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Mental Health Service Referral and Treatment Following Screening and Assessment in Juvenile Detention

Tedeschi, Frank; Horwitz, Sarah McCue; Surko, Michael; Weinberger, Emily; Bart, Amanda; Baetz, Carly; Guo, Fei; Alexander, Ava; Havens, Jennifer F
Numerous recommendations have been made to address the high rates of mental health disorders among justice-involved youth. Few data are available on the use, quality, appropriateness, or availability of services to address these needs. This study examined the relationship between trauma-informed mental health screening, other referral pathways for diagnostic evaluation, subsequent DSM-5 diagnoses, and treatments for evaluated youth. Eligible participants were all youth admitted to New York City secure juvenile detention facilities from September 17, 2015 to October 30, 2016 who remained in the facility for at least five days (N = 786). Of those, 581 (73.9%) were voluntarily screened and 309 (53.2%) later received a diagnostic evaluation. Youth who screened positive for depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and problematic substance use were more likely to be evaluated. Treatment received was related to diagnosis rather than reason for referral. For youth who were referred for behavioral or emotional concerns, 99.1 percent (114 of 115) of those diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder had attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These data are among the first to describe DSM-5 diagnoses and treatment among youth detainees. They highlight the prevalence of ADHD in detained youth and argue for the coordination of universal trauma-informed mental health screening and a structured referral system for this population.
PMID: 39393913
ISSN: 1943-3662
CID: 5706402

The Risk for Readmission to Juvenile Detention: The Role of Trauma Exposure and Trauma-related Mental Health Disorders

Baetz, Carly Lyn; Surko, Michael; Bart, Amanda; Guo, Fei; Alexander, Ava; Camarano, Valerie; Daniels, Dawn; Havens, Jennifer; Horwitz, Sarah McCue
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of childhood trauma exposure, posttraumatic stress disorder, and trauma-related comorbid diagnoses on the risk for readmission to juvenile detention among youth in a large metropolitan area (N = 1282). The following research questions were addressed: 1) Does a greater number of childhood traumas increase the risk for readmission to detention following release? 2) Does the risk for readmission differ by type of trauma? 3) Do PTSD and other co-morbid diagnoses increase the risk for readmission? and 4) What role do demographic factors play in the relationship between trauma-related variables and risk for readmission? This study utilized the screening results of 1282 youth who were voluntarily screened for PTSD, depressive symptoms and substance use during their initial intake to detention. More than half of the sample was readmitted during the three-year study period, with readmissions most likely to occur within one year of release. Returning to detention within one year was also associated with increased risk for multiple readmissions. Youth readmitted to detention were more likely to have a history of sexual abuse and problematic substance use. No other significant relationships were found between risk for readmission and trauma-related variables. Although trauma-related symptoms may be crucial targets for treatment, focusing solely on trauma exposure and traumatic stress symptoms without considering the impact of other risk factors may not be enough to decrease the likelihood of readmission for youth of color in a large urban environment.
PMID: 38938971
ISSN: 1936-1521
CID: 5733462

A Two-Generation, Early Childhood Advanced Primary Care Model

McCord, Mary; Fierman, Arthur; Sisco, Sarah; Canfield, Caitlin; Manjunath, Sanjana; Cohen, Natalie; Havens, Jennifer; Wilcox, Wendy; Tomopoulos, Suzy; Albert, Marcy Stein; Abraham, Tanya; Charney, Ariel; Acri, Mary; Piwnica-Worms, Katherine
It is well recognized that early experiences produce long-term impacts on health outcomes, yet many children are at risk of not achieving their full potential because of health and service disparities related largely to poverty and racism. Although many pediatric primary care (PPC) models address these needs, most are isolated, add-on efforts that struggle to be scalable and sustainable. We describe 3-2-1 IMPACT (Integrated Model for Parents and Children Together), an initiative to transform the model of PPC delivered within New York City Health + Hospitals, the largest public hospital system in the United States, to address the full range of child and family needs in early childhood. Taking advantage of the frequent contact with PPC in the early years and linking to prenatal services, the model assesses family mental, social, and physical health needs and offers evidence-based parenting supports and integrated mental health services. Launching and sustaining the model in our large health system has required coalition building and sustained advocacy at the state, city, and health system levels. Long-term sustainability of the IMPACT model will depend on the implementation of early childhood-focused advanced payment models, on which we have made substantial progress with our major contracted Medicaid managed care plans. By integrating multiple interventions into PPC and prenatal care across a large public-healthcare system, we hope to synergize evidence-based and evidence-informed interventions that individually have relatively small effect sizes, but combined, could substantially improve child and maternal health outcomes and positively impact health disparities.
PMID: 38444349
ISSN: 1098-4275
CID: 5681622

