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Cardiometabolic risk factor burden associates with an immature platelet profile

Hamo, Carine E; Muller, Matthew; Rosenfeld, Emily; Xia, Yuhe; Akinlonu, Adedoyin; Luttrell-Williams, Elliot; Barrett, Tessa J; Berger, Jeffrey S
Cardiometabolic risk factors, obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidemia contribute to cardiovascular disease (CVD). While platelets are involved in CVD pathogenesis, the relationship between risk factor burden on platelet indices and the platelet transcriptome remains uncertain. Blood was collected from CVD-free adults, measuring platelet count, mean platelet volume (MPV), immature platelet fraction (IPF), and absolute immature platelet fraction (AIPF) by hemogram. Platelets were isolated and analyzed via RNA sequencing. Participants were stratified by number of cardiometabolic risk factors (diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidemia). We calculated median (IQR) values of platelet indices and p-for-trend via linear regression across risk factor burden. To evaluate the association between risk factor burden and platelet transcripts, we performed multivariable linear regression adjusting for age, sex, and race/ethnicity. Among 141 participants, (50.5 ± 14.8 years, 42% male, 26% Black) risk factor burden was associated with increasing platelet size, IPF, and AIPF but not platelet count. Platelet RNA sequencing identified 100 differentially expressed transcripts (p < .01; 66 upregulated, 34 downregulated). Gene ontology enrichment analysis demonstrated upregulated pathways of secondary metabolic processes (NES = 1.96, p < .01), and hematopoietic stem cell proliferation (NES = 1.95, p < .01). Greater cardiometabolic risk factor burden is associated with increased platelet size and immaturity and suggesting novel platelet-mediated mechanisms linking risk factor burden with CVD.
PMID: 39882733
ISSN: 1369-1635
CID: 5781122

Association Between Cardiometabolic Comorbidity Burden and Outcomes in Heart Failure

Hamo, Carine E; Li, Xiyue; Ndumele, Chiadi E; Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Adhikari, Samrachana; Blecker, Saul
BACKGROUND:Cardiometabolic comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension are highly prevalent in heart failure (HF). We aimed to examine the association between severity of cardiometabolic comorbidities and hospitalization in patients with HF. METHODS: RESULTS: CONCLUSIONS:Greater cardiometabolic comorbidity burden was associated with increased risk of all-cause hospitalization in HF. This reinforces the role for targeting severely uncontrolled cardiometabolic comorbidities to reduce morbidity in HF.
PMID: 39846294
ISSN: 2047-9980
CID: 5783512

Association Between Video-Based Telemedicine Visits and Medication Adherence Among Patients With Heart Failure: Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study

Zheng, Yaguang; Adhikari, Samrachana; Li, Xiyue; Zhao, Yunan; Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Hamo, Carine E; Stokes, Tyrel; Blecker, Saul
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:Despite the exponential growth in telemedicine visits in clinical practice due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it remains unknown if telemedicine visits achieved similar adherence to prescribed medications as in-person office visits for patients with heart failure. OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:Our study examined the association between telemedicine visits (vs in-person visits) and medication adherence in patients with heart failure. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:This was a retrospective cross-sectional study of adult patients with a diagnosis of heart failure or an ejection fraction of ≤40% using data between April 1 and October 1, 2020. This period was used because New York University approved telemedicine visits for both established and new patients by April 1, 2020. The time zero window was between April 1 and October 1, 2020, then each identified patient was monitored for up to 180 days. Medication adherence was measured by the mean proportion of days covered (PDC) within 180 days, and categorized as adherent if the PDC was ≥0.8. Patients were included in the telemedicine exposure group or in-person group if all encounters were video visits or in-person office visits, respectively. Poisson regression and logistic regression models were used for the analyses. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:A total of 9521 individuals were included in this analysis (telemedicine visits only: n=830 in-person office visits only: n=8691). Overall, the mean age was 76.7 (SD 12.4) years. Most of the patients were White (n=6996, 73.5%), followed by Black (n=1060, 11.1%) and Asian (n=290, 3%). Over half of the patients were male (n=5383, 56.5%) and over half were married or living with partners (n=4914, 51.6%). Most patients' health insurance was covered by Medicare (n=7163, 75.2%), followed by commercial insurance (n=1687, 17.7%) and Medicaid (n=639, 6.7%). Overall, the average PDC was 0.81 (SD 0.286) and 71.3% (6793/9521) of patients had a PDC≥0.8. There was no significant difference in mean PDC between the telemedicine and in-person office groups (mean 0.794, SD 0.294 vs mean 0.812, SD 0.285) with a rate ratio of 0.99 (95% CI 0.96-1.02; P=.09). Similarly, there was no significant difference in adherence rates between the telemedicine and in-person office groups (573/830, 69% vs 6220/8691, 71.6%), with an odds ratio of 0.94 (95% CI 0.81-1.11; P=.12). The conclusion remained the same after adjusting for covariates (eg, age, sex, race, marriage, language, and insurance). CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:We found similar rates of medication adherence among patients with heart failure who were being seen via telemedicine or in-person visits. Our findings are important for clinical practice because we provide real-world evidence that telemedicine can be an approach for outpatient visits for patients with heart failure. As telemedicine is more convenient and avoids transportation issues, it may be an alternative way to maintain the same medication adherence as in-person visits for patients with heart failure.
PMID: 39637412
ISSN: 2561-1011
CID: 5763802

