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The Complex Impact of Health Literacy Among Parents of Children With Medical Complexity [Comment]
Desmarais, Aline V; Kevill, Katharine; Glick, Alexander F
PMID: 39308308
ISSN: 2154-1671
CID: 5707622
Applying Coproduction Methods to Research, Clinical Care, Quality Improvement, and Education in PHM
Litterer, Katherine P; Cray, Sharon; Gonzalez, Priscilla; Baird, Jennifer D; Khan, Alisa; ,
Coproduction-actively collaborating with key partners and end-users toward a shared goal-challenges the traditional medical hierarchy. Each partner brings unique perspectives, knowledge, expertise, values, and preferences. In pediatric hospital medicine, coproduction involves collaborating with partners often excluded from research, clinical care, quality improvement, and medical education, including patients/families, nurses, and trainees. This article describes strategies for applying coproduction, using multiple pediatric coproduction initiatives as case examples, including efforts of the Patient and Family Centered I-PASS Study Group over the past decade to apply coproduction to studies to reduce harmful medical errors and implement family-centered rounds communication interventions. We describe how coproduction can be applied to (1) research (eg, codesigning instruments, measuring patient-reported outcomes), (2) clinical care (eg, improving treatment effectiveness, shared decision-making), (3) quality improvement (eg, measuring and improving adherence to intervention components), and (4) medical education (eg, training families, nurses, and trainees about communication, providing disease-specific education). Successful coproduction involves attention to diversity, equity, inclusion, engagement, compensation, and team management. Coproduction can lead to higher quality, safer, more equitable care, improved content development and delivery, refined methods and implementation, and more salient learning for all.
PMID: 39175463
ISSN: 2154-1671
CID: 5686492
Hypothermia During Intravenous Immunoglobulin Infusion in 2 Young Children [Case Report]
Assefa, Tensae; Norris, Madeleine; Alperin, Risa A; Simson, Gabrielle Gold-von; Glick, Alexander F
PMID: 37482688
ISSN: 1938-2707
CID: 5655392
Pediatrician perspectives on barriers and facilitators to discharge instruction comprehension and adherence for parents of children with medical complexity
Glick, Alexander F; Yin, H Shonna; Silva, Benjamin; Modi, Avani C; Huynh, Vincent; Goodwin, Emily J; Farkas, Jonathan S; Turock, Julia S; Famiglietti, Hannah S; Dickson, Victoria V
BACKGROUND:High rates of posthospitalization errors are observed in children with medical complexity (CMC). Poor parent comprehension of and adherence to complex discharge instructions can contribute to errors. Pediatrician views on common barriers and facilitators to parent comprehension and adherence are understudied. OBJECTIVE:To examine pediatrician perspectives on barriers and facilitators experienced by parents in comprehension of and adherence to inpatient discharge instructions for CMC. DESIGN, SETTINGS, AND PARTICIPANTS/METHODS:We conducted a qualitative, descriptive study of attending pediatricians (n = 20) caring for CMC in inpatient settings (United States and Canada) and belonging to listservs for pediatric hospitalists/complex care providers. We used purposive/maximum variation sampling to ensure heterogeneity (e.g., hospital, region). MAIN OUTCOME AND MEASURES/METHODS:A multidisciplinary team designed and piloted a semistructured interview guide with pediatricians who care for CMC. Team members conducted semistructured interviews via phone or video call. Interviews were audiorecorded and transcribed. We analyzed transcripts using content analysis; codes were derived a priori from a conceptual framework (based on the Pediatric Self-Management Model) and a preliminary transcript analysis. We applied codes and identified emerging themes. RESULTS:Pediatricians identified three themes as barriers and facilitators to discharge instruction comprehension and adherence: (1) regimen complexity, (2) access to the healthcare team (e.g., inpatient team, outpatient pediatrician, home nursing) and resources (e.g., medications, medical equipment), and (3) need for a family centered and health literacy-informed approach to discharge planning and education. Next steps include the assessment of parent perspectives on barriers and facilitators to discharge instruction comprehension and adherence for prents of CMC and the development of intervention strategies.