Pediatric Psychiatric Emergency Services-Stasis in Crisis [Comment]

Havens, Jennifer F; Marr, Mollie C
PMID: 37129666
ISSN: 1538-3598
CID: 5502962

Changes in Attitudes and Knowledge after Trainings in a Clinical Care Pathway for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Donnelly, Lauren J; Cervantes, Paige E; Guo, Fei; Stein, Cheryl R; Okparaeke, Eugene; Kuriakose, Sarah; Filton, Beryl; Havens, Jennifer; Horwitz, Sarah M
Caring for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be complicated, especially when challenging behaviors are present. Providers may feel unprepared to work with these individuals because specialized training for medical and social service providers is limited. To increase access to specialized training, we modified an effective half-day ASD-Care Pathway training (Kuriakose et al. 2018) and disseminated it within five different settings. This short, focused training on strategies for preventing and reducing challenging behaviors of patients with ASD resulted in significant improvements in staff perceptions of challenging behaviors, increased comfort in working with the ASD population, and increased staff knowledge for evidence-informed practices. Implications, including the impact of sociodemographic characteristics on pre/post changes, and future directions are discussed.
PMID: 33201422
ISSN: 1573-3432
CID: 5086822

Diagnoses and Treatment in Juvenile Detention Before and After Evaluation by Facility-Based Mental Health Service [Letter]

Whitney, Eric; McCue Horwitz, Sarah; Tedeschi, Frank; Alexander, Ava R; Baetz, Carly Lyn; Bart, Amanda L; Guo, Fei; Havens, Jennifer
As of 2018, more than 37,000 American youth were residing in juvenile detention or residential placement facilities.1 Prevalence studies have demonstrated high rates of psychiatric illness in this population, with estimates ranging from 50% to 75%.2
PMID: 35691600
ISSN: 1527-5418
CID: 5282432

Management of depression during the perinatal period: state of the evidence

Falek, Idan; Acri, Mary; Dominguez, Joanna; Havens, Jennifer; McCord, Mary; Sisco, Sarah; Wilcox, Wendy; Hoagwood, Kimberly
BACKGROUND:Perinatal depression (PND) is a prevalent ailment that affects both the woman and her family. Addressing PND in primary health care, such as pediatrics and obstetric care settings, has been proposed as an effective way to identify and treat women. OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study is to examine best practices for management of PND in obstetric and pediatric settings, as well as investigate the evidence that supports the guidelines. METHODS:Guidelines were identified through a literature search and discussion with experts in the field of perinatal depression, while evidence was examined through a literature search of reviews and thereafter experimental studies. RESULTS:Twenty-five guidelines, across 17 organizations were retained for analysis. Findings suggest that there is little or varied guidance on the management of PND, as well as a lack of specificity. Treatment was the topic most frequently reported, followed by screening. However best practices vary greatly and often contradict one another. Across all areas, there is inadequate or contrasting evidence to support these guidelines. CONCLUSIONS:Although there was consensus on the key steps in the pathway to care, the review revealed lack of consensus across guidelines on specific issues relating to identification and management of depression during the perinatal period. Clinicians may use these recommendations to guide their practice, but they should be aware of the limitations of the evidence supporting these guidelines and remain alert to new evidence. There is a clear need for researchers and policymakers to prioritize this area in order to develop evidence-based guidelines for managing perinatal depression.
PMID: 35468808
ISSN: 1752-4458
CID: 5217322

Editorial: From Bipolar Disorder to DMDD: Challenges to Diagnostic and Treatment Specificity in Traumatized Youths [Editorial]

