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Weight-neutral early time-restricted eating improves glycemic variation and time in range without changes in inflammatory markers

Bruno, Joanne; Walker, Jeanne M; Nasserifar, Shabnam; Upadhyay, Dhairya; Ronning, Andrea; Vanegas, Sally M; Popp, Collin J; Barua, Souptik; Alemán, José O
Early time-restricted eating (eTRE) is a dietary strategy that restricts caloric intake to the first 6-8 h of the day and can effect metabolic benefits independent of weight loss. However, the extent of these benefits is unknown. We conducted a randomized crossover feeding study to investigate the weight-independent effects of eTRE on glycemic variation, multiple time-in-range metrics, and levels of inflammatory markers. Ten adults with prediabetes were randomized to eTRE (8-h feeding window, 80% of calories consumed before 14:00 h) or usual feeding (50% of calories consumed after 16:00 h) for 1 week followed by crossover to the other schedule. Using continuous glucose monitoring, we showed that eTRE decreased glycemic variation (mean amplitude of glycemic excursion) and time in hyperglycemia greater than 140 mg/dL without affecting inflammatory markers (erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein). These data implicate eTRE as a candidate dietary intervention for the weight-independent management of dysglycemia in high-risk individuals.
PMID: 39759025
ISSN: 2589-0042
CID: 5804842

Metabolic flux analysis in adipose tissue reprogramming

Medina, Ashley; Bruno, Joanne; Alemán, José O
Obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States and worldwide and is associated with insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease, among other comorbidities. Understanding of the pathology that links overnutrition to these disease processes is ongoing. Adipose tissue is a heterogeneous organ comprised of multiple different cell types and it is likely that dysregulated metabolism within these cell populations disrupts both inter- and intracellular interactions and is a key driver of human disease. In recent years, metabolic flux analysis, which offers a precise quantification of metabolic pathway fluxes in biological systems, has emerged as a candidate strategy for uncovering the metabolic changes that stoke these disease processes. In this mini review, we discuss metabolic flux analysis as an experimental tool, with a specific emphasis on mass spectrometry with isotope tracing as this is the technique most frequently used for metabolic flux analysis in adipocytes. Furthermore, we examine existing literature that uses metabolic flux analysis to further our understanding of adipose tissue biology. Our group has a specific interest in understanding the role of white adipose tissue inflammation in the progression of cardiometabolic disease, as we know that in obesity the accumulation of pro-inflammatory adipose tissue macrophages is associated with significant morbidity, so we use this as a paradigm throughout our review for framing the application of these experimental techniques. However, there are many other biological applications to which they can be applied to further understanding of not only adipose tissue biology but also systemic homeostasis.
PMID: 38455681
ISSN: 2633-0407
CID: 5723252

Body Weight and Prandial Variation of Plasma Metabolites in Subjects Undergoing Gastric Band-Induced Weight Loss

Bruno, Joanne; Verano, Michael; Vanegas, Sally M; Weinshel, Elizabeth; Ren-Fielding, Christine; Lofton, Holly; Fielding, George; Schwack, Bradley; Chua, Deborah L; Wang, Chan; Li, Huilin; Alemán, José O
BACKGROUND:Bariatric procedures are safe and effective treatments for obesity, inducing rapid and sustained loss of excess body weight. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) is unique among bariatric interventions in that it is a reversible procedure in which normal gastrointestinal anatomy is maintained. Knowledge regarding how LAGB effects change at the metabolite level is limited. OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:To delineate the impact of LAGB on fasting and postprandial metabolite responses using targeted metabolomics. SETTING/METHODS:Individuals undergoing LAGB at NYU Langone Medical Center were recruited for a prospective cohort study. METHODS:We prospectively analyzed serum samples from 18 subjects at baseline and 2 months after LAGB under fasting conditions and after a 1-hour mixed meal challenge. Plasma samples were analyzed on a reverse-phase liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry metabolomics platform. The main outcome measure was their serum metabolite profile. RESULTS:We quantitatively detected over 4,000 metabolites and lipids. Metabolite levels were altered in response to surgical and prandial stimuli, and metabolites within the same biochemical class tended to behave similarly in response to either stimulus. Plasma levels of lipid species and ketone bodies were statistically decreased after surgery whereas amino acid levels were affected more by prandial status than surgical condition. CONCLUSIONS:Changes in lipid species and ketone bodies postoperatively suggest improvements in the rate and efficiency of fatty acid oxidation and glucose handling after LAGB. Further investigation is necessary to understand how these findings relate to surgical response, including long term weight maintenance, and obesity-related comorbidities such as dysglycemia and cardiovascular disease.
PMID: 37216066
ISSN: 2451-8476
CID: 5543652

Surface plasmon resonance as a tool for ligand-binding assay reagent characterization in bioanalysis of biotherapeutics

