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Lung microbial and host genomic signatures as predictors of prognosis in early-stage adenocarcinoma

Tsay, Jun-Chieh J; Darawshy, Fares; Wang, Chan; Kwok, Benjamin; Wong, Kendrew K; Wu, Benjamin G; Sulaiman, Imran; Zhou, Hua; Isaacs, Bradley; Kugler, Matthias C; Sanchez, Elizabeth; Bain, Alexander; Li, Yonghua; Schluger, Rosemary; Lukovnikova, Alena; Collazo, Destiny; Kyeremateng, Yaa; Pillai, Ray; Chang, Miao; Li, Qingsheng; Vanguri, Rami S; Becker, Anton S; Moore, William H; Thurston, George; Gordon, Terry; Moreira, Andre L; Goparaju, Chandra M; Sterman, Daniel H; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Li, Huilin; Segal, Leopoldo N; Pass, Harvey I
BACKGROUND:Risk of early-stage lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) recurrence after surgical resection is significant, and post-recurrence median survival is approximately two years. Currently there are no commercially available biomarkers that predict recurrence. Here, we investigated whether microbial and host genomic signatures in the lung can predict recurrence. METHODS:In 91 early-stage (Stage IA/IB) LUAD-patients with extensive follow-up, we used 16s rRNA gene sequencing and host RNA-sequencing to map the microbial and host transcriptomic landscape in tumor and adjacent unaffected lung samples. RESULTS:23 out of 91 subjects had tumor recurrence over 5-year period. In tumor samples, LUAD recurrence was associated with enrichment with Dialister, Prevotella, while in unaffected lung, recurrence was associated with enrichment with Sphyngomonas and Alloiococcus. The strengths of the associations between microbial and host genomic signatures with LUAD recurrence were greater in adjacent unaffected lung samples than in the primary tumor. Among microbial-host features in the unaffected lung samples associated with recurrence, enrichment with Stenotrophomonas geniculata and Chryseobacterium were positively correlated with upregulation of IL-2, IL-3, IL-17, EGFR, HIF-1 signaling pathways among the host transcriptome. In tumor samples, enrichment with Veillonellaceae Dialister, Ruminococcacea, Haemophilus Influenza, and Neisseria were positively correlated with upregulation of IL-1, IL-6, IL17, IFN, and Tryptophan metabolism pathways. CONCLUSIONS:Overall, modeling suggested that a combined microbial/transcriptome approach using unaffected lung samples had the best biomarker performance (AUC=0.83). IMPACT/CONCLUSIONS:This study suggests that LUAD recurrence is associated with distinct pathophysiological mechanisms of microbial-host interactions in the unaffected lung rather than those present in the resected tumor.
PMID: 39225784
ISSN: 1538-7755
CID: 5687792

Low-field MRI lung opacity severity associated with decreased DLCO in post-acute Covid-19 patients

Azour, Lea; Segal, Leopoldo N; Condos, Rany; Moore, William H; Landini, Nicholas; Collazo, Destiny; Sterman, Daniel H; Young, Isabel; Ko, Jane; Brosnahan, Shari; Babb, James; Chandarana, Hersh
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the clinical significance of low-field MRI lung opacity severity. METHODS:Retrospective cross-sectional analysis of post-acute Covid-19 patients imaged with low-field MRI from 9/2020 through 9/2022, and within 1 month of pulmonary function tests (PFTs), 6-min walk test (6mWT), and symptom inventory (SI), and/or within 3 months of St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) was performed. Univariate and correlative analyses were performed with Wilcoxon, Chi-square, and Spearman tests. The association between disease and demographic factors and MR opacity severity, PFTs, 6mWT, SI, and SGRQ, and association between MR opacity severity with functional and patient-reported outcomes (PROs), was evaluated with mixed model analysis of variance, covariance and generalized estimating equations. Two-sided 5 % significance level was used, with Bonferroni multiple comparison correction. RESULTS:81 MRI exams in 62 post-acute Covid-19 patients (median age 57, IQR 41-64; 25 women) were included. Exams were a median of 8 months from initial illness. Univariate analysis showed lung opacity severity was associated with decreased %DLCO (ρ = -0.55, P = .0125), and lung opacity severity quartile was associated with decreased %DLCO, predicted TLC, FVC, and increased FEV1/FVC. Multivariable analysis adjusting for sex, initial disease severity, and interval from Covid-19 diagnosis showed MR lung opacity severity was associated with decreased %DLCO (P < .001). Lung opacity severity was not associated with PROs. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Low-field MRI lung opacity severity correlated with decreased %DLCO in post-acute Covid-19 patients, but was not associated with PROs.
PMID: 39383681
ISSN: 1873-4499
CID: 5706142

