayne S G; Bermudez, E Pinar; Punnoose, Eapen; Tay, Edgar L; Karanjah, Edgar; Verna, Edoardo; Hernandez-Rangel, Eduardo; Nicol, Edward D; McFalls, Edward O; Martin, Edward T; Kaczmarska, Edyta; Lubinskaya, Ekaterina I; Demchenko, Elena A; Refoyo Salicio, Elena; Feen, Eli; Durán-Cortés, Elihú; Janzen, Elisabeth M; Hannemann, Elise L; Dongen, Elise van; Piloto, Elissa Restelli; Kaplan, Eliza; Srbinovska Kostovska, Elizabeta; Capasso-Gulve, Elizabeth; Congdon, Elizabeth; Ferguson, Elizabeth; Zbyshevskaya, Elizaveta V; Magedanz, Ellen; Fridell, Ellie; Lader, Ellis W; Kedhi, Elvin; Racca, Emanuela; Tachot, Emilie; DeRosa, Emily; Alonso-Álvarez, Encarnación; Nicollet, Eric; Peterson, Eric; Rosas, Erick Alexánderson; Morales, Erick Donato; Orvis, Erin; Moga, Ermina; Montpetit, Estelle; Figueiredo, Estevao; Passamani, Eugene; Nikolsky, Eugenia; Yeoh, Eunice; Kretov, Evgeniy I; Szczerba, Ewa; Wojtala, Ewelina; Ribeiro Silva, Expedito Eustáquio; Ortuño, F Marin; Farias, Fabio R; Fimiani, Fabio; Rolfo, Fabrizio; Yu, Fa-Chang; Hage, Fadi; Matar, Fadi; Haider Jafary, Fahim; Feng, Fang; Liu, Fang; Ranjbaran, Fatima; Rodriguez, Fatima; Pinto, Fausto J; Rashid, Fauzia; Ramani, Federica; Wang, Fei; Igansi, Fernanda; Silva, Filipa; Ottani, Filippo; Haines, Fiona; Al Solaiman, Firas; Egydio, Flávia; Lyra, Flavio; Egger, Florian; Farquharson, Fran; Laube, Frances; Carreras Costa, Francesc; de Micco, Francesca; Bianchini, Francesca; Pezzetta, Francesca; Pietrucci, Francesca; Orso, Francesco; Pisano, Francesco; Burt, Francis; Patuleia Figueiras, Francisca; Fernandez-Aviles, Francisco; Mongeon, Francois Pierre; Van de Werf, Frans; Guenther, Franziska; Witherow, Fraser N; Mohr, Fred; Dall'Orto, Frederico; Otsuka, Fumiyuki; De La Morena, G; Karthikeyan, G; Dekany, Gabor; Kerecsen, Gabor; Galeote, Gabriel; Grossmann, Gabriel; Vorobiof, Gabriel; Sanchez de Souza, Gabriela; Guzman, Gabriela; Zeballos, Gabriela; Gabrielli, Gabriele; Jakl-Kotauschek, Gabriele; Shammas, Gail A; Brandt, Gail; Chen, Gang; Lane, Gary E; Luckasen, Gary J; Sharma, Gautam; Mikolaitiene, Gelmina; Yee, Gennie; Nickenig, Georg; Revtyak, George E; Juang, George J; Fletcher, Gerald; Leonard, Gerald; Devlin, Gerard Patrick; Esposito, Gerard; Ágoston, Gergely; Lamas, Gervasio; Fontos, Geza; Mikhail, Ghada; Cobb, Gia; Perna, Gian Piero; Leone, Gianpiero; Roditi, Giles; Barone-Rochette, Gilles; Mishra, Girish; Tarantini, Giuseppe; Wong, Glenda; Hamroff, Glenn S; Rayos, Glenn; Cheng, Gong; Barge-Caballero, Gonzalo; Davidović, Goran; Stankovic, Goran; Stevanovic, Gordana; Jingyan Wang, Grace; Young, Grace M; Wayser, Graceanne; Scaro, Graciela; Hillis, Graham S; Wong, Graham; Szulczyk, Grazyna Anna; Simonis, Gregor; Kumkumian, Gregory; Peichel, Gretchen Ann; Gajos, Grzegorz; Steinmaurer, Gudrun; Rucatti, Guilherme G; Portugal, Guilherme; Cantinho Lopes, Guilhermina; Pons Lladó, Guillem; Frostfelt, Gunnar; Wander, Gurpreet S; Gulati, Gurpreet; Pucci, Gustavo; Abd Hadi, Hafidz; Zhang, Haibo; Wang, Haitao; Marciniak, Halina; Chen, Han; Kerr, Hanan; Najm, Hani; Douglas, Hanna; Phillips, Hannah; Dai, Hao; Dong, Haojian; Jamil, Haqeel; Sivadasanpillai, Harikrishnan; Suryapranata, Harry; Reda, Hassan; Pomeroy, Hayley; Barrentine, Heather; Golden, Heather; Hurlburt, Heather; Wilson, Heidi; Tucker, Helen C; Abergel, Helene; Siddaram, Hemalata; Osseni, Hermine; Schuchlenz, Herwig; Zeng, Hesong; Skali, Hicham; Solomon, Hilda; Horton, Hollie; Hetrick, Holly; Little, Holly; Park, Holly; Chi, Hongjie; Mahrous, Hossam; Levite, Howard A; Pejkov, Hristo; Li, Huajun; Bloise-Adames, Hugo; Marques, Hugo; Zhong, Hui; Zhang, Hui-Min; Hashim, Humayrah; Yeh, Hung-I; El Fishawy, Hussien; Webb, Ian; Kullo, Iftikhar; Grazhdankin, Igor O; Hamzeh, Ihab; Hassan, Ikraam; Ueda, Ikuko; Pina, Ileana L; Tamasauskiene, Ilona; Bouwhuis, Ilse; Arif, Imran; Wenzelburger, Ina; Zimbarra Cabrita, Inês; Rodrigues, Ines; Robbins, Inga H; Soveri, Inga; Schnittger, Ingela; Karimullah, Iqbal; Dauber, Ira M; Rehman, Iram; Peovska Mitevska, Irena; Marthe Lang, Irene; Subbotina, Irina; Kalibataite-Rutkauskiene, Irma; Yusnida, Irni; Carvajal, Isabel Estela; Palazzo, Isabella C; Hogan, Isabelle; Roy, Isabelle; Syed, Ishba; Tejani, Ishita; Naryshkin, Ivan A; Jankovic, Ivana; Niedzwiecka, Iwona; Knight, J David; Kusmierek, Jacek; White, Jackie M; Chow, Jackie; Udell, Jacob; Tamis-Holland, Jacqueline E; Fannon, Jacqueline; Quin, Jacquelyn A; Do, Jacquelyn; Heo, Jaekyeong; Maksym, Jakub; Davies, James E; O'Keefe, James H Jr; Jang, James J; Cha, James; Harrison, James; Hirsch, James; Stafford, James; Tatoulis, James; Rankin, Jamie; Henzel, Jan; Orga, Jan; Tancredi, Jana; Oliveira, Janaina; Burton, Jane; Eckstein, Jane; Marucci, Jane; Knight, Janet P; Blount, Janet; Halliday, Janet; Kourzenkova, Janetta; Raj, Janitha; Sinning, Jan-Malte; Pozzibon, Jaqueline; Drozdz, Jaroslaw; Karwowski, Jaroslaw; Glover, Jason D; Kwok, Jason Loh; Call, Jason T; Linefsky, Jason; Gomes, Jassira; Anumpa, Jati; Garcia, Javier J; Courtis, Javier; Meisner, Jay; Jayakumar, K; Scales, Jayne; Denaro, Jean E; Juliard, Jean Michel; Ho, Jean; Stansborough, Jeanette K; Juliard, Jean-Michel; Russo, Jeanne; Schoep, Jeannette J