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Racial and ethnic determinants of psoriatic arthritis phenotypes and disease activity

Haberman, Rebecca H; Ahmed, Tasneem; Um, Seungha; Zhou, Ying Yin; Catron, Sydney; Jano, Kathryn; Felipe, Adamary; Eichman, Stephanie; Rice, Alexandra L; Lydon, Eileen; Moussavi, Sarah; Neimann, Andrea L; Reddy, Soumya M; Adhikari, Samrachana; Scher, Jose U
OBJECTIVE:Individuals of racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds are underrepresented in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) research/clinical trials, despite evidence that their disease presentation, severity and course may be distinct. Here we aim to describe how race, ethnicity and other socioeconomic factors inform disease characteristics in PsA. METHODS:817 consecutive patients with PsA from a large, diverse metropolitan area, were enrolled in an observational, longitudinal registry. Demographics, medical history, medication use, and psoriatic disease phenotype and activity were all recorded and analyzed. RESULTS:The population was 77.4% non-Hispanic White, 2.2% Black, 7.1% Asian, and 9.9% identified as other races or multiracial, and 11.8% identified as Hispanic. Hispanic and non-White individuals had higher tender joint counts (p= 0.033) with similar swollen joint counts (p= 0.308) and medication use (p= 0.171). They also had high rates of radiographic axial disease. Hispanic individuals were significantly more likely to have higher tender joint counts (p= 0.029), higher RAPID3 scores (p= 0.004), and moderate-severe psoriasis (p= 0.010) compared with non-Hispanic White individuals. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:In this diverse cohort, 22.6% of patients identified as underrepresented racial and/or ethnic groups, mostly Asian or Hispanic. Despite similar swollen joint counts and medication use, non-white individuals have higher tender joint counts compared with white individuals. Phenotypically, they also were more likely to have radiographic axial involvement. These findings may reflect differences in PsA presentation, experience and outcomes in individuals of various racial and ethnic groups, which need to be taken into consideration in clinical care and research design.
PMID: 38305279
ISSN: 1462-0332
CID: 5626902

Clinical validation of digital assessment tools and machine learning models for remote measurement of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: a proof-of-concept study

Webster, Dan E; Haberman, Rebecca H; Chada, Lourdes Maria Perez; Tummalacherla, Meghasyam; Tediarjo, Aryton; Yadav, Vijay; Neto, Elias Chaibub; MacDuffie, Woody; DePhillips, Michael; Sieg, Eric; Catron, Sydney; Grant, Carly; Francis, Wynona; Nguyen, Marina; Yussuff, Muibat; Castillo, Rochelle L; Yan, Di; Neimann, Andrea L; Reddy, Soumya M; Ogdie, Alexis; Kolivras, Athanassios; Kellen, Michael R; Mangravite, Lara M; Sieberts, Solveig K; Omberg, Larsson; Merola, Joseph F; Scher, Jose U
OBJECTIVE:Psoricatic disease remains underdiagnosed and undertreated. We developed and validated a suite of novel, smartphone sensor-based assessments that can be self-administered to measure cutaneous and musculoskeletal signs and symptoms of psoriatic disease. METHODS:Participants with psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, or healthy controls were recruited between June 5, 2019, and November 10, 2021, at two academic medical centers. Concordance and accuracy of digital measures and image-based machine learning models were compared to their analogous clinical measures from trained rheumatologists and dermatologists. RESULTS:assessment categorized physician-assessed upper extremity involvement, considering joint tenderness or enthesitis (AUROC = 0.68 (0.47-0.85)). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:The Psorcast digital assessments achieved significant clinical validity, although they require further validation in larger cohorts before use in evidence-based medicine or clinical trial settings. The smartphone software and analysis pipelines from the Psorcast suite are open source and freely available.
PMID: 38879192
ISSN: 1499-2752
CID: 5671672

Psychosocial Factors Significantly Contribute to Joint Pain Persistence in Psoriatic Arthritis [Letter]

Haberman, Rebecca H; Zhou, Ying Yin; Catron, Sydney; Felipe, Adamary; Jano, Kathryn; Reddy, Soumya M; Scher, Jose U
PMID: 38428986
ISSN: 1499-2752
CID: 5722862

Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Clinics Multicenter Advancement Network Consortium (PPACMAN) 2021 Annual Meeting Proceedings