Leveraging the pleural space for anticancer therapies in pleural mesothelioma

Blyth, Kevin G; Adusumilli, Prasad S; Astoul, Philippe; Darlison, Liz; Lee, Y C Gary; Mansfield, Aaron S; Marciniak, Stefan J; Maskell, Nick; Panou, Vasiliki; Peikert, Tobias; Rahman, Najib M; Zauderer, Marjorie G; Sterman, Daniel; Fennell, Dean A
Most patients with pleural mesothelioma (PM) present with symptomatic pleural effusion. In some patients, PM is only detectable on the pleural surfaces, providing a strong rationale for intrapleural anticancer therapy. In modern prospective studies involving expert radiological staging and specialist multidisciplinary teams, the population incidence of stage I PM (an approximate surrogate of pleura-only PM) is higher than in historical retrospective series. In this Viewpoint, we advocate for the expansion of intrapleural trials to serve these patients, given the paucity of data supporting licensed systemic therapies in this setting and the uncertainties involved in surgical therapy. We begin by reviewing the unique anatomical and physiological features of the PM-bearing pleural space, before critically appraising the evidence for systemic therapies in stage I PM and previous intrapleural PM trials. We conclude with a summary of key challenges and potential solutions, including optimal trial designs, repurposing of indwelling pleural catheters, and new technologies.
PMID: 38740045
ISSN: 2213-2619
CID: 5658632

Mesothelioma Cases in the World Trade Center Survivors

Yilmaz, Muhammed E; Rashidfarokhi, Mahsan; Pollard, Kenna; Durmus, Nedim; Keserci, Sefa; Sterman, Daniel H; Arslan, Alan A; Shao, Yongzhao; Reibman, Joan
OBJECTIVES/UNASSIGNED:The destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) towers in New York City on September 11, 2001 (9/11), released approximately 1 million tons of pulverized particulate matter throughout southern Manhattan and areas in Brooklyn, exposing community members and responders to high levels of potentially toxic environmental particles. Asbestos exposure was a health concern because of its use in certain sections of the WTC towers. Malignant mesothelioma, originating from the lining cells (mesothelium) of the peritoneal and pleural cavities, is one complication associated with asbestos exposure. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:The WTC Environmental Health Center (WTC EHC) is a treatment and surveillance program for community members (Survivors) exposed to WTC dust and fumes. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:In this report, we describe four cases of mesothelioma in the WTC EHC as of July 1st, 2023. Two of our patients have been diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma and two patients have been diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma. CONCLUSION/UNASSIGNED:Given the known delay in the development of mesotheliomas after asbestos exposure, we provide information on these early mesothelioma cases to enhance the understanding of the adverse health effects of WTC exposures on the local community.
PMID: 39568634
ISSN: 2574-7754
CID: 5758682

Pathomic Features Reveal Immune and Molecular Evolution From Lung Preneoplasia to Invasive Adenocarcinoma