M; Thambyrajah, Jeet; Leimberger, Jeff; Breall, Jeffery A; Kohn, Jeffrey A; Milliken, Jeffrey C; Anderson, Jeffrey; Blume, Jeffrey; Kanters, Jeffrey; Lorin, Jeffrey; Moses, Jeffrey; Stepanovic, Jelena J; Celutkiene, Jelena; Djokic, Jelena; Stojkovic, Jelena; Jose, Jenne M; Manchery, Jenne; Mull, Jennifer A; Czerniak, Jennifer H; Stanford, Jennifer L; Gillis, Jennifer; Horst, Jennifer; Isaacs, Jennifer; Langdon, Jennifer; Thomson, Jennifer; Tomfohr, Jennifer; White, Jennifer; Kuo, Jen-Yuan; Rautureau, Jeremy; Fleg, Jerome; Berg, Jessica; Rodriguez, Jessica; Waldron, Jessica; Patro, Jhina; Li, Jia; Mao, Jiajia; Liu, Jiamin; Wang, Jian'an; Li, Jianhua; Zhang, Jianxin; Qi, Jie; Lyo, Jihyun; Marcus, Jill; Blankenship, Jim; Zhang, Jing; Liu, Jingjing; Fan, Jing-Yao; Li, Jiun-Yi; Pradhan, Jiwan; Chen, Jiyan; Rivera Caravaca, J M; Evans, Jo; Garcia Picart, Joan; Hecht, Joan; Jaroch, Joanna; Zalewska, Joanna; Kelly, Joanne; Taaffe, Joanne; Abbud, João Reynaldo; Vitola, João V; Peñafiel, Joaquín V; Benatar, Jocelyne; Bindeman, Jody; Sabik, Joe; Klitch, Joel; Christopher, Johann; Aspberg, Johannes; Friedman, John D; Beltrame, John F; Heitner, John F; Graham, John Joseph; Davies, John R; Doan, John; Kotter, John; Kurian, John; Mukai, John; Pownall, John; Sobolewska, Jolanta; Kobashigawa, Jon; Goldberg, Jonathan L; Bazeley, Jonathan W; Byrne, Jonathan; Himmelfarb, Jonathan; Leipsic, Jonathan; Thorsen, Jonean; Trejo Gutierrez, Jorge F; Escobedo, Jorge; Timmer, Jorik; Ortega-Ramírez, José A; Marin-Neto, José Antonio; Salas, Jose D; Castillo, Jose Enrique; Saraiva, Jose Francisco; Cuenca-Castillo, José J; Diez, Jose L; Narro Villanueva, José Luis; da Vieira, José Luiz; Flores-Palacios, José M; Gonzalez, Jose Ramon; Seijas Amigo, Jose; Fragata, Jose; Padró, Josep Maria; McGarvey, Josheph F X Jr; Hannan, Joseph; Sacco, Joseph; Sweeny, Joseph; Wiesel, Joseph; Abraham, Josephine D; Loh, Joshua P; Burkhardt, Joy; White, Joyce R; Riestenberg-Smith, Joyce; Sebo, Judit; Meadows, Judith L; Wright, Judith; Foltz, Judy Mae; Hung, Judy; Otis, Judy; Stumpf, Juergen; Tsai, Jui-Peng; Dionne, Julia S; de Aveiro Morata, Julia; Bunke, Julie; Morrow, Julie; Figal, Julio César; Fujita, Jun; Jiang, Jun; Li, Junhua; Yang, Junqing; Euathrongchit, Juntima; Garg, Jyotsna; Manjula Rani, K; Preethi, K; Goetschalckx, Kaatje; Eggers, Kai; Surineni, Kamalakar; Hirase, Kanae; Kapilamoorthy, T R; Calfas, Karen; Gratrix, Karen; Hallett, Karen; Hultberg, Karen; Nugent, Karen; Petrosyan, Karen; Swan, Karen; Kryczka, Karolina; Wojtczak-Soska, Karolina; Wojtera, Karolina; Lenk, Karsten; Ramasamy, Karthik; Łuczak, Katarzyna; Malinowska, Katarzyna; Pointon, Kate; Robb, Kate; Martin, Katherine; Claes, Kathleen; Carruthers, Kathryn; Siegel, Kathy E; Drouin, Katia; Fowler-Lehman, Katie; Rawat, Kavita; Rowe, Kay; Fukuda, Keiichi; Fox, Keith A A; Mahaffey, Ken; Unterbrink, Kendra; Giedd, Kenneth; Van Loo, Kerrie; Lee, Kerry; Bonin, Kerstin; Bainey, Kevin R; Harley, Kevin T; Anstrom, Kevin; Chan, Kevin; Croce, Kevin; Landolfo, Kevin; Marzo, Kevin; Patel, Keyur; Abdul-Nour, Khaled; Alfakih, Khaled; Dajani, Khaled; Ziada, Khaled; Baloch, Khaula; Kushniriuk, Khrystyna; Poh, Kian-Keong; Ireland, Kim F; Holland, Kim; Byrne, Kimberly Ann; Halverson, Kimberly E; Elmore, Kimberly; Miller-Cox, Kimberly; Reddy, Kiran; Quiles, Kirsten J; Abercrombie, Kirsty; Matschke, Klaus; Szymczyk, Konrad; Chan, Koo Hui; Preethi, Kotiboinna; Sokhon, Kozhaya; Meemuk, Krissada; Thygesen, Kristian; Salmi, Kristin M; Newby, Kristin; Wippler, Kristina; Arges, Kristine; Teoh, Kristine; Etherington, Krystal; Łoboz-Grudzień, Krystyna; Reczuch, Krzysztof W; Bury, Krzysztof; Drzymalski, Krzysztof; Kukuła, Krzysztof; Sung, Kuo-Tzu; Huber, Kurt; Douangvila, Ladda; Sullenberger, Lance; Trama, Larissa Miranda; Matics, Laszlone; Drew, Laura; Flint, Laura; Keinaite, Laura; Sarti, Laura; Kolakaluri, Laurel; Phillips, Lawrence M; Friedman, Lawrence; Phillips, Lawrence; Velicki, Lazar; Howell, Leah; Maranan, Leandro C; Cox, Leanne; Daba, Ledjalem; Zhang, Lei; Dharmarajan, Lekshmi; Bockeria, Leo; Pizzol Caetano, Leonardo; Bridi, Leonardo; Bershtein, Leonid L; Sokalski, Leszek; Yan, Li Hai; Li, Li; Nijmeijer, Lia; Sousa, Lidia; Xu, Lihong; Zhang, Lihua; Zhang, Lili; Schiavi, Lilia; Barbosa, Lilian Mazza; Khor, Lillian L; Felix-Stern, Lina; Hall, Linda L; Hollenweger, Linda M; Arcand, Linda; Davidson-Ray, Linda; Schwarz, Linda; Sikora, Lindsey N; Chi, Lingping; Patricio, Lino; Zhang, Liping; Chaytor, Lisa; Hatch, Lisa; McCloy, Lisa; Wong, Lisa; Persson, Liselotte; Jiang, Lixin; Low, Liz; Pupic, Ljiljana; Bière, Loïc; Monti, Lorenzo; Christensen, Lori; Pritchard, Lori; Black, Loriane; Desimone, Lori-Ann; Larmand, Lori-Ann; McGregor, Lorraine; Morby, Louise; Thomson, Louise; Harvey, Luc; de Pádua Baptista, Luciana; Garcia, Lucilla; Eliahou, Ludivine; Helmer, Ludmila; Smidt, Luis F; Bernanrdes, Luis; Guzman, Luis; Carvalho, Luiz A; Xiong, Luyang; Teo, Lynette L; Neeson, Lynn M; Winstanley, Lynne; Srichai-Parsia, M Barbara; Quintana Giner, M; Sowjanya Reddy, M; Valdés Chávarri, M; Grazia Rossi, M; Simoons, Maarten; Konigstein, Maayan; Lesiak, Maciej; Olsowka, Maciej; Selas, Mafalda; Corfias, Magalie; Madero