PMID: 38445808
ISSN: 1553-5606
CID: 5670152
Tribute to Rebecca Rosenberg, MD, MPH
Glick, Alexander F; Simon, Tamara; Chorny, Valeriy
PMID: 38303631
ISSN: 2154-1671
CID: 5626872
Implementing a Family-Centered Rounds Intervention Using Novel Mentor-Trios
Khan, Alisa; Patel, Shilpa J; Anderson, Michele; Baird, Jennifer D; Johnson, Tyler M; Liss, Isabella; Graham, Dionne A; Calaman, Sharon; Fegley, April E; Goldstein, Jenna; O'Toole, Jennifer K; Rosenbluth, Glenn; Alminde, Claire; Bass, Ellen J; Bismilla, Zia; Caruth, Monique; Coghlan-McDonald, Sally; Cray, Sharon; Destino, Lauren A; Dreyer, Benard P; Everhart, Jennifer L; Good, Brian P; Guiot, Amy B; Haskell, Helen; Hepps, Jennifer H; Knighton, Andrew J; Kocolas, Irene; Kuzma, Nicholas C; Lewis, Kheyandra; Litterer, Katherine P; Kruvand, Elizabeth; Markle, Peggy; Micalizzi, Dale A; Patel, Aarti; Rogers, Jayne E; Subramony, Anupama; Vara, Tiffany; Yin, H Shonna; Sectish, Theodore C; Srivastava, Rajendu; Starmer, Amy J; West, Daniel C; Spector, Nancy D; Landrigan, Christopher P; ,
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:Patient and Family Centered I-PASS (PFC I-PASS) emphasizes family and nurse engagement, health literacy, and structured communication on family-centered rounds organized around the I-PASS framework (Illness severity-Patient summary-Action items-Situational awareness-Synthesis by receiver). We assessed adherence, safety, and experience after implementing PFC I-PASS using a novel "Mentor-Trio" implementation approach with multidisciplinary parent-nurse-physician teams coaching sites. METHODS:Hybrid Type II effectiveness-implementation study from 2/29/19-3/13/22 with ≥3 months of baseline and 12 months of postimplementation data collection/site across 21 US community and tertiary pediatric teaching hospitals. We conducted rounds observations and surveyed nurses, physicians, and Arabic/Chinese/English/Spanish-speaking patients/parents. RESULTS:We conducted 4557 rounds observations and received 2285 patient/family, 1240 resident, 819 nurse, and 378 attending surveys. Adherence to all I-PASS components, bedside rounding, written rounds summaries, family and nurse engagement, and plain language improved post-implementation (13.0%-60.8% absolute increase by item), all P < .05. Except for written summary, improvements sustained 12 months post-implementation. Resident-reported harms/1000-resident-days were unchanged overall but decreased in larger hospitals (116.9 to 86.3 to 72.3 pre versus early- versus late-implementation, P = .006), hospitals with greater nurse engagement on rounds (110.6 to 73.3 to 65.3, P < .001), and greater adherence to I-PASS structure (95.3 to 73.6 to 72.3, P < .05). Twelve of 12 measures of staff safety climate improved (eg, "excellent"/"very good" safety grade improved from 80.4% to 86.3% to 88.0%), all P < .05. Patient/family experience and teaching were unchanged. CONCLUSIONS:Hospitals successfully used Mentor-Trios to implement PFC I-PASS. Family/nurse engagement, safety climate, and harms improved in larger hospitals and hospitals with better nurse engagement and intervention adherence. Patient/family experience and teaching were not affected.
PMID: 38164122
ISSN: 1098-4275
CID: 5627932
Communication Training for Pediatric Hospitalists and its Impact on Clinical Practice with Families using Languages Other than English (LOE)
Rajbhandari, Prabi; Glick, Alexander; Brown, Miraides F; VanGeest, Jonathan
OBJECTIVE:Providing equitable healthcare for children of families speaking Language other than English (LOE) relies on linguistic services, including interpretation and translation. Inadequate education on effectively utilizing linguistic services can lead to a knowledge gap and subsequent challenges in leveraging these services. This study aims to evaluate the educational training provided to pediatric hospitalists and its association with clinical practice. METHODS:A multicenter cross-sectional survey of pediatric hospitalists was conducted through the Pediatric Research in Inpatient Setting (PRIS) network, a hospital-based independent research network. The survey was distributed to PRIS site leads with one response per institution. Associations between educational training received on proper communication with families speaking LOE and practice behaviors were analyzed using chi-square or Fisher's exact tests. RESULTS:We received responses from 72 out of 112 PRIS hospital site-leads. Among the respondents, 56% did not receive training on communication during their Graduate Medical Education years (residency or fellowship); 47% did not receive training at their current workplace. Only 6% of those receiving workplace training reported annual updates or refresher courses. Furthermore, 26% of respondents rated the training as "good," while 35% considered it "fair." Respondents who received training during GME years and at their workplace reported that they asserted/advocated more on behalf of patients speaking LOE than those who did not (p <0.0001). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Pediatric hospitalists lack adequate training to communicate effectively with families speaking LOE. Increased training is associated with increased advocacy. Further work should explore increasing communication training and its effect on patient outcomes. WHAT IS NEW/BACKGROUND:This study highlights the need for improved training to enhance communication for families speaking Languages other than English (LOE). Pediatric hospitalists lack adequate training to communicate effectively with families speaking LOE. Increased training is associated with increased advocacy.