Cardiometabolic Comorbidity Burden and Circulating Biomarkers in Patients with Chronic Coronary Disease in the ISCHEMIA Trials

Hamo, Carine E; Liu, Richard; Wu, Wenbo; Anthopolos, Rebecca; Bangalore, Sripal; Held, Claes; Kullo, Ifitkhar; Mavromatis, Kreton; McManus, Bruce; Newby, L Kristin; Reynolds, Harmony R; Ruggles, Kelly V; Wallentin, Lars; Maron, David J; Hochman, Judith S; Newman, Jonathan D; Berger, Jeffrey S; ,
Cardiometabolic comorbidities, diabetes (DM), hypertension (HTN), and obesity, contribute to cardiovascular disease (CVD). Circulating biomarkers facilitate prognostication for patients with CVD. We explored the relationship between cardiometabolic comorbidity burden in patients with chronic coronary disease (CCD) and biomarkers of myocardial stretch, injury, inflammation, and platelet activity. We analyzed participants from the ISCHEMIA Trials biorepository with plasma biomarkers (NT-proBNP, hs-cTnT, hs-CRP, IL-6, sCD40L, and GDF-15) and clinical risk factors [hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and body mass index (BMI)] at baseline. We defined cardiometabolic comorbidities as DM, HTN, and obesity at baseline. Comorbidity burden characterized by number and severity of comorbidities. Controlled comorbidities were defined as HbA1c <7% for those with DM, SBP <130 mmHg for those with HTN and BMI <30 kg/m2. Severely uncontrolled was defined as HbA1c ≥8%, SBP ≥160 mmHg, and BMI ≥35 kg/m2. We performed linear regression analyses to examine the association between comorbidity burden and log-transformed biomarker levels adjusting for age, sex, eGFR controlled for hemodialysis, and left ventricular ejection fraction. A total of 752 individuals (mean age 66, 19% female, 84% white) were included in this analysis. Self-reported Black race, current smokers, history of MI and HF had greater cardiometabolic comorbidity burden. The presence of ≥ 1 severely uncontrolled comorbidity was associated with significantly higher baseline levels of hs-cTnT, hs-CRP, IL-6, and GDF-15 compared to participants with no comorbidities. In conclusion, increasing cardiometabolic comorbidity burden in patients with CCD is associated with higher levels of circulating biomarkers of myocardial injury and inflammation.
PMID: 38844195
ISSN: 1879-1913
CID: 5665722

Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Hamo, Carine E; DeJong, Colette; Hartshorne-Evans, Nick; Lund, Lars H; Shah, Sanjiv J; Solomon, Scott; Lam, Carolyn S P
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) accounts for nearly half of all heart failure cases and has a prevalence that is expected to rise with the growing ageing population. HFpEF is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Specific HFpEF risk factors include age, diabetes, hypertension, obesity and atrial fibrillation. Haemodynamic contributions to HFpEF include changes in left ventricular structure, diastolic and systolic dysfunction, left atrial myopathy, pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular dysfunction, chronotropic incompetence, and vascular dysfunction. Inflammation, fibrosis, impaired nitric oxide signalling, sarcomere dysfunction, and mitochondrial and metabolic defects contribute to the cellular and molecular changes observed in HFpEF. HFpEF impacts multiple organ systems beyond the heart, including the skeletal muscle, peripheral vasculature, lungs, kidneys and brain. The diagnosis of HFpEF can be made in individuals with signs and symptoms of heart failure with abnormality in natriuretic peptide levels or evidence of cardiopulmonary congestion, facilitated by the use of HFpEF risk scores and additional imaging and testing with the exclusion of HFpEF mimics. Management includes initiation of guideline-directed medical therapy and management of comorbidities. Given the significant impact of HFpEF on quality of life, future research efforts should include a particular focus on how patients can live better with this disease.
PMID: 39143132
ISSN: 2056-676x
CID: 5697232

