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Discordance between prostate MRI and PSMA-PET/CT: the next big challenge for primary prostate tumor assessment?

Woo, Sungmin; Becker, Anton S; Leithner, Doris; Mayerhoefer, Marius E; Friedman, Kent P; Tong, Angela; Wise, David R; Taneja, Samir S; Zelefsky, Michael J; Vargas, Hebert A
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:An increasing number of patients with prostate cancer (PCa) undergo assessment with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PSMA-PET/CT). This offers comprehensive multimodality staging but can lead to discrepancies. The objective was to assess the rates and types of discordance between MRI and PSMA-PET/CT for primary PCa assessment. MATERIALS AND METHODS/METHODS:Consecutive men diagnosed with intermediate and high-risk PCa who underwent MRI and PSMA-PET/CT in 2021-2023 were retrospectively included. MRI and PSMA-PET/CT were interpreted using PI-RADS v2.1 and PRIMARY scores. Discordances between the two imaging modalities were categorized as "minor" (larger or additional lesion seen on one modality) or "major" (positive on only one modality or different index lesions between MRI and PSMA-PET/CT) and reconciled using radical prostatectomy or biopsy specimens. RESULTS:Three hundred and nine men (median age 69 years, interquartile range (IQR) 64-75) were included. Most had Gleason Grade Group ≥ 3 PCa (70.9% (219/309)). Median PSA was 9.0 ng/mL (IQR 5.6-13.6). MRI and PSMA-PET/CT were concordant in 157/309 (50.8%) and discordant in 152/309 (49.1%) patients; with 39/152 (25.7%) major and 113/152 (74.3%) minor discordances. Of 27 patients with lesions only seen on MRI, 85.2% (23/27) were clinically significant PCa (csPCa). Of 23 patients with lesions only seen on PSMA-PET/CT, 78.3% (18/23) were csPCa. Altogether, lesions seen on only one modality were csPCa in 80.0% (36/45). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:MRI and PSMA-PET/CT were discordant in half of patients for primary PCa evaluation, with major discrepancies seen in roughly one out of eight patients. KEY POINTS/CONCLUSIONS:Question While both MRI and PSMA-PET/CT can be used for primary tumor assessment, the discordances between them are not well established. Findings MRI and PSMA-PET/CT were discordant in about half of the patients. Most prostate lesions seen on only one modality were significant cancer. Clinical relevance MRI and PSMA-PET/CT are often discordant for assessing the primary prostate tumor. Using both modalities for primary prostate tumor evaluation can provide complementary information that may substantially impact treatment planning.
PMID: 39853335
ISSN: 1432-1084
CID: 5787692

A Prospective Pilot Study Investigating Performance of 18F-Fluciclovine PET Imaging for Detection of Prostate Cancer 2 Years Following Primary Partial Gland Cryoablation

Nazemi, Azadeh; Huang, William C; Wysock, James; Taneja, Samir S; Friedman, Kent; Gogaj, Rozalba; Lepor, Herbert
Purpose/UNASSIGNED:The goal of partial gland ablation (PGA) is to eradicate focal lesions of clinically significant prostate cancer (csPCa) with minimal adverse impact on functional outcomes. The primary objective of this study is to characterize the performance of 18F-Fluciclovine PET imaging for detection of prostate cancer following PGA. Materials and Methods/UNASSIGNED:Subjects 2 years following primary partial gland cryoablation (PPGCA) were invited to participate in an IRB-approved study providing they met the following inclusion criteria: a single reported mpMRI region of interest (ROI) concordant with biopsy Gleason Grade Group (GGG) < 4, no gross extra-prostatic extension on mpMRI, and no GGG > 1 or GGG 1 with a core length > 6 mm on contralateral systematic biopsy. 18F-Fluciclovine PET MRI imaging of the prostate was performed followed by in and out-of-field biopsies. Results/UNASSIGNED:Twenty-seven men who met eligibility criteria participated in the prospective study. In-field and out-of-field csPCa recurrence rate was 7.4% and 22.2%, respectively. The sensitivity and positive predictive value of mpMRI and PET imaging did not reach performance to reliably inform who should undergo prostate biopsy. Conclusion/UNASSIGNED:At 2 years following PPGCA, the rate of in-field csPCa was exceedingly low indicating a limited role for imaging to inform in-field biopsy decisions. The csPCa detection rate of out-of-field recurrence was 22% which provides an opportunity for imaging to inform out-of-field biopsy decisions. Based on our findings, 18F-Fluciclovine PET MRI cannot be used to inform who should undergo out-of-field prostate biopsy at 2 years following PPGCA.
PMID: 35846414
ISSN: 1869-3474
CID: 5278802