PMID: 38110055
ISSN: 1876-2867
CID: 5612512
Management of Discharge Instructions for Children With Medical Complexity: A Systematic Review
Glick, Alexander F; Farkas, Jonathan S; Magro, Juliana; Shah, Aashish V; Taye, Mahdi; Zavodovsky, Volmir; Rodriguez, Rachel Hughes; Modi, Avani C; Dreyer, Benard P; Famiglietti, Hannah; Yin, H Shonna
CONTEXT/BACKGROUND:Children with medical complexity (CMC) are at risk for adverse outcomes after discharge. Difficulties with comprehension of and adherence to discharge instructions contribute to these errors. Comprehensive reviews of patient-, caregiver-, provider-, and system-level characteristics and interventions associated with discharge instruction comprehension and adherence for CMC are lacking. OBJECTIVE:To systematically review the literature related to factors associated with comprehension of and adherence to discharge instructions for CMC. DATA SOURCES/METHODS:PubMed/Medline, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, PsycInfo, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Web of Science (database initiation until March 2023), and OAIster (gray literature) were searched. STUDY SELECTION/METHODS:Original studies examining caregiver comprehension of and adherence to discharge instructions for CMC (Patient Medical Complexity Algorithm) were evaluated. DATA EXTRACTION/METHODS:Two authors independently screened titles/abstracts and reviewed full-text articles. Two authors extracted data related to study characteristics, methodology, subjects, and results. RESULTS:Fifty-one studies were included. More than half were qualitative or mixed methods studies. Few interventional studies examined objective outcomes. More than half of studies examined instructions for equipment (eg, tracheostomies). Common issues related to access, care coordination, and stress/anxiety. Facilitators included accounting for family context and using health literacy-informed strategies. LIMITATIONS/CONCLUSIONS:No randomized trials met inclusion criteria. Several groups (eg, oncologic diagnoses, NICU patients) were not examined in this review. CONCLUSIONS:Multiple factors affect comprehension of and adherence to discharge instructions for CMC. Several areas (eg, appointments, feeding tubes) were understudied. Future work should focus on design of interventions to optimize transitions.
PMID: 37846504
ISSN: 1098-4275
CID: 5605632
Pediatric Resident Communication of Hospital Discharge Instructions
Glick, Alexander F; Farkas, Jonathan S; Gadhavi, Jasmine; Mendelsohn, Alan L; Schulick, Nicole; Yin, H Shonna
OBJECTIVE:Suboptimal provider-parent communication contributes to poor parent comprehension of pediatric discharge instructions, which can lead to adverse outcomes. Residency is a critical window to acquire and learn to utilize key communication skills, potentially supported by formal training programs or visual reminders. Few studies have examined resident counseling practices or predictors of counseling quality. Our objectives were to (1) examine pediatric resident counseling practices and (2) determine how formal training and presence of discharge templates with domain-specific prompts are associated with counseling. METHODS:). Predictor variables were (1) formal discharge-related training (e.g., lectures) and (2) hospital discharge instruction template with space for individual domains. Logistic regression analyses, utilizing generalized estimating equations when appropriate to account for multiple domains (adjusting for resident gender, postgraduate year), were performed. KEY RESULTS/RESULTS:= 317) (13.9%) reported formal training. Over 25% of residents infrequently counsel on side effects, diagnosis, and restrictions. Resident reported use of communication strategies was infrequent: drawing pictures (24.1%), demonstration (15.8%), Teach Back (36.8%), Show Back (11.4%). Designated spaces in instruction templates for individual domains were associated with frequent domain-specific counseling (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 4.1 [95% confidence interval: 3.5-4.8]). Formal training was associated with frequent Teach Back (aOR 2.6 [1.4-5.1]) and Show Back (aOR 2.7 [1.2-6.2]). CONCLUSIONS:
PMID: 37812910
ISSN: 2474-8307
CID: 5605612
Linguistic Services for Hospitalized Children With Non-English Language Preference: A PRIS Network Survey
Rajbhandari, Prabi; Glick, Alexander F; Brown, Miraides F; VanGeest, Jonathan
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:Linguistic services, including verbal interpretation and written translation, are critical to providing equitable health care for families with non-English language preference (NELP). Despite evidence of provider disuse and misuse of linguistic services and resultant adverse outcomes, few studies have assessed the practices of pediatric hospitalists related to the use of linguistic services. Our objectives were to evaluate the current practices of communication and linguistic services used by pediatric hospitalists for hospitalized children with NELP and the barriers encountered in their use. METHODS:We conducted a multicenter cross-sectional survey of pediatric hospitalist site leaders through the Pediatric Research in Inpatient Setting network, an independent, hospital-based research network. The survey was created through an iterative process and underwent a face validation process with hospitalists and a survey methodology expert. RESULTS:We received responses from 72 out of 112 hospitalists (64%). Interpreter services were available widely; translation services were available in 49% of institutions. Difficulty accessing the services timely was reported as the most common barrier. Among respondents, 64% "strongly agree" or "somewhat agree" that they visit and give updates more frequently to English-speaking families than to NELP. Hospitalists reported using interpreter services "always" during 65% of admissions, 57% of discharges, and 40% on rounds. CONCLUSIONS:Families with NELP do not receive appropriate linguistic care when hospitalized. Providers update English-speaking families more frequently than non-English speaking families. Future directions include optimizing workflow to reduce the time constraints on hospitalists and increasing the timeliness and quality of interpreters and translators.
PMID: 36740982
ISSN: 2154-1671
CID: 5467342