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Synaptic and circuit mechanisms promoting broadband transmission of olfactory stimulus dynamics

Nagel, Katherine I; Hong, Elizabeth J; Wilson, Rachel I
Sensory stimuli fluctuate on many timescales. However, short-term plasticity causes synapses to act as temporal filters, limiting the range of frequencies that they can transmit. How synapses in vivo might transmit a range of frequencies in spite of short-term plasticity is poorly understood. The first synapse in the Drosophila olfactory system exhibits short-term depression, but can transmit broadband signals. Here we describe two mechanisms that broaden the frequency characteristics of this synapse. First, two distinct excitatory postsynaptic currents transmit signals on different timescales. Second, presynaptic inhibition dynamically updates synaptic properties to promote accurate transmission of signals across a wide range of frequencies. Inhibition is transient, but grows slowly, and simulations reveal that these two features of inhibition promote broadband synaptic transmission. Dynamic inhibition is often thought to restrict the temporal patterns that a neuron responds to, but our results illustrate a different idea: inhibition can expand the bandwidth of neural coding.
PMID: 25485755
ISSN: 1546-1726
CID: 1560582

Smelling on the fly: sensory cues and strategies for olfactory navigation in Drosophila

Gaudry, Quentin; Nagel, Katherine I; Wilson, Rachel I
Navigating toward (or away from) a remote odor source is a challenging problem that requires integrating olfactory information with visual and mechanosensory cues. Drosophila melanogaster is a useful organism for studying the neural mechanisms of these navigation behaviors. There are a wealth of genetic tools in this organism, as well as a history of inventive behavioral experiments. There is also a large and growing literature in Drosophila on the neural coding of olfactory, visual, and mechanosensory stimuli. Here we review recent progress in understanding how these stimulus modalities are encoded in the Drosophila nervous system. We also discuss what strategies a fly might use to navigate in a natural olfactory landscape while making use of all these sources of sensory information. We emphasize that Drosophila are likely to switch between multiple strategies for olfactory navigation, depending on the availability of various sensory cues. Finally, we highlight future research directions that will be important in understanding the neural circuits that underlie these behaviors.
PMID: 22221864
ISSN: 0959-4388
CID: 1072442

Two-dimensional adaptation in the auditory forebrain

Sharpee, Tatyana O; Nagel, Katherine I; Doupe, Allison J
Sensory neurons exhibit two universal properties: sensitivity to multiple stimulus dimensions, and adaptation to stimulus statistics. How adaptation affects encoding along primary dimensions is well characterized for most sensory pathways, but if and how it affects secondary dimensions is less clear. We studied these effects for neurons in the avian equivalent of primary auditory cortex, responding to temporally modulated sounds. We showed that the firing rate of single neurons in field L was affected by at least two components of the time-varying sound log-amplitude. When overall sound amplitude was low, neural responses were based on nonlinear combinations of the mean log-amplitude and its rate of change (first time differential). At high mean sound amplitude, the two relevant stimulus features became the first and second time derivatives of the sound log-amplitude. Thus a strikingly systematic relationship between dimensions was conserved across changes in stimulus intensity, whereby one of the relevant dimensions approximated the time differential of the other dimension. In contrast to stimulus mean, increases in stimulus variance did not change relevant dimensions, but selectively increased the contribution of the second dimension to neural firing, illustrating a new adaptive behavior enabled by multidimensional encoding. Finally, we demonstrated theoretically that inclusion of time differentials as additional stimulus features, as seen so prominently in the single-neuron responses studied here, is a useful strategy for encoding naturalistic stimuli, because it can lower the necessary sampling rate while maintaining the robustness of stimulus reconstruction to correlated noise.
PMID: 21753019
ISSN: 0022-3077
CID: 1072452

A bird brain's view of auditory processing and perception

Nagel, Katherine; Kim, Gunsoo; McLendon, Helen; Doupe, Allison
By studying the primary forebrain auditory area of songbirds, field L, using a song-inspired synthetic stimulus and reverse correlation techniques, we found a surprisingly systematic organization of this area, with nearly all neurons narrowly tuned along the spectral dimension, the temporal dimension, or both; there were virtually no strongly orientation-sensitive cells, and in the areas that we recorded, cells broadly tuned in both time and frequency were rare. In addition, cells responsive to fast temporal frequencies predominated only in the field L input layer, suggesting that neurons with fast and slow responses are concentrated in different regions. Together with other songbird data and work from chicks and mammals, these findings suggest that sampling a range of temporal and spectral modulations, rather than orientation in time-frequency space, is the organizing principle of forebrain auditory sensitivity. We then examined the role of these acoustic parameters important to field L organization in a behavioral task. Birds' categorization of songs fell off rapidly when songs were altered in frequency, but, despite the temporal sensitivity of field L neurons, the same birds generalized well to songs that were significantly changed in timing. These behavioral data point out that we cannot assume that animals use the information present in particular neurons without specifically testing perception.
PMID: 20851756
ISSN: 0378-5955
CID: 1072502