Assessment of salivary gland function after 177Lu-PSMA radioligand therapy: Current concepts in imaging and management

Mahajan, Sonia; Grewal, Ravinder K; Friedman, Kent P; Schöder, Heiko; Pandit-Taskar, Neeta
Prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a transmembrane protein that is highly expressed on prostate epithelial cells and is strongly upregulated in prostate cancer. Radioligand therapy using beta-emitting Lutetium-177 (177Lu)-labeled-PSMA-617, a radiolabeled small molecule, has gained attention as a novel targeted therapy for metastatic prostate cancer, given its high affinity and long tumor retention, and rapid blood pool clearance. In March 2022, the United States Food and Drug administration has granted approval to the targeted 177Lu-PSMA-617 therapy for treatment of patients with PSMA-positive metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer, who have been previously treated with an androgen-receptor pathway inhibitor and taxane-based chemotherapy. Studies have demonstrated the adverse effects of this treatment, mainly encountered due to radiation exposure to non-target tissues. Salivary glands show high PSMA-ligand uptake and receive increased radiation dose secondary to accumulation of 177Lu-PSMA-617. This predisposes the glands to radiation-mediated toxicity. The exact mechanism, scope and severity of radiation-mediated salivary gland toxicity are not well understood, however, the strategies for its prevention and treatment are under evaluation. This review will focus on the current knowledge about salivary gland impairment post 177Lu labeled PSMA-based radioligand therapies, diagnostic methodologies, and imaging with emphasis on salivary gland scintigraphy. The preventive strategies and known treatment options would also be briefly highlighted.
PMID: 35523007
ISSN: 1936-5233
CID: 5216502

18F-Fluciclovine Uptake in Thymoma Demonstrated on PET/MRI

Tsikitas, Lucas; Karls, Shawn; Kranz, Anca-Oana; Friedman, Kent P; Mahajan, Sonia
A 68-year-old man with a history of prostate cancer post-primary treatment presented with rising prostate-specific antigen levels and was referred for F-fluciclovine PET/MRI to localize recurrent disease. PET/MRI revealed a solitary focus of uptake in a soft tissue nodule in the anterior mediastinum, which was resected and found to be a type B2 thymoma. F-fluciclovine uptake is mediated by amino acid transporters, primarily alanine-serine-cysteine transporter 2 and L-type amino acid transporter 1, previously demonstrated to be expressed on thymic carcinomas. This case highlights the possibility of overexpression of amino acid transporters in thymomas as well, rarely described before.
PMID: 32956127
ISSN: 1536-0229
CID: 4605472

Diffusion MRI biomarkers of white matter microstructure vary nonmonotonically with increasing cerebral amyloid deposition