Rovalo, Magdalena; Łanocha, Magdalena; Miller, Magdalena; Misztal-Teodorczyk, Magdalena; Rantinella, Magdalena; Abdelhamid, Magdy; Jimenez, Magnolia; Alam, Mahboob; Mylarappa, Mahevamma; El Shahawy, Mahfouz; Mohamed, Mahmoud; Al-Bustami, Mahmud; Joseph, Majo X; Frach, Malgorzata; Celińska-Spodar, Małgorzta; Helm, Malte; Chacko, Manas; Murphy, Mandy; Vinod, Manitha; Rani, Manjula; Dhawan, Manu; Mombelli, Manuela; Weber, Marcel; Galvani, Marcello; Rodrigues, Marcelo Jamus; Dubin, Marcia F; Werner Bayer, Marcia F; Szkopiak, Marcin; Monsalve, Marco Antonio; Santos, Marco Bizzaro; Magnoni, Marco; Marini, Marco; Sicuro, Marco; Zenati, Marco; Coimbra Resende, Marcos Valério; Roik, Marek; Bentzvi, Margalit; Gilsenan, Margaret; Iraola, Margaret; Quinn, Margot C; Alfonso, Maria A; Pereira Moraes, Maria Antonieta; Martínez-Ruíz, María Dolores; Canales, María Fernanda; Caetano, Maria Inês; Corral, Maria P; Pérez García, Maria; Actis, Maria Victoria; Aguirre, Maria; Andreasson, Maria; Aprile, Maria; Colton, Maria; Martin, Maria Eugenia; Lasala, Maria; Lorenzo, Maria; Posada, Maria; Shier, Maria; Thottam, Maria; Furtado, Mariana V; Okada, Mariana Yumi; Dracoulakis, Marianna D A; De Andrade, Marianne; Rubio, Mariano; Essermark, Marie; Scherrer-Crosbie, Marielle; Petrovic, Marija T; Zdravkovic, Marija; Black, Marilyn; Garcia, Marina; Garcia, Mario J; Szulik, Mariola; Orgera, Marisa; de Belder, Mark A; Harbinson, Mark; Hyun, Mark; Peterson, Mark; Xavier, Mark; Mosley, Marlowe; Capinha, Marta; Marcinkiewicz-Siemion, Marta; Swiderek, Marta; Meyer, Martha; Ceseri, Martina; Tricoli, Martina; Kronenberg, Marvin; Williams, Mary; Champagne, Mary Ann; Rogge, Mary Colleen; Soltau, Mary R; Streif, Mary; Villella, Massimo; Leesar, Massoud; Claudia, Matei; Solecki, Mateusz; Mungo, Matías Nicolás; Wall, Matthew Jr; Budoff, Matthew; Jezior, Matthew; Luckie, Matthew; Friedrich, Matthias; Haeffner, Mauren P; Tscharre, Maximilian; Winter, Max-Paul; Almeida, Mayana; Krishnam, Mayil S; Patel, Mayuri; Mishra, Meenakshi; Manocchia, Megan; Kakade, Meghana; Munro, Melanie J; Chaplin, Melissa D; LeFevre, Melissa; Andiapen, Mervyn; Gibson, Michael A; Rubens, Michael B; Turner, Michael C; Shapiro, Michael D; Lee, Michael W; Berlowitz, Michael; Davidson, Michael; Mack, Michael; McDaniel, Michael; Mumma, Michael; Wlodarczyk, Michal; Khouri, Michel G; Slama, Michel S; Rawlins, Michele; Bonner, Michelle M; Seib, Michelle M; Chang, Michelle; Crowder, Michelle; Dixon, Michelle; Mayon, Michelle; McEvoy, Michelle; Yee, Michelle; Fernandes, Miguel M; Nobre Menezes, Miguel; Souto Bayarri, Miguel; Barrero, Miguel; Torosoff, Mikhail T; Dobric, Milan R; Dobric, Milan; Dekleva, Milica Nikola; Gadkari, Milind Avdhoot; Gomez, Millie; Kyaw, Min Tun; Brooks, Miriam; Stevo Martinovic, Miroslav; Lustre, Mitchel B; Vakani, Mohammad Tariq; El-Hajjar, Mohammad; Al-Amoodi, Mohammed; Hussain, Mohammed; Saleem, Mohammed; Blanco-Calvo, Moisés; Jiménez-Santos, Moisés; Bhatia, Mona; Rosca, Monica; Laukyte, Monika; Gracida Blanca, Montserrat; Vila Perales, Montserrat; Al-Mallah, Mouaz H; de Oliveira Filho, Moysés; Ntsekhe, Mpiko; Saric, Muhamed; Chen, Mulei; Brousseau, Myriam; Takiuti, Myrthes Emy; Cemerlic-Adjic, Nada; Asif, Nadia; Gakou, Nadia; Hussain, Nafisa; Katamadze, Nana O; Clapp, Nancy L; Aedy, Nancy; Nataraj, Nandita; Wenger, Nanette K; Uchida, Naomi; Ismail, Nasrul; Oliveira, Natalia S; de Carvalho Maffei, Natalia; Spitzer, Natalie; Putnam, Natasha C; Aslam, Naved; Mowafy, Neamat; Pandit, Neeraj; Parakh, Neeraj; Garcevic, Nevena; Meadows, Ngaire; Tran, Nhi N; Danchin, Nicholas; Lakeman, Nicki; Johnston, Nicola; Shammas, Nicolas W; Saint Vrestil, Nicole; Deming, Nicole; Zhong, Nier; Patel, Niket; Boskovic, Nikola N; Karogiannis, Nikolaos; Werner, Nikos; Johnston, Nina; Zhang, Ning; Zhou, Ning; Hindoyan, Niree; Kumar, Nirmal; Chadha, Nitika; Naik, Nitish; Aripova, Nodira; Mtana, Noloyiso; Eskelson, Nona A; Mokhtar, Noor Syamira; Taksaudom, Noppon; Basri, Nor Asiah; Marchelletta, Nora; Hogg, Norma; Jungla, Nungshi; Ferreira, Nuno; Lubyanaya, Oksana A; Nikolaeva, Olga B; Cañavate, Olga; Sobrino, Olga; Walesiak, Olga; Walter, Olga; Zdończyk, Olga; Lim, Olivia J; Anaya, Olivia; Mancilla, Olivia; Dubourg, Olivier; Bello, Olugbenga; Almousalli, Omar; Thompson, Omar; Olurinde, Oni; Harel, Or; Raheem, Osama; Méndiz, Oscar; Prada-Delgado, Óscar; Shapira, Oz; Schulze, P Christian; Panpunuan, Pachara; Maurovich-Horvat, Pal; Garg, Pallav; Moraga, Paloma; Singh, Pam; Julian, Pamela; Ouyang, Pamela; Sigel, Pamela; Woodard, Pamela; Zhou, Panpan; Poggio, Paola Emanuela; Smanio, Paola; Calabro, Paolo; Jeetley, Paramjit; Goube, Pascal; Nguyen, Patricia K; Alarie, Patricia; Arakelian, Patricia; Arsenault, Patricia; Blaise, Patricia; Brito, Patricia; Cowper, Patricia; Endsley, Patricia; Mieses, Patricia; Alexander, Patrick B; Donnelly, Patrick; Wilmot, Patrick; Lebioda, Patrycja; Gordon, Paul C; Mesropian, Paul Der; Galiwango, Paul; Hauptman, Paul; Kennedy, Paul; Beardsley, Paula; García-González, Paula; Rezende, Paulo Cury; Caramori, Paulo Ricardo; Kozlov, Pavel S; Canas Silva, Pedro; Melo Barros E Silva, Pedro Gabriel; Píccaro de Oliveira, Pedro; Carvalho, Pedro; Modas, Pedro; Rio, Pedro; Jain, Peeyush; He, Peiyu; McCullough, Peter