Association between visit frequency, continuity of care, and pharmacy fill adherence in heart failure patients

Hamo, Carine E; Mukhopadhyay, Amrita; Li, Xiyue; Zheng, Yaguang; Kronish, Ian M; Chunara, Rumi; Dodson, John; Adhikari, Samrachana; Blecker, Saul
BACKGROUND:Despite advances in medical therapy for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), major gaps in medication adherence to guideline-directed medical therapies (GDMT) remain. Greater continuity of care may impact medication adherence and reduced hospitalizations. METHODS:We conducted a cross-sectional study of adults with a diagnosis of HF and EF ≤40% with ≥2 outpatient encounters between January 1, 2017 and January 10, 2021, prescribed ≥1 of the following GDMT: 1) Beta Blocker, 2) Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor/Angiotensin Receptor Blocker/Angiotensin Receptor Neprilysin Inhibitor, 3) Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonist, 4) Sodium Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitor. Continuity of care was calculated using the Bice-Boxerman Continuity of Care Index (COC) and the Usual Provider of Care (UPC) index, categorized by quantile. The primary outcome was adherence to GDMT, defined as average proportion of days covered ≥80% over 1 year. Secondary outcomes included all-cause and HF hospitalization at 1-year. We performed multivariable logistic regression analyses adjusted for demographics, insurance status, comorbidity index, number of visits and neighborhood SES index. RESULTS:Overall, 3,971 individuals were included (mean age 72 years (SD 14), 71% male, 66% White race). In adjusted analyses, compared to individuals in the highest COC quartile, individuals in the third COC quartile had higher odds of GDMT adherence (OR 1.26, 95% CI 1.03-1.53, P = .024). UPC tertile was not associated with adherence (all P > .05). Compared to the highest quantiles, the lowest UPC and COC quantiles had higher odds of all-cause (UPC: OR 1.53, 95%CI 1.23-1.91; COC: OR 2.54, 95%CI 1.94-3.34) and HF (UPC: OR 1.81, 95%CI 1.23-2.67; COC: OR 1.77, 95%CI 1.09-2.95) hospitalizations. CONCLUSIONS:Continuity of care was not associated with GDMT adherence among patients with HFrEF but lower continuity of care was associated with increased all-cause and HF-hospitalizations.
PMID: 38621576
ISSN: 1097-6744
CID: 5657402

Burden of cardiometabolic risk factors and vascular health

Hamo, Carine E; Schlamp, Florencia; Drenkova, Kamelia; Jindal, Manila; Fadzan, Maja; Akinlonu, Adedoyin; Goldberg, Ira; Garshick, Michael S; Berger, Jeffrey S
BACKGROUND:Cardiometabolic risk factors diabetes, obesity, and hypertension are highly prevalent and contribute to increased cardiovascular disease (CVD). Endothelial dysfunction precedes CVD development. The current study aimed to investigate the EC transcriptome among individuals with varying degree of cardiometabolic risk. METHODS:Adult participants without CVD and various degrees of cardiometabolic risk factor burden (hypertension, diabetes, obesity) were included. Participants underwent brachial vein EC harvesting followed by RNA sequencing. To evaluate the association between cardiometabolic comorbidity burden and outcome transcripts we performed linear regression with multivariable models, adjusting for age, sex, and race/ethnicity. RESULTS:A total of 18 individuals were included in the present analysis (mean age 47 ± 14, 44% female, and 61% White adults). Endothelial cell RNA sequencing revealed 588 differentially expressed transcripts (p-adj <0.05) with excellent discrimination in unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis. Gene ontology enrichment analysis revealed upregulated pathways associated with T-cell activation (NES = 2.22, p<0.001), leukocyte differentiation (NES= 2.16, p<0.001), leukocyte migration (NES= 2.12, p<0.001), regulation of cell-cell adhesion (NES= 1.91, p=0.006). Downregulated pathways of interest included endothelial cell proliferation (NES= -1.68, p=0.03) and response to interleukin-1 (NES= -1.61, p=0.04). Upregulated genes included VCAM1, CEACAM1, ADAM 17, and CD99L2, all with a log-2-fold change >3 and p-adj <0.05. These genes demonstrated a graded increase in mean normalized counts with increasing number of risk factors. CONCLUSIONS:We demonstrate a proinflammatory and pro-adhesive EC transcriptome associated with increased cardiometabolic risk factor burden offering insight into a potential mechanism linking these risk factors with the development of CVD.
PMID: 38199832
ISSN: 1097-6744
CID: 5633802

Standardized Definitions for Evaluation of Acute Decompensated Heart Failure Therapies: HF-ARC Expert Panel Paper

