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Outcomes in Obese vs Non-Obese Injured Patients at a Level 1 Trauma Center and Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence

Petrone, Patrizio; Joseph, D'Andrea K; Baltazar, Gerard; Akerman, Meredith; Howell, Raelina S; Brathwaite, Collin E M
BACKGROUND:We hypothesized that the outcomes of trauma patients with a body mass index (BMI) equal to or greater than 30 compared to patients with BMI less than 30 would not differ at a level 1 trauma center that is also a Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence in the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP). STUDY DESIGN/METHODS:Patients equal to and greater than 18 years old treated between 1/1/2018 and 12/31/2020 were included. Demographics, BMI, comorbidities, and outcomes (hospital-LOS, ICU-LOS, blood products used, and mortality) were compared between 2 groups: obese (BMI ≥30) vs non-obese (BMI <30). RESULTS:< .0001). When adjusted for age, sex, DM, dementia, ISS, and ICU admission, there was no statistically significant difference in hospital-LOS (4.30 [95% CI: 4.10, 4.52] vs 4.48 [95% CI: 4.18, 4.79]) or mortality. No statistical differences were seen between the 2 groups in blood product use. CONCLUSIONS:Obesity did not correlate with poorer outcomes at an ACS-verified level 1 Trauma Center and Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence. Further studies are needed to determine whether outcomes vary at hospitals without both designations.
PMID: 35343242
ISSN: 1555-9823
CID: 5200882

Smartphone application alerts for early trauma team activation: Millennial technology in healthcare

Goulet, Nicole D; Liu, Helen; Petrone, Patrizio; Islam, Shahidul; Glinik, Galina; Joseph, D'Andrea K; Baltazar, Gerard A
BACKGROUND:Data access through smartphone applications (apps) has reframed procedure and policy in healthcare, but its impact in trauma remains unclear. Citizen is a free app that provides real-time alerts curated from 911 dispatch data. Our primary objective was to determine whether app alerts occurred earlier than recorded times for trauma team activation and emergency department arrival. METHODS:Trauma registry entries were extracted from a level one urban trauma center from January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 and compared with app metadata from the center catchment area. We matched entries to metadata according to description, date, time, and location then compared metadata timestamps to trauma team activation and emergency department arrival times. We computed percentage of time the app reported traumatic events earlier than trauma team activation or emergency department arrival along with exact binomial 95% confidence interval; median differences between times were presented along with interquartile ranges. RESULTS:Of 3,684 trauma registry entries, 209 (5.7%) matched app metadata. App alerts were earlier for 96.1% and 96.2% of trauma team activation and emergency department arrival times, respectively, with events reported median 36 (24-53, IQR) minutes earlier than trauma team activation and 32 (25-42, IQR) minutes earlier than emergency department arrival. Registry entries for younger males, motor vehicle-related injuries and penetrating traumas were more likely to match alerts (P < .0001). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Apps like Citizen may provide earlier notification of traumatic events and therefore earlier mobilization of trauma service resources. Earlier notification may translate into improved patient outcomes. Additional studies into the benefit of apps for trauma care are warranted.
PMID: 34210527
ISSN: 1532-7361
CID: 4927182

Stop the Bleed: A Prospective Evaluation and Comparison of Tourniquet Application in Security Personnel vs Civilian Population [Meeting Abstract]

Petrone, P; Baltazar, G A; Jacquez, R A; Akerman, M; Brathwaite, C E M; Joseph, D K
Introduction: Stop the Bleed (STB) is a national training program aiming to decrease the mortality associated with life-threatening bleeding due to injury. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and confidence level of security personnel placing a tourniquet (TQ) compared to civilians.
Method(s): Pre and post questionnaires were shared with security personnel (Group 1), and civilians (Group 2). Both groups were assessed to determine comfort level with TQ placement. Time and success rate for placement was recorded pre- and post-STB training. A generalized linear mixed model or generalized estimating equations were used.
Result(s): 234 subjects were enrolled. There was a statistically significant improvement between the pre- and post-training responses in both groups with respect to comfort level in TQ placing. Participants also demonstrated increased familiarity with the anatomy and bleeding control after being trained. A higher successful tourniquet placement was obtained in both groups after training (Pre-training: Group-1[17.4%], Group-2[12.8%], Post-training: Group-1[94.8%], Group-2[92.3%]). Both groups demonstrated improved time to placement with a longer mean time improvement achieved in Group 1. Although the time to TQ placement pre-and post-training was statistically significant, we found that the post-training times between groups 1 and 2 were similar (p=0.983).
Conclusion(s): Participants improved their confidence level and dramatically increased the rate and time to successful TQ placement. While civilians had the greatest increase in comfort level, the security personnel group saw the most significant reduction in the time to successful placement. These findings highlight the critical role of STB in bleeding control techniques.
ISSN: 1879-1190
CID: 5024632

Obesity and Anterior Abdominal Gunshot Wounds: A Cushion Effect

Patel, Bharvi Marsha; Samsonov, Alan P; Patel, Joy R; Onursal, Elif; Jung, Min-Kyung; Talty, Nanette; Baltazar, Gerard A
Background Although the standard of care for anterior abdominal gunshot wounds (AAGSWs) is immediate laparotomy, these operations are associated with a high rate of negativity and potentially serious complications. Recent data suggest the possibility of selective non-operative management (SNOM) of AAGSWs, but none implicate body mass index (BMI) as a factor in patient selection. Anecdotal experience at our trauma center suggested a protective effect of obesity among patients with AAGSWs, and given the exceptionally high rate of obesity in the Bronx, we sought to analyze the associations of AAGSWs and BMI to inform future trauma research and management. In this study, we aimed to evaluate whether BMI is associated with injury severity, resource utilization, and clinical outcomes of AAGSWs. Methodology From our prospectively accrued trauma registry, we retrospectively abstracted all patients greater than 16 years old with Current Procedural Terminology codes associated with gunshot wounds from 2008 to 2016. The electronic medical record was reviewed to define a cohort of patients with at least one AAGSW. Patients were divided into the following cohorts based on BMI: underweight (UW, BMI: <18.5), normal weight (NW, BMI: 18.5-24.9), overweight (OW, BMI: 25-29.9), and obese (OB, BMI: ≥30). Among these cohorts, we analyzed data regarding injury severity, resource utilization, and clinical outcomes. Results In this study, none of the patients were UW, 17 (42.5%) patients were NW, 15 (37.5%) patients were OW, and eight (20%) patients were OB. One patient each in the NW and OB cohorts was successfully managed non-operatively, while all others underwent immediate exploratory laparotomy. The mean new injury severity score was significantly lower as BMI increased (NW = 30.9 ± 17.0, OW = 22.9 ± 16.1, and OB = 12.8 ± 13.7; p = 0.039). Patients in the OB cohort were less likely to have abdominal fascial penetration compared to the OW and NW cohorts (p = 0.027 and 0.004, respectively) and sustained fewer mean visceral injuries compared to the OW and NW cohorts (p = 0.027 and 0.045, respectively). OB patients were significantly more likely to have sustained two or more AAGSWs (OB = 27.5%, OW = 6.7%, and NW = 5.9%; p = 0.033), suggesting higher rates of tangential soft tissue injuries. The mean hospital length of stay down-trended as BMI increased but did not achieve statistical significance (NW = 7.4 ± 5.3, OW = 6.6 ± 6.7, and OB = 3.1 ± 2.3; p = 0.19). The OB cohort had the lowest mean hospital charges. Conclusions Obesity may yield a protective effect among AAGSW victims, and BMI may provide trauma surgeons another tool to triage patients for SNOM of AAGSWs, potentially diminishing the risks associated with negative laparotomy. Our data serve as the basis for the analysis of a larger patient cohort.
PMID: 34963852
ISSN: 2168-8184
CID: 5108172