Grant, Carly; Perez-Chada, Lourdes; Haberman, Rebecca H; Webster, Daniel; FitzGerald, Oliver; Ritchlin, Christopher; Chandran, Vinod; Rosen, Cheryl F; Weber, Brittany; Garshick, Michael; Eder, Lihi; Reddy, Soumya M; Ogdie, Alexis; Scher, Jose U; Merola, Joseph F
The Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Clinics Multicenter Advancement Network (PPACMAN) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to optimize the clinical care of patients with psoriatic disease through multidisciplinary collaboration models. The PPACMAN 2021 Annual Meeting was held virtually on December 11, 2021. In all, 50 stakeholders participated in the meeting including dermatologists, rheumatologists, cardiologists, clinical researchers, patient advocacy representatives, and industry representatives. During the opening session of the meeting, presenters provided an update of several research projects dedicated to predicting and preventing psoriatic arthritis (PsA) such as the Psorcast, PAMPA, HIPPOCRATES, and the ELLIPSS studies. The second session centered around novel approaches to deliver multidisciplinary care in psoriatic disease. PPACMAN leadership introduced its wellness program and invited speakers to discuss new advances in cardiovascular disease, sleep disturbance, mental health problems, and dietary interventions in psoriatic disease. The final session of the meeting focused on how to improve patient engagement in their disease and care.
PMID: 39301469
ISSN: 2475-5311
CID: 5722082

Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Clinics Multicenter Advancement Network Consortium (PPACMAN) 2021 Annual Meeting Proceedings

Grant, Carly; Perez-Chada, Lourdes; Haberman, Rebecca H; Webster, Daniel; FitzGerald, Oliver; Ritchlin, Christopher; Chandran, Vinod; Rosen, Cheryl F; Weber, Brittany; Garshick, Michael; Eder, Lihi; Reddy, Soumya M; Ogdie, Alexis; Scher, Jose U; Merola, Joseph F
The Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Clinics Multicenter Advancement Network (PPACMAN) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to optimize the clinical care of patients with psoriatic disease through multidisciplinary collaboration models. The PPACMAN 2021 Annual Meeting was held virtually on December 11, 2021. In all, 50 stakeholders participated in the meeting including dermatologists, rheumatologists, cardiologists, clinical researchers, patient advocacy representatives, and industry representatives. During the opening session of the meeting, presenters provided an update of several research projects dedicated to predicting and preventing psoriatic arthritis (PsA) such as the Psorcast, PAMPA, HIPPOCRATES, and the ELLIPSS studies. The second session centered around novel approaches to deliver multidisciplinary care in psoriatic disease. PPACMAN leadership introduced its wellness program and invited speakers to discuss new advances in cardiovascular disease, sleep disturbance, mental health problems, and dietary interventions in psoriatic disease. The final session of the meeting focused on how to improve patient engagement in their disease and care.
PMID: 39301469
ISSN: 2475-5311
CID: 5722052

Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Clinics Multicenter Advancement Network Consortium (PPACMAN) 2021 Annual Meeting Proceedings

Grant, Carly; Perez-Chada, Lourdes; Haberman, Rebecca H; Webster, Daniel; FitzGerald, Oliver; Ritchlin, Christopher; Chandran, Vinod; Rosen, Cheryl F; Weber, Brittany; Garshick, Michael; Eder, Lihi; Reddy, Soumya M; Ogdie, Alexis; Scher, Jose U; Merola, Joseph F
The Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Clinics Multicenter Advancement Network (PPACMAN) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to optimize the clinical care of patients with psoriatic disease through multidisciplinary collaboration models. The PPACMAN 2021 Annual Meeting was held virtually on December 11, 2021. In all, 50 stakeholders participated in the meeting including dermatologists, rheumatologists, cardiologists, clinical researchers, patient advocacy representatives, and industry representatives. During the opening session of the meeting, presenters provided an update of several research projects dedicated to predicting and preventing psoriatic arthritis (PsA) such as the Psorcast, PAMPA, HIPPOCRATES, and the ELLIPSS studies. The second session centered around novel approaches to deliver multidisciplinary care in psoriatic disease. PPACMAN leadership introduced its wellness program and invited speakers to discuss new advances in cardiovascular disease, sleep disturbance, mental health problems, and dietary interventions in psoriatic disease. The final session of the meeting focused on how to improve patient engagement in their disease and care.
PMID: 39301469
ISSN: 2475-5311
CID: 5722062

Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Clinics Multicenter Advancement Network Consortium (PPACMAN) 2021 Annual Meeting Proceedings

Grant, Carly; Perez-Chada, Lourdes; Haberman, Rebecca H; Webster, Daniel; FitzGerald, Oliver; Ritchlin, Christopher; Chandran, Vinod; Rosen, Cheryl F; Weber, Brittany; Garshick, Michael; Eder, Lihi; Reddy, Soumya M; Ogdie, Alexis; Scher, Jose U; Merola, Joseph F
The Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Clinics Multicenter Advancement Network (PPACMAN) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to optimize the clinical care of patients with psoriatic disease through multidisciplinary collaboration models. The PPACMAN 2021 Annual Meeting was held virtually on December 11, 2021. In all, 50 stakeholders participated in the meeting including dermatologists, rheumatologists, cardiologists, clinical researchers, patient advocacy representatives, and industry representatives. During the opening session of the meeting, presenters provided an update of several research projects dedicated to predicting and preventing psoriatic arthritis (PsA) such as the Psorcast, PAMPA, HIPPOCRATES, and the ELLIPSS studies. The second session centered around novel approaches to deliver multidisciplinary care in psoriatic disease. PPACMAN leadership introduced its wellness program and invited speakers to discuss new advances in cardiovascular disease, sleep disturbance, mental health problems, and dietary interventions in psoriatic disease. The final session of the meeting focused on how to improve patient engagement in their disease and care.
PMID: 39301469
ISSN: 2475-5311
CID: 5722072

Paradoxical Effects of Depression on Psoriatic Arthritis Outcomes in a Combined Psoriasis-Psoriatic Arthritis Center

Haberman, Rebecca H; Um, Seungha; Catron, Sydney; Chen, Alan; Lydon, Eileen; Attur, Malavikalakshmi; Neimann, Andrea L; Reddy, Soumya; Troxel, Andrea; Adhikari, Samrachana; Scher, Jose U
BACKGROUD/UNASSIGNED:Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic, inflammatory arthritis that, when left untreated, can lead to erosions, deformities and decrease in quality of life. PsA is known to be associated with multiple comorbidities, including cardiovascular, metabolic and mental health syndromes, all of which can increase its overall morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:To characterize a cohort of patients with PsA and understand the impact of depression on PsA outcome measures. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:527 consecutive patients with PsA were enrolled in an observational, longitudinal registry that followed them prospectively at standard of care visits. Demographics, medical history, medication use, and clinical exam were all recorded. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:Depression was reported in 22.8% of the population, anxiety in 18%, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in 4%. Depression was more common in female participants (P < .001). At baseline, individuals with PsA and concomitant depression had similar tender and swollen joint counts and RAPID3 compared to those without depression, and had lower body surface area affected by psoriasis (P = .04). At year one, all patients had improvement in clinical outcomes. However, patients with depression had a significantly higher tender joint count compared to those without depression (P = .001), despite similar swollen joint count and body surface area. CONCLUSION/UNASSIGNED:In patients with depression, there is a discrepancy between improvement in physician assessed measures and patient reported outcomes. These observations underscore the importance of addressing depression and psychological distress as part of PsA treatment outcomes and points towards the need to address residual pain through co-adjuvant approaches.
PMID: 38188536
ISSN: 2475-5303
CID: 5755232

2022 American College of Rheumatology Guideline for Exercise, Rehabilitation, Diet, and Additional Integrative Interventions for Rheumatoid Arthritis

