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Salivary Gland Neoplasm of Uncertain Malignant Potential (SUMP) (Milan IVB) and Its Subgroups: A Multi-Institutional Analysis of Risk of Neoplasm and Malignancy

Xia, Rong; Hindi, Issa; Savant, Deepika; Khader, Samer; Lajara, Sigfred; Belovarac, Brendan; Das, Kasturi; Chau, Karen; Abdelwahed, Mohammed; Ali, Amr; Szeto, Oliver; Hernandez, Osvaldo; Sun, Wei; Liu, Cheng Z; Zhou, Fang; Simsir, Aylin; Brandler, Tamar C
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:Fine needle aspiration (FNA) plays a crucial role in their initial assessment of salivary gland neoplasms. In the Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology (MSRSGC), the category of Salivary Gland Neoplasm of Uncertain Malignant Potential (SUMP) categorizes lesions with ambiguous features. This study aims to investigate the risk of neoplasm (RON) and risk of malignancy (ROM) within different subgroups of SUMP lesions using data from three large academic institutions. METHODS:We analyzed salivary gland (FNA) cases from three academic institutions post-MSRSGC implementation. Salivary gland FNA cases categorized as Milan IVB (SUMP) with subsequent surgical pathology follow-up were analyzed. Cases were divided into basaloid, oncocytic, and clear cell SUMP subtypes, with RON and ROM assessed and compared. RESULTS:Out of 1377 MSRSGC cases, 231 were SUMP (16.8%), with 101 subjected to surgical pathology follow-up. The overall ROM for SUMP was 20.8%, with variations of 10% to 29.5% observed amongst institutions, but no significant difference was observed among three institutions (p = 0.15). Basaloid and oncocytic SUMP displayed 17.1% and 20.5% ROM, respectively, without significant disparity. However, all clear cell SUMP cases were malignant on surgical resection. CONCLUSIONS:This study highlights the variability in ROM for SUMP lesions and the significantly higher ROM in SUMP cases with clear cell features. These findings emphasize the importance of accurately subcategorizing SUMP lesions, particularly those with clear cell features, for appropriate clinical management.
PMID: 39162245
ISSN: 1097-0339
CID: 5680562

Cytomorphologic and Molecular Features of Hyalinizing Trabecular Tumor of Thyroid: Smears and ThinPrep [Meeting Abstract]

Xia, Rong; Sun, Wei; Gupta, Mala; Hernandez, Osvaldo; Chen, Fei; Liu, Cheng; Simsir, Aylin; Shi, Yan
ISSN: 2213-2945
CID: 5743672

Copy Number Alterations in Thyroid FNA Specimens: An Association with Oncocytic Features? [Meeting Abstract]

Xia, Rong; Sun, Wei; NIkiforov, Yuri; Shafizadeh, Negin; Belovarac, Brendan; Liu, Cheng; Shi, Yan; Hodak, Steven; Chen, Fei; Simsir, Aylin; Brandler, Tamar
ISSN: 2213-2945
CID: 5743692

Gene Expression Alterations, Assist Players of Driver Mutations Toward Malignancy in Thyroid Nodules? [Meeting Abstract]

Belovarac, Brendan; Chablani, Sumedha; Brandler, Tamar; Sun, Wei; Shafizadeh, Negin; Shi, Yan; Hodak, Steven; Chen, Fei; Simsir, Aylin; Xia, Rong
ISSN: 2213-2945
CID: 5743682

HPV Cotesting of Unsatisfactory Papanicolaou Tests: Implications for Follow-up Intervals