Management of mass casualties due to COVID-19: handling the dead

Petrone, Patrizio; Joseph, D'Andrea K; Jacquez, Ricardo A; Baltazar, Gerard A; Brathwaite, Collin E M
A high number of fatalities can occur during major disasters or during events like the COVID-19 pandemic. In a natural disaster, the dead must be removed from disaster sites while rescue work is in progress; otherwise, the health and safety of the community are threatened. The COVID-19 pandemic is analogous to a natural disaster with mass casualties where the disaster sites are hospitals with morgues that are overwhelmed. As the number of the deceased rise rapidly and hospital morgues are at their full capacity, hospitals use what is called a Body Collection Point (BCP). BCP is defined as a temporary refrigeration unit used to store decedents until transport is arranged. Decedents should always be handled in a manner denoting respect, and provisions and management of resources should be properly mobilized to ensure this. Contingency plans must be created to prepare for worsening of the disaster that further overwhelms the capacity of the health care systems.
PMID: 34089336
ISSN: 1863-9941
CID: 4899342

Prevention of Firearm Violence Through Specific Types of Community-based Programming: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Evidence-based Review

Bonne, Stephanie L; Violano, Pina; Duncan, Thomas K; Pappas, Peter A; Baltazar, Gerard A; Dultz, Linda A; Schroeder, Mary E; Capella, Jeanette; Hirsh, Michael; Conrad-Schnetz, Kristen; Rattan, Rishi; Como, John J; Jewell, Sarah; Crandall, Marie L
OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this review was to provide an evidence-based recommendation for community-based programs to mitigate gun violence, from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST). SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA:Firearm Injury leads to >40,000 annual deaths and >115,000 injuries annually in the United States. Communities have adopted culturally relevant strategies to mitigate gun related injury and death. Two such strategies are gun buyback programs and community-based violence prevention programs. METHODS:The Injury Control and Violence Prevention Committee of EAST developed Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcomes (PICO) questions and performed a comprehensive literature and gray web literature search. Using GRADE methodology, they reviewed and graded the literature and provided consensus recommendations informed by the literature. RESULTS:A total of 19 studies were included for analysis of gun buyback programs. Twenty-six studies were reviewed for analysis for community-based violence prevention programs. Gray literature was added to the discussion of PICO questions from selected websites. A conditional recommendation is made for the implementation of community-based gun buyback programs and a conditional recommendation for community-based violence prevention programs, with special emphasis on cultural appropriateness and community input. CONCLUSIONS:Gun violence may be mitigated by community-based efforts, such as gun buybacks or violence prevention programs. These programs come with caveats, notably community cultural relevance and proper support and funding from local leadership.Level of Evidence: Review, Decision, level III.
PMID: 33914467
ISSN: 1528-1140
CID: 5147972

Fatal and non-fatal injuries due to suspension trauma syndrome: A systematic review of definition, pathophysiology, and management controversies

Petrone, Patrizio; Espinoza-Villalobos, Sofía; Baltazar, Gerard A; Søreide, Kjetil; Stright, Adam; Brathwaite, Collin E M; Joseph, D'Andrea K
BACKGROUND:Suspension trauma syndrome is a life-threatening event that occurs when a person is "trapped" in a prolonged passive suspension. It is most commonly seen in people who engage in occupational or sport activities that require harness suspension. The aim of this study is to identify the predisposing factors, pathophysiology, and management of suspension trauma. METHODS:A review and analysis of the literature published in English and Spanish from 1972 to 2020 on suspension trauma were performed. Search sources were PubMed, Medline, Cochrane Library, MeSH, UpToDate, and Google Scholar. Articles referring to suspension trauma associated with other injury mechanisms (traumatic impact injuries, drowning, asphyxiation, or bleeding), case reports, and pediatric population were excluded. RESULTS:Forty-one articles were identified. Of these, 29 articles related to mechanism, pathophysiology, and management of individuals who suffered prolonged suspension trauma without associated traumatic injuries were included in the study. We encountered several controversies describing the putative pathophysiology, ranging from blood sequestration in the lower extremities versus accumulation of metabolic waste and hyperkalemia to dorsal hook-type harness as a trigger cause of positional asphyxia; to vascular compression of femoral vessels exerted by the harness causing decreased venous return. Pstients suspended in a full-body harness with dorsal hook showed more hemodynamic alterations in response to the compressive effect on the rib cage, causing a reduction in perfusion by presenting a decrease in pulse pressure. Management strategies varied across studies. CONCLUSIONS:Progress has been made in individualizing the population at risk and in the management of suspension trauma. We recommend the formation of consensus definitions, larger cohort or registry studies to be conducted, and experimental animal models to better understand the mechanisms in order to develop management and life support guidelines from a trauma and emergency medicine perspective.
PMID: 34512820
ISSN: 1920-8642
CID: 5082812

Pulmonary Hygiene Protocol Reduces Incidence of Lobar Collapse in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