A; Stone, Peter H; Pollak, Peter M; Douglass, Peter; Henriksen, Peter; OKane, Peter; Ong, Peter; Jones, Philip; Rogal, Philip; Généreux, Philippe; Menasche, Philippe; Rheault, Philippe; Goold, Phoebe; Gervais, Pierre; Michaud, Pierre; Calvillo, Pilar; Chai, Ping; Jakubowski, Piotr; Pruszczyk, Piotr; Slomka, Piotr; Sritara, Piyamitr; Loh, Poay-Huan; Sonawane, Poonam; Samadi, Pouneh; Parikh, Pragnesh P; Deedwania, Prakash; Patel, Pranav M; Polamuri, Praneeth; Sharma, Pratiksha; Vasquez, Precilia; Kamath, Preeti; Thomas, Prince; Arambam, Priyadarshani; Mehta, Puja K; Grant, Purvez; Naik, Pushpa; Zhong, Qi; Zhao, Qian; Zhou, Qiang; Yuan, Qianqian; Yu, Qin; Li, Qingxian; Xie, Qiulan; Zeng, Qiutang; Vindhya, R J; Gerlach, R James; King, Rachel; Vučić, Rada; Lyubarova, Radmila; Pracon, Radoslaw; Fisher, Raewyn; Beyar, Rafael; Diaz, Rafael; Selgas, Rafael; Bugiardini, Raffaele; Fanelli, Raffaele; Kavalakkat, Raisa; Rajalekshmi, V S; Barua, Rajat S; Menon, Rajeev; Nair, Rajesh Gopalan; Francis, Rajesh; Narang, Rajiv; Yadav, Rakesh; Huston, Ralph Alan; Ramakrishnan, T; de Silva, Ramesh; Mahmoud, Rami El; Carvalho, Ramiro; de Jesús-Pérez, Ramon; Stevens, Ramona; Leng, Ran; Kachru, Ranjan; Nath, Ranjit Kumar; Sanchez, Raquel; Dwyer, Raven R; Lee, Raven; Wyman, Ray; Wong, Raymond C; Little, Raymond W; Ocaranza Sanchez, Raymundo; Wimmer, Rebecca J; Bariciano, Rebecca; Otis, Rebecca; Herrmann, Rebekah R; Yunis, Reem; Hampson, Reinette; Karam, Renato Abdala; Hessian, Renee C; Kaneshiro, Renee; Ravindran, Reshma; Gamma, Reto Andreas; Bhandari, Reyna; Arsanjani, Reza; Lopes, Ricardo L; Mendes Oliveira, Ricardo; Costa, Ricardo; Bhatt, Richa; Davies, Richard F; Trimlett, Richard H J; Goldweit, Richard; Hermanides, Rik; Nakanishi, Rine; Sidh, Rinu R; Patel, Risha; Coram, Rita; Siddiqui, Rizwan A; Beanlands, Rob S; Hamburger, Robert J; Riezebos, Robert K; Donnino, Robert M; Bojar, Robert; Chilton, Robert; Guyton, Robert; Henderson, Robert; Kornberg, Robert; Leber, Robert; Mao, Robert; Stenberg, Robert; Santos, Roberta P; Favaloro, Roberto René; Amati, Roberto; Lima, Rodolfo G S D; Cerci, Rodrigo J; Tumelero, Rogerio; Tandon, Rohit; Tewari, Roma; Miranda-Peats, Romalisa; Wald, Ron; Mastouri, Ronald A; Morford, Ronald G; Schwartz, Ronald G; Pedalino, Ronald P; Hu, Rongrong; Hansen, Ronnell A; Cohen, Ronny A; Hachamovitch, Rory; Homem, Rosa; Sandonato, Rosa; Laimer, Rosane; Gans, Rosann; Yost, Roxanne; Mathew, Roy; Baleón-Espinosa, Rubén; Ramos, Ruben; Gevorgyan, Rubine; Ferreira, Rui; Jing, Rui; Pérez-Fernández, Ruth; Dwivedi, S K; Ramakrishnan, S; Khan, Saadat; Bokhari, Sabahat; Thomas, Sabu; Lubna, Sadath; Khan, Sajeeda Parveen; Govindan, Sajeev Chakanalil; Girotra, Saket; Kassam, Saleem; Canada, Sallie; Cruz-Flores, Salvador; Mohamed, Samaa; Ly, Samantha; El Kaffas, Sameh; Massalha, Samia; Setty, Sampoornima; Nwosu, Samuel; Seth, Sandeep; Singh, Sandeep; Niehe, Sander R; Rivest, Sandra M; Zier, Sandra S; Ahoud, Sandra; Carr, Sandy; Ganapathi, Sanjay; Shetty, Sanjay; Sharma, Sanjeev; Jimenez, Santa; Satheesh, Santhosh; Garcia, Santiago A; Fernandez, Sara; Karlsson, Sara; Salkind, Sara; Temiyasathit, Sara; Medina Rodriguez, Sarah; Beaudry, Sarah; Hadjih, Sarah; Williams, Sarah; Zahrani, Sarah; Ralhan, Sarju; Hinic, Sasa; Kedev, Sasko; Singh, Satinder; Yasuda, Satoshi; Manjunath, Satvic Cholenahally; Lee, Sau; Kaczkowski, Scott M; Kinlay, Scott; Hayes, Sean W; Sobczak, Sebastian; Asier, Senait; Sayganov, Sergey A; Sokol, Seth I; Pandie, Shaheen; Yahaya, Shaiful Azmi; Mehta, Shamir; Nie, Shao-Ping; Chandra, Sharad; Islam, Sharder; Tai, Sharon; Karwa, Sheetal Rupesh; Ussery, Sheri; Bajaj, Sheromani; Crook, Sherron C; Nishimura, Shigeyuki; Nakano, Shintaro; Heydari, Shirin; Choudhary, Shiv Kumar; Patel, Shivali; Ganesan, Shobana; Pandey, Shruti; Zhang, Shuyang; Hande, Shweta; Gadage, Siddharth; Tan, Sik-Yin V; Zottis Poletti, Silvia; Riera, Silvia; Valbuena, Silvia; Walsh, Simon; Maspoli, Simona; Savaris, Simone; Feng, Si-Ting; Cho, So Yang; Yakubov, Solomon; Zhu, Songlin; Wang, Songtao; Guerrero, Sonia; Gupta, Sonika; Salinger Martinovic, Sonja; Brons, Sonya; Brener, Sorin; Gurunathan, Sothinathan; Saba, Souheil; Nayak, Soundarya; Reddy, Sowjanya; Potluri, Srinivasa; Sudarshan, Sriram; Kuanprasert, Srun; Van Oosterhout, Stacie; Lerakis, Stamatios; Cobos, Stanley E; Bertog, Stefan C; Simović, Stefan M; Weikl, Stefan; Di Marco, Stefano; Provasoli, Stefano; Tirado, Stephanie A; Boer, Stephanie C; Lane, Stephanie M; Ferket, Stephanie; Kelly, Stephanie; Wasmiller, Stephanie; McKellar, Stephen H; Hoole, Stephen P; Fremes, Stephen; Preston, Stephen; Leung, Steve; Fein, Steven A; Lindsay, Steven J; Sedlis, Steven P; Giovannone, Steven; Michael, Steven; Weitz, Steven; van Vugt, Stijn; Banerjee, Subhash; Naik, Sudhir; Hosino, Suellen; Desire, Sukie; Yamwong, Sukit; Thambar, Suku T; Mookherjee, Sulagna; Singh, Suman; Mishra, Sundeep; Verma, Sunil