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Listeria monocytogenes brain abscesses presenting as contiguous, tubular rim-enhancing lesions on Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Case series and literature review

Kim, Daniel D; Sadic, Mohammad; Yarabe, Boniface; Loftus, James R; Lieberman, Evan; Young, Matthew G; Jain, Rajan; Dogra, Siddhant
Listeriosis has more than a 50% mortality when the central nervous system is involved, necessitating rapid diagnosis and treatment. We present four patients with brain abscesses in the setting of diagnosed neurolisteriosis, all of which demonstrated an odd presentation of multiple small, contiguous tubular lesions with rim enhancement on magnetic resonance imaging. Our review of published cases of neurolisteriosis suggests that this may be a useful pattern to identify neurolisteriosis abscesses, allowing earlier detection and therapy.
PMID: 38494758
ISSN: 2385-1996
CID: 5639982

Spontaneous Hemorrhage followed by paraparesis in a patient with a Spinal Meningioma

Kim, Joseph K; Lieberman, Evan; Stein, Evan G; Betchen, Simone A
BACKGROUND:Although rare, spinal meningiomas may cause motor and sensory deficits or difficulty with bladder or bowel function due to spinal cord compression. While hemorrhage of intracranial meningiomas is well documented, there are very few cases of hemorrhage or hematoma associated with spinal meningiomas in the literature. Spinal meningiomas have been reported to be associated with subdural, epidural, intratumoral, and subarachnoid hemorrhage and usually in the setting of inciting event such as lumbar puncture or anti-coagulation therapy. CASE DESCRIPTION/METHODS:A 68-year old women presented to the emergency room with acute onset of paraparesis in the lower extremities. MRI findings were inconclusive for cause but showed cord compression. Intra-operative findings demonstrated an intratumoral hemorrhage and pathology was consistent with meningioma. CONCLUSIONS:This is the first report found in the English literature of a patient who first develops symptoms from a spinal meningioma with spontaneous intratumoral hemorrhage presenting with acute paraparesis. MRI findings in retrospect match surgical intra-operative findings. Prompt surgical intervention can result in complete resolution of neurological deficits.
PMID: 30684702
ISSN: 1878-8769
CID: 4780922