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Acute shoulder pain and weakness in a young female dancer: A Clinical Vignette
Chokshi, Krupali; Kiprovski, Kiril
PMID: 35383585
ISSN: 1537-7385
CID: 5204882
MR Neurography of Bilateral Parsonage-Turner Syndrome
Sneag, Darryl B; Kiprovski, Kiril
PMID: 34227884
ISSN: 1527-1315
CID: 4933052
Diagnosis of Guillain-Barré Syndrome After Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Case Report
Tesoriero, Paul; Feng, James E; Anoushiravani, Afshin A; Kiprovski, Kiril; Marwin, Scott; Wiznia, Daniel
CASE REPORT:A 67-year-old man presented with signs of acute periprosthetic infection after total hip arthroplasty (THA). Surgical debridement, antibiotics, and a head and liner exchange were performed. After showing no improvement, a single-stage revision was conducted. Postoperatively, he developed back pain and lower extremity weakness. Electrodiagnostic studies showed a Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) variant. Intravenous immunoglobulin was administered to halt disease progression. After 1 year, he still demonstrated neuromuscular deficits and required a cane for ambulation. CONCLUSION:This case highlights GBS after THA. A high degree of clinical suspicion is essential to prevent misinterpretation as a postsurgical complication. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:V, case report.
PMID: 34038913
ISSN: 2160-3251
CID: 4887982
Clinical examination and evaluation of radiculopathy : a neurological perspective
Chapter by: Kiprovski, Kiril
in: Spinal disorders and treatments : the NYU-HJD comprehensive textbook by Errico, Thomas J; Cheriyan, Thomas; Varlotta, Gerard P [Eds]
New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers, 2015
pp. 49-59
ISBN: 9351524957
CID: 2709042
Adult Polyglucosan Body Disease with Muscle Involvement [Meeting Abstract]
Kister, Ilya; Sathe, Swati; Zeng, Bai-Jin; Howard, Jonathan; Kiprovski, Kiril; Herbert, Joseph; Hays, Arthur
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 591422
MRI of the distal biceps femoris muscle: normal anatomy, variants, and association with common peroneal entrapment neuropathy
Vieira, Renata La Rocca; Rosenberg, Zehava Sadka; Kiprovski, Kiril
OBJECTIVE: The objectives of our study were to describe the previously unreported normal MR anatomy of the distal biceps femoris muscle and its relationship with the common peroneal nerve and to present a case in which previously unreported MR evidence of an anatomic variation in the distal biceps femoris muscle was associated with common peroneal entrapment neuropathy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred consecutive 1.5-T knee MR studies of 97 asymptomatic patients were retrospectively reviewed by two observers in consensus for, first, normal anatomy of the distal biceps femoris muscle; second, anatomic variations of the muscle; and, third, the relationship of the muscle to the common peroneal nerve. Measurements of the distal and posterior extents of the short and long heads of the biceps femoris were performed. An MR study of a symptomatic patient with clinical evidence of common peroneal neuropathy associated with a surgically proven anatomic variation of the distal biceps femoris was reviewed. RESULTS: Two MR anatomic patterns were seen in the asymptomatic patient group: First, in 77 knees (77%), the common peroneal nerve was located within abundant fat posterolateral to the biceps femoris; and, second, in 23 cases (23%), the common peroneal nerve traversed within a narrow fatty tunnel between the biceps femoris and lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscles. There was a positive correlation between the distal and posterior extents of the short head of the biceps femoris muscle and the presence of the tunnel. CONCLUSION: Variations in the posterior and distal extents of the biceps femoris muscle can produce a tunnel in which the common peroneal nerve travels. We also described a case of common peroneal neuropathy secondary to tunnel formation
PMID: 17715099
ISSN: 1546-3141
CID: 73917
MR imaging features of radial tunnel syndrome: initial experience
Ferdinand, Brett D; Rosenberg, Zehava Sadka; Schweitzer, Mark E; Stuchin, Steven A; Jazrawi, Laith M; Lenzo, Salvatore R; Meislin, Robert J; Kiprovski, Kiril
PURPOSE: To retrospectively assess magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features of radial tunnel syndrome. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Institutional review board approval was obtained, and informed consent was waived for the retrospective HIPAA-compliant study. MR images of 10 asymptomatic volunteers (six men, four women; mean age, 30 years) and 25 patients (11 men, 14 women; mean age, 49 years) clinically suspected of having radial tunnel syndrome were reviewed for morphologic and signal intensity alterations of the posterior interosseous nerve and adjacent soft-tissue structures. MR images of the asymptomatic volunteers were reviewed to establish the normal appearance of the radial tunnel. MR images of the symptomatic patients were evaluated for the following: signal intensity alteration and morphologic alteration of the posterior interosseous nerve; the presence of mass effect on the posterior interosseous nerve such as the presence of bursae, a thickened leading edge of the extensor carpi radialis brevis, or prominent radial recurrent vessels; signal intensity alteration within the depicted forearm musculature such as edema or atrophy; and signal intensity changes at the origin of the common extensor and common flexor tendons, which would suggest a diagnosis of epicondylitis. RESULTS: All images of volunteers demonstrated normal morphology and signal intensity within the posterior interosseous nerve and adjacent soft tissues. Two volunteers had borderline thickening of the leading edge of the extensor carpi radialis brevis. Thirteen patients (52%) had denervation edema or atrophy within muscles (supinator and extensors) innervated by the posterior interosseous nerve. One patient had isolated pronator teres edema. Seven (28%) patients had the following mass effects along the posterior interosseous nerve: thickened leading edge of the extensor carpi radialis brevis (n = 4), prominent radial recurrent vessels (n = 1), schwannoma (n = 1), or bicipitoradial bursa (n = 1). The rest of the patients had either normal MR imaging findings (n = 4) or lateral epicondylitis (n = 2). CONCLUSION: Muscle denervation edema or atrophy along the distribution of the posterior interosseous nerve is the most common MR finding in radial tunnel syndrome