Baltazar, Gerard A; Chendrasekhar, Akella; Akella, Krishna; Chow, Priscilla; Rubinshteyn, Vladimir; Cohen, Douglas; Ruiz, Chris; Genovese-Scullin, Daniel F; Patwari, Jakey; Harris, Loren
Background Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common cause of death among injured patients. In addition to neurologic sequelae which may increase mortality risk, trauma patients suffering severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Score≤8) have a predilection for pulmonary complications. We have previously demonstrated that patients with severe TBI who were intubated and mechanically ventilated are at greater risk of radiographic pulmonary lobar collapse that necessitates advanced directional suctioning and/or bronchoscopy. We sought to minimize the potentially deleterious effects of such lobar collapse by using a standardized pulmonary hygiene protocol. Methods We performed a retrospective comparison of lobar collapse incidence among three groups over 21 months: patients without severe TBI who were intubated and mechanically ventilated for greater than 24 hours (i.e. "NO TBI"); patients with severe TBI who were intubated and mechanically ventilated for greater than 24 hours who were not treated with a standardized pulmonary hygiene protocol (i.e. historical "CONTROL"); and patients with severe TBI who were intubated and mechanically ventilated for greater than 24 hours and who were treated with a standardized pulmonary hygiene protocol (i.e. "HYGIENE"). Our analysis excluded patients who had any significant neck injury as we had previously found that pulmonary complications are increased in this subpopulation. Results We reviewed the charts of 310 trauma patients (NO TBI = 104, CONTROL = 101, HYGIENE = 105) and analyzed demographics, injury severity and outcomes, including the incidence of pulmonary lobar collapse. Pulmonary hygiene protocol demonstrated a significant reduction in the incidence of lobar collapse among the HYGIENE group compared to CONTROL, approximating the incidence among patients with no TBI (11% vs 27% vs 10%, respectively, p = 0.0009). No significant difference was noted in ventilator days, intensive care unit length of stay, hospital length of stay, mortality, nor incidence of pneumonia.  Conclusion High-risk TBI patients have a predilection towards the development of pulmonary lobar collapse, which can be significantly reduced by the use of a standardized pulmonary hygiene protocol.
PMID: 33489608
ISSN: 2168-8184
CID: 5018242

Rib Somatic Dysfunction Among General Surgical Patients

Baltazar, Gerard A; Kolwitz, Christine E; Florek, Michael G
Context/UNASSIGNED:Upper abdominal or chest pain, tenderness, or sensation of the presence of a mass may lead to general surgery (GS) service referral. These symptoms may be related to rib somatic dysfunction (SD). Objective/UNASSIGNED:To describe rib SD in the GS setting and help build a foundation for additional osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) research in surgical care. Methods/UNASSIGNED:The authors retrospectively reviewed and analyzed the electronic medical records of patient encounters in a GS outpatient clinic or private office in Bronx, New York. Included patients had emergency department or inpatient GS consultations with the diagnosis of rib SD (ICD-9 739.8 or ICD-10 M99.08) initially made by the GS service from February 1, 2016, to January 31, 2019. Six-month follow-up data were also reviewed. Results/UNASSIGNED:Twelve patients had rib SD as the underlying cause of their chief concern upon presentation to the GS service. Only 1 also had an underlying operative GS disease. The GS service treated 11 patients (91.7%) with OMT; 1 patient refused OMT. Time spent on OMT ranged from 5 to 30 minutes, with a median of 10 minutes and a mean (SD) of 12.7 (9.05) minutes. The OMT techniques used included balanced ligamentous tension, counterstrain, muscle energy, myofascial release, rib-raising, and soft tissue. All patients who received OMT demonstrated improvement, and 3 patients required osteopathic manipulative medicine/neuromuscular medicine follow-up. Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:Rib somatic dysfunction may contribute to patient referral to a GS service, and OMT performed by general surgeons may help provide optimal surgical care.
PMID: 32766809
ISSN: 1945-1997
CID: 4651572

Mortality and pulmonary complications in patients undergoing surgery with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international cohort study