Duo, Jia; Bruno, JoAnne; Kozhich, Alexander; David-Brown, Donata; Luo, Linlin; Kwok, Suk; Santockyte, Rasa; Haulenbeek, Jonathan; Liu, Rong; Hamuro, Lora; Peterson, Jon E; Piccoli, Steven; DeSilva, Binodh; Pillutla, Renuka; Zhang, Yan J
Ligand-binding assay (LBA) performance depends on quality reagents. Strategic reagent screening and characterization is critical to LBA development, optimization and validation. Application of advanced technologies expedites the reagent screening and assay development process. By evaluating surface plasmon resonance technology that offers high-throughput kinetic information, this article aims to provide perspectives on applying the surface plasmon resonance technology to strategic LBA critical reagent screening and characterization supported by a number of case studies from multiple biotherapeutic programs.
PMID: 29701071
ISSN: 1757-6199
CID: 4957212

Characterization of labeled reagents in ligand-binding assays by a surface plasmon resonance biosensor

Duo, Jia; Bruno, JoAnne; Piccoli, Steven; DeSilva, Binodh; Zhang, Yan J
AIM/OBJECTIVE:Ligand-binding assay (LBA) reagent labeling may change the binding characteristics of the reagent to its target and degrade its performance in LBAs. RESULTS:A surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor was used to evaluate the impact of the biotin labeling process on reagent-binding kinetics and affinity for a specific target. The SPR results demonstrate that the biotin molar challenge ratio affects both association and dissociation rates for the labeled reagent binding to its target. The SPR results also predict the labeled reagent performance in LBAs. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:The methodology used in this study provides an example of using an SPR biosensor as an efficient way to analytically and functionally characterize critical reagents and to understand their performance postmodification in LBAs.
PMID: 27960543
ISSN: 1757-6199
CID: 4957202

SEC16A is a RAB10 effector required for insulin-stimulated GLUT4 trafficking in adipocytes

Bruno, Joanne; Brumfield, Alexandria; Chaudhary, Natasha; Iaea, David; McGraw, Timothy E
RAB10 is a regulator of insulin-stimulated translocation of the GLUT4 glucose transporter to the plasma membrane (PM) of adipocytes, which is essential for whole-body glucose homeostasis. We establish SEC16A as a novel RAB10 effector in this process. Colocalization of SEC16A with RAB10 is augmented by insulin stimulation, and SEC16A knockdown attenuates insulin-induced GLUT4 translocation, phenocopying RAB10 knockdown. We show that SEC16A and RAB10 promote insulin-stimulated mobilization of GLUT4 from a perinuclear recycling endosome/TGN compartment. We propose RAB10-SEC16A functions to accelerate formation of the vesicles that ferry GLUT4 to the PM during insulin stimulation. Because GLUT4 continually cycles between the PM and intracellular compartments, the maintenance of elevated cell-surface GLUT4 in the presence of insulin requires accelerated biogenesis of the specialized GLUT4 transport vesicles. The function of SEC16A in GLUT4 trafficking is independent of its previously characterized activity in ER exit site formation and therefore independent of canonical COPII-coated vesicle function. However, our data support a role for SEC23A, but not the other COPII components SEC13, SEC23B, and SEC31, in the insulin stimulation of GLUT4 trafficking, suggesting that vesicles derived from subcomplexes of COPII coat proteins have a role in the specialized trafficking of GLUT4.
PMID: 27354378
ISSN: 1540-8140
CID: 4957192

Disruption of Adipose Rab10-Dependent Insulin Signaling Causes Hepatic Insulin Resistance

Vazirani, Reema P; Verma, Akanksha; Sadacca, L Amanda; Buckman, Melanie S; Picatoste, Belen; Beg, Muheeb; Torsitano, Christopher; Bruno, Joanne H; Patel, Rajesh T; Simonyte, Kotryna; Camporez, Joao P; Moreira, Gabriela; Falcone, Domenick J; Accili, Domenico; Elemento, Olivier; Shulman, Gerald I; Kahn, Barbara B; McGraw, Timothy E
Insulin controls glucose uptake into adipose and muscle cells by regulating the amount of GLUT4 in the plasma membrane. The effect of insulin is to promote the translocation of intracellular GLUT4 to the plasma membrane. The small Rab GTPase, Rab10, is required for insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation in cultured 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Here we demonstrate that both insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane are reduced by about half in adipocytes from adipose-specific Rab10 knockout (KO) mice. These data demonstrate that the full effect of insulin on adipose glucose uptake is the integrated effect of Rab10-dependent and Rab10-independent pathways, establishing a divergence in insulin signal transduction to the regulation of GLUT4 trafficking. In adipose-specific Rab10 KO female mice, the partial inhibition of stimulated glucose uptake in adipocytes induces insulin resistance independent of diet challenge. During euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp, there is no suppression of hepatic glucose production despite normal insulin suppression of plasma free fatty acids. The impact of incomplete disruption of stimulated adipocyte GLUT4 translocation on whole-body glucose homeostasis is driven by a near complete failure of insulin to suppress hepatic glucose production rather than a significant inhibition in muscle glucose uptake. These data underscore the physiological significance of the precise control of insulin-regulated trafficking in adipocytes.
PMID: 27207531
ISSN: 1939-327x
CID: 4957182

