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Safety Assessment of Alkane Diols as Used in Cosmetics

Scott, Laura N; Fiume, Monice; Bergfeld, Wilma F; Belsito, Donald V; Hill, Ronald A; Klaassen, Curtis D; Liebler, Daniel C; Marks, James G; Shank, Ronald C; Slaga, Thomas J; Snyder, Paul W; Heldreth, Bart
The Expert Panel for Cosmetic Ingredient Safety (Panel) assessed the safety of 10 alkane diol ingredients as used in cosmetics. The alkane diols are structurally related to each other as small diols, and most are reported to function in cosmetics as solvents. The Panel reviewed the relevant data for these ingredients, and concluded that seven alkane diols are safe in cosmetics in the present practices of use and concentration described in this safety assessment, but that the available data are insufficient to make a determination of safety for three ingredients, namely 1,4-Butanediol, 2,3-Butanediol, and Octanediol.
PMID: 38174390
ISSN: 1092-874x
CID: 5643462

Safety Assessment of Zinc Salts as Used in Cosmetics

Scott, Laura N; Fiume, Monice; Zhu, Jinqiu; Bergfeld, Wilma F; Belsito, Donald V; Hill, Ronald A; Klaassen, Curtis D; Liebler, Daniel C; Marks, James G; Shank, Ronald C; Slaga, Thomas J; Snyder, Paul W; Heldreth, Bart
The Expert Panel for Cosmetic Ingredient Safety (Panel) assessed the safety of 27 inorganic and organometallic zinc salts as used in cosmetic formulations; these salts are specifically of the 2+ (II) oxidation state cation of zinc. These ingredients included in this report have various reported functions in cosmetics, including hair conditioning agents, skin conditioning agents, cosmetic astringents, cosmetic biocides, preservatives, oral care agents, buffering agents, bulking agents, chelating agents, and viscosity increasing agents. The Panel reviewed the relevant data for these ingredients, and concluded that these 27 ingredients are safe in cosmetics in the present practices of use and concentration described in this safety assessment when formulated to be non-irritating.
PMID: 38279815
ISSN: 1092-874x
CID: 5643472

Safety Assessment of Palm-Derived Ingredients as Used in Cosmetics

Johnson, Wilbur; Bergfeld, Wilma F; Belsito, Donald V; Klaassen, Curtis D; Liebler, Daniel C; Marks, James G; Peterson, Lisa A; Shank, Ronald C; Slaga, Thomas J; Snyder, Paul W; Fiume, Monice; Heldreth, Bart
The Expert Panel for Cosmetic Ingredient Safety (Panel) reviewed the safety of 8 palm tree (Euterpe edulis (juçara) and Euterpe oleracea (açaí))-derived ingredients as used in cosmetic products; these ingredients are reported to function mostly as skin conditioning agents. The Panel reviewed relevant data relating to the safety of these ingredients in cosmetic formulations. Industry should continue to use good manufacturing practices to limit impurities. The Panel concluded that palm tree (açaí and juçara)-derived ingredients are safe in cosmetics in the present practices of use and concentration described in this safety assessment.
PMID: 38485254
ISSN: 1092-874x
CID: 5643552

Safety Assessment of Polysilicone-11 as Used in Cosmetics

Cherian, Priya; Bergfeld, Wilma F; Belsito, Donald V; Cohen, David E; Klaassen, Curtis D; Liebler, Daniel C; Marks, James G; Peterson, Lisa A; Shank, Ronald C; Slaga, Thomas J; Snyder, Paul W; Fiume, Monice; Heldreth, Bart
The Expert Panel for Cosmetic Ingredient Safety (Panel) assessed the safety of Polysilicone-11 as used in cosmetic formulations. This ingredient is reported to function as a film former. The Panel considered the available data and concluded that Polysilicone-11 is safe in cosmetics in the present practices of use and concentration described in this safety assessment.
PMID: 38471032
ISSN: 1092-874x
CID: 5643532

Safety Assessment of Basic Red 76 as Used in Cosmetics

Cherian, Priya; Bergfeld, Wilma F; Belsito, Donald V; Hill, Ronald A; Klaassen, Curtis D; Liebler, Daniel C; Marks, James G; Shank, Ronald C; Slaga, Thomas J; Snyder, Paul W; Fiume, Monice; Heldreth, Bart
The Expert Panel for Cosmetic Ingredient Safety (Panel) assessed the safety of Basic Red 76, which is reported to function in cosmetics as a hair colorant and hair-conditioning agent. The Panel reviewed the available data to determine the safety of this ingredient. The Panel concluded that Basic Red 76 is safe for use as a hair dye ingredient in the present practices of use and concentration described in the safety assessment.
PMID: 38471901
ISSN: 1092-874x
CID: 5643542