Aaraj, Mahmoud A; Abate, Emmanuele; Abbott, Sarah J; Abbott, Tom Ef; Abdalaziz, Hossam; Abdalla, Mutwakil Om; Abdelaal, Ahmed S; Abdelkarim, Mostafa; Abdou, Hossam; Aboelkassem-Ibrahim, Ahmad; Abou Chaar, Mohamad K; Abuown, Ala; Acebes-Garcia, Fernando; Acharya, Metesh; Adamina, Michel; Addae-Boateng, Emmanuel; Ademuyiwa, Adesoji O; Aftab, Raiyyan; Agarwal, Arnav; Aguilar, José; Aherne, Thomas M; Ahmed, Yousra; Aitken, Emma; Al Maadany, Faraj S; Al-Azzawi, Marwa; Al-Embideen, Somya; Al-Masri, Mahmoud; Al-Najjar, Hani; Al-Sukaini, Ahmad; Alakaloko, Felix; Alam, Ruhina; Alameer, Ehab; Alanbuki, Ammar; Alderson, Derek; Ali Karar, Ali A; Ali, Inthekab Ali Mohamed; Ali, Osman M; Aliyeva, Zumrud; Aljanadi, Firas; Alkadeeki, Ghadah Z; Almasri, Murad; Almeida, Ana C; Alonso-Ortuño, Paula; Alrahawy, Mahmoud M; Alser, Osaid; Altintoprak, Fatih; Alvarez, Maria R; Ambler, Graeme K; Amira, Gamal; Amjad, Rabbia; Anania, Gabriele; Andabaka, Tatjana; Andreani, Stefano M; Angelou, Dimitrios; Annamalai, Seethalakshmi; Annessi, Valerio; Anthoney, James; Antonanzas, Leyre Lopez; Anwar, Sibtain; Anwer, Mariyah; Aoun, Salah G; Aragon-Chamizo, Juan; Archer, James E; Ardito, Antonella; Arigoni, Michele; Armao, Teodora; Arminio, Armando; Armstrong, Lara; Arnaud, Alexis; Arnaud, Alexis P; Asaad, Peter; Ashcroft, James; Ashmore, Christopher; Ashoush, Fouad M; Asqalan, Ahmad; Asti, Emanuele; Ataíde Gomes, Gustavo Mendonça; Aubry, Emmanuelle; Augestad, Knut Magne; Avellana, Rocio B; Ayeni, Funbi A; Ayorinde, John Oo; Aytac, Erman; Ayuso-Herrera, Esther; Babu, Bheemanakone H; Baeza, Melody; Baig, Mirza Mas; Bailon-Cuadrado, Martin; Bajomo, Oreoluwa M; Baker, Markus P; Baker, Olivia J; Bakmaz, Bernarda; Bakri, Nur Amalina Che; Baldi, Caterina; Baldini, Edoardo; Baldo, Stefano; Baldwin, Alexander J; Ballabio, Michele; Baloyiannis, Ioannis; Baltazar, Gerard; Ban, Vin Shen; Bandiera, Alessandro; Bankhead-Kendall, Brittany K; Barlow, Emma; Barmasse, Roberto; Barmpagianni, Christina; Baron, Ryan D; Baronio, Gianluca; Barra, Fabio; Barranquero, Alberto G; Barry, Conor P; Bartsch, Anne-Marie; Basgaran, Amedra; Basha, Amr; Bashkirova, Varvara; Bass, Gary A; Bastazza, Marco; Bath, Michael F; Batjer, H Hunt; Baumber, Rachel; Bauset, Juan Carlos Catalá; Beamish, Andrew J; Belcher, Elizabeth; Belgaumkar, Ajay P; Beltrán de Heredia, Juan; Belvedere, Angela; Bence, Matthew N; Benson, Ruth A; Benítez-Linero, Inmaculada; Bergeat, Damien; Bernal-Sprekelsen, Juan Carlos; Bernasconi, Matteo; Bhalla, Ashish; Bhama, Anuradha R; Bhangu, Aneel; Bhavaraju, Avi V; Bhutiani, Neal; Bianco, Federica; Biffl, Walter L; Bisagni, Pietro; Blake, Iain; Blanco-Colino, Ruth; Blas Laina, Juan Luis; Blazer Iii, Dan G; Blazquez-Martin, Alma; Blundell, Chris M; Boal, Matthew; Boddy, Alexander P; Bonavina, Giulia; Bonavina, Luigi; Bond-Smith, Giles; Booth, Karen; Borges, Filipe; Borghi, Felice; Borgstein, Alexander Bj; Borja De Lacy, F; Bosanquet, David C; Bosch, Karen D; Bouchagier, Konstantinos; Bouhuwaish, Ahmad Em; Bourke, Grainne; Boyle, Emily; Bozkurt, Mehmet A; Brachini, Gioia; Brain, Jessie; Brar, Amanpreet; Brathwaite, Collin Em; Breckles, Lisa; Breen, Kerry A; Bretagnol, Frédéric; Brixton, Genevieve; Brown, Allison K; Brown, Benjamin C; Brown, Oliver D; Bruzzaniti, Placido; Buarque, Igor Lima; Bueno-Cañones, Alejandro D; Bueser, Teofila; Bulugma, Mustafa R; Burke, Joshua R; Burnside, Nathan; Byrne, Matthew Hv; Bàmbina, Fabrizio; Caballero, Albert; Cagigal-Ortega, Elima P; Calcerrada-Alises, Enrique; Callahan, Miriam; Callcut, Rachael A; Camarero, Enrique; Campagnaro, Tommaso; Campanelli, Michela; Candiani, Massimo; Cannoletta, Maria; Canova, Michaela E; Cantalejo-Diaz, Miguel; Cao, Han; Capelli, Patrizio; Capitan-Morales, Luis-Cristobal; Capizzi, Vita; Carcano, Giulio; Carissimi, Francesca; Carlini, Massimo; Carlos, William J; Carlucci, Michele; Carmichael, Heather; Carrasco, Milagros; Carrillo, Mariana; Caruana, Edward J; Carvello, Michele; Casati, Massimiliano; Castoro, Carlo; Catalan, Vanesa; Cato, Liam D; Catton, Andrew B; Cavaleiro, Salomé; Cellerino, Paola; Centinaio, Giovanna; Ceretti, Andrea Pisani; Cernei, Cristina; Cerro, Cristina; Cervellera, Maurizio; Chakrabortee, Sohini; Chamberlain, Stephanie; Chan, Jeffrey; Chang, Grace; Chase, Thomas Jg; Chaudhry, Dauod; Chebaro, Alexandre; Chen, David; Chetty, Govind; Chia, Zoe; Chiappini, Ambra; Chiara, Francesco Di; Chiarugi, Massimo; Chidambaram, Swathikan; Chiozza, Matteo; Cholewa, Hanna; Chong, Clara; Choolani-Bhojwani, Ekta; Chowdhury, Abeed H; Chrastek, David; Christoforidis, Dimitri; Chui, Karen; Chung, Choyin; Chung, Eric A; Cicerchia, Pierfranco M; Cirillo, Bruno; Citterio, Davide; Clermidi, Pauline; Clough, Ethan Cs; Coccolini, Federico; Coleman, Natasha L; Colletti, Gaia; Collins, Chris G; Collins, Michelle L; Colonna, Emily T; Comini, Lara V; Compagnoni, Bruno; Concepción-Martín, Vanesa; Confalonieri, Marco; Connelly, Tara M; Connolly, Hannah; Conso, Christel; Conti, Luigi; Cooper, Zara; Corbellini, Carlo; Cordera, Fernando; Corral, Javier; Costa, Marta; Costa, Paulo Matos; Costanzi, Andrea; Cotsoglou, Christian; Coughlin, Patrick