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Hypothyroidism in a patient receiving treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis [Case Report]

Soumakis SA; Berg D; Harris HW
PMID: 9798062
ISSN: 1058-4838
CID: 67096

Identification of PTSD in cancer survivors

Alter, C L; Pelcovitz, D; Axelrod, A; Goldenberg, B; Harris, H; Meyers, B; Grobois, B; Mandel, F; Septimus, A; Kaplan, S
The authors measured the rate and determinants of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a group of cancer survivors. Patients who had a history of cancer diagnosis with at least 3 years since diagnosis, receiving no active treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation, were interviewed (N = 27). Patients, who were part of the DSM-IV PTSD field trial, were compared with a community-based control group matched for age and socioeconomic status. One member of the survivor group (4%) and no members of the control group met criteria for current PTSD (NS). Six of the survivors (22%) and no control subjects met lifetime criteria (P < 0.02). Cancer patients have a higher rate of PTSD than found in the community. Symptoms closely resemble those of individuals who have experienced other traumatic events
PMID: 8742542
ISSN: 0033-3182
CID: 141273

Chemotherapy of tuberculosis : the beginning

Chapter by: Harris, H. William
in: Tuberculosis by Rom, William; Garay, Stuart M [Eds]
Boston : Little Brown, 1996
pp. ?-?
ISBN: 0316755745
CID: 4854

Treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

Chapter by: Harkin, Timothy J; Harris, H. William
in: Tuberculosis by Rom, William; Garay, Stuart M [Eds]
Boston : Little Brown, 1996
pp. ?-?
ISBN: 0316755745
CID: 4863

Results of a program to reduce admissions for adult asthma

Mayo PH; Richman J; Harris HW
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of an outpatient program designed to reduce readmissions for asthma exacerbations among adults with asthma. DESIGN: Randomized patient selection with crossover. SETTING: Bellevue Hospital, New York City, New York. PATIENTS: We identified 104 adult asthmatics who had previously required multiple hospitalizations for asthma attacks. Forty-seven patients were randomly assigned to an intensive outpatient treatment clinic and 57 patients continued to receive their previous outpatient care. Nineteen patients from this latter group were then crossed to the intensive outpatient therapy clinic. INTERVENTIONS: Attenders of the intensive outpatient treatment program were treated with a vigorous medical regimen and educational program. Emphasis was placed on teaching patients aggressive self-management strategies in case of marked asthma exacerbation. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The main measurement used to determine efficacy of the study program was readmission rate and hospital days used. Prospective comparison of treated compared with untreated patients indicated that program enrollment resulted in a threefold reduction in readmission rate and a twofold reduction in hospital day use rate (P less than 0.004 and P less than 0.02, respectively). Using retrospective data with patients serving as their own controls, we found a threefold reduction in readmission rate and in hospital day use (P less than 0.003) during a 32-month follow-up period. A similar magnitude of reduction in hospital utilization was found when patients were crossed over to the intensive treatment group (P less than 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: By using a vigorous medical regimen and intensive educational program, we were able to decrease hospital use among a group of adult asthmatics who had previously required repeated readmissions for acute asthma exacerbations
PMID: 2344111
ISSN: 0003-4819
CID: 67097