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Biomarkers of Airway Disease, Barrett's and Underdiagnosed Reflux Noninvasively (BAD-BURN) in World Trade Center exposed firefighters: a case-control observational study protocol
Javed, Urooj; Podury, Sanjiti; Kwon, Sophia; Liu, Mengling; Kim, Daniel H; Fallahzadeh, Aida; Li, Yiwei; Khan, Abraham R; Francois, Fritz; Schwartz, Theresa; Zeig-Owens, Rachel; Grunig, Gabriele; Veerappan, Arul; Zhou, Joanna; Crowley, George; Prezant, David J; Nolan, Anna
BACKGROUND:Particulate matter exposure (PM) is a cause of aerodigestive disease globally. The destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) exposed first responders and inhabitants of New York City to WTC-PM and caused obstructive airways disease (OAD), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and Barrett's Esophagus (BE). GERD not only diminishes health-related quality of life but also gives rise to complications that extend beyond the scope of BE. GERD can incite or exacerbate allergies, sinusitis, bronchitis, and asthma. Disease features of the aerodigestive axis can overlap, often necessitating more invasive diagnostic testing and treatment modalities. This presents a need to develop novel non-invasive biomarkers of GERD, BE, airway hyperreactivity (AHR), treatment efficacy, and severity of symptoms. METHODS:Our observational case-cohort study will leverage the longitudinally phenotyped Fire Department of New York (FDNY)-WTC exposed cohort to identify Biomarkers of Airway Disease, Barrett's and Underdiagnosed Reflux Noninvasively (BAD-BURN). Our study population consists of n = 4,192 individuals from which we have randomly selected a sub-cohort control group (n = 837). We will then recruit subgroups of i. AHR only ii. GERD only iii. BE iv. GERD/BE and AHR overlap or v. No GERD or AHR, from the sub-cohort control group. We will then phenotype and examine non-invasive biomarkers of these subgroups to identify under-diagnosis and/or treatment efficacy. The findings may further contribute to the development of future biologically plausible therapies, ultimately enhance patient care and quality of life. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:Although many studies have suggested interdependence between airway and digestive diseases, the causative factors and specific mechanisms remain unclear. The detection of the disease is further complicated by the invasiveness of conventional GERD diagnosis procedures and the limited availability of disease-specific biomarkers. The management of reflux is important, as it directly increases risk of cancer and negatively impacts quality of life. Therefore, it is vital to develop novel noninvasive disease markers that can effectively phenotype, facilitate early diagnosis of premalignant disease and identify potential therapeutic targets to improve patient care. TRIAL REGISTRATION/BACKGROUND:Name of Primary Registry: "Biomarkers of Airway Disease, Barrett's and Underdiagnosed Reflux Noninvasively (BADBURN)". Trial Identifying Number: NCT05216133 . Date of Registration: January 31, 2022.
PMID: 39123126
ISSN: 1471-230x
CID: 5678522
Biomarkers of Airway Disease, Barrett's and Underdiagnosed Reflux Noninvasively (BAD-BURN): a Case-Control Observational Study Protocol
Javed, Urooj; Podury, Sanjiti; Kwon, Sophia; Liu, Mengling; Kim, Daniel; Zadeh, Aida Fallah; Li, Yiwei; Khan, Abraham; Francois, Fritz; Schwartz, Theresa; Zeig-Owens, Rachel; Grunig, Gabrielle; Veerappan, Arul; Zhou, Joanna; Crowley, George; Prezant, David; Nolan, Anna
BACKGROUND:Particulate matter exposure (PM) is a cause of aerodigestive disease globally. The destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) exposed first responders and inhabitants of New York City to WTC-PM and caused obstructive airways disease (OAD), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and Barrett's Esophagus (BE). GERD not only diminishes health-related quality of life but also gives rise to complications that extend beyond the scope of BE. GERD can incite or exacerbate allergies, sinusitis, bronchitis, and asthma. Disease features of the aerodigestive axis can overlap, often necessitating more invasive diagnostic testing and treatment modalities. This presents a need to develop novel non-invasive biomarkers of GERD, BE, airway hyperreactivity (AHR), treatment efficacy, and severity of symptoms. METHODS:No GERD or AHR, from the sub-cohort control group. We will then phenotype and examine non-invasive biomarkers of these subgroups to identify under-diagnosis and/or treatment efficacy. The findings may further contribute to the development of future biologically plausible therapies, ultimately enhance patient care and quality of life. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:Although many studies have suggested interdependence between airway and digestive diseases, the causative factors and specific mechanisms remain unclear. The detection of the disease is further complicated by the invasiveness of conventional GERD diagnosis procedures and the limited availability of disease-specific biomarkers. The management of reflux is important, as it directly increases risk of cancer and negatively impacts quality of life. Therefore, it is vital to develop novel noninvasive disease markers that can effectively phenotype, facilitate early diagnosis of premalignant disease and identify potential therapeutic targets to improve patient care. TRIAL REGISTRATION/ Identifier: NCT05216133; January 18, 2022.