A; Cox, Daniel; Cozza, Valerio; Cruzado, Laura Fernández-Gomez; Cuming, Tamzin; Cunha, Miguel F; Curtis, Miles; Cuschieri, Joseph; D'Agruma, Michele; D'Andrea, Giancarlo; Da Roit, Anna; Daliya, Prita; Dare, Oliver; Darko, Ebenezer; Dass, Debashis; Davidson, Brian R; Davidson, Giana H; Davies, Emma J; Davies, Richard J; Davis, Niall F; Dawson, Brett E; Day, Andrew; De Andrés-Asenjo, Beatriz; de Gheldere, Charles A; De Marchi, Joshua A; De Miguel-Ardevines, Maria-Carmen; De Nardi, Paola; De Salas, Maria Marqueta; De Simone, Veronica; De Souza, Anthony C; De Toma, Giorgio; De Virgilio, Armando; de Vries, Jean-Paul Pm; Dean, Benjamin Jf; Dean, Harry; Dehal, Ahmed; Dehart, Dustin; Del Giudice, Roberto; Delgado, Maria Garcia-Conde; Delgado-Oliver, Eduardo; Denning, Max; Desai, Anant; Desender, Liesbeth; Dester, Sara; DI Bartolomeo, Alessandro; DI Candido, Francesca; Di Franco, Gregorio; Di Giuseppe, Matteo; Di Saverio, Salomone; Diaz, Jose J; Diaz-Peña, Patricia; Dickson, Kathryn E; Diez-Alonso, Manuel M; Dixon, Jan R; Doe, Matthew J; Dolores Del Toro, M; Dousset, Bertrand; Doussot, Alexandre; Drake, Frederick T; Drake, Thomas D; Duchateau, Nicolas; Duff, Sarah; Duffy, John P; Dunne, Declan Fj; Dunne, Naomi Jm; Dunning, Joel; Duque-Mallen, Victoria; Durst, Alexander Ze; Durán-Muñoz-Cruzado, Virginia M; Dziakova, Jana; Díaz Pérez, David; Díaz-García, Alberto; Eardley, Nicola J; Edwards, John G; Egan, Bridget; Egan, Richard; El Kassas, Mohamed; El Youzouri, Hanan; El-Ali, Abess; Elfallal, Ahmed H; Elfeki, Hossam; Elfiky, Mahmoud Ma; Elhadi, Muhammed; Eljareh, Mohammed; Elkadi, Hannah H; Elkady, Ramy; Elkhafeefi, Fatimah; Elliott, Jessie A; Elmore, Ugo; Elmoslemany, Tarek; Emile, Sameh H; Emmerson, Oliver; Emslie, Katy M; Endorf, Frederick W; Enemosah, Ibrahim; Engel, Jamie L; English, Camilla; English, William; Enjuto, Diego T; Erridge, Simon; Escartin, Jorge; Estaire-Gomez, Mercedes; Etchill, Eric W; Evans, Jessica; Evans, Jonathan P; Evans, Luke; Exley, Rebecca; Fabbri, Nicoló; Fahey, Brian A; Falco, Giuseppe; Familiari, Pietro; Fancellu, Alessandro; Faria, Carlos S; Farik, Shebani; Farrell, Tony; Fehervari, Matyas; Fell, Adam; Feo, Carlo V; Ferguson, Henry Jm; Fernandez, Andres Garcia; Fernandez, Beatriz Dieguez; Fernandez-Camuñas, Angel; Fernández, Antonio J; Fernández-Martínez, María; Fernández-Marín, Reyes; Fernández-Pacheco, Borja Camacho; Ferrara, Francesco; Ferrari, Guglielmo; Ferrero, Simone; Findlay, Laura; Fiore, Marco; Fiori, Enrico; Fitzgerald, J Edward; Flatman, Michael; Flindall, Ian; Flor, Blas; Fonsi, Giovanni B; Font, Roser Farré; Fontana, Tommaso; Ford, David; Ford, Samuel; Forlani, Stefano; Fowler, Amy L; Francone, Elisa; Frattaruolo, Colomba; Fretwell, Kenneth R; Frio, Federico; Fructuoso, Lorena Sanchon; Fusai, Giuseppe K; Gagliano, Annalisa; Gagliardi, Filippo; Gahunia, Sukhpreet; Gaino, Francesca; Gala, Tanzeela; Galfrascoli, Elisa; Galimberti, Luca; Galindo Jara, Pablo; Gallagher, Phoebe; Galleano, Raffaele; Gallo, Gaetano; Galván-Pérez, Armando; Gammeri, Emanuele; Ganau, Mario; Garcia Galocha, Jose L; Garcia, Miguel Hernandez; Garcia-Ureña, Miguel Angel; Garcés-García, Raúl; Gardner, Anne; Garulli, Gianluca; Gascon-Ferrer, Isabel; Gattolin, Andrea; Gaujoux, Sebastien; Gentilli, Sergio; Georgiades, Fanourios; Ghanbari, Amir; Ghosh, Dhruv; Giacometti, Marco; Giblin, Anna-Victoria; Gilbert, Catherine; Gill, Charn K; Giménez, Clara; Giorgakis, Emmanouil; Gipponi, Manuel; Gisbertz, Suzanne S; Giuffrida, Maria Carmela; Glasbey, James C; Glen, Paul; Goatly, Giles; Gobatti, Davide; Godbole, Chintamani; Gohil, Kajal; Gomez-Rosado, Juan-Carlos; Gonullu, Emre; Gonzalez-De Miguel, Melania; Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Enrique; Gordini, Luca; Gracia, Isabel; Gracia-Roche, Carlos; Granieri, Stefano; Green, Susanna; Gregg, Anne; Griffiths, Ewen A; Grivon, Manuela; Grove, Thomas; Guaglio, Marcello; Guaitoli, Eleonora; Guariglia, Claudio A; Guglielmi, Alfredo; Guha, Soumya; Gujjuri, Rohan R; Gustavino, Claudio; Gutiérrez Samaniego, María; Gómez Díaz, Carlos J; Gómez, Marcos; Gómez, María Fanjul; Habeeb, Amir; Hagger, Robert; Hainsworth, Alison J; Hakmi, Hazim; Halkias, Constantine; Hall, Bria J; Hall, Claire; Hall, James Rw; Hammond, John S; Hampton, Matthew; Handa, Siddhartha; Hansen, Laura; Haq, Iram; Haqqani, Maha H; Harky, Amer; Harries, Rhiannon; Harrison, Ewen M; Harrison, Joseph; Hasan, Raashad; Hawari, Mohammad; Hawkin, Paul; Hazelton, Joshua P; Hebblethwaite, Bethany; Henriques, Susana; Heritage, Emily; Hernandez-Juara, Pilar; Hernández Bartolomé, Miguel Ángel; Herrero-Lopez, Maria; Hervieux, Erik; Heyd, Bruno; Higgs, Simon; Hill, Arnold Dk; Hing, Caroline B; Hirji, Sameer A; Hitchman, Louise; Ho, Beatrice; Ho, Michael Ws; Hogan, Aisling; Holbrook, Charlotte M; Holme, Thomas J; Hopkins, James C; Hopkinson, David N; Hossain, Fahad S; Hossain, Tanvir; Houston, Rory; Hudson, Victoria E; Hughes, Jane L; Hurt, Libor; Hutchinson, Peter; Hutchinson, Peter J; Hwang, E Shelley; Hölzle, Frank; Iacob, Giulio; Iannone, Immacolata; Ibrahim, Mohamed Ah; Ibrahim, Sherif; Iovino, Domenico; Irvine, Esmee; Isik, Arda; Isolani, Simone