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Hippocampal mossy cells exhibit some of the earliest signs of increased excitability in the Tg2576 model of Alzheimer"™s disease neuropathology

Alcantara-Gonzalez, David; Criscuolo, Chiara; Botterill, Justin J.; Lisgaras, Christos; Kennedy, Meghan; Scharfman, Helen E.
Background: Alzheimer"™s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative illness characterized by progressive accumulation of amyloid beta (Aβ) and neurofibrillary tangles, with cognitive impairment and altered neural activity. Hyperexcitability in the early stages of AD contribute to Aβ accumulation and cognitive impairment, aggravating the progression of AD. However, the hyperexcitability origin is not clear. This study aimed to test whether mossy cells (MCs), an excitatory cell of the hippocampal dentate gyrus, show increased excitability at early stages of AD and contribute to the increased network excitability generation. Indeed, alterations of MCs contribute to hyperexcitability and cognitive impairment in epilepsy. However, the role of MCs in AD has not been substantially explored. Methods: Intrinsic and synaptic properties of MCs and granule cells (GCs) from WT and Tg2576 mice at early ages (1-2 m.o.) were characterized by whole-cell patch-clamp recordings. Synaptic properties included the frequency and amplitude of spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs and IPSCs). Deterioration in MCs morphology was evaluated using Nissl staining and GluR2/3 labeling by light- and confocal microscopy. Aβ deposition was evaluated using the McSA1 antibody. Results: Tg2576 GCs did not have any significant difference in their intrinsic properties, as we shown previously in mice ∼3 m.o. However, an enhanced excitatory and inhibitory input to GCs, depicted by augmented IPSC (7.16 vs 14.04 events/s) and NMDA-mediated EPSC frequencies (0.81 vs 1.41 events/s) were found. Interestingly, Tg2576 MCs had an augmented EPSP frequency (5.75 vs 9.44 events/s), and their intrinsic properties showed a depolarized RMP (-72.88 vs -58.36 mV), and reduced rheobase (145.56 vs 47.14 pA), AP amplitude (98.14 vs 76.66 mV), time-to-peak (552.75 vs 266.16 ms) and maximum rise (171.44 vs 88.68 mV/ms) and decay slopes (-61.17 vs -42.38 mV/ms). The correlation between #APs and current injected showed Tg2576 MCs fired significantly more APs (SEZD = 0.34; z = 2.48). Tg2576 MCs showed robust intracellular Aβ aggregation without any significant morphological change. Conclusions: MCs changes in excitability and early accumulation of Aβ suggest that MCs could be the cause of increased excitability occurring later in GCs. In this manner, MCs could be an important contributor to AD.
ISSN: 1552-5260
CID: 5393942

Epichaperomes as a gateway to understanding, diagnosing, and treating disease through rebalancing protein-protein interaction networks

Chapter by: Digwal, Chander S.; Sharma, Sahil; Santhaseela, Anand R.; Ginsberg, Stephen D.; Chiosis, Gabriela
in: Protein Homeostasis in Drug Discovery: A Chemical Biology Perspective by
[S.l.] : wiley, 2022
pp. 3-26
ISBN: 9781119774129
CID: 5425612

Co-expression network analysis of frontal cortex during the progression of Alzheimer's disease

Beck, John S; Madaj, Zachary; Cheema, Calvin T; Kara, Betul; Bennett, David A; Schneider, Julie A; Gordon, Marcia N; Ginsberg, Stephen D; Mufson, Elliott J; Counts, Scott E
Mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and its putative prodromal stage, amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), involve the dysregulation of multiple candidate molecular pathways that drive selective cellular vulnerability in cognitive brain regions. However, the spatiotemporal overlap of markers for pathway dysregulation in different brain regions and cell types presents a challenge for pinpointing causal versus epiphenomenal changes characterizing disease progression. To approach this problem, we performed Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis and STRING interactome analysis of gene expression patterns quantified in frontal cortex samples (Brodmann area 10) from subjects who died with a clinical diagnosis of no cognitive impairment, aMCI, or mild/moderate AD. Frontal cortex was chosen due to the relatively protracted involvement of this region in AD, which might reveal pathways associated with disease onset. A co-expressed network correlating with clinical diagnosis was functionally associated with insulin signaling, with insulin (INS) being the most highly connected gene within the network. Co-expressed networks correlating with neuropathological diagnostic criteria (e.g., NIA-Reagan Likelihood of AD) were associated with platelet-endothelium-leucocyte cell adhesion pathways and hypoxia-oxidative stress. Dysregulation of these functional pathways may represent incipient alterations impacting disease progression and the clinical presentation of aMCI and AD.
PMID: 35076713
ISSN: 1460-2199
CID: 5384532