Kumar; Kulthawong, Supap; Khwakhong, Supatchara; Naik, Surendra; Babu, Suresh; Woragidpoonpol, Surin; Narayanappa, Suryaprakash; Derbyshire, Susan; Gent, Susan; Mathus, Susan; Milbrandt, Susan; Moore, Susan; Regan, Susan; Stinson, Susan; Webber, Susan; Silva, Susana; Stevens, Susanna; Gruensfelder, Susanne; Aramcharoen, Suthara; Kolhe, Suvarna; Tavares, Suzana; Arnold, Suzanne; Welsh, Suzanne; Apostolovic, Svetlana; Kunhunny, Swapna; Hung, Ta-Chuan; Zappernick, Taissa; Sharir, Tali; Silva, Talita; Soares, Tamara Colaiácovo; Pillay, Tapan Umesh; Mittal, Tarun K; Trifonova, Tatiana; Duarte, Tauane Bello; Huk, Tauqir; Dutoiu, Téodora; Chua, Terrance; Weyand, Terry; Charles, Thabitha; Kofidis, Theodoros; McCreary, Theresa; Lefevre, Thierry; Arumairajah, Thippeekaa; Tepsuwan, Thitipong; Mulhearn, Thomas J; Meyer, Thomas M; Rocco, Thomas P; Downes, Thomas R; Crain, Thomas; Haldis, Thomas; Mathew, Thomas; Redick, Thomas; Devi, Thounaojam Indira; Nageh, Thuraia; Cauthren, Tia; Silva, Tiago; Little, Tiffany; Andric, Tijana; Harding, Tina; Lau, Titus; Formisano, Tiziana; Moccetti, Tiziano; Ciurus, Tomasz; Mazurek, Tomasz; Tarchalski, Tomasz; Nagai, Toshiyuki; Tran, Tri; Youn, Tricia; Tucker, Trish; Milner, Trudie; Bose, Tuhina; Kotecha, Tushar; Sechtem, Udo; Valeti, Uma S; Cucchini, Umberto; Badami, Umesh; Kaul, Upendra; Bahl, V K; Narain, V S; Casali, Valentina; Godoy, Valeria; Robesyn, Valerie; Priya, Vamshi P; Yadav, Vandana; McKinney, Vera; De Lenges, Veronica; Tinnirello, Veronica; Miro, Vicente; Navarro, Victor; Gumerova, Victoria; Hernandez, Victoria; Seeratan, Vidya; Kumar, Vijay; Kozulin, Vikentiy Y; Bulkley, Viktoria; Veiga, Vilmar Jr; Setang, Vincent; Vineeth, C P; Pubull Nuñez, Virginai; Fernández-Figares, Virginia; Gomes, Vitor; Gabriel, Viviana; Dos Santos, Viviane; Almeida, Viviane; Iliescu, Vlad A; Mudrenovic, Vladan; Dzavik, Vladimir; Giga, Vojislav L; Mogrovejo, Walter Enrique; Chan, Wan Xian; Marfori, Wanda C; Parker, Wanda; Mekara, Warangkana; Nona, Wassim; Old, Wayne; Pennachi, Wayne; Nawarawong, Weerachai; Chen, Wei; Su, Wei; Xing, Weibing; Lan, Wei-Ren; Crawford, Wenda; Stewart, Wendy L; Drewes, Wendy; Lin, Wenhua; Abernethy, William B; Salerno, William D; Fearon, William F; Vergoni, William; Weintraub, William; Sia, Winnie C; Musial, Wlodzimierz J; Flores-Ríos, Xacobe; Garcia-Moll Marimon, Xavier; Su, Xi; Ma, Xiang; Gu, Xiangqiong; Wang, Xiao; Li, Xiaomei; Yao, Xiaowei; Fu, Xin; Su, Xin; Zeng, Xin; Yang, Xinchun; Li, Xiuhong; Fang, Xuehua; Wang, Xutong; Geng, Yaming; Yan, Yan; Pépin-Dubois, Yanek; Wang, Yanfu; Wang, Yang; Tian, Yanmeng; Huang, Yaping; Han, Yechen; Zambrano, Yesenia; Yang, Yi-Hsuan; Sia, Ying Tung; Yang, Yining; Ma, Yitong; Peralta, Yolayfi; Wu, Yongjian; Kunwu, Yu; Zhao, Yu; Peng, Yudong; Lin, Yueh-Hung; Zhao, Yulan; Dong, Yumei; Zhao, Yunhai; Wannasopha, Yutthaphan; Taul, Yvonne; Sahul, Zakir; Kudzoeva, Zalina; Kalarus, Zbigniew; Markovic, Zeljko Z; Huang, Zhen; Ji, Zheng; Liu, Zhenyu; Yue, Zhou; Zhang, Zhulin; Li, Zhuxi; Singh Meharwal, Zile; Bai, Ziliang; Yu, Zixiang; Huda, Zohra; Davidovits, Zoltan
BACKGROUND:In the ISCHEMIA trial, an invasive strategy with angiographic assessment and revascularization did not reduce clinical events among patients with stable ischemic heart disease and moderate or severe ischemia. A secondary objective of the trial was to assess angina-related health status among these patients. METHODS:We assessed angina-related symptoms, function, and quality of life with the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) at randomization, at months 1.5, 3, and 6, and every 6 months thereafter in participants who had been randomly assigned to an invasive treatment strategy (2295 participants) or a conservative strategy (2322). Mixed-effects cumulative probability models within a Bayesian framework were used to estimate differences between the treatment groups. The primary outcome of this health-status analysis was the SAQ summary score (scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better health status). All analyses were performed in the overall population and according to baseline angina frequency. RESULTS:At baseline, 35% of patients reported having no angina in the previous month. SAQ summary scores increased in both treatment groups, with increases at 3, 12, and 36 months that were 4.1 points (95% credible interval, 3.2 to 5.0), 4.2 points (95% credible interval, 3.3 to 5.1), and 2.9 points (95% credible interval, 2.2 to 3.7) higher with the invasive strategy than with the conservative strategy. Differences were larger among participants who had more frequent angina at baseline (8.5 vs. 0.1 points at 3 months and 5.3 vs. 1.2 points at 36 months among participants with daily or weekly angina as compared with no angina). CONCLUSIONS:In the overall trial population with moderate or severe ischemia, which included 35% of participants without angina at baseline, patients randomly assigned to the invasive strategy had greater improvement in angina-related health status than those assigned to the conservative strategy. The modest mean differences favoring the invasive strategy in the overall group reflected minimal differences among asymptomatic patients and larger differences among patients who had had angina at baseline. (Funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and others; ISCHEMIA number, NCT01471522.).
PMID: 32227753
ISSN: 1533-4406
CID: 5451262