M; Jafarova, Sevda; Jamil, Tahir; Jayaraju, Ullas; Jeganathan, Reuben; Jenkinson, Michael D; Jenner, Edward; Jenny, Hillary E; Jeyaretna, Deva S; Jiao, Long R; Jimenez-Higuera, Elisa; Jimeno, Jaime; Johnstone, Jack R; Jones, Andrew P; Jones, Gareth P; Jones, Mark; Jones, Robert P; Jonker, Pascal Kc; Joyce, Doireann P; Judkins, Nicholas; Jönsson, Maria L; Kaafarani, Haytham Ma; Kalavrezos, Nicholas; Kalidindi, Venugopala; Kalkat, Maninder; Kalkwarf, Kyle J; Kamal, Mona; Kamarajah, Sivesh K; Kamphues, Carsten; Kang, Chong; Kara, Yasin; Karam, Edward; Karim, Ahmed; Kashora, Florence; Kaushal, Manish V; Kavanagh, Dara O; Kearney, David; Keatley, James M; Keller, Deborah S; Khajuria, Apoorva; Khalefa, Mohamed A; Khan, Azam; Khan, Jim S; Khan, Umul; Khatri, Chetan; Kinnaman, Gabriel; Kinross, James; Kirmani, Bilal H; Kisiel, Aaron P; Kler, Aaron; Klimopoulos, Serafeim; KocataÅŸ, Ali; Kolias, Angelos; Konsten, Joop; Kontovounisios, Christos; Kourdouli, Amar; Kouris, Spyros Marinos; Kouritas, Vasileios; Kowal, Mikolaj R; Krishnan, Emily; Kristinsson, Sverrir; Kruijff, Schelto; Kudsk-Iversen, Søren; Kufeji, Dorothy; Kugler, Nadav; Kulkarni, Gauri; Kulkarni, Rugved; Kurihara, Hayato; Königsrainer, Alfred; La Torre, Filippo; Labib, Peter L; Laface, Letizia; Lakkis, Zaher; Lami, Mariam; Landaluce-Olavarria, Aitor; Lapolla, Pierfrancesco; Larkin, John O; Lauscher, Johannes C; Lawani, Ismail; Lawday, Samuel; Le Roy, Bertrand; Leclercq, Wouter Kg; Lecolle, Katia; Lederhuber, Hans; Ledesma, Frances Sj; Leite-Moreira, André M; Leo, Cosimo Alex; Leung, Elaine Yl; Leventoglu, Sezai; Lewis, Sophia E; Li, Elizabeth; Li, Zoe; Liew, Ignatius; Lima, Maria João; Lin, Daniel J; Lisi, Giorgio; Liu, Helen H; Liyanage, Aloka S D; Lizzi, Vincenzo; Lo, Terence; Lombardi, Celestino P; Lomiento, Daniele; Longhi, Marco; Lostis, Emilie; Lostoridis, Eftychios; Loubani, Mahmoud; Lowery, Aoife J; Lowy-Benoliel, Alejandro; Lozano, Saida Martel; Lucianetti, Alessandro; Luke, Louis; Lunevicius, Raimundas; Luney, Catriona R; Luraghi, Marco; Lye, George; Lázaro, André; Löffler, Markus W; Mabrouk, Islam; Macchi, Alberto; MacDonald, Luisa; Machairas, Nikolaos; Madonini, Marco; Magowan, Drew; Maia, Mariana Magalhães; Maisonneuve, Emeline; Majkowska, Agata; Majkowski, Lawrence; Mak, Jason; Malabarba, Stefano; Malerba, Michele; Mannan, Syed; Manson, Joanna; Mansuri, Ahmer; Mantoglu, Baris; Manu, Nichola; Maqsood, Afnan; Marano, Alessandra; Marchbank, Adrian; Marcos-Santos, Pablo; Mari, Giulio Maria; Mariani, Nicolò M; Marino Cosentino, Luigi Mp; Marino, Marco V; Marra, Angelo A; Marrano, Enrico; Marsh, Christopher L; Martin, Benjamin; Martin, Emmeline; Martin, Guy; Martin, Janet; Martin, Robert Cg; Martin-Albo, Lorena; Martinelli, Fabio; Martinez-German, Antonio; Martinez-Pinedo, Carlos; Martins, Ricardo; Martín-Román, Lorena; Martínez-dePaz, Fernando; Martínez-Pérez, Carolina; Marwan, Hisham; Marzi, Federica; Mashbari, Hassan N; Mateo-Sierra, Olga; Mathieu, Pierre; Matute-Najarro, Maria-Soledad; Maw, Andrew; Mazingi, Dennis; Mazzaferro, Vincenzo; McCanny, Andrew; McCluney, Simon J; McIntyre, Robert C; Mckay, Siobhan C; McKenzie, Katherine; McKevitt, Kevin L; McLarty, Nicola; McPherson, Iain; Meagher, Ashley D; Medina, Esther; Mediratta, Saniya; Medone, Marzia; Mehdi, Mohammad Q; Mehigan, Brian J; Mehra, Gautam; Mele, Simone; Melero-Cortés, Lidia; Mendoza-Moreno, Fernando; Meneghini, Simona; Mercante, Giuseppe; Merdrignac, Aude; Merola, Stephen; Metallidis, Symeon; Michel, Martin; Migliore, Marco; Mihanovic, Jakov; Miller, Douglas; Mills, Sarah J; Minaya-Bravo, Ana; Mingoli, Andrea; Minto, Gary; Mirabella, Antonello; Misra, Nikhil; Mithany, Reda H M; Mitrasinovic, Stefan; Miu, Victor; Moawad, Nader; Mochet, Sylvie; Modabber, Ali; Mohammad, Adam; Mohan, Helen M; Mohan, Midhun; Moir, John Ag; Moliner-Sánchez, Carmen; Mongelli, Francesco; Monson, John Rt; Monteiro, Joana M; Monteleone, Michela; Montella, Maria T; Montesinos, Cristina Soto; Montuori, Mauro; Moore, Rachel; Mora-Guzmán, Ismael; Morales, Dieter; Morales, Xavier; Morelli, Luca; Morelli, Lucia; Morgan, Richard; Morgom, Marwa M; Morris, Chris; Mortini, Pietro; Morton, Dion G; Mosca, Angelo; Moszkowicz, David; Motter, Dema; Moug, Susan; Moura, Francisco S; Muguerza, Jose M; Mukherjee, Samrat; Murphy, Suzanne H; Najdy, Manhal; Nakas, Apostolos; Namazov, Ilgar; Naredla, Pradyumna; Nasef, Emmhamed; Nassa, Heeam; Nath, Rahul; Naumann, David N; Navarro-Sánchez, Antonio; Nazarian, Scarlet; Neary, Paul C; Neely, David Ta; Negri, Giampiero; Nehra, Deepika; Neil-Dwyer, Jason; Nepogodiev, Dmitri; Neri, Jacopo; Newton, Katy; Ng-Kamstra, Joshua S; Ngu, Albert Wt; Nguyen, Truong A; Nikaj, Herald; Niquen, Milagros; Nita, George E; Nizami, Kulsoom; Nobile, Sara; Nogueiro, Jorge; Ntirenganya, Faustin; Nugent Iii, William C; Nugent, Michael; Nunes, Quentin M; Nygaard, Rachel M; Núñez, Jordi; O'Meara, Lindsay B; O'Neill, John R; Ocaña, Juan; Odeh, Abdulrahman; Okafor, Barbara U; Okechukwu, Valentine; Oliva-Mompean, Fernando; Oliveira, Ana; Ollat, Didier; Olson, Steven A; Omar, Omar M; Onos, Lavinia; Oo, Aung