Dong, Jian W; Jelescu, Ileana O; Ades-Aron, Benjamin; Novikov, Dmitry S; Friedman, Kent; Babb, James S; Osorio, Ricardo S; Galvin, James E; Shepherd, Timothy M; Fieremans, Els
Beta amyloid (Aβ) accumulation is the earliest pathological marker of Alzheimer's disease (AD), but early AD pathology also affects white matter (WM) integrity. We performed a cross-sectional study including 44 subjects (23 healthy controls and 21 mild cognitive impairment or early AD patients) who underwent simultaneous PET-MR using 18F-Florbetapir, and were categorized into 3 groups based on Aβ burden: Aβ- [mean mSUVr ≤1.00], Aβi [1.00 < mSUVr <1.17], Aβ+ [mSUVr ≥1.17]. Intergroup comparisons of diffusion MRI metrics revealed significant differences across multiple WM tracts. Aβi group displayed more restricted diffusion (higher fractional anisotropy, radial kurtosis, axonal water fraction, and lower radial diffusivity) than both Aβ- and Aβ+ groups. This nonmonotonic trend was confirmed by significant continuous correlations between mSUVr and diffusion metrics going in opposite direction for 2 cohorts: pooled Aβ-/Aβi and pooled Aβi/Aβ+. The transient period of increased diffusion restriction may be due to inflammation that accompanies rising Aβ burden. In the later stages of Aβ accumulation, neurodegeneration is the predominant factor affecting diffusion.
PMID: 32111392
ISSN: 1558-1497
CID: 4324492

Brain 18F-FDG-PET: Utility in the Diagnosis of Dementia and Epilepsy

Lotan, Eyal; Friedman, Kent P; Davidson, Tima; Shepherd, Timothy M
BACKGROUND:The authors reviewed the two most common current uses of brain 18F-labeled fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) at a large academic medical center. For epilepsy patients considering surgical management, FDG-PET can help localize epileptogenic lesions, discriminate between multiple or discordant EEG or MRI findings, and predict prognosis for post-surgical seizure control. In elderly patients with cognitive impairment, FDG-PET often demonstrates lobar-specific patterns of hypometabolism that suggest particular underlying neurodegenerative pathologies, such as Alzheimer's disease. FDG-PET of the brain can be a key diagnostic modality and contribute to improved patient care.
PMID: 32147984
ISSN: 1565-1088
CID: 4348652

Impact of MR-guided PET reconstruction on seizure foci localization with FDG PET [Meeting Abstract]

Shepherd, T; Schramm, G; Vahle, T; Rigie, D; Friedman, K; Zan, E; Ghesani, M; Nuyts, J; Boada, F
Aim: Determine if MR-guided FDG-PET reconstruction improves diagnostic accuracy and epileptogenic lesion localization for patients with focal epilepsy. Introduction: Abnormalities detected on MRI or FDG PET alter clinical management and prognosis in patients with focal epilepsy considering surgery (1). Concordant MRI findings are not always present, whereas -80% of adult patients with chronic seizures have FDG PET abnormalities. State-of-art FDG PET, however, remains limited by partial volume effects (PVEs) that reduce sensitivity particularly for extra-temporal epilepsy (2). MR-guided (MRG) PET reconstruction reduces PVEs (3). We tested the hypothesis that MRG PET reconstruction increases correct localization of epileptogenic lesions across readers with different levels of clinical experience.
Method(s): After IRB approval, a neuroradiologist with 1000+ brain PET interpretations identified 26 epilepsy subjects that underwent simultaneous FDG PET-MRI (Siemens Biograph mMR, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) with final adjudicated diagnosis either as normal (N=10) or cortical dysplasia (N=16). PET emission images were reconstructed using conventional OSEM and MRG PET reconstructions (asymmetric Bowsher prior with 3D MPRAGE as anatomical prior image). Then, 3 blinded readers (with 12, 6 & 18 years of experience; respectively) evaluated cases containing either OSEM or MRG PET in the sagittal, axial and coronal planes for each case (MRI data was not provided). Readers determined if there were focal FDG abnormalities consistent with an epileptogenic zone, then assigned ordinal values to image quality (0-3; where 3 was "excellent") and diagnostic confidence (1-3; where 3 = "definite" abnormality or normal study).
Result(s): The figure below shows coronal OSEM and MRG PET reconstructions (A & B respectively) with co-registered MRI (C) - MRG PET better demonstrated the focal FDG abnormality associated with right frontal cortical dysplasia. All 3 readers rated MRG PET images higher in overall quality (2.6 +/- 0.7 vs 2.0 +/- 0.5, Mann-Whitney test, P<0.00001). Reconstruction method did not affect diagnostic confidence (2.6 +/- 0.7 vs 2.9 +/- 0.4, Mann-Whitney test, P=0.555). Readers 2 & 3 (with less experience reading brain FDG PET), improved their localization of the seizure focus using MRG PET images from 42.9 to 75%, and 50 to 75% correct respectively. Reader 1, with the most experience, demonstrated no change in correct localization (85.7 vs 83.3%), but reported more confidence in the diagnosis (P=0.033). Global percentage correct for all 3 raters increased from 59.5% to 77.8% (chi-squared test, P=0.086). MRG PET images increased interpretation sensitivity from 69% to 75%, specificity from 70% to 83% and accuracy from 70% to 78%, but these changes did not reach statistical significance.
Conclusion(s): These initial results demonstrate that MRG PET reconstruction of FDG data can increase correct seizure localization for PET readers with less experience. Study limitations include that clinical history, anatomical correlation and non-attenuation corrected FDG PET images were not available to blinded readers. Future work will increase the number of subjects evaluated by the 3 readers to increase statistical power
ISSN: 1535-5667
CID: 4119172