Havens, Jennifer F; Marr, Mollie C; Hirsch, Emily
This valuable contribution by Findling et al. reports on trends in diagnostic patterns since the inclusion of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) in the DSM-5. As the authors note, the introduction of the DMDD diagnosis was designed to address the problematic over-diagnosis of bipolar disorder and the associated rise in antipsychotic and polypharmacy use in youths.1 Using a large, national, electronic health record database (n = 14,157), this study showed a clear increase in the treated prevalence of DMDD from 2016 to 2018 (0.08-0.35%, p < .0001) coupled with a decrease in the treated prevalence of bipolar disorder from 2015 to 2018 (0.42%-0.36%, p < .0001).1 This suggests that the introduction of DMDD did seem to achieve the aim of reducing the rates of bipolar diagnoses. In what is discouraging but not surprising news, the study demonstrates a troubling increase in the use of antipsychotics (58.9% DMDD vs 51.0% bipolar disorder) and polypharmacy in the DMDD cohort compared to the bipolar disorder cohort (45.0% DMDD vs 37.4% bipolar disorder).1.
PMID: 34363964
ISSN: 1527-5418
CID: 5006042

Trauma Exposure and Suicidality in a Pediatric Emergency Psychiatric Population

Marr, Mollie C; Gerson, Ruth; Lee, Mia; Storfer-Isser, Amy; Horwitz, Sarah M; Havens, Jennifer F
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:The increasing rates of depression and suicidality in children and adolescents are reflected in the increasing number of mental health-related visits to emergency departments. Despite the high rates of traumatic exposure experienced by high-acuity children and adolescents and a known link to suicidal ideation, the systematic review of trauma history is not a consistent part of emergency department assessments for suicide ideation or attempt. In the present study, we examined the prevalence of suicidality as well as traumatic exposures in children and adolescents presenting to a dedicated pediatric psychiatric emergency department. METHODS:Suicide ideation, suicide attempts, and trauma exposure history were identified through a retrospective chart review of youth (n = 861) who presented to a dedicated child psychiatric emergency department during a 1-year period. Bivariate analyses comparing demographic and trauma history for children with and without suicidality and a multivariable logistic regression were performed. RESULTS:Childhood adversity was common, with 52% of youth reporting at least one type of trauma exposure. Emotional abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse/assault were associated with suicidality. Any trauma exposure and the total number of different trauma exposures were associated with reported suicide attempt. After adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics, children who reported a history of emotional abuse had 3.2-fold increased odds of attempted suicide. Children who reported a history of being a victim of bullying had 1.9-fold increased odds of current suicidal ideation. CONCLUSIONS:Traumatic experiences were common in youth presenting with suicidality. Traumatic experiences are frequently underrecognized in treatment settings because they are not part of routine evaluations and are often overlooked when trauma-related symptoms are not the presenting problem. Addressing traumatic experiences underlying depression and suicidal ideation is a necessary step in effective treatment. Emergency departments need to implement routine screening for traumatic exposures in children presenting with suicidal ideation or attempt.
PMID: 35100769
ISSN: 1535-1815
CID: 5153382

The role of trauma-informed practices and individual factors on perceptions of safety among staff in secure juvenile detention settings

Baetz, Carly Lyn; Surko, Michael; Bart, Amanda; Guo, Fei; Alexander, Ava; McCann, Alison; Havens, Jennifer; Horwitz, Sarah Mc Cue
Despite an increased focus on trauma-informed care within the juvenile justice system, we still know very little about the impact of trauma on juvenile justice professionals or their perceptions of trauma-informed interventions. To fill this gap, this study used an organizational assessment to examine perceptions of trauma-informed care among juvenile professionals in a juvenile detention setting. Participants included 204 staff members in two secure juvenile detention facilities. Staff who reported greater availability of trauma-informed practices were more likely to perceive that youth and families felt safe and those who reported that the facility was taking steps to address secondary trauma were more likely to report a sense of staff safety. Regarding individual factors, only age and gender were related to perceptions of youth and family safety. Frontline staff were more likely than supervisory staff to feel they had received adequate training in trauma and had the skills necessary to deescalate youth. These findings suggest that staff are open to trauma-informed practices in juvenile detention, but a greater focus on supervisory staff is needed. Shifting from individual-level strategies to facility-level improvements could have a greater impact on enhancing staff members"™ perceptions of safety, which improves their ability to care for youth.
ISSN: 0735-648x
CID: 5393672