Y; Ormazabal, Pablo Collera; Osagie-Clouard, Liza; Osman, Khabab; Osorio, Alexander L; Ottolina, Jessica; Ourieff, Jared; Outani, Oumaima; Oyewole, Bankole; Ozben, Volkan; Pacheco-Sanchez, David; Pachl, Max J; Padilla-Valverde, David; Pai, Madhava; Paiella, Salvatore; Paisley, Samuel; Palini, Gianmarco; Palmeri, Matteo; Panahi, Pedram; Parente, Alessandro; Parlanti, Daniele; Parmar, Chetan; Parry, James T; Pascual, Angela; Pata, Francesco; Patel, Mahul; Patel, Panna K; Pathak, Abhijit; Patil, Sangram; Pattyn, Piet; Peckham-Cooper, Adam; Pedrazzani, Corrado; Pellino, Gianluca; Peluso, Chiara; Pereira, André; Pereira-Neves, António; Perez-Diaz, M D; Perivoliotis, Konstantinos; Perkins, Clare; Peros, Georgios; Perotto, Ornella; Perra, Teresa; Petrone, Patrizio; Pevidal, Ana Nogues; Pezzuto, Anna P; Phenix, George; Philp, Matthew M; Picazo, Sara; Picon-Rodriguez, Rafael; Piloni, Martina; Pingarrón-Martín, Lorena; Pinkney, Thomas D; Pinotti, Enrico; Pisanu, Adolfo; Pizzini, Paolo; Pockney, Peter; Podda, Mauro; Podolsky, Dina; Poggioli, Gilberto; Pollok, Joerg M; Pompili, Cecilia; Pontari, Michael; Porcu, Alberto; Potter, Ryan; Povey, Meical G; Poza, Alfredo Alonso; Price, Claire; Pruvot, François-René; Pujol-Muncunill, Roger; Puppo, Andrea; Pérez-González, Marta; Pérez-Saborido, Baltasar; Pérez-Sánchez, Luis E; Quante, Markus; Quintana-Villamandos, Begoña; Qureshi, Ali; Radenkovic, Dejan; Rajgor, Amarkumar D; Rakvin, Ivan; Ramallo-Solís, Irene; Ramcharan, Sean; Ramos, Diego; Ramos-Bonilla, Antonio; Ramos-De la Medina, Antonio; Ramzi, Joussi; Rao, Jagan N; Raptis, Dimitri A; Rathinam, Sridhar; Rausa, Emanuele; Ravaioli, Matteo; Ravindran, Sharanya; Raymond, Thomas; Razik, Aisha; Redfern, Jennifer; Reguera-Rosal, Julio; Rela, Mariam; Rey-Biel, Juan; Rey-Valcarcel, Cristina; Ribolla, Marta; Rice, Henry E; Richards, Tomos; Richmond, Michael; Ridgway, Paul F; Righini, Erminio; Rio-Gomez, Javier; Rivas, Ana Munoz; Riyat, Harjoat; Rizvi, Sana; Roberts, Keith; Roberts, Matthew; Robertson, Ronald; Robertson, Stuart; Robin-Valle, Alvaro; Rochon, Melissa; Rodriguez-Sanjuan, Juan C; Rogers, Luke J; Rojo, Mikel; Rollett, Rebecca A; Rolli, Luigi; Romano, Silvio; Romera, Jose L; Rooney, Siobhan M; Rosato, Francesco; Roslani, April C; Ross, Elizabeth; Ross, Howard; Rossborough, Catherine; Rottoli, Matteo; Roxo, Vanessa I; Rubio, Eduardo E; Ruiz, Carolina Castro; Ruiz, Manuel Losada; Ruiz-Grande, Fernando; Ruiz-Marin, Miguel; Ruiz-Martin, Irene; Ruiz-Soriano, María; Ruzzenente, Andrea; Ryan, Éanna J; Ryska, Ondrej; Saad, Abdel Rahman; Saeed, Samerah A; Saez, Carlos; Sagnotta, Andrea; Sahnan, Kapil; Sahni, Arun; Salama, Hiba A; Salamah, Abdulrauf A; Salem, Hosni Khairy; Salim, Ali; Sallam, Ibrahim; Salvia, Roberto; Samadov, Elgun; Sammarco, Giuseppe; Sampaio-Alves, Mafalda; Sampietro, Gianluca M; San Miguel Mendez, Carlos; Sanchez Del Pueblo, Cristina; Sanchez-Fuentes, Maria-Nieves; Sanchez-Pelaez, Daniel; Sanchez-Perez, Coral; Sanchez-Rubio, Maria; Sancho-Muriel, Jorge; Sanders, Julie; Santero-Ramirez, Maria-Pilar; Santora, Thomas; Santoro, Antonio; Santos, Irene; Santos-Sousa, Hugo; Sapienza, Paolo; Sarma, Diwakar R; Sartarelli, Lodovico; Sarveswaran, Janahan; Sasia, Diego; Saudemont, Alain; Saudi-Moro, Sef; Saxena, Dolly; Saxena, Shobhit; Sayasneh, Ahmad; Scalabre, Aurelien; Schache, Andrew; Schaffer, Kathryn B; Schiavina, Riccardo; Schilling, Clare; Schineis, Christian; Schnitzbauer, Andreas A; Schreckenbach, Teresa; Scorza, Antonella; Scott, Lucy; Scurrah, Rachel J; Seegert, Sara; Seguin-Givelet, Agathe; Senent-Boza, Ana; Serevina, Olivia L; Serralheiro, Pedro A; Serrano González, Javier; Sewards, Joseph M; Seymour, Keith; Shabana, Amanda; Shackcloth, Michael J; Shah, Jigar; Shah, Karishma; Shah, Preena; Shah, Sujay; Shakir, Taner; Shalaby, Mostafa; Shane Lester, Madan Jha; Shankar, Sushma; Sharma, Neil; Shaw, Abigail V; Shaw, Richard; Sheel, Andrea Rg; Shehata, Sameh; Shenfine, Amy; Sheridan, Kelda; Sherief, Ahmed; Sherief, Mohamed; Sherif, Mohamed; Shinkwin, Michael; Shu, Sebastian; Siaw-Acheampong, Kwabena; Sica, Giuseppe S; Siddique, Muhammad Harris; Sileri, Pierpaolo; Simoes, Joana Ff; Singh, Abhinav; Singh, Aminder A; Singh, Rabindra P; Singh, Shailendra; Sinha, Deepti; Sinha, Sanjay; Siragusa, Leandro; Sivaprakasam, Rajesh; Sivayoganathan, Sriharan; Skelly, Brendan L; Smart, Neil J; Smillie, Robert; Smith, Andrew; Smith, Christopher; Smith, Claire; Smith, Henry G; Sochorova, Dana; Soggiu, Fiammetta; Sohail, Amir H; Sohrabi, Catrin; Solari, Francesca; Solli, Piergiorgio; Soreide, Kjetil; Spalding, Duncan R; Spinelli, Antonino; Spoletini, Domenico; Spriano, Giuseppe; Springford, Laurie R; Sravanam, Sanskrithi; Ssentongo, Anna E; Ssentongo, Paddy; Stanger, Sophie; Stavroulias, Dionisios; Steel, Ben; Steinkamp, Pieter J; Stella, Marco; Stevens, Kent A; Stewart, Grant D; Stewart, Robbie; Stringer, Sally; Stylianides, Nicholas A; Sulen, Nina; Sullivan, Tom Bb; Sundar, Sudha; Sundhu, Matthew; Suri, Avni; Syed, Arooj; Szatmary, Peter; Sánchez-Arteaga, Alejandro; Tabiri, Stephen; Tadross, Daniel; Taglietti, Lucio; Taher, Ahmed Sa; Tamimy, Muhammad