PMID: 16793976
ISSN: 0033-8419
CID: 66465
Clinically significant placebo analgesic response in a pilot trial of botulinum B in patients with hand pain and carpal tunnel syndrome
Breuer, Brenda; Sperber, Kevin; Wallenstein, Sylvan; Kiprovski, Kiril; Calapa, Angela; Snow, Barry; Pappagallo, Marco
OBJECTIVE: We conducted a pilot trial to assess the effect of botulinum toxin B on palmar pain and discomfort in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) patients. Design. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled. PATIENTS: Twenty ambulatory CTS patients. Intervention. Botulinum toxin B or placebo injections into three hypothenar muscles anatomically linked or attached to the carpal tunnel and its tentorium, that is, the Opponens Digiti Minimi and Flexor Digiti Minimi, located with electromyography (EMG), and the Palmaris Brevis Muscle, anatomically located without EMG. SETTING: New York City hospital. OUTCOME MEASURES: Outcomes were measured with numeric ratings, with higher scores indicating worse outcomes. Daily, subjects recorded their 0-10 numeric ratings of overall pain levels and pain-related sleep disturbances. During weekly telephone calls, they reported their 0-10 ratings for overall pain, pain-related sleep disturbance, and CTS-related tingling during the night and day as experienced over the preceding 24 hours. For each of four clinic visits, we averaged each subject's ratings of nine quality of life indicators from the West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory (WHYMPI), each measured on a 0-6 numeric scale. RESULTS: Over the 13-week trial, compared to baseline scores, the following outcomes predominantly showed decreases of statistical significance (P < or = 0.050) or borderline significance (0.050 < P < or = 0.10) for weeks 2 through 8: overall pain per daily diary entries and per weekly telephone reports, and pain-related sleep disturbance in the placebo group per phone report and in the botulinum toxin B group per diary report. CTS painful night tingling and day tingling, as well as the average scores of the WHYMPI quality of life indicators, showed improvements with statistical or borderline significance for almost each follow-up week. Between-group analyses, however, demonstrated that at each follow-up week, there was no statistically significant difference between the two study groups regarding changes from baseline in any study outcome. CONCLUSION: Botulinum toxin B is not dramatically superior to placebo for the relief of CTS symptoms. Possible explanations of the improvements in each study group are explored
PMID: 16533192
ISSN: 1526-2375
CID: 95715
Neurophysiological refinement of subthalamic nucleus targeting
Sterio, Djordje; Zonenshayn, Martin; Mogilner, Alon Y; Rezai, Ali R; Kiprovski, Kiril; Kelly, Patrick J; Beric, Aleksandar
OBJECTIVE: Advances in image-guided stereotactic surgery, microelectrode recording techniques, and stimulation technology have been the driving forces behind a resurgence in the use of functional neurosurgery for the treatment of movement disorders. Despite the dramatic effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) techniques in ameliorating the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, many critical questions related to the targeting, effects, and mechanisms of action of DBS remain unanswered. In this report, we describe the methods used to localize the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and we present the characteristics of encountered cells. METHODS: Twenty-six patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease underwent simultaneous, bilateral, microelectrode-refined, DBS electrode implantation into the STN. Direct and indirect magnetic resonance imaging-based anatomic targeting was used. Cellular activity was analyzed for various neurophysiological parameters, including firing rates and interspike intervals. Physiological targeting confirmation was obtained by performing macrostimulation through the final DBS electrode. RESULTS: The average microelectrode recording time for each trajectory was 20 minutes, with a mean of 5.2 trajectories/patient. Typical trajectories passed through the anterior thalamus, zona incerta/fields of Forel, STN, and substantia nigra-pars reticulata. Each structure exhibited a characteristic firing pattern. In particular, recordings from the STN exhibited an increase in background activity and an irregular firing pattern, with a mean rate of 47 Hz. The mean cell density was 5.6 cells/mm, with an average maximal trajectory length of 5.3 mm. Macrostimulation via the DBS electrode yielded mean sensory and motor thresholds of 4.2 and 5.7 V, respectively. CONCLUSION: The principal objectives of microelectrode recording refinement of anatomic targeting are precise identification of the borders of the STN and thus determination of its maximal length. Microelectrode recording also allows identification of the longest and most lateral segment of the STN, which is our preferred target for STN DBS electrode implantation. Macrostimulation via the final DBS electrode is then used primarily to establish the side effect profile for postoperative stimulation. Microelectrode recording is a helpful targeting adjunct that will continue to facilitate our understanding of basal ganglion physiological features
PMID: 11844235
ISSN: 0148-396x
CID: 33634
Polyglucosan body myopathy [Meeting Abstract]
Carniciu, S; Kiprovski, K; Levine, DN; ZagZag, D; Bronfin, L; Kolodny, EH
ISSN: 0364-5134
CID: 74939