PMID: 38798396
CID: 5651772
Roadmap for embedding health equity research into learning health systems
Schoenthaler, Antoinette; Francois, Fritz; Cho, Ilseung; Ogedegbe, Gbenga
BACKGROUND:, a diverse workforce alone is not sufficient; rather holistic health equity should be established as the anchoring principal mission of all academic medical centres, residing at the intersection of clinical care, education, research and community. METHODS:, which serves as the organising framework through which we conduct embedded pragmatic research in our healthcare delivery system to target and eliminate health inequities across our tripartite mission of patient care, medical education and research. RESULTS:. These elements include: (1) developing processes for collecting accurate disaggregate data on race, ethnicity and language, sexual orientation and gender identity and disability; (2) using a data-driven approach to identify health equity gaps; (3) creating performance and metric-based quality improvement goals to measure progress toward elimination of health equity gaps; (4) investigating the root cause of the identified health equity gap; (5) developing and evaluating evidence-based solutions to address and resolve the inequities; and (6) continuous monitoring and feedback for system improvements. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:can provide a model for how academic medical centres can use pragmatic research to embed a culture of health equity into their health system.
PMID: 37328265
ISSN: 2398-631x
CID: 5613312
Noninvasive, MultiOmic, and Multicompartmental Biomarkers of Reflux Disease: A Systematic Review
Farooqi, Muhammad S; Podury, Sanjiti; Crowley, George; Javed, Urooj; Li, Yiwei; Liu, Mengling; Kwon, Sophia; Grunig, Gabriele; Khan, Abraham R; Francois, Fritz; Nolan, Anna
BACKGROUND AND AIMS/OBJECTIVE:Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a prevalent gastrointestinal disorder that may complicate conditions such as obstructive airway disease. Our group has identified predictive biomarkers of GERD in particulate exposed first responders with obstructive airway disease. In addition, GERD diagnosis and treatment is costly and invasive. In light of these clinical concerns, we aimed to systematically review studies identifying noninvasive, multiOmic, and multicompartmental biomarkers of GERD. METHODS:A systematic review of PubMed and Embase was performed using keywords focusing on reflux disease and biomarkers and registered with PROSPERO. We included original human studies in English, articles focusing on noninvasive biomarkers of GERD published after December 31, 2009. GERD subtypes (non-erosive reflux disease and erosive esophagitis) and related conditions (Barrett's Esophagus [BE] and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma). Predictive measures were synthesized and risk of bias assessed (Newcastle-Ottawa Scale). RESULTS:0.94 (95% confidence interval; 0.85-1.00). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Prior studies identified significant multiOmic, multicompartmental noninvasive biomarker risks for GERD and BE. However, studies have a high risk of bias and the reliability and accuracy of the biomarkers identified are greatly limited, which further highlights the need to discover and validate clinically relevant noninvasive biomarkers of GERD.
PMID: 38009162
ISSN: 2772-5723
CID: 5617572
Progressive dysbiosis of human orodigestive microbiota along the sequence of gastroesophageal reflux, Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma
Hao, Yuhan; Karaoz, Ulas; Yang, Liying; Yachimski, Patrick S; Tseng, Wenzhi; Nossa, Carlos W; Ye, Weimin; Tseng, Mengkao; Poles, Michael; Francois, Fritz; Traube, Morris; Brown, Stuart M; Chen, Yu; Torralba, Manolito; Peek, Richard M; Brodie, Eoin L; Pei, Zhiheng
The incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EA) has drastically increased in the United States since 1970s for unclear reasons. We hypothesized that the widespread usage of antibiotics has increased the procarcinogenic potential of the orodigestive microbiota along the sequence of gastroesophageal reflux (GR), Barrett's esophagus (BE) and EA phenotypes. This case control study included normal controls (NC) and three disease phenotypes GR, BE and EA. Microbiota in the mouth, esophagus, and stomach, and rectum were analyzed using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Overall, we discovered 44 significant pairwise differences in abundance of microbial taxa between the four phenotypes, with 12 differences in the mouth, 21 in the esophagus, two in the stomach, and nine in the rectum. Along the GR→BE→EA sequence, oral and esophageal microbiota were more diversified, the dominant genus Streptococcus was progressively depleted while six other genera Atopobium, Actinomyces, Veillonella, Ralstonia, Burkholderia and Lautropia progressively enriched. In NC, Streptococcus appeared to control populations of other genera in the foregut via numerous negative and positive connections, while in disease states, the rich network was markedly simplified. Inferred gene functional content showed a progressive enrichment through the stages of EA development in genes encoding antibiotic resistance, ligands of Toll-like and NOD-like receptors, nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide pathway and acetaldehyde metabolism. The orodigestive microbiota is in a progressive dysbiotic state along the GR-BE-EA sequence. The increasing dysbiosis and antibiotic and procarcinogenic genes in the disease states warrants further study to define their roles in EA pathogenesis.