Lala, Anuradha; Hamo, Carine E; Bozkurt, Biykem; Fiuzat, Mona; Blumer, Vanessa; Bukhoff, Daniel; Butler, Javed; Costanzo, Maria Rosa; Felker, G Michael; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Konstam, Marvin A; McMurray, John J V; Mentz, Robert J; Metra, Marco; Psotka, Mitchell A; Solomon, Scott D; Teerlink, John; Abraham, William T; O'Connor, Christopher M; ,
Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) is one of the most common reasons for hospitalizations or urgent care and is associated with poor outcomes. Therapies shown to improve outcomes are limited, however, and innovation in pharmacologic and device-based therapeutics are therefore actively being sought. Standardizing definitions for ADHF and its trajectory is complex, limiting the generalizability and translation of clinical trials to effect clinical care and policy change. The Heart Failure Collaboratory is a multi-stakeholder organization comprising clinical investigators, clinicians, patients, government representatives (including U.S. Food and Drug Administration and National Institutes of Health participants), payors, and industry collaborators. The following expert consensus document is the product of the Heart Failure Collaboratory convening with the Academic Research Consortium, including members from academia, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and industry, for the purposes of proposing standardized definitions for ADHF and highlighting important endpoint considerations to inform the design and conduct of clinical trials for drugs and devices in this clinical arena.
PMID: 38069997
ISSN: 2213-1787
CID: 5589772

Diabetes Duration and Subclinical Myocardial Injury: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC)

Hamo, Carine E; Echouffo-Tcheugui, Justin B; Zhang, Sui; Florido, Roberta; Pankow, James S; Michos, Erin D; Goldberg, Ronald; Nambi, Vijay; Gerstenblith, Gary; Post, Wendy S; Blumenthal, Roger S; Ballantyne, Christie; Selvin, Elizabeth; Coresh, Josef; Ndumele, Chiadi E
BACKGROUND:Diabetes exerts adverse effects on the heart, and a longer diabetes duration is associated with greater heart failure risk. We studied diabetes duration and subclinical myocardial injury, as reflected by high-sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTnT). METHODS:We analyzed 9052 participants without heart failure or coronary heart disease (mean age 63 years, 58% female, 21% Black, 15% with diabetes) at The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC) Visit 4 (1996 to 1998). Diabetes duration was calculated based on diabetes status at Visits 1 (1987 to 1989) through 4, or using self-reported age of diabetes diagnosis prior to Visit 1. We used multinomial logistic regression to determine the association of diabetes duration with increased (≥14 ng/L) or detectable (≥6 ng/L) Visit 4 hs-cTnT, relative to undetectable hs-cTnT, adjusted for demographics and cardiovascular risk factors. RESULTS:The prevalence of increased Visit 4 hs-cTnT was higher in persons with longer diabetes duration, from 12% for those with diabetes 0 to <5 years up to 31% among those with diabetes for ≥15 years (P for trend <0.0001). New onset diabetes at Visit 4 was associated with 1.92× higher relative risk (95% CI, 1.27-2.91) of increased hs-cTnT than no diabetes. Longer diabetes duration was associated with greater myocardial injury, with duration ≥15 years associated with 9.29× higher risk (95% CI, 5.65-15.29) for increased hs-cTnT and 2.07× (95% CI, 1.24-3.16) for detectable hs-cTnT, compared to no diabetes. CONCLUSIONS:Longer diabetes duration is strongly associated with subclinical myocardial injury. Interventional studies are needed to assess whether the prevention and delay of diabetes onset can mitigate early myocardial damage.
PMID: 35904048
ISSN: 1530-8561
CID: 5586742

Sex Differences in Heart Failure

Lala, Anuradha; Tayal, Upasana; Hamo, Carine E; Youmans, Quentin; Al-Khatib, Sana M; Bozkurt, Biykem; Davis, Melinda B; Januzzi, James; Mentz, Robert; Sauer, Andrew; Walsh, Mary Norine; Yancy, Clyde; Gulati, Martha
Heart failure (HF) continues to be a major contributor of morbidity and mortality for men and women alike, yet how the predisposition for, course and management of HF differ between men and women remains underexplored. Sex differences in traditional risk factors as well as sex-specific risk factors influence the prevalence and manifestation of HF in unique ways. The pathophysiology of HF differs between men and women and may explain sex-specific differences in clinical presentation and diagnosis. This in turn, contributes to variation in response to both pharmacologic and device/surgical therapy. This review examines sex-specific differences in HF spanning prevalence, risk factors, pathophysiology, presentation, and therapies with a specific focus on highlighting gaps in knowledge with calls to action for future research efforts.
PMID: 34774749
ISSN: 1532-8414
CID: 5234622