Sex Differentially Alters Secretion of Brain Extracellular Vesicles During Aging: A Potential Mechanism for Maintaining Brain Homeostasis

Kim, Yohan; Pérez-González, Rocío; Miller, Chelsea; Kurz, Michelle; D'Acunzo, Pasquale; Goulbourne, Chris N; Levy, Efrat
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) in the brain play a role in neuronal homeostasis by removing intracellular material and regulating cell-to-cell communication. Given that sex and aging differentially modulate brain networks, we investigated sex-dependent differences in EV levels and content in the brain during aging. EVs were isolated from the brains of 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 month-old female and male C57BL/6 J mice, and the levels of different EV species determined. While the number of plasma membrane-derived microvesicles and a subset of late endosomes-derived exosomes increased with age in the brain of female mice, no significant changes were seen in males. Mitochondria-derived mitovesicles in the brain increased during aging in both sexes, a change that may reflect aging-dependent alterations in mitochondrial function. These findings reveal enhanced turnover during aging in female brains, suggesting a mechanism for advantageous successful female brain aging and sex-depending different susceptibility to age-related neurodegenerative diseases.
PMID: 35904699
ISSN: 1573-6903
CID: 5276982

Isolation of mitochondria-derived mitovesicles and subpopulations of microvesicles and exosomes from brain tissues

D'Acunzo, Pasquale; Kim, Yohan; Ungania, Jonathan M; Pérez-González, Rocío; Goulbourne, Chris N; Levy, Efrat
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nanoscale vesicles secreted into the extracellular space by all cell types, including neurons and astrocytes in the brain. EVs play pivotal roles in physiological and pathophysiological processes such as waste removal, cell-to-cell communication and transport of either protective or pathogenic material into the extracellular space. Here we describe a detailed protocol for the reliable and consistent isolation of EVs from both murine and human brains, intended for anyone with basic laboratory experience and performed in a total time of 27 h. The method includes a mild extracellular matrix digestion of the brain tissue, a series of filtration and centrifugation steps to purify EVs and an iodixanol-based high-resolution density step gradient that fractionates different EV populations, including mitovesicles, a newly identified type of EV of mitochondrial origin. We also report detailed downstream protocols for the characterization and analysis of brain EV preparations using nanotrack analysis, electron microscopy and western blotting, as well as for measuring mitovesicular ATP kinetics. Furthermore, we compared this novel iodixanol-based high-resolution density step gradient to the previously described sucrose-based gradient. Although the yield of total EVs recovered was similar, the iodixanol-based gradient better separated distinct EV species as compared with the sucrose-based gradient, including subpopulations of microvesicles, exosomes and mitovesicles. This technique allows quantitative, highly reproducible analyses of brain EV subtypes under normal physiological processes and pathological brain conditions, including neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
PMID: 35962195
ISSN: 1750-2799
CID: 5287402

Enhanced excitability of the hippocampal CA2 region and its contribution to seizure activity in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy

Whitebirch, Alexander C; LaFrancois, John J; Jain, Swati; Leary, Paige; Santoro, Bina; Siegelbaum, Steven A; Scharfman, Helen E
The hippocampal CA2 region, an area important for social memory, has been suspected to play a role in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) because of its resistance to degeneration observed in neighboring CA1 and CA3 regions in both humans and rodent models of TLE. However, little is known about whether alterations in CA2 properties promote seizure generation or propagation. Here, we addressed the role of CA2 using the pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus model of TLE. Ex vivo electrophysiological recordings from acute hippocampal slices revealed a set of coordinated changes that enhance CA2 PC intrinsic excitability, reduce CA2 inhibitory input, and increase CA2 excitatory output to its major CA1 synaptic target. Moreover, selective chemogenetic silencing of CA2 pyramidal cells caused a significant decrease in the frequency of spontaneous seizures measured in vivo. These findings provide the first evidence that CA2 actively contributes to TLE seizure activity and may thus be a promising therapeutic target.
PMID: 35987207
ISSN: 1097-4199
CID: 5300432