Radiotherapy induces responses of lung cancer to CTLA-4 blockade

Formenti, Silvia C; Rudqvist, Nils-Petter; Golden, Encouse; Cooper, Benjamin; Wennerberg, Erik; Lhuillier, Claire; Vanpouille-Box, Claire; Friedman, Kent; Ferrari de Andrade, Lucas; Wucherpfennig, Kai W; Heguy, Adriana; Imai, Naoko; Gnjatic, Sacha; Emerson, Ryan O; Zhou, Xi Kathy; Zhang, Tuo; Chachoua, Abraham; Demaria, Sandra
Focal radiation therapy enhances systemic responses to anti-CTLA-4 antibodies in preclinical studies and in some patients with melanoma1-3, but its efficacy in inducing systemic responses (abscopal responses) against tumors unresponsive to CTLA-4 blockade remained uncertain. Radiation therapy promotes the activation of anti-tumor T cells, an effect dependent on type I interferon induction in the irradiated tumor4-6. The latter is essential for achieving abscopal responses in murine cancers6. The mechanisms underlying abscopal responses in patients treated with radiation therapy and CTLA-4 blockade remain unclear. Here we report that radiation therapy and CTLA-4 blockade induced systemic anti-tumor T cells in chemo-refractory metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), where anti-CTLA-4 antibodies had failed to demonstrate significant efficacy alone or in combination with chemotherapy7,8. Objective responses were observed in 18% of enrolled patients, and 31% had disease control. Increased serum interferon-β after radiation and early dynamic changes of blood T cell clones were the strongest response predictors, confirming preclinical mechanistic data. Functional analysis in one responding patient showed the rapid in vivo expansion of CD8 T cells recognizing a neoantigen encoded in a gene upregulated by radiation, supporting the hypothesis that one explanation for the abscopal response is radiation-induced exposure of immunogenic mutations to the immune system.
PMID: 30397353
ISSN: 1546-170x
CID: 3455792

Comparison of hybrid 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography/computed tomography for evaluation of peripheral nerve sheath tumors in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1