Chen, Fei; Hsu Lin, Lawrence; Hindi, Issa; Sun, Wei; Shafizadeh, Negin; Szeto, Oliver; Brandler, Tamar C; Simsir, Aylin
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:The 2019 American Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology management guidelines recommend that patients with an unsatisfactory Papanicolaou (Pap) test (UPT) and negative human papillomavirus (HPV) cotest undergo repeat age-based screening in 2 to 4 months. The rationale is that a negative HPV test in the setting of an UPT may reflect an inadequate sample and therefore should not be interpreted as truly "negative." For patients 25 years and older who are cotested, if HPV is positive for the 16 or 18 genotypes, direct referral for colposcopy is recommended. Our study aimed to determine if a negative HPV cotest result is predictive of the absence of a high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) and whether these patients may be called back for repeat testing at an interval longer than 2 to 4 months. METHODS:Follow-up cervical cytology and biopsy results in women with UPT and HPV cotests from January 2017 to December 2021 were collected. Original UPT and HPV cotest results were correlated with the follow-up Pap and biopsy results. RESULTS:There were 1,496 (2.28%) UPT cases out of 65,641 total Pap tests. Among the 1,496 UPT cases, 1,010 (67.5%) had HPV cotesting; 676 (45.1%) were followed by repeat Pap or biopsy within 4 months and 850 (56.8%) within 12 months. The total follow-up rate was 81%, with a range of 3 days to 36 months. The HSIL rate in HPV-positive cases was 5.7% (3/53) vs 0.4% (2/539) (P = .006) in HPV-negative cases. In UPT, HPV cotesting showed negative predictive values for low-grade and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion detection of 98.5% and 99.6%, respectively, while positive predictive values were 19% and 5.7%. CONCLUSIONS:A negative HPV cotest in individuals with UPT predicted the lack of HSIL in our study. Compliance with the recommended follow-up time of 2 to 4 months for women with UPT was low (45.1%). Our study suggests that women with UPT and negative HPV cotest may be safely called back at an interval longer than 4 months.
PMID: 37052613
ISSN: 1943-7722
CID: 5479502

Genomic Profiling of Metastatic Tumors in Pleural Effusion Specimens: Comparison of Fresh Supernatant, Fresh Cell Pellet, and Cell Block Material for Testing [Meeting Abstract]

Chen, Fei; Belovarac, Brendan; Shen, Guomiao; Feng, Xiaojun; Brandler, Tamar; Jour, George; Sun, Wei; Snuderl, Matija; Park, Kyung; Simsir, Aylin
ISSN: 0023-6837
CID: 5525432

Defining Quality Metrics in Thyroid FNA Cytology: A Comparison of Cytopathologists' TBS III, Molecular Positivity and TBS III:VI Rates in a Large Academic Institution [Meeting Abstract]

Brandler, Tamar; Xia, Rong; Shafizadeh, Negin; Hindi, Issa; Belovarac, Brendan; Karimkhan, Afreen; Sun, Wei; Simsir, Aylin
ISSN: 0023-6837
CID: 5525472

DICER1 Mutation in Bethesda III Thyroid Nodules [Meeting Abstract]

Karimkhan, Afreen; Xia, Rong; Hindi, Issa; Belovarac, Brendan; Shafizadeh, Negin; Sun, Wei; Patel, Kepal; Givi, Babak; Hodak, Steven; Simsir, Aylin; Brandler, Tamar
ISSN: 0023-6837
CID: 5525462

Utility of Urine Cytology Specimens for Molecular Profiling in Detection of High-Grade Urothelial Carcinoma [Meeting Abstract]

Chen, Fei; Belovarac, Brendan; Shen, Guomiao; Feng, Xiaojun; Jour, George; Sun, Wei; Snuderl, Matija; Simsir, Aylin; Park, Kyung
ISSN: 0023-6837
CID: 5525442

Salivary Gland Neoplasm of Uncertain Malignant Potential (SUMP) (Milan IVB) and its Subgroups: Analysis of Risk of Neoplasm and Malignancy [Meeting Abstract]

Hindi, Issa; Brandler, Tamar; Belovarac, Brendan; Szeto, Oliver; Hernandez, Osvaldo; Sun, Wei; Liu, Cheng; Zhou, Fang; Simsir, Aylin
ISSN: 0023-6837
CID: 5525452