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Requested a Different Doctor: Developing and Evaluating an OSCE Assessing Core Skills in Supporting Trainees Facing Patient Discrimination

Beltran, Christine P; Wilhite, Jeffrey A; Gonzalez, Cristina M; Porter, Barbara; Torres, Christian; Horlick, Margaret; Hauck, Kevin; Gillespie, Colleen; Zabar, Sondra; Greene, Richard E
BACKGROUND:Suboptimal support for colleagues experiencing discrimination can adversely impact clinician well-being and patient care. AIM/OBJECTIVE:To describe resident performance and experience during an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) case centered on supporting a trainee facing discrimination to inform enhanced, supportive learning environments. SETTING/METHODS:Formative, internal medicine OSCE at a simulation center. PARTICIPANTS/METHODS:148 second-year residents across 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/METHODS:Residents had 10 min to support a Muslim standardized intern (SI) experiencing discrimination from a patient. The SI rated resident performance across Supervision, Relationship Development, and Support domains and provided written feedback. Post-OSCE evaluations elicited resident reflections on case challenges. PROGRAM EVALUATION/RESULTS:Proficient residents (≥ 80% average score across domains, n = 85) performed better in all items, except in not acting defensive and collaborating with SI to develop follow-up plan, compared to non-proficient residents (n = 65). The SI described effective approaches to feeling supported, including using empathetic statements, stating personal stance on discrimination, exhibiting supportive body language, and verbalizing support. Stating knowledge of situation upfront was an area of improvement. Residents found engaging the distressed SI difficult. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:Use of an explicit discrimination OSCE case can help identify effective approaches to supporting targets of discriminatory patients to inform future training.
PMID: 39349704
ISSN: 1525-1497
CID: 5751402

Practice Makes Perfect: Objective Structured Clinical Examinations Across the UME-to-GME Continuum Improve Care of Transgender Simulated Patients

Beltran, Christine P; Wilhite, Jeffrey A; Hayes, Rachael W; LoSchiavo, Caleb; Crotty, Kelly; Adams, Jennifer; Hauck, Kevin; Crowe, Ruth; Kudlowitz, David; Katz, Karin; Gillespie, Colleen; Zabar, Sondra; Greene, Richard E
PMID: 38993302
ISSN: 1949-8357
CID: 5732472

"I Don't Trust It": Use of a Routine OSCE to Identify Core Communication Skills Required for Counseling a Vaccine-Hesitant Patient

Wilhite, Jeffrey A; Zabar, Sondra; Gillespie, Colleen; Hauck, Kevin; Horlick, Margaret; Greene, Richard E; Hanley, Kathleen; Adams, Jennifer
BACKGROUND:Vaccine hesitancy is challenging for clinicians and of increasing concern since COVID-19 vaccination rollout began. Standardized patients (SPs) provide an ideal method for assessing resident physicians' current skills, providing opportunity to practice and gain immediate feedback, while also informing evaluation of curriculum and training. As such, we designed and implemented an OSCE station where residents were tasked with engaging and educating a vaccine-hesitant patient. AIM/OBJECTIVE:Describe residents' vaccine counseling practices, core communication and interpersonal skills, and effectiveness in meeting the objectives of the case. Explore how effectiveness in overcoming vaccine hesitancy may be associated with communication and interpersonal skills in order to inform educational efforts. SETTING/METHODS:Annual OSCE at a simulation center. PARTICIPANTS/METHODS:106 internal medicine residents (51% PGY1, 49% PGY2). PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/METHODS:Residents participated in an annual residency-wide, multi-station OSCE, one of which included a Black, middle-aged, vaccine-hesitant male presenting for a routine video visit. Residents had 10 min to complete the encounter, during which they sought to educate, explore concerns, and make a recommendation. After each encounter, faculty gave residents feedback on their counseling skills and reviewed best practices for effective communication on the topic. SPs completed a behaviorally anchored checklist (30 items across 7 clinical skill domains and 2 measures of trust in the vaccine's safety and resident) which will inform future curriculum. PROGRAM EVALUATION/RESULTS:Fifty-five percent (SD: 43%) of the residents performed well on the vaccine-specific education domain. PGY2 residents scored significantly higher on two of the seven domains compared to PGY1s (patient education/counseling-PGY1: 35% (SD: 36%) vs. PGY2: 52% (SD: 41%), p = 0.044 and activation-PGY1: 37% (SD: 45%) vs. PGY2: 59% (SD: 46%), p = 0.016). In regression analyses, education/counseling and vaccine-specific communication skills were strongly, positively associated with trust in the resident and in the vaccine's safety. A review of qualitative data from the SPs' perspective suggested that low performers did not use patient-centered communication skills. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:This needs assessment suggests that many residents needed in-the-moment feedback, additional education, and vaccine-specific communication practice. Our program plans to reinforce evidence-based practices physicians can implement for vaccine hesitancy through ongoing curriculum, practice, and feedback. This type of needs assessment is replicable at other institutions and can be used, as we have, to ultimately shed light on next steps for programmatic improvement.
PMID: 35710665
ISSN: 1525-1497
CID: 5277892