S; Tang, Alethea M; Tansey, Rosamond; Tartaglia, Dario; Tawheed, Ahmed; Tayeh, Salim; Tebala, Giovanni D; Tejero-Pintor, Francisco J; Teles, Tobias; Testa, Valentina; Tewari, Nilanjana; Thaha, Mohamed A; Thoenissen, Philipp; Thomas, Amy J; Thomas, Kane; Thomin, Anne; Thrush, Jessica; Tierney, Sean; Tiwari, Abhinav; Toh, Simon; Toledo, Enrique; Tonini, Valeria; Torkington, Jared; Torquati, Alfonso; Torres, Antonio J; Torzilli, Guido; Totty, Joshua; Tourountzi, Paraskevi; Tousidonis, Manuel; Townend, Philip; Townsend, Catherine; Townshend, David N; Tripathi, Shiva S; Trompeter, Alex; Trompetto, Mario; Trotta, Francesco; Trout, Isobel M; Truant, Stéphanie; Trujillo-Díaz, Jeancarlos; Tsoulfas, George; Tsoulfas, Georgios; Tucker, Sarah C; Turco, Celia; Turrado-Rodriguez, Victor; Turri, Giulia; Tustin, Harry; Tyler, Jayne; Tzedakis, Stylianos; Tzovaras, George; Ubhi, Harmony K; Uittenbogaart, Martine; Ullah, Ramzan; Urban, Shane; Urbani, Alessia; Usai, Antonella; Vaccarella, Gianpaolo; Valdes-Hernandez, Javier; Valsecchi, Luca; van Berge Henegouwen, Mark I; van der Plas, Willemijn Y; van Heinsbergen, Maarten; van Ramshorst, Gabrielle H; Vashisht, Rajiv; Vega, Viviana A; Velmahos, George C; Velopulos, Catherine G; Venkatesan, Gowtham S; Venn, Mary; Venn, Mary L; Vera-Mansilla, Cristina; Vergari, Roberto; Vescio, Giuseppina; Vidya, Raghavan; Vieira, Paula; Vijay, Vardhini; Vimalachandran, Dale; Violante, Tommaso; Viswanath, Yirupaiahgari Ks; Vivas, Alfredo A; Volpe, Anita; Vovola, Fernanda; Vulliamy, Paul; Vázquez-Fernández, Andrea; Wade, Ryckie G; Wadley, Martin S; Wall, Joshua Js; Wall, Rosemary; Wallwork, Kate; Walsh, Stewart; Walters, Andrew M; Ward, Alex; Warren, Oliver J; Warwick, David; Waseem, Saima; Weaver, Helen; Weerasinghe, Chamindri K; Wells, Fiona; Wen, Jiaxin; West, Raha; Whitehall, Emma; Wild, Laura; Wilkin, Richard Jw; Wilkins, Alex; Williams, Gethin; Williams, Katherine J; Williams, Matthew; Winnand, Philipp; Winter, Stuart C; Wong, Ken; Worku, Dawit; Wormald, Justin Cr; Wright, Franklin L; Wright, Naomi; Xyda, Souzana E; Yalamanchili, Seema; Yershov, Danylo; Yildiz, Alp; Young, Alastair L; Young, Richard; Youssef, Mina Mg; Yousuf, Farhat B; Yurttas, Can; Zadegan, Frederic; Zafar, Noman; Zakaria, Rasheed; Zambon, Martina; Zanini, Nicola; Zappa, Marco A; Zarate, Alba; Zerbib, Philippe; Zizzo, Maurizio; Zmora, Oded; Zonta, Sandro
BACKGROUND:The impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) on postoperative recovery needs to be understood to inform clinical decision making during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. This study reports 30-day mortality and pulmonary complication rates in patients with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS:This international, multicentre, cohort study at 235 hospitals in 24 countries included all patients undergoing surgery who had SARS-CoV-2 infection confirmed within 7 days before or 30 days after surgery. The primary outcome measure was 30-day postoperative mortality and was assessed in all enrolled patients. The main secondary outcome measure was pulmonary complications, defined as pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or unexpected postoperative ventilation. FINDINGS:This analysis includes 1128 patients who had surgery between Jan 1 and March 31, 2020, of whom 835 (74·0%) had emergency surgery and 280 (24·8%) had elective surgery. SARS-CoV-2 infection was confirmed preoperatively in 294 (26·1%) patients. 30-day mortality was 23·8% (268 of 1128). Pulmonary complications occurred in 577 (51·2%) of 1128 patients; 30-day mortality in these patients was 38·0% (219 of 577), accounting for 81·7% (219 of 268) of all deaths. In adjusted analyses, 30-day mortality was associated with male sex (odds ratio 1·75 [95% CI 1·28-2·40], p<0·0001), age 70 years or older versus younger than 70 years (2·30 [1·65-3·22], p<0·0001), American Society of Anesthesiologists grades 3-5 versus grades 1-2 (2·35 [1·57-3·53], p<0·0001), malignant versus benign or obstetric diagnosis (1·55 [1·01-2·39], p=0·046), emergency versus elective surgery (1·67 [1·06-2·63], p=0·026), and major versus minor surgery (1·52 [1·01-2·31], p=0·047). INTERPRETATION:Postoperative pulmonary complications occur in half of patients with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection and are associated with high mortality. Thresholds for surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic should be higher than during normal practice, particularly in men aged 70 years and older. Consideration should be given for postponing non-urgent procedures and promoting non-operative treatment to delay or avoid the need for surgery. FUNDING:National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, Bowel and Cancer Research, Bowel Disease Research Foundation, Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons, British Association of Surgical Oncology, British Gynaecological Cancer Society, European Society of Coloproctology, NIHR Academy, Sarcoma UK, Vascular Society for Great Britain and Ireland, and Yorkshire Cancer Research.
PMID: 32479829
ISSN: 1474-547x
CID: 4851402