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Incarcerated gravid uterus: a new treatment using the transvaginal ultrasound probe and narrative literature review
Kantorowska, Agata; Patberg, Elizabeth T; Ali, Fatima; Suhag, Anju; Rekawek, Patricia; Vintzileos, Anthony M; Chavez, Martin R
BACKGROUND:'Incarcerated gravid uterus' is a morbid complication that occurs in 1 in 3000 pregnancies. It is characterized by failure of a retropositioned uterus to become an abdominal organ between 12 to 14 weeks of gestation. If maternal symptoms develop or gestational age surpasses 14 to 16 weeks, replacement of a retropositioned uterus is recommended to reduce adverse outcomes. Previously described techniques for management include passive reduction, digital replacement, or more invasive methods such as laparoscopy, laparotomy, or sigmoidoscopy. These methods are either minimally effective, painful, or risky. OBJECTIVE:The objective of this report is to describe our clinical experience with a new minimally invasive technique that uses the transvaginal ultrasound probe for uterine replacement in cases of incarceration, to conduct a narrative literature review on 'incarcerated gravid uterus,' and to propose an algorithm for management of this condition. STUDY DESIGN/METHODS:This is a case series of 8 patients with an incarcerated gravid uterus who were managed with the transvaginal ultrasound probe technique at one academic medical institution between March 2020 and July 2023, as well as a narrative review of the literature on 'incarcerated gravid uterus.' PubMed, Google Scholar, and Ovid MEDLINE databases were searched for the terms "incarcerated gravid uterus," "uterine incarceration," "uterine sacculation," and "retroverted uterus" up to April 2024. RESULTS:The transvaginal ultrasound probe technique resulted in successful uterine replacement, with resolution of symptoms, in all 8 patients. All pregnancies resulted in live births with good neonatal outcomes-7 out of 8 patients delivered at term, and 1 delivered in the late preterm period. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Our proposed technique for treatment of an incarcerated gravid uterus with the transvaginal ultrasound probe is simple, minimally invasive and effective. Based on our experience and the narrative literature review, an algorithm for the management of an incarcerated gravid uterus is proposed.
PMID: 39181496
ISSN: 1097-6868
CID: 5729432
ChatGPT: a pioneering approach to complex prenatal differential diagnosis
Suhag, Anju; Kidd, Jennifer; McGath, Meghan; Rajesh, Raeshmma; Gelfinbein, Joseph; Cacace, Nicole; Monteleone, Berrin; Chavez, Martin R
This commentary examines how ChatGPT can assist healthcare teams in the prenatal diagnosis of rare and complex cases by creating a differential diagnoses based on deidentified clinical findings, while also acknowledging its limitations.
PMID: 37257586
ISSN: 2589-9333
CID: 5543322
Blood type and postpartum hemorrhage by mode of delivery: A retrospective cohort study
Burd, Julia E; Quist-Nelson, Johanna A; Edwards, Sara E; Suhag, Anju; Berghella, Vincenzo P; Nijjar, J Biba
OBJECTIVE:To assess the relationship between postpartum hemorrhage and ABO blood type for vaginal delivery and cesarean delivery. STUDY DESIGN/METHODS:This is a retrospective cohort study of data abstracted from the PeriBank database regarding demographics and delivery outcomes. All live singleton deliveries from January 2011 until March 2018 were included in this study. Exclusion criteria were sickle cell disease and multiple gestations. Analyses were conducted separately for cesarean delivery and vaginal delivery. Quantitative variables were analyzed with analysis of variance testing and categorical variables with chi square testing. Significant demographic differences between groups were controlled for using multivariate logistical regression. The primary outcome was the rate of postpartum hemorrhage by blood type (A, B, AB, and O), defined as blood loss >500 mL in vaginal delivery and >1000 mL in cesarean delivery. 43,437 patients were screened and 32,023 women met inclusion criteria (22,484 vaginal deliveries (70.2%) and 9539 cesarean deliveries (29.8%)). RESULTS:In the vaginal delivery group there were differences in age, parity, race, use of regional anesthesia, rate of induction of labor, and thrombocytopenia between blood types. In the cesarean delivery group, age, parity, and race were significantly different between blood types. There was no observed difference in the rate of postpartum hemorrhage by blood type for those who delivered via vaginal delivery when controlling for demographic differences (p = 0.2). In the cesarean delivery group, there was a significantly higher rate of postpartum hemorrhage in women with type O blood (5.2% type O vs 3.8% type A vs 4.4% type B vs 4.2% type AB, p = 0.035), including when controlling for demographic differences (p = 0.02). In both vaginal and cesarean delivery groups, there was no difference in rates of any of the secondary outcomes, including blood transfusion, hysterectomy, intrapartum dilation and curettage, and intensive care unit admission. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Although this study found no statistically significant difference in clinical outcomes between blood types, type O blood may be an additional risk factor to consider for postpartum hemorrhage at the time of cesarean delivery.