England, Bryant R; Smith, Benjamin J; Baker, Nancy A; Barton, Jennifer L; Oatis, Carol A; Guyatt, Gordon; Anandarajah, Allen; Carandang, Kristine; Chan, Karmela Kim; Constien, Deb; Davidson, Eileen; Dodge, Carole V; Bemis-Dougherty, Anita; Everett, Sotiria; Fisher, Nadine; Fraenkel, Liana; Goodman, Susan M; Lewis, Janet; Menzies, Victoria; Moreland, Larry W; Navarro-Millan, Iris; Patterson, Sarah; Phillips, Lawrence Rick; Shah, Neha; Singh, Namrata; White, Daniel; AlHeresh, Rawan; Barbour, Kamil E; Bye, Thomas; Guglielmo, Dana; Haberman, Rebecca; Johnson, Tate; Kleiner, Anatole; Lane, Chris Y; Li, Linda C; Master, Hiral; Pinto, Daniel; Poole, Janet L; Steinbarger, Kimberly; Sztubinski, Daniel; Thoma, Louise; Tsaltskan, Vlad; Turgunbaev, Marat; Wells, Courtney; Turner, Amy S; Treadwell, Jonathan R
OBJECTIVE:To develop initial American College of Rheumatology (ACR) guidelines on the use of exercise, rehabilitation, diet, and additional interventions in conjunction with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) as part of an integrative management approach for people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS:An interprofessional guideline development group constructed clinically relevant Population, Intervention, Comparator, and Outcome (PICO) questions. A literature review team then completed a systematic literature review and applied the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach to rate the certainty of evidence. An interprofessional Voting Panel (n = 20 participants) that included 3 individuals with RA achieved consensus on the direction (for or against) and strength (strong or conditional) of recommendations. RESULTS:The Voting Panel achieved consensus on 28 recommendations for the use of integrative interventions in conjunction with DMARDs for the management of RA. Consistent engagement in exercise received a strong recommendation. Of 27 conditional recommendations, 4 pertained to exercise, 13 to rehabilitation, 3 to diet, and 7 to additional integrative interventions. These recommendations are specific to RA management, recognizing that other medical indications and general health benefits may exist for many of these interventions. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:This guideline provides initial ACR recommendations on integrative interventions for the management of RA to accompany DMARD treatments. The broad range of interventions included in these recommendations illustrates the importance of an interprofessional, team-based approach to RA management. The conditional nature of most recommendations requires clinicians to engage persons with RA in shared decision-making when applying these recommendations.
PMID: 37227116
ISSN: 2151-4658
CID: 5508492

2022 American College of Rheumatology Guideline for Exercise, Rehabilitation, Diet, and Additional Integrative Interventions for Rheumatoid Arthritis

England, Bryant R; Smith, Benjamin J; Baker, Nancy A; Barton, Jennifer L; Oatis, Carol A; Guyatt, Gordon; Anandarajah, Allen; Carandang, Kristine; Chan, Karmela Kim; Constien, Deb; Davidson, Eileen; Dodge, Carole V; Bemis-Dougherty, Anita; Everett, Sotiria; Fisher, Nadine; Fraenkel, Liana; Goodman, Susan M; Lewis, Janet; Menzies, Victoria; Moreland, Larry W; Navarro-Millan, Iris; Patterson, Sarah; Phillips, Lawrence Rick; Shah, Neha; Singh, Namrata; White, Daniel; AlHeresh, Rawan; Barbour, Kamil E; Bye, Thomas; Guglielmo, Dana; Haberman, Rebecca; Johnson, Tate; Kleiner, Anatole; Lane, Chris Y; Li, Linda C; Master, Hiral; Pinto, Daniel; Poole, Janet L; Steinbarger, Kimberly; Sztubinski, Daniel; Thoma, Louise; Tsaltskan, Vlad; Turgunbaev, Marat; Wells, Courtney; Turner, Amy S; Treadwell, Jonathan R
OBJECTIVE:To develop initial American College of Rheumatology (ACR) guidelines on the use of exercise, rehabilitation, diet, and additional interventions in conjunction with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) as part of an integrative management approach for people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS:An interprofessional guideline development group constructed clinically relevant Population, Intervention, Comparator, and Outcome (PICO) questions. A literature review team then completed a systematic literature review and applied the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach to rate the certainty of evidence. An interprofessional Voting Panel (n = 20 participants) that included 3 individuals with RA achieved consensus on the direction (for or against) and strength (strong or conditional) of recommendations. RESULTS:The Voting Panel achieved consensus on 28 recommendations for the use of integrative interventions in conjunction with DMARDs for the management of RA. Consistent engagement in exercise received a strong recommendation. Of 27 conditional recommendations, 4 pertained to exercise, 13 to rehabilitation, 3 to diet, and 7 to additional integrative interventions. These recommendations are specific to RA management, recognizing that other medical indications and general health benefits may exist for many of these interventions. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:This guideline provides initial ACR recommendations on integrative interventions for the management of RA to accompany DMARD treatments. The broad range of interventions included in these recommendations illustrates the importance of an interprofessional, team-based approach to RA management. The conditional nature of most recommendations requires clinicians to engage persons with RA in shared decision-making when applying these recommendations.
PMID: 37227071
ISSN: 2326-5205
CID: 5508482