The COVID-19 Army: Experiences From the Deployment of Non-Hospitalist Physician Volunteers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Hauck, Kevin D; Hochman, Katherine A; Pochapin, Mark B; Zabar, Sondra R; Wilhite, Jeffrey A; Glynn, Gretchen; Bosworth, Brian P
OBJECTIVE:New York City was the epicenter of the outbreak of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in the United States. As a large, quaternary care medical center, NYU Langone Medical Center was one of many New York medical centers that experienced an unprecedented influx of patients during this time. Clinical leadership effectively identified, oriented, and rapidly deployed a "COVID Army," consisting of non-hospitalist physicians, to meet the needs of the patient influx. We share feedback from our providers on our processes and offer specific recommendations for systems experiencing a similar influx in the current and future pandemics. METHODS:To assess the experiences and perceived readiness of these physicians (n = 183), we distributed a 32-item survey between March and June of 2020. Thematic analyses and response rates were examined to develop results. RESULTS:Responses highlighted varying experiences and attitudes of our frontline physicians during an emerging pandemic. Thematic analyses revealed a series of lessons learned, including the need to (1) provide orientations, (2) clarify roles/workflow, (3) balance team workload, (4) keep teams updated on evolving policies, (5) make team members feel valued, and (6) ensure they have necessary tools available. CONCLUSIONS:Lessons from our deployment and assessment are scalable at other institutions.
PMID: 33820584
ISSN: 1938-744x
CID: 4865662

Supporting Acute Advance Care Planning with Precise, Timely Mortality Risk Predictions

Wang, Erwin; Major, Vincent J; Adler, Nicole; Hauck, Kevin; Austrian, Jonathan; Aphinyanaphongs, Yindalon; Horwitz, Leora I
ISSN: n/a
CID: 5000212

Improving the Care of Patients With Serious Illness: What Are the Palliative Care Education Needs of Internal Medicine Residents?

Frydman, Julia L; Hauck, Kevin; Lowy, Joseph; Gelfman, Laura P
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:Hospitalized patients with serious illness have significant symptom burden and face complex medical decisions that often require goals of care discussions. Given the shortage of specialty palliative care providers, there is a pressing need to improve the palliative care skills of internal medicine (IM) residents, who have a central role in the care of seriously ill patients hospitalized at academic medical centers. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:We conducted an anonymous survey of IM residents at a large, urban, academic medical center to identify which aspects of palliative care trainees find most important and their knowledge gaps in palliative care. The survey measured trainees' self-assessed degree of importance and knowledge of core palliative care skills and evaluated frequency of completing advance care planning documentation. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:Overall, 51 (23%) IM residents completed the survey. The majority of trainees considered multiple palliative care skills to be "very important/important": symptom management, prognostication, introducing the palliative care approach, discussing code status, and breaking serious news. Across these same skills, trainees reported variable levels of knowledge. In our sample, trainees reported completing healthcare proxy forms and Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment infrequently. CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:IM trainees rated core palliative care skills as important to their practice. Yet, they reported knowledge gaps across multiple core palliative care skills that should be addressed given their role as frontline providers for patients with serious illness.
PMID: 33478256
ISSN: 1938-2715
CID: 4760902

Collaborating Across Private, Public, Community, and Federal Hospital Systems: Lessons Learned from the Covid-19 Pandemic Response in NYC

Schaye, Verity E; Reich, Jenna A; Bosworth, Brian P; Stern, David T; Volpicelli, Frank; Shapiro, Neil M; Hauck, Kevin D; Fagan, Ian M; Villagomez, Seagram M; Uppl, Amit; et al
ISSN: n/a
CID: 5000222

Swimming With Sharks: Teaching Residents Value-Based Medicine and Quality Improvement Through Resident-Pitched Projects

Durstenfeld, Matthew S; Statman, Scott; Carney, Kerrilynn; Cohan, Brigette; Bosworth, Brian; Hauck, Kevin; Dikman, Andrew
Background/UNASSIGNED:To create meaningful quality improvement (QI) curricula for graduate medical education (GME) trainees, institutions strive to improve coordination of QI curricula with hospital improvement infrastructure. Objective/UNASSIGNED:We created a curriculum to teach residents about QI and value-based medicine (VBM) and assessed curricular effectiveness. Methods/UNASSIGNED:We designed a 2-week required curriculum for internal medicine residents at a large academic program. After participating in basic skills workshops, trainees developed QI/VBM project ideas with faculty and nonclinical support and pitched them to hospital leaders at the end of the rotation. Pre-post and 1-year follow-up surveys were conducted for residents to self-assess knowledge, attitudes, and skills, participation in QI/VBM projects, and career intentions. We tracked QI/VBM project implementation. Results/UNASSIGNED: < .01). Four of 19 projects have been implemented. At 1 year, 95% of residents had presented a quality/value poster presentation, 44% were involved in QI/VBM beyond required rotations, and 26% plan to pursue careers focused on improving quality, safety, or value. Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:Our project-based curriculum culminating in a project pitch to hospital leadership was acceptable to GME trainees, improved self-assessed skills sustained at 1 year, and resulted in successfully implemented QI/VBM projects.
PMID: 32595852
ISSN: 1949-8357
CID: 5000202

Primary Palliative Care Education for Internal Medicine Residents-A Needs Assessment [Meeting Abstract]

Frydman, Julia; Hauck, Kevin; Lowy, Joseph
ISSN: 0885-3924
CID: 4304962

Assessing Clinician Educator Professional Identity at an Academic Medical Center [Meeting Abstract]

Dembitzer, Anne; Lusk, Penelope; Shapiro, Neil; Hauck, Kevin; Schaye, Verity E; Janjigian, Michael; Hardowar, Khemraj; Reiff, Stefanie; Zabar, Sondra
ISSN: 1525-1497
CID: 4610352