Quantitative imaging of the clearance systems in the eye and the brain [Editorial]

Deng, Wenyu; Liu, Crystal; Parra, Carlos; Sims, Jeffrey R; Faiq, Muneeb A; Sainulabdeen, Anoop; Song, Hana; Chan, Kevin C
PMID: 31956524
ISSN: 2223-4292
CID: 4269542

Widespread brain reorganization perturbs visuomotor coordination in early glaucoma

Trivedi, Vivek; Bang, Ji Won; Parra, Carlos; Colbert, Max K; O'Connell, Caitlin; Arshad, Ahmel; Faiq, Muneeb A; Conner, Ian P; Redfern, Mark S; Wollstein, Gadi; Schuman, Joel S; Cham, Rakie; Chan, Kevin C
Glaucoma is the world's leading cause of irreversible blindness, and falls are a major public health concern in glaucoma patients. Although recent evidence suggests the involvements of the brain toward advanced glaucoma stages, the early brain changes and their clinical and behavioral consequences remain poorly described. This study aims to determine how glaucoma may impair the brain structurally and functionally within and beyond the visual pathway in the early stages, and whether these changes can explain visuomotor impairments in glaucoma. Using multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma patients presented compromised white matter integrity along the central visual pathway and around the supramarginal gyrus, as well as reduced functional connectivity between the supramarginal gyrus and the visual occipital and superior sensorimotor areas when compared to healthy controls. Furthermore, decreased functional connectivity between the supramarginal gyrus and the visual brain network may negatively impact postural control measured with dynamic posturography in glaucoma patients. Taken together, this study demonstrates that widespread structural and functional brain reorganization is taking place in areas associated with visuomotor coordination in early glaucoma. These results implicate an important central mechanism by which glaucoma patients may be susceptible to visual impairments and increased risk of falls.
PMID: 31578409
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 4116332