The three-dimensional landscape of cortical chromatin accessibility in Alzheimer's disease

Bendl, Jaroslav; Hauberg, Mads E; Girdhar, Kiran; Im, Eunju; Vicari, James M; Rahman, Samir; Fernando, Michael B; Townsley, Kayla G; Dong, Pengfei; Misir, Ruth; Kleopoulos, Steven P; Reach, Sarah M; Apontes, Pasha; Zeng, Biao; Zhang, Wen; Voloudakis, Georgios; Brennand, Kristen J; Nixon, Ralph A; Haroutunian, Vahram; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Fullard, John F; Roussos, Panos
To characterize the dysregulation of chromatin accessibility in Alzheimer's disease (AD), we generated 636 ATAC-seq libraries from neuronal and nonneuronal nuclei isolated from the superior temporal gyrus and entorhinal cortex of 153 AD cases and 56 controls. By analyzing a total of ~20 billion read pairs, we expanded the repertoire of known open chromatin regions (OCRs) in the human brain and identified cell-type-specific enhancer-promoter interactions. We show that interindividual variability in OCRs can be leveraged to identify cis-regulatory domains (CRDs) that capture the three-dimensional structure of the genome (3D genome). We identified AD-associated effects on chromatin accessibility, the 3D genome and transcription factor (TF) regulatory networks. For one of the most AD-perturbed TFs, USF2, we validated its regulatory effect on lysosomal genes. Overall, we applied a systematic approach to understanding the role of the 3D genome in AD. We provide all data as an online resource for widespread community-based analysis.
PMID: 36171428
ISSN: 1546-1726
CID: 5334392

Comparative analysis of transcriptome remodeling in plaque-associated and plaque-distant microglia during amyloid-β pathology progression in mice

Hemonnot-Girard, Anne-Laure; Meersseman, Cédric; Pastore, Manuela; Garcia, Valentin; Linck, Nathalie; Rey, Catherine; Chebbi, Amine; Jeanneteau, Freddy; Ginsberg, Stephen D; Lachuer, Joël; Reynes, Christelle; Rassendren, François; Hirbec, Hélène
BACKGROUND:Research in recent years firmly established that microglial cells play an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In parallel, a series of studies showed that, under both homeostatic and pathological conditions, microglia are a heterogeneous cell population. In AD, amyloid-β (Aβ) plaque-associated microglia (PAM) display a clearly distinct phenotype compared to plaque-distant microglia (PCM), suggesting that these two microglia subtypes likely differently contribute to disease progression. So far, molecular characterization of PAM was performed indirectly using single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) approaches or based on markers that are supposedly up-regulated in this microglia subpopulation. METHODS:In this study based on a well-characterized AD mouse model, we combined cell-specific laser capture microdissection and RNA-seq analysis to i) identify, without preconceived notions of the molecular and/or functional changes that would affect these cells, the genes and gene networks that are dysregulated in PAM or PCM at three critical stages of the disease, and ii) to investigate the potential contribution of both plaque-associated and plaque-distant microglia. RESULTS:First, we established that our approach allows selective isolation of microglia, while preserving spatial information and preventing transcriptome changes induced by classical purification approaches. Then, we identified, in PAM and PCM subpopulations, networks of co-deregulated genes and analyzed their potential functional roles in AD. Finally, we investigated the dynamics of microglia transcriptomic remodeling at early, intermediate and late stages of the disease and validated select findings in postmortem human AD brain. CONCLUSIONS:Our comprehensive study provides useful transcriptomic information regarding the respective contribution of PAM and PCM across the Aβ pathology progression. It highlights specific pathways that would require further study to decipher their roles across disease progression. It demonstrates that the proximity of microglia to Aβ-plaques dramatically alters the microglial transcriptome and reveals that these changes can have both positive and negative impacts on the surrounding cells. These opposing effects may be driven by local microglia heterogeneity also demonstrated by this study. Our approach leads to molecularly define the less well studied plaque-distant microglia. We show that plaque-distant microglia are not bystanders of the disease, although the transcriptomic changes are far less striking compared to what is observed in plaque-associated microglia. In particular, our results suggest they may be involved in Aβ oligomer detection and in Aβ-plaque initiation, with increased contribution as the disease progresses.
PMID: 36153535
ISSN: 1742-2094
CID: 5333902