PMID: 33271408
ISSN: 1872-7654
CID: 5022582
Severe acute respiratory distress syndrome in coronavirus disease 2019-infected pregnancy: obstetric and intensive care considerations [Case Report]
Schnettler, William T; Al Ahwel, Yousef; Suhag, Anju
Since the emergence of a novel coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) in Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019, coronavirus disease 2019 has been associated with severe morbidity and mortality and has left world governments, healthcare systems, and providers caring for vulnerable populations, such as pregnant women, wrestling with the optimal management strategy. Unique physiologic and ethical considerations negate a one-size-fits-all approach when caring for critically ill pregnant women with coronavirus disease 2019, and few resources exist to guide the multidisciplinary team through decisions regarding optimal maternal-fetal surveillance, intensive care procedures, and delivery timing. We present a case of rapid clinical decompensation and development of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome in a woman at 31 weeks' gestation to highlight these unique considerations and present an algorithmic approach to the diagnosis and management of the disease.
PMID: 32363337
ISSN: 2589-9333
CID: 5022562
Clinical course of severe and critical COVID-19 in hospitalized pregnancies: a US cohort study
Pierce-Williams, Rebecca A M; Burd, Julia; Felder, Laura; Khoury, Rasha; Bernstein, Peter S; Avila, Karina; Penfield, Christina A; Roman, Ashley S; DeBolt, Chelsea A; Stone, Joanne L; Bianco, Angela; Kern-Goldberger, Adina R; Hirshberg, Adi; Srinivas, Sindhu K; Jayakumaran, Jenani S; Brandt, Justin S; Anastasio, Hannah; Birsner, Meredith; O'Brien, Devon S; Sedev, Harish M; Dolin, Cara D; Schnettler, William T; Suhag, Anju; Ahluwalia, Shabani; Navathe, Reshama S; Khalifeh, Adeeb; Anderson, Kathryn; Berghella, Vincenzo
Background/UNASSIGNED:The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on healthcare systems around the world with 3.0 million infected and 208,000 resultant mortalities as of this writing. Information regarding infection in pregnancy is still limited. Objectives/UNASSIGNED:To describe the clinical course of severe and critical infection in hospitalized pregnant women with positive laboratory testing for SARS-CoV2. Study Design/UNASSIGNED:This is a cohort study of pregnant women with severe or critical COVID-19 infection hospitalized at 12 US institutions between March 5, 2020 and April 20, 2020. Severe infection was defined according to published criteria by patient reported dyspnea, respiratory rate > 30 per minute, blood oxygen saturation ≤ 93% on room air, partial pressure of arterial oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen <300 and/or lung infiltrates >50% within 24 to 48 hours on chest imaging. Critical disease was defined by respiratory failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction or failure. Women were excluded if they had presumed COVID-19 infection but laboratory testing was negative. The primary outcome was median duration from hospital admission to discharge. Secondary outcomes included need for supplemental oxygen, intubation, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrest, death, and timing of delivery. The clinical courses are described by the median disease day on which these outcomes occurred after the onset of symptoms. Treatment and neonatal outcomes are also reported. Results/UNASSIGNED:=0.01). For those who required it, intubation usually occurred around day 9, and peak respiratory support for women with severe disease occurred on day 8. In women with critical disease, prone positioning was performed in 20% of cases, the rate of ARDS was 70%, and re-intubation was necessary in 20%. There was one case of maternal cardiac arrest, but no cases of cardiomyopathy and no maternal deaths. Thirty-two (50%) women in this cohort delivered during their COVID-19 hospitalization (34% of severe and 85% of critical women). Eighty-eight percent (15/17) of pregnant women with critical COVID-19 who delivered during their disease course were delivered preterm, 94% of them via cesarean; in all, 75% (15/20) of critically ill women delivered preterm. There were no stillbirths or neonatal deaths, or cases of vertical transmission. Conclusion/UNASSIGNED:In hospitalized pregnant women with severe or critical COVID-19 infection, admission typically occurred about 7 days after symptom onset, and the duration of hospitalization was 6 days (6 severe versus 12 critical). Critically ill women had a high rate of ARDS, and there was one case of cardiac arrest, but there were no cases of cardiomyopathy, or maternal mortality. Hospitalization for severe or critical COVID-19 infection resulted in delivery during the course of infection in 50% of this cohort, usually in the third trimester. There were no perinatal deaths in this cohort.