A naturally occurring GIP receptor variant undergoes enhanced agonist-induced desensitization, which impairs GIP control of adipose insulin sensitivity

Mohammad, Sameer; Patel, Rajesh T; Bruno, Joanne; Panhwar, Muhammad Siyab; Wen, Jennifer; McGraw, Timothy E
Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), an incretin hormone secreted from gastrointestinal K cells in response to food intake, has an important role in the control of whole-body metabolism. GIP signals through activation of the GIP receptor (GIPR), a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). Dysregulation of this pathway has been implicated in the development of metabolic disease. Here we demonstrate that GIPR is constitutively trafficked between the plasma membrane and intracellular compartments of both GIP-stimulated and unstimulated adipocytes. GIP induces a downregulation of plasma membrane GIPR by slowing GIPR recycling without affecting internalization kinetics. This transient reduction in the expression of GIPR in the plasma membrane correlates with desensitization to the effects of GIP. A naturally occurring variant of GIPR (E354Q) associated with an increased incidence of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease in humans responds to GIP stimulation with an exaggerated downregulation from the plasma membrane and a delayed recovery of GIP sensitivity following cessation of GIP stimulation. This perturbation in the desensitization-resensitization cycle of the GIPR variant, revealed in studies of cultured adipocytes, may contribute to the link of the E354Q variant to metabolic disease.
PMID: 25047836
ISSN: 1098-5549
CID: 4957172

Specialized sorting of GLUT4 and its recruitment to the cell surface are independently regulated by distinct Rabs

Sadacca, L Amanda; Bruno, Joanne; Wen, Jennifer; Xiong, Wenyong; McGraw, Timothy E
Adipocyte glucose uptake in response to insulin is essential for physiological glucose homeostasis: stimulation of adipocytes with insulin results in insertion of the glucose transporter GLUT4 into the plasma membrane and subsequent glucose uptake. Here we establish that RAB10 and RAB14 are key regulators of GLUT4 trafficking that function at independent, sequential steps of GLUT4 translocation. RAB14 functions upstream of RAB10 in the sorting of GLUT4 to the specialized transport vesicles that ferry GLUT4 to the plasma membrane. RAB10 and its GTPase-activating protein (GAP) AS160 comprise the principal signaling module downstream of insulin receptor activation that regulates the accumulation of GLUT4 transport vesicles at the plasma membrane. Although both RAB10 and RAB14 are regulated by the GAP activity of AS160 in vitro, only RAB10 is under the control of AS160 in vivo. Insulin regulation of the pool of RAB10 required for GLUT4 translocation occurs through regulation of AS160, since activation of RAB10 by DENND4C, its GTP exchange factor, does not require insulin stimulation.
PMID: 23804653
ISSN: 1939-4586
CID: 4957162

Loss of ATRX, genome instability, and an altered DNA damage response are hallmarks of the alternative lengthening of telomeres pathway

Lovejoy, Courtney A; Li, Wendi; Reisenweber, Steven; Thongthip, Supawat; Bruno, Joanne; de Lange, Titia; De, Saurav; Petrini, John H J; Sung, Patricia A; Jasin, Maria; Rosenbluh, Joseph; Zwang, Yaara; Weir, Barbara A; Hatton, Charlie; Ivanova, Elena; Macconaill, Laura; Hanna, Megan; Hahn, William C; Lue, Neal F; Reddel, Roger R; Jiao, Yuchen; Kinzler, Kenneth; Vogelstein, Bert; Papadopoulos, Nickolas; Meeker, Alan K
The Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) pathway is a telomerase-independent pathway for telomere maintenance that is active in a significant subset of human cancers and in vitro immortalized cell lines. ALT is thought to involve templated extension of telomeres through homologous recombination, but the genetic or epigenetic changes that unleash ALT are not known. Recently, mutations in the ATRX/DAXX chromatin remodeling complex and histone H3.3 were found to correlate with features of ALT in pancreatic neuroendocrine cancers, pediatric glioblastomas, and other tumors of the central nervous system, suggesting that these mutations might contribute to the activation of the ALT pathway in these cancers. We have taken a comprehensive approach to deciphering ALT by applying genomic, molecular biological, and cell biological approaches to a panel of 22 ALT cell lines, including cell lines derived in vitro. Here we show that loss of ATRX protein and mutations in the ATRX gene are hallmarks of ALT-immortalized cell lines. In addition, ALT is associated with extensive genome rearrangements, marked micronucleation, defects in the G2/M checkpoint, and altered double-strand break (DSB) repair. These attributes will facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of ALT positive human cancers.
PMID: 22829774
ISSN: 1553-7404
CID: 4957152