PMID: 35751398
ISSN: 1097-0215
CID: 5282362
Clinical and genomic signatures of SARS-CoV-2 Delta breakthrough infections in New York
Duerr, Ralf; Dimartino, Dacia; Marier, Christian; Zappile, Paul; Levine, Samuel; Francois, Fritz; Iturrate, Eduardo; Wang, Guiqing; Dittmann, Meike; Lighter, Jennifer; Elbel, Brian; Troxel, Andrea B; Goldfeld, Keith S; Heguy, Adriana
BACKGROUND:In 2021, Delta became the predominant SARS-CoV-2 variant worldwide. While vaccines have effectively prevented COVID-19 hospitalization and death, vaccine breakthrough infections increasingly occurred. The precise role of clinical and genomic determinants in Delta infections is not known, and whether they contributed to increased rates of breakthrough infections compared to unvaccinated controls. METHODS:We studied SARS-CoV-2 variant distribution, dynamics, and adaptive selection over time in relation to vaccine status, phylogenetic relatedness of viruses, full genome mutation profiles, and associated clinical and demographic parameters. FINDINGS/RESULTS:We show a steep and near-complete replacement of circulating variants with Delta between May and August 2021 in metropolitan New York. We observed an increase of the Delta sublineage AY.25 (14% in vaccinated, 7% in unvaccinated), its spike mutation S112L, and AY.44 (8% in vaccinated, 2% in unvaccinated) with its nsp12 mutation F192V in breakthroughs. Delta infections were associated with younger age and lower hospitalization rates than Alpha. Delta breakthrough infections increased significantly with time since vaccination, and, after adjusting for confounders, they rose at similar rates as in unvaccinated individuals. INTERPRETATION/CONCLUSIONS:We observed a modest adaptation of Delta genomes in breakthrough infections in New York, suggesting an improved genomic framework to support Delta's epidemic growth in times of waning vaccine protection despite limited impact on vaccine escape. FUNDING/BACKGROUND:The study was supported by NYU institutional funds. The NYULH Genome Technology Center is partially supported by the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA016087 at the Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center.
PMID: 35906172
ISSN: 2352-3964
CID: 5277042
Non-Invasive, MultiOmic and MultiCompartmental Biomarkers of Reflux Disease: A Systematic Review
Farooqi, Muhammad S; Podury, Sanjiti; Crowley, George; Kwon, Sophia; Khan, Abraham R; Francois, Fritz; Nolan, Anna
ISSN: n/a
CID: 5388972
Oral and gastric microbiome in relation to gastric intestinal metaplasia
Wu, Fen; Yang, Liying; Hao, Yuhan; Zhou, Boyan; Hu, Jiyuan; Yang, Yaohua; Bedi, Sukhleen; Sanichar, Navin Ganesh; Cheng, Charley; Perez-Perez, Guillermo; Tseng, Wenche; Tseng, Wenzhi; Tseng, Mengkao; Francois, Fritz; Khan, Abraham R; Li, Yihong; Blaser, Martin J; Shu, Xiao-Ou; Long, Jirong; Li, Huilin; Pei, Zhiheng; Chen, Yu
Evidence suggests that Helicobacter pylori plays a role in gastric cancer (GC) initiation. However, epidemiologic studies on the specific role of other bacteria in the development of GC are lacking. We conducted a case-control study of 89 cases with gastric intestinal metaplasia (IM) and 89 matched controls who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy at three sites affiliated with NYU Langone Health. We performed shotgun metagenomic sequencing using oral wash samples from 89 case-control pairs and antral mucosal brushing samples from 55 case-control pairs. We examined the associations of relative abundances of bacterial taxa and functional pathways with IM using conditional logistic regression with and without elastic-net penalty. Compared with controls, oral species Peptostreptococcus stomatis, Johnsonella ignava, Neisseria elongata and Neisseria flavescens were enriched in cases (odds ratios [ORs] = 1.29-1.50, P = .004-.01) while Lactobacillus gasseri, Streptococcus mutans, S parasanguinis and S sanguinis were under-represented (ORs = 0.66-0.76, P = .006-.042) in cases. Species J ignava and Filifactor alocis in the gastric microbiota were enriched (ORs = 3.27 and 1.43, P = .005 and .035, respectively), while S mutans, S parasanguinis and S sanguinis were under-represented (ORs = 0.61-0.75, P = .024-.046), in cases compared with controls. The lipopolysaccharide and ubiquinol biosynthesis pathways were more abundant in IM, while the sugar degradation pathways were under-represented in IM. The findings suggest potential roles of certain oral and gastric microbiota, which are correlated with regulation of pathways associated with inflammation, in the development of gastric precancerous lesions.