PMID: 32391519
ISSN: 2589-9333
CID: 4430952
Pregnancy and Lactation in a 67-Year-Old Elderly Gravida following Donor Oocyte In Vitro Fertilization [Case Report]
Magistrado, Leila; Tolcher, Mary C; Suhag, Anju; Zambare, Sonal; Aagaard, Kjersti M
There is limited data on the anticipated perinatal course among gravidae in their sixth and seventh decades. Our objective was to describe the relatively uncomplicated prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum course of a 67-year-old essential primigravida. Briefly, our patient conceived a singleton pregnancy via IVF with donor oocytes, then presented at 13 6/7 weeks of gestation to initiate prenatal care. Her medical history was significant for chronic hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and obesity. Her cardiac function was monitored throughout pregnancy, and she delivered at 36 1/7 weeks by cesarean for a decline in left ventricular function with mitral regurgitation. Her intrapartum and postpartum course was uncomplicated, and she was able to successfully breastfeed for six months and resume prepregnancy activity. For comparison, we analyzed deliveries among gravidae > 45 years of age from our institutional obstetrical database (2011-2018). This case represents the eldest gravidae identified in the literature and illustrates the potential for a relatively uncomplicated perinatal course with successful lactation. This case may enable other providers to counsel elderly patients on anticipated outcomes inclusive of ability to breastfeed.
PMID: 33005465
ISSN: 2090-6684
CID: 5022572
What's new in the multiple gestations literature? [Editorial]
Suhag, Anju; Berghella, Vincenzo
PMID: 30265654
ISSN: 1619-3997
CID: 5022552
Second-trimester cervical length and outcomes of induction of labor at term
Boelig, Rupsa C; Suhag, Anju; Guarente, Juliana; Orzechowski, Kelly; Berghella, Vincenzo
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate whether second-trimester cervical length (CL) is associated with induction of labor (IOL) outcomes. METHODS:Retrospective cohort study of nulliparous singletons undergoing CL screening at 18 0/7-23 6/7 weeks from 1/1/2012 to 12/31/2013. Women induced at term (≥37 weeks) were included. Primary outcome was vaginal delivery (VD) within 24 h. The effect of CL on outcomes was assessed by incidence across CL quartiles and a receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve. Odds ratios (OR) were adjusted (aOR) for confounders. RESULTS:Two-hundred-and-sixty-eight women were included. Aside from a difference in incidence of prior cervical surgery between CL quartiles (p <. 02), other characteristics were similar. Ninety-two women (35%) had a VD within 24 h (versus a CD or VD >24 h). A longer a CL was associated with a decreased likelihood of a VD within 24 h with aORs of the third and fourth quartiles of 0.35 (0.16-0.75) and 0.43 (0.21-0.90), respectively, compared to the first quartile. A CL >40 mm was predictive of not having a VD within 24 h with a sensitivity of 56%, specificity of 58% and a positive predictive value of 72%. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:A second-trimester CL >40 mm is associated with a decreased likelihood of VD within 24 h in an IOL.
PMID: 28393580
ISSN: 1476-4954
CID: 5022542
Second trimester cervical length and prolonged pregnancy (.)
Boelig, Rupsa C; Orzechowski, Kelly M; Suhag, Anju; Berghella, Vincenzo
OBJECTIVE:To determine whether second trimester transvaginal ultrasound cervical length (CL) is associated with prolonged pregnancy (≥41 0/7 weeks) in nulliparous women who reach term (≥37 weeks) with a planned vaginal delivery. METHODS:Retrospective cohort of nulliparous singletons 18 0/7-23 6/7 weeks gestation undergoing CL screening from 1/1/12 to 12/31/13. Women who delivered at term with spontaneous labor or reached 41 weeks were included. Primary outcome was incidence of prolonged pregnancy. Risk of prolonged pregnancy was assessed by CL quartile using odds ratio, adjusted for confounders (aOR) and a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. RESULTS:722 women were included, among them 171 (24%) had a prolonged pregnancy. There was a significant difference in BMI and race across CL quartiles. The aOR of having a prolonged pregnancy with CL in quartiles 2, 3, and 4 versus quartile 1 were 2.14(1.27-3.62), 2.72(1.59-4.65), and 1.69(1.02-3.03), respectively. CL ≥ 37 mm (beyond first quartile) was associated with a two-fold increased risk of prolonged pregnancy versus CL < 37 mm, (27% vs 15%, p < 0.01, aOR 2.17 (1.38-3.41)). ROC curve did not identify a CL cutoff that was predictive of prolonged pregnancy (AUC 0.544, p = 0.079). CONCLUSIONS:Although a longer second trimester CL is associated with an increased risk for prolonged pregnancy, it is not predictive.
PMID: 26952543
ISSN: 1476-4954
CID: 5022512
Cerclage: Indications and Patient Counseling
Roman, Amanda; Suhag, Anju; Berghella, Vincenzo
Cervical cerclage is a surgical procedure to prevent preterm birth. There are currently 3 main indications, based on either history, ultrasound, or physical exam changes.
PMID: 27015230
ISSN: 1532-5520
CID: 5022532