Chen, Pingjun; Rojas, Frank R; Hu, Xin; Serrano, Alejandra; Zhu, Bo; Chen, Hong; Hong, Lingzhi; Bandyoyadhyay, Rukhmini; Aminu, Muhammad; Kalhor, Neda; Lee, J Jack; El Hussein, Siba; Khoury, Joseph D; Pass, Harvey I; Moreira, Andre L; Velcheti, Vamsidhar; Sterman, Daniel H; Fukuoka, Junya; Tabata, Kazuhiro; Su, Dan; Ying, Lisha; Gibbons, Don L; Heymach, John V; Wistuba, Ignacio I; Fujimoto, Junya; Solis Soto, Luisa M; Zhang, Jianjun; Wu, Jia
Recent statistics on lung cancer, including the steady decline of advanced diseases and the dramatically increasing detection of early-stage diseases and indeterminate pulmonary nodules, mark the significance of a comprehensive understanding of early lung carcinogenesis. Lung adenocarcinoma (ADC) is the most common histologic subtype of lung cancer, and atypical adenomatous hyperplasia is the only recognized preneoplasia to ADC, which may progress to adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) and minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (MIA) and eventually to invasive ADC. Although molecular evolution during early lung carcinogenesis has been explored in recent years, the progress has been significantly hindered, largely due to insufficient materials from ADC precursors. Here, we employed state-of-the-art deep learning and artificial intelligence techniques to robustly segment and recognize cells on routinely used hematoxylin and eosin histopathology images and extracted 9 biology-relevant pathomic features to decode lung preneoplasia evolution. We analyzed 3 distinct cohorts (Japan, China, and United States) covering 98 patients, 162 slides, and 669 regions of interest, including 143 normal, 129 atypical adenomatous hyperplasia, 94 AIS, 98 MIA, and 205 ADC. Extracted pathomic features revealed progressive increase of atypical epithelial cells and progressive decrease of lymphocytic cells from normal to AAH, AIS, MIA, and ADC, consistent with the results from tissue-consuming and expensive molecular/immune profiling. Furthermore, pathomics analysis manifested progressively increasing cellular intratumor heterogeneity along with the evolution from normal lung to invasive ADC. These findings demonstrated the feasibility and substantial potential of pathomics in studying lung cancer carcinogenesis directly from the low-cost routine hematoxylin and eosin staining.
PMID: 37678674
ISSN: 1530-0285
CID: 5613872

Inflammation in the tumor-adjacent lung as a predictor of clinical outcome in lung adenocarcinoma

Dolgalev, Igor; Zhou, Hua; Murrell, Nina; Le, Hortense; Sakellaropoulos, Theodore; Coudray, Nicolas; Zhu, Kelsey; Vasudevaraja, Varshini; Yeaton, Anna; Goparaju, Chandra; Li, Yonghua; Sulaiman, Imran; Tsay, Jun-Chieh J; Meyn, Peter; Mohamed, Hussein; Sydney, Iris; Shiomi, Tomoe; Ramaswami, Sitharam; Narula, Navneet; Kulicke, Ruth; Davis, Fred P; Stransky, Nicolas; Smolen, Gromoslaw A; Cheng, Wei-Yi; Cai, James; Punekar, Salman; Velcheti, Vamsidhar; Sterman, Daniel H; Poirier, J T; Neel, Ben; Wong, Kwok-Kin; Chiriboga, Luis; Heguy, Adriana; Papagiannakopoulos, Thales; Nadorp, Bettina; Snuderl, Matija; Segal, Leopoldo N; Moreira, Andre L; Pass, Harvey I; Tsirigos, Aristotelis
Approximately 30% of early-stage lung adenocarcinoma patients present with disease progression after successful surgical resection. Despite efforts of mapping the genetic landscape, there has been limited success in discovering predictive biomarkers of disease outcomes. Here we performed a systematic multi-omic assessment of 143 tumors and matched tumor-adjacent, histologically-normal lung tissue with long-term patient follow-up. Through histologic, mutational, and transcriptomic profiling of tumor and adjacent-normal tissue, we identified an inflammatory gene signature in tumor-adjacent tissue as the strongest clinical predictor of disease progression. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis demonstrated the progression-associated inflammatory signature was expressed in both immune and non-immune cells, and cell type-specific profiling in monocytes further improved outcome predictions. Additional analyses of tumor-adjacent transcriptomic data from The Cancer Genome Atlas validated the association of the inflammatory signature with worse outcomes across cancers. Collectively, our study suggests that molecular profiling of tumor-adjacent tissue can identify patients at high risk for disease progression.
PMID: 37938580
ISSN: 2041-1723
CID: 5609852

Role of small airway dysfunction in unexplained exertional dyspnoea

Sharpe, Alexis L; Reibman, Joan; Oppenheimer, Beno W; Goldring, Roberta M; Liu, Mengling; Shao, Yongzhao; Bohart, Isaac; Kwok, Benjamin; Weinstein, Tatiana; Addrizzo-Harris, Doreen; Sterman, Daniel H; Berger, Kenneth I
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:Isolated small airway abnormalities may be demonstrable at rest in patients with normal spirometry; however, the relationship of these abnormalities to exertional symptoms remains uncertain. This study uses an augmented cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) to include evaluation of small airway function during and following exercise to unmask abnormalities not evident with standard testing in individuals with dyspnoea and normal spirometry. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:volume curves during exercise to assess for dynamic hyperinflation and expiratory flow limitation; and 2) post-exercise spirometry and oscillometry to evaluate for airway hyperreactivity. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:0.05). CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:We uncovered mechanisms for exertional dyspnoea in subject with normal spirometry that was attributable to either small airway dysfunction during exercise and/or small airway hyperreactivity following exercise. The similarity of findings in WTC environmentally exposed and clinically referred cohorts suggests broad relevance for these evaluations.
PMID: 37284422
ISSN: 2312-0541
CID: 5738112