Safety Assessment of Hydrogen Peroxide as Used in Cosmetics

Becker, Lillian C; Cherian, Priya A; Bergfeld, Wilma F; Belsito, Donald V; Hill, Ronald A; Klaassen, Curtis D; Liebler, Daniel C; Marks, James G; Shank, Ronald C; Slaga, Thomas J; Snyder, Paul W; Fiume, Monice; Heldreth, Bart
The Expert Panel for Cosmetic Ingredient Safety (Panel) assessed the safety of Hydrogen Peroxide for use in cosmetics. This ingredient is reported to function in cosmetics as an antimicrobial agent, cosmetic biocide, oral health care agent, and oxidizing agent. The Panel reviewed the data relevant to the safety of this ingredient and concluded that Hydrogen Peroxide is safe in cosmetics in the present practices of use and concentration described in this safety assessment.
PMID: 38469819
ISSN: 1092-874x
CID: 5643522

Safety Assessment of Hydroxyethyl Urea as Used in Cosmetics

Akinsulie, Alice; Bergfeld, Wilma F; Belsito, Donald V; Hill, Ronald A; Klaassen, Curtis D; Liebler, Daniel C; Marks, James G; Shank, Ronald C; Slaga, Thomas J; Snyder, Paul W; Fiume, Monice; Heldreth, Bart
The Expert Panel for Cosmetic Ingredient Safety (Panel) assessed the safety of Hydroxyethyl Urea, which is reported to function as a humectant and a hair and skin conditioning agent. The Panel reviewed the available data to determine the safety of this ingredient. The Panel concluded that Hydroxyethyl Urea is safe in cosmetics in the present practices of use and concentration described in the safety assessment when formulated to be non-irritating.
PMID: 38465394
ISSN: 1092-874x
CID: 5643502

Safety Assessment of Capryloyl Salicylic Acid as Used in Cosmetics

Johnson, Wilbur; Bergfeld, Wilma F; Belsito, Donald V; Klaassen, Curtis D; Liebler, Daniel C; Marks, James G; Peterson, Lisa A; Shank, Ronald C; Slaga, Thomas J; Snyder, Paul W; Fiume, Monice; Heldreth, Bart
The Expert Panel for Cosmetic Ingredient Safety (Panel) reassessed the safety of Capryloyl Salicylic Acid in cosmetic products; this ingredient is reported to function as a skin conditioning agent. The Panel reviewed relevant data relating to the safety of this ingredient in cosmetic formulations, and concluded that the available data are insufficient to make a determination that Capryloyl Salicylic Acid is safe under the intended conditions of use in cosmetic formulations.
PMID: 38465458
ISSN: 1092-874x
CID: 5643512

Safety Assessment of Soy-Derived Ingredients as Used in Cosmetics

Cherian, Priya; Bergfeld, Wilma F; Belsito, Donald V; Klaassen, Curtis D; Liebler, Daniel C; Marks, James G; Peterson, Lisa A; Shank, Ronald C; Slaga, Thomas J; Snyder, Paul W; Fiume, Monice; Heldreth, Bart
The Expert Panel for Cosmetic Ingredient Safety (Panel) reviewed the safety of 28 soy-derived ingredients as used in cosmetic products. These ingredients are reported to primarily function as antioxidants, skin protectants, skin-conditioning agents, and hair-conditioning agents. The Panel considered the available data relating to the safety of these ingredients in cosmetic formulations, and concluded that 24 of the 28 soy-derived ingredients are safe in cosmetics in the present practices of use and concentration described in this safety assessment. The Panel also concluded that the available data are insufficient to make a determination that Glycine Max (Soybean) Callus Culture, Glycine Max (Soybean) Callus Culture Extract, Glycine Max (Soybean) Callus Extract, and Glycine Max (Soybean) Phytoplacenta Conditioned Media are safe under the intended conditions of use in cosmetic formulations.
PMID: 38342963
ISSN: 1092-874x
CID: 5643492

Safety Assessment of Alkyl Sultaines as Used in Cosmetics

Burnett, Christina L; Bergfeld, Wilma F; Belsito, Donald V; Hill, Ronald A; Klaassen, Curtis D; Liebler, Daniel C; Marks, James G; Shank, Ronald C; Slaga, Thomas J; Snyder, Paul W; Fiume, Monice; Heldreth, Bart
The Expert Panel for Cosmetic Ingredient Safety (Panel) assessed the safety of 13 alkyl sultaines, which are most frequently reported to function in cosmetics as antistatic agents, surfactants, and skin and hair conditioning agents. The Panel reviewed the available data to determine the safety of these ingredients. The Panel noted gaps in the available safety data for some of the alkyl sultaines in this safety assessment; the available data on some of the ingredients are sufficient, however, and can be read across to support the safety of other members of the group. The Panel concluded that these alkyl sultaines are safe in cosmetics in the present practices of use and concentration described in this safety assessment.
PMID: 38127844
ISSN: 1092-874x
CID: 5643422