PMID: 34664721
ISSN: 1097-0215
CID: 5043202
Rethinking Surge Preparedness After COVID-19: Effective Patient Load Balancing Within Health Systems and Beyond
Mandel-Ricci, Jenna; Belfi, Katie; Shapiro, Jared; Wiener, Albert; Cintron, Brittney S; Warshaw, Abe; Gustafson, Carleigh; Zaylor, Abigail; Brannon, Helen; Evans, Rick; Roldan-Sanchez, Kim; D'Angelo, John; Berkowitz, Jonathan; Iavicoli, Laura; Salway, Richard James; Prieskorn, Katelyn; Francois, Fritz; Levine, Samuel; Gardner, Julia; Kesting, Lisa
Within weeks of New York State's first confirmed case of COVID-19, New York City became the epicenter of the nation's COVID-19 pandemic. With more than 80,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations during the first wave alone, hospitals in downstate New York were forced to adapt existing procedures to manage the surge and care for patients facing a novel disease. Given the unprecedented surge, effective patient load balancing-moving patients from a hospital with diminishing capacity to another hospital within the same health system with relatively greater capacity-became chief among the capabilities required of New York health systems. The Greater New York Hospital Association invited members of downstate New York's 6 largest health systems to talk about how each of their systems evolved their patient load balancing procedures throughout the pandemic. Informed by their insights, experiences, lessons learned, and collaboration, we collectively present a set of consensus recommendations and best practices for patient load balancing at the facility and health system level, which may inform regional approaches to patient load balancing.
PMID: 36399608
ISSN: 2326-5108
CID: 5374442
Effect of antibiotic treatment on Oxalobacter formigenes colonization of the gut microbiome and urinary oxalate excretion
Nazzal, Lama; Francois, Fritz; Henderson, Nora; Liu, Menghan; Li, Huilin; Koh, Hyunwook; Wang, Chan; Gao, Zhan; Perez, Guillermo Perez; Asplin, John R; Goldfarb, David S; Blaser, Martin J
The incidence of kidney stones is increasing in the US population. Oxalate, a major factor for stone formation, is degraded by gut bacteria reducing its intestinal absorption. Intestinal O. formigenes colonization has been associated with a lower risk for recurrent kidney stones in humans. In the current study, we used a clinical trial of the eradication of Helicobacter pylori to assess the effects of an antibiotic course on O. formigenes colonization, urine electrolytes, and the composition of the intestinal microbiome. Of 69 healthy adult subjects recruited, 19 received antibiotics for H. pylori eradication, while 46 were followed as controls. Serial fecal samples were examined for O. formigenes presence and microbiota characteristics. Urine, collected serially fasting and following a standard meal, was tested for oxalate and electrolyte concentrations. O. formigenes prevalence was 50%. Colonization was significantly and persistently suppressed in antibiotic-exposed subjects but remained stable in controls. Urinary pH increased after antibiotics, but urinary oxalate did not differ between the control and treatment groups. In subjects not on antibiotics, the O. formigenes-positive samples had higher alpha-diversity and significantly differed in Beta-diversity from the O. formigenes-negative samples. Specific taxa varied in abundance in relation to urinary oxalate levels. These studies identified significant antibiotic effects on O. formigenes colonization and urinary electrolytes and showed that overall microbiome structure differed in subjects according to O. formigenes presence. Identifying a consortium of bacterial taxa associated with urinary oxalate may provide clues for the primary prevention of kidney stones in healthy adults.
PMID: 34385560
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 5004452