Biophysical mechanisms underlying olfactory receptor neuron dynamics

Nagel, Katherine I; Wilson, Rachel I
The responses of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) to odors have complex dynamics. Using genetics and pharmacology, we found that these dynamics in Drosophila ORNs could be separated into sequential steps, corresponding to transduction and spike generation. Each of these steps contributed distinct dynamics. Transduction dynamics could be largely explained by a simple kinetic model of ligand-receptor interactions, together with an adaptive feedback mechanism that slows transduction onset. Spiking dynamics were well described by a differentiating linear filter that was stereotyped across odors and cells. Genetic knock-down of sodium channels reshaped this filter, implying that it arises from the regulated balance of intrinsic conductances in ORNs. Complex responses can be understood as a consequence of how the stereotyped spike filter interacts with odor- and receptor-specific transduction dynamics. However, in the presence of rapidly fluctuating natural stimuli, spiking simply increases the speed and sensitivity of encoding.
PMID: 21217763
ISSN: 1097-6256
CID: 1072462

Differential influence of frequency, timing, and intensity cues in a complex acoustic categorization task

Nagel, Katherine I; McLendon, Helen M; Doupe, Allison J
Songbirds, which, like humans, learn complex vocalizations, provide an excellent model for the study of acoustic pattern recognition. Here we examined the role of three basic acoustic parameters in an ethologically relevant categorization task. Female zebra finches were first trained to classify songs as belonging to one of two males and then asked whether they could generalize this knowledge to songs systematically altered with respect to frequency, timing, or intensity. Birds' performance on song categorization fell off rapidly when songs were altered in frequency or intensity, but they generalized well to songs that were changed in duration by >25%. Birds were not deaf to timing changes, however; they detected these tempo alterations when asked to discriminate between the same song played back at two different speeds. In addition, when birds were retrained with songs at many intensities, they could correctly categorize songs over a wide range of volumes. Thus although they can detect all these cues, birds attend less to tempo than to frequency or intensity cues during song categorization. These results are unexpected for several reasons: zebra finches normally encounter a wide range of song volumes but most failed to generalize across volumes in this task; males produce only slight variations in tempo, but females generalized widely over changes in song duration; and all three acoustic parameters are critical for auditory neurons. Thus behavioral data place surprising constraints on the relationship between previous experience, behavioral task, neural responses, and perception. We discuss implications for models of auditory pattern recognition.
PMID: 20610781
ISSN: 0022-3077
CID: 1072472

Organizing principles of spectro-temporal encoding in the avian primary auditory area field L

Nagel, Katherine I; Doupe, Allison J
The organization of postthalamic auditory areas remains unclear in many respects. Using a stimulus based on properties of natural sounds, we mapped spectro-temporal receptive fields (STRFs) of neurons in the primary auditory area field L of unanesthetized zebra finches. Cells were sensitive to only a subset of possible acoustic features: nearly all neurons were narrowly tuned along the spectral dimension, the temporal dimension, or both; broadly tuned and strongly orientation-sensitive cells were rare. At high stimulus intensities, neurons were sensitive to differences in sound energy along their preferred dimension, while at lower intensities, neurons behaved more like simple detectors. Finally, we found a systematic relationship between neurons' STRFs, their electrophysiological properties, and their location in field L input or output layers. These data suggest that spectral and temporal processing are segregated within field L, and provide a unifying account of how field L response properties depend on stimulus intensity.
PMID: 18579083
ISSN: 0896-6273
CID: 1072482

Cortical mechanisms of smooth eye movements revealed by dynamic covariations of neural and behavioral responses

Schoppik, David; Nagel, Katherine I; Lisberger, Stephen G
Neural activity in the frontal eye fields controls smooth pursuit eye movements, but the relationship between single neuron responses, cortical population responses, and eye movements is not well understood. We describe an approach to dynamically link trial-to-trial fluctuations in neural responses to parallel variations in pursuit and demonstrate that individual neurons predict eye velocity fluctuations at particular moments during the course of behavior, while the population of neurons collectively tiles the entire duration of the movement. The analysis also reveals the strength of correlations in the eye movement predictions derived from pairs of simultaneously recorded neurons and suggests a simple model of cortical processing. These findings constrain the primate cortical code for movement, suggesting that either a few neurons are sufficient to drive pursuit at any given time or that many neurons operate collectively at each moment with remarkably little variation added to motor command signals downstream from the cortex.
PMID: 18439409
ISSN: 0896-6273
CID: 876672

Temporal processing and adaptation in the songbird auditory forebrain

Nagel, Katherine I; Doupe, Allison J
Songbird auditory neurons must encode the dynamics of natural sounds at many volumes. We investigated how neural coding depends on the distribution of stimulus intensities. Using reverse-correlation, we modeled responses to amplitude-modulated sounds as the output of a linear filter and a nonlinear gain function, then asked how filters and nonlinearities depend on the stimulus mean and variance. Filter shape depended strongly on mean amplitude (volume): at low mean, most neurons integrated sound over many milliseconds, while at high mean, neurons responded more to local changes in amplitude. Increasing the variance (contrast) of amplitude modulations had less effect on filter shape but decreased the gain of firing in most cells. Both filter and gain changes occurred rapidly after a change in statistics, suggesting that they represent nonlinearities in processing. These changes may permit neurons to signal effectively over a wider dynamic range and are reminiscent of findings in other sensory systems.
PMID: 16982428
ISSN: 0896-6273
CID: 1072492