Pleural fluid microbiota as a biomarker for malignancy and prognosis

Kwok, Benjamin; Wu, Benjamin G; Kocak, Ibrahim F; Sulaiman, Imran; Schluger, Rosemary; Li, Yonghua; Anwer, Raheel; Goparaju, Chandra; Ryan, Daniel J; Sagatelian, Marla; Dreier, Matthew S; Murthy, Vivek; Rafeq, Samaan; Michaud, Gaetane C; Sterman, Daniel H; Bessich, Jamie L; Pass, Harvey I; Segal, Leopoldo N; Tsay, Jun-Chieh J
Malignant pleural effusions (MPE) complicate malignancies and portend worse outcomes. MPE is comprised of various components, including immune cells, cancer cells, and cell-free DNA/RNA. There have been investigations into using these components to diagnose and prognosticate MPE. We hypothesize that the microbiome of MPE is unique and may be associated with diagnosis and prognosis. We compared the microbiota of MPE against microbiota of pleural effusions from non-malignant and paramalignant states. We collected a total of 165 pleural fluid samples from 165 subjects; Benign (n = 16), Paramalignant (n = 21), MPE-Lung (n = 57), MPE-Other (n = 22), and Mesothelioma (n = 49). We performed high throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing on pleural fluid samples and controls. We showed that there are compositional differences among pleural effusions related to non-malignant, paramalignant, and malignant disease. Furthermore, we showed differential enrichment of bacterial taxa within MPE depending on the site of primary malignancy. Pleural fluid of MPE-Lung and Mesothelioma were associated with enrichment with oral and gut bacteria that are commonly thought to be commensals, including Rickettsiella, Ruminococcus, Enterococcus, and Lactobacillales. Mortality in MPE-Lung is associated with enrichment in Methylobacterium, Blattabacterium, and Deinococcus. These observations lay the groundwork for future studies that explore host-microbiome interactions and their influence on carcinogenesis.
PMID: 36755121
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 5426932

Cryoablation and immunity in non-small cell lung cancer: a new era of cryo-immunotherapy

Velez, Antonio; DeMaio, Andrew; Sterman, Daniel
Despite remarkable advances in tumor response and patient survival in the past decade, systemic immunotherapies for lung cancer result in an objective response in only around half of patients treated. On the basis of this limitation, combination strategies are being investigated to improve response rates. Cryoablation has been proposed as one such technique to induce immunogenic cell death and synergize with systemic immunotherapies, including immune checkpoint inhibitors. Cryoablation has been traditionally delivered percutaneously with imaging guidance although recent technological advances allow for bronchoscopic delivery. Herein, we review the pre-clinical and clinical evidence for the use of cryoablation in non-small cell lung cancer and potential induction of anti-tumor immunity. We highlight ongoing studies involving this approach and propose areas of future investigation.
PMID: 37671163
ISSN: 1664-3224
CID: 5728522

Cryoablation and immunity in non-small cell lung cancer: a new era of cryo-immunotherapy

Velez, Antonio; DeMaio, Andrew; Sterman, Daniel
Despite remarkable advances in tumor response and patient survival in the past decade, systemic immunotherapies for lung cancer result in an objective response in only around half of patients treated. On the basis of this limitation, combination strategies are being investigated to improve response rates. Cryoablation has been proposed as one such technique to induce immunogenic cell death and synergize with systemic immunotherapies, including immune checkpoint inhibitors. Cryoablation has been traditionally delivered percutaneously with imaging guidance although recent technological advances allow for bronchoscopic delivery. Herein, we review the pre-clinical and clinical evidence for the use of cryoablation in non-small cell lung cancer and potential induction of anti-tumor immunity. We highlight ongoing studies involving this approach and propose areas of future investigation.
PMID: 37671163
ISSN: 1664-3224
CID: 5728592