Intracameral Injection of a Chemically Cross-Linked Hydrogel to Study Chronic Neurodegeneration in Glaucoma

Chan, Kevin C; Yu, Yu; Han Ng, Shuk; Mak, Heather K; Yip, Yolanda W Y; van der Merwe, Yolandi; Ren, Tianmin; Yung, Jasmine S Y; Biswas, Sayantan; Cao, Xu; Chau, Ying; Leung, Christopher K S
Investigation of neurodegeneration in glaucoma, a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide, has been obfuscated by the lack of an efficient model that provides chronic, mild to moderate elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) with preservation of optical media clarity for long term, in vivo interrogation of the structural and functional integrity of the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Here, we designed and formulated an injectable hydrogel based on in situ cross-linking of hyaluronic acid functionalized with vinylsulfone (HA-VS) and thiol groups (HA-SH). Intracameral injection of HA-VS and HA-SH in C57BL/6J mice exhibited mild to moderate elevation of IOP with daily mean IOP ranged between 14±3 and 24±3 mmHg, which led to progressive, regional loss of RGCs evaluated with in vivo, time-lapse, confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy; a reduction in fractional anisotropy in the optic nerve and the optic tract projected from the eye with increased IOP in diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging; a decrease in positive scotopic threshold response in electroretinography; and a decline in visual acuity measured with an optokinetic virtual reality system. The proportion of RGC loss was positively associated with the age of the animals, and the levels and the duration of IOP elevation. The new glaucoma model recapitulates key characteristics of human glaucoma which is pertinent to the development and pre-clinical testing of neuroprotective and neuroregenerative therapies. Statement of Significance A new model to study chronic neurodegeneration in glaucoma has been developed via intracameral injection of a specifically designed hyaluronic acid functionalized with vinylsulfone and thiol groups for cross-linking. Intracameral injection of the chemically cross-linked hydrogel generates mild to moderate IOP elevation, resulting in progressive degeneration of the retinal ganglion cells, optic nerve, and optic tract, and a decline in visual function. The model recapitulates the key features of neurodegeneration in human glaucoma, which will facilitate and expedite the development of neuroprotective and neuroregenerative therapies.
PMID: 31176841
ISSN: 1878-7568
CID: 3926752