Preclinical and randomized clinical evaluation of the p38α kinase inhibitor neflamapimod for basal forebrain cholinergic degeneration

Jiang, Ying; Alam, John J; Gomperts, Stephen N; Maruff, Paul; Lemstra, Afina W; Germann, Ursula A; Stavrides, Philip H; Darji, Sandipkumar; Malampati, Sandeep; Peddy, James; Bleiwas, Cynthia; Pawlik, Monika; Pensalfini, Anna; Yang, Dun-Sheng; Subbanna, Shivakumar; Basavarajappa, Balapal S; Smiley, John F; Gardner, Amanda; Blackburn, Kelly; Chu, Hui-May; Prins, Niels D; Teunissen, Charlotte E; Harrison, John E; Scheltens, Philip; Nixon, Ralph A
The endosome-associated GTPase Rab5 is a central player in the molecular mechanisms leading to degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (BFCN), a long-standing target for drug development. As p38α is a Rab5 activator, we hypothesized that inhibition of this kinase holds potential as an approach to treat diseases associated with BFCN loss. Herein, we report that neflamapimod (oral small molecule p38α inhibitor) reduces Rab5 activity, reverses endosomal pathology, and restores the numbers and morphology of BFCNs in a mouse model that develops BFCN degeneration. We also report on the results of an exploratory (hypothesis-generating) phase 2a randomized double-blind 16-week placebo-controlled clinical trial (Clinical trial registration: NCT04001517/EudraCT #2019-001566-15) of neflamapimod in mild-to-moderate dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), a disease in which BFCN degeneration is an important driver of disease expression. A total of 91 participants, all receiving background cholinesterase inhibitor therapy, were randomized 1:1 between neflamapimod 40 mg or matching placebo capsules (taken orally twice-daily if weight <80 kg or thrice-daily if weight >80 kg). Neflamapimod does not show an effect in the clinical study on the primary endpoint, a cognitive-test battery. On two secondary endpoints, a measure of functional mobility and a dementia rating-scale, improvements were seen that are consistent with an effect on BFCN function. Neflamapimod treatment is well-tolerated with no study drug associated treatment discontinuations. The combined preclinical and clinical observations inform on the validity of the Rab5-based pathogenic model of cholinergic degeneration and provide a foundation for confirmatory (hypothesis-testing) clinical evaluation of neflamapimod in DLB.
PMID: 36130946
ISSN: 2041-1723
CID: 5333142

Autophagy is a novel pathway for neurofilament protein degradation in vivo

Rao, Mala V; Darji, Sandipkumar; Stavrides, Philip H; Goulbourne, Chris N; Kumar, Asok; Yang, Dun-Sheng; Yoo, Lang; Peddy, James; Lee, Ju-Hyun; Yuan, Aidong; Nixon, Ralph A
How macroautophagy/autophagy influences neurofilament (NF) proteins in neurons, a frequent target in neurodegenerative diseases and injury, is not known. NFs in axons have exceptionally long half-lives in vivo enabling formation of large stable supporting networks, but they can be rapidly degraded during Wallerian degeneration initiated by a limited calpain cleavage. Here, we identify autophagy as a previously unrecognized pathway for NF subunit protein degradation that modulates constitutive and inducible NF turnover in vivo. Levels of NEFL/NF-L, NEFM/NF-M, and NEFH/NF-H subunits rise substantially in neuroblastoma (N2a) cells after blocking autophagy either with the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PtdIns3K) inhibitor 3-methyladenine (3-MA), by depleting ATG5 expression with shRNA, or by using both treatments. In contrast, activating autophagy with rapamycin significantly lowers NF levels in N2a cells. In the mouse brain, NF subunit levels increase in vivo after intracerebroventricular infusion of 3-MA. Furthermore, using tomographic confocal microscopy, immunoelectron microscopy, and biochemical fractionation, we demonstrate the presence of NF proteins intra-lumenally within autophagosomes (APs), autolysosomes (ALs), and lysosomes (LYs). Our findings establish a prominent role for autophagy in NF proteolysis. Autophagy may regulate axon cytoskeleton size and responses of the NF cytoskeleton to injury and disease.
PMID: 36131358
ISSN: 1554-8635
CID: 5335462