Raad, Roy A; Lala, Shailee; Allen, Jeffrey C; Babb, James; Mitchell, Carole Wind; Franceschi, Ana M; Yohay, Kaleb; Friedman, Kent P
Rapidly enlarging, painful plexiform neurofibromas (PN) in neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) patients are at higher risk for harboring a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST). Fludeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) has been used to support more invasive diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. However, PET/CT imparts an untoward radiation hazard to this population with tumor suppressor gene impairment. The use of FDG PET coupled with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) rather than CT is a safer alternative but its relative diagnostic sensitivity requires verification. Ten patients (6 females, 4 males, mean age 27 years, range 8-54) with NF1 and progressive PN were accrued from our institutional NF Clinic. Indications for PET scanning included increasing pain and/or progressive disability associated with an enlarging PN on serial MRIs. Following a clinically indicated whole-body FDG PET/CT, a contemporaneous PET/MRI was obtained using residual FDG activity with an average time interval of 3-4 h FDG-avid lesions were assessed for both maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) from PET/CT and SUVmax from PET/MR and correlation was made between the two parameters. 26 FDG avid lesions were detected on both PET/CT and PET/MR with an accuracy of 100%. SUVmax values ranged from 1.4-10.8 for PET/CT and from 0.2-5.9 for PET/MRI. SUVmax values from both modalities demonstrated positive correlation (r = 0.45, P < 0.001). PET/MRI radiation dose was significantly lower (53.35% ± 14.37% [P = 0.006]). In conclusion, PET/MRI is a feasible alternative to PET/CT in patients with NF1 when screening for the potential occurrence of MPNST. Reduction in radiation exposure approaches 50% compared to PET/CT.
PMID: 30505221
ISSN: 1450-1147
CID: 3520172

Visual detection of regional brain hypometabolism in cognitively impaired patients is independent of positron emission tomography-magnetic resonance attenuation correction method

Franceschi, Ana M; Abballe, Valentino; Raad, Roy A; Nelson, Aaron; Jackson, Kimberly; Babb, James; Vahle, Thomas; Fenchel, Matthias; Zhan, Yiqiang; Valadez, Gerardo Hermosillo; Shepherd, Timothy M; Friedman, Kent P
Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography-magnetic resonance (PET/MR) is useful for the evaluation of cognitively-impaired patients. This study aims to assess two different attenuation correction (AC) methods (Dixon-MR and atlas-based) versus index-standard computed tomography (CT) AC for the visual interpretation of regional hypometabolism in patients with cognitive impairment. Two board-certified nuclear medicine physicians blindly scored brain region FDG hypometabolism as normal versus hypometabolic using two-dimensional (2D) and 3D FDG PET/MR images generated by MIM software. Regions were quantitatively assessed as normal versus mildly, moderately, or severely hypometabolic. Hypometabolism scores obtained using the different methods of AC were compared, and interreader, as well as intra-reader agreement, was assessed. Regional hypometabolism versus normal metabolism was correctly classified in 16 patients on atlas-based and Dixon-based AC map PET reconstructions (vs. CT reference AC) for 94% (90%-96% confidence interval [CI]) and 93% (89%-96% CI) of scored regions, respectively. The averaged sensitivity/specificity for detection of any regional hypometabolism was 95%/94% (P = 0.669) and 90%/91% (P = 0.937) for atlas-based and Dixon-based AC maps. Interreader agreement for detection of regional hypometabolism was high, with similar outcome assessments when using atlas- and Dixon-corrected PET data in 93% (Κ =0.82) and 93% (Κ =0.84) of regions, respectively. Intrareader agreement for detection of regional hypometabolism was high, with concordant outcome assessments when using atlas- and Dixon-corrected data in 93%/92% (Κ =0.79) and 92/93% (Κ =0.78). Despite the quantitative advantages of atlas-based AC in brain PET/MR, routine clinical Dixon AC yields comparable visual ratings of regional hypometabolism in the evaluation of cognitively impaired patients undergoing brain PET/MR and is similar in performance to CT-based AC. Therefore, Dixon AC is acceptable for the routine clinical evaluation of dementia syndromes.
PMID: 30034284
ISSN: 1450-1147
CID: 3215992