Cholinergic nervous system and glaucoma: From basic science to clinical applications

Faiq, Muneeb A; Wollstein, Gadi; Schuman, Joel S; Chan, Kevin C
The cholinergic system has a crucial role to play in visual function. Although cholinergic drugs have been a focus of attention as glaucoma medications for reducing eye pressure, little is known about the potential modality for neuronal survival and/or enhancement in visual impairments. Citicoline, a naturally occurring compound and FDA approved dietary supplement, is a nootropic agent that is recently demonstrated to be effective in ameliorating ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, cerebrovascular diseases, memory disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in both humans and animal models. The mechanisms of its action appear to be multifarious including (i) preservation of cardiolipin, sphingomyelin, arachidonic acid content of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, (ii) restoration of phosphatidylcholine, (iii) stimulation of glutathione synthesis, (iv) lowering glutamate concentrations and preventing glutamate excitotoxicity, (v) rescuing mitochondrial function thereby preventing oxidative damage and onset of neuronal apoptosis, (vi) synthesis of myelin leading to improvement in neuronal membrane integrity, (vii) improving acetylcholine synthesis and thereby reducing the effects of mental stress and (viii) preventing endothelial dysfunction. Such effects have vouched for citicoline as a neuroprotective, neurorestorative and neuroregenerative agent. Retinal ganglion cells are neurons with long myelinated axons which provide a strong rationale for citicoline use in visual pathway disorders. Since glaucoma is a form of neurodegeneration involving retinal ganglion cells, citicoline may help ameliorate glaucomatous damages in multiple facets. Additionally, trans-synaptic degeneration has been identified in humans and experimental models of glaucoma suggesting the cholinergic system as a new brain target for glaucoma management and therapy.
PMID: 31242454
ISSN: 1873-1635
CID: 3963732

In vivo imaging of structural, metabolic and functional brain changes in glaucoma

Kasi, Anisha; Faiq, Muneeb A; Chan, Kevin C
Glaucoma, the world's leading cause of irreversible blindness, is a condition for which elevated intraocular pressure is currently the only modifiable risk factor. However, the disorder can continue to progress even at reduced intraocular pressure. This indicates additional key factors that contribute to the etiopathogenesis. There has been a growing amount of literature suggesting glaucoma as a neurodegenerative disease of the visual system. However, it remains debatable whether the observed pathophysiological conditions are causes or consequences. This review summarizes recent in vivo imaging studies that helped advance the understanding of early glaucoma involvements and disease progression in the brains of humans and experimental animal models. In particular, we focused on the non-invasive detection of early structural and functional brain changes before substantial clinical visual field loss in glaucoma patients; the eye-brain interactions across disease severity; the metabolic changes occurring in the brain's visual system in glaucoma; and, the widespread brain involvements beyond the visual pathway as well as the potential behavioral relevance. If the mechanisms of glaucomatous brain changes are reliably identified, novel neurotherapeutics that target parameters beyond intraocular pressure lowering can be the promise of the near future, which would lead to reduced prevalence of this irreversible but preventable disease.
PMID: 30539811
ISSN: 1673-5374
CID: 4113482

Applications of Manganese-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Ophthalmology and Visual Neuroscience

Deng, Wenyu; Faiq, Muneeb A; Liu, Crystal; Adi, Vishnu; Chan, Kevin C
Understanding the mechanisms of vision in health and disease requires knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the eye and the neural pathways relevant to visual perception. As such, development of imaging techniques for the visual system is crucial for unveiling the neural basis of visual function or impairment. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers non-invasive probing of the structure and function of the neural circuits without depth limitation, and can help identify abnormalities in brain tissues in vivo. Among the advanced MRI techniques, manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) involves the use of active manganese contrast agents that positively enhance brain tissue signals in T1-weighted imaging with respect to the levels of connectivity and activity. Depending on the routes of administration, accumulation of manganese ions in the eye and the visual pathways can be attributed to systemic distribution or their local transport across axons in an anterograde fashion, entering the neurons through voltage-gated calcium channels. The use of the paramagnetic manganese contrast in MRI has a wide range of applications in the visual system from imaging neurodevelopment to assessing and monitoring neurodegeneration, neuroplasticity, neuroprotection, and neuroregeneration. In this review, we present four major domains of scientific inquiry where MEMRI can be put to imperative use - deciphering neuroarchitecture, tracing neuronal tracts, detecting neuronal activity, and identifying or differentiating glial activity. We deliberate upon each category studies that have successfully employed MEMRI to examine the visual system, including the delivery protocols, spatiotemporal characteristics, and biophysical interpretation. Based on this literature, we have identified some critical challenges in the field in terms of toxicity, and sensitivity and specificity of manganese enhancement. We also discuss the pitfalls and alternatives of MEMRI which will provide new avenues to explore in the future.
PMID: 31156399
ISSN: 1662-5110
CID: 3923332

Non-invasive Detection of Visual Pathway Abnormalities in Genetic Experimental Models of Glaucoma Using Diffusion Tensor MRI [Meeting Abstract]

Colbert, Max; van der Merwe, Yolandi; Ho, Leon C.; McLellan, Gillian J.; Hurley, Samuel A.; Fingert, John H.; Parra, Carlos; Faiq, Muneeb A.; Wollstein, Gadi; Schuman, Joel; Chan, Kevin C.
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 4154452

Widespread Structural and Functional Brain Connectivity Changes and Associations with Balance in Glaucoma [Meeting Abstract]

Bang, Ji Won; Trivedi, Vivek; Parra, Carlos; Colbert, Max; O\Connel, Caitlin; Faiq, Muneeb A.; Conner, Ian; Redfern, Mark; Wollstein, Gadi; Schuman, Joel S.; Cham, Rakie; Chan, Kevin C.
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 4154432

Structure and Metabolism in the Brains of the Congenitally Blind Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy [Meeting Abstract]

Chan, Kevin C.; Charles, Antoinette J.; Bang, Ji Won; Hamilton-Fletcher, Giles; Parra, Carlos; Murphy, Matthew C.; Nau, Amy C.
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 4154442