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Preventing maternal mental health disorders in the context of poverty: pilot efficacy of a dyadic intervention
Scorza, Pamela; Monk, Catherine; Lee, Seonjoo; Feng, Tianshu; Berry, Obianuju O; Werner, Elizabeth
BACKGROUND:The United States Preventive Services Task Force recommends that clinicians provide or refer pregnant and postpartum women who are at an increased risk of perinatal depression to counseling interventions. However, this prevention goal requires effective interventions that reach women at risk of, but before, the development of a depressive disorder. OBJECTIVE:We describe a pilot efficacy trial of a novel dyadic intervention to prevent common maternal mental health disorders, that is, Practical Resources for Effective Postpartum Parenting, in a sample of women at risk of maternal mental health disorders based on poverty status. We hypothesized that Practical Resources for Effective Postpartum Parenting compared with enhanced treatment as usual would reduce symptoms of maternal mental health disorders after birth. STUDY DESIGN/METHODS:A total of 60 pregnant women who were recruited from obstetrical practices at Columbia University Irving Medical Center were randomized to the Practical Resources for Effective Postpartum Parenting (n=30) or enhanced treatment as usual (n=30) intervention. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, and Patient Health Questionnaire were used to compare maternal mood at 6 weeks, 10 weeks, and 16 weeks after delivery. RESULTS:At 6 weeks after delivery, women randomized to Practical Resources for Effective Postpartum Parenting had lower mean Edinburgh Postnatal Depression scores (P=.018), lower mean Hamilton Depression scores (P<.001), and lower mean Hamilton Anxiety scores (P=.041); however, the incidence of postpartum mental disorders did not differ by treatment group. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:The Practical Resources for Effective Postpartum Parenting, which is an intervention integrated within obstetrical care, improves subclinical symptomology for at-risk dyads at a crucial time in the early postpartum period; however, our study did not detect reductions in the incidence of postpartum mental disorders.
PMID: 33345933
ISSN: 2589-9333
CID: 4724692
The Rise of Venture Capital Investing in Mental Health
Shah, Ravi N; Berry, Obianuju O
PMID: 32936238
ISSN: 2168-6238
CID: 4637122
Intimate partner violence and psychological interventions in low-income and middle-income countries [Comment]
Berry, Obianuju O; Monk, Catherine
PMID: 31981528
ISSN: 2215-0374
CID: 4474612
McCormack, Clare; Lauriola, Vincenzo; Spann, Marisa; Berry, Obianuju; Lee, Seonjoo; Mitchell, Anika; Champagne, Frances; Monk, Catherine
ISSN: 0033-3174
CID: 5262602
Evaluating an Advisor Program for Psychiatry Residents
Berry, Obianuju O; Sciutto, Mary; Cabaniss, Deborah; Arbuckle, Melissa
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:A formal residency advisory program was instituted in 2010 to assist psychiatry residents in achieving academic and personal goals and to help identify additional mentors. In this project the authors sought to evaluate and improve resident and faculty satisfaction with the residency advisory program. METHODS:At the end of the 2013-2014 academic period, residents completed an anonymous survey to determine baseline satisfaction with the residency advisory program. A series of interventions were then implemented including the addition of a resident liaison to the program, formal recognition of faculty advisors, and email reminders regarding regular residency advisory meetings. Eight months later a follow-up survey was distributed to assess the impact of the interventions on resident and faculty satisfaction with the residency advisory program and mentoring within the residency program. RESULTS:There were notable improvements in overall satisfaction with a 58% increase (p<0.05) in residents meeting with their advisors. After the intervention, residents were more likely to seek their resident advisor for help in facilitating relationships with potential career mentors (28% vs 72%, OR=6.64, 95% CI =1.83-24.08). Although 87% of all residents reported having mentors outside of the formal residency advisory program, approximately half of those who are in their first year post medical school (PGY1s) reported having no mentors outside of the residency advisory program (notably all women). CONCLUSIONS:Resident advisory programs benefit from continuous evaluation and quality improvement with enhanced structure, including a senior resident position, leading to improved satisfaction. Residency advisory programs may be particularly useful in helping to facilitate relationships with other mentors, which may be particularly important for women early in their training.
PMID: 28197983
ISSN: 1545-7230
CID: 4474602
A 30-Year Study of 3 Generations at High Risk and Low Risk for Depression
Weissman, Myrna M; Berry, Obianuju O; Warner, Virginia; Gameroff, Marc J; Skipper, Jamie; Talati, Ardesheer; Pilowsky, Daniel J; Wickramaratne, Priya
IMPORTANCE:The increased risk of major depression in the offspring of depressed parents is well known. Whether the risk is transmitted beyond 2 generations is less well known. To our knowledge, no published study with direct interviews of family members and the generations in the age of risk for depression has evaluated beyond 2 generations. This information is important for detecting individuals at highest risk who may benefit from early intervention. OBJECTIVE:To examine the familial aggregation of psychiatric disorder and functioning in grandchildren by their biological parents' and grandparents' depression status. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS:Longitudinal retrospective cohort family study of 251 grandchildren (generation 3 [mean age, 18 years]) interviewed a mean of 2.0 times and their biological parents (generation 2) interviewed a mean of 4.6 times and grandparents (generation 1) interviewed up to 30 years. The study dates were January 1982 (wave 1) to June 2015 (wave 6). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES:Cumulative rates of psychiatric disorders and functioning collected for all generations by clinically trained interviewers and best-estimate diagnosis made blind to diagnoses in members of previous generations. RESULTS:There were 91 families (G1) in the original sample, of whom 77 were eligible for inclusion (had a grandchild older than 5 years), and 80.5% (62 of 77) participated in the study. When first examining only 2 generations, the biological children (generation 3) of depressed compared with nondepressed parents (generation 2) had 2-fold increased risk for major depressive disorder (MDD) (hazard ratio [HR], 2.02; 95% CI, 1.08-3.79; P = .03), any disruptive disorder (HR, 1.70; 95% CI, 1.05-2.75; P = .03), substance dependence (HR, 2.96; 95% CI, 1.24-7.08; P = .01), any suicidal ideation or gesture (HR, 2.44; 95% CI, 1.28-4.66; P = .007), and poor functioning (F = 38.25, P < .001). When 3 generations were examined stratified by parental and grandparental depression status, association of a parent's MDD on the grandchild's MDD but not other disorders varied with the grandparent's depression status: grandchildren with both a depressed parent and grandparent (n = 38) were at highest risk for MDD. Among grandchildren without a depressed grandparent, those with (n = 14) vs without (n = 74) a depressed parent had overall poorer functioning (F = 6.31, P = .01) but not higher rates of any of the disorders. Potential confounding variables did not have a meaningful effect on the association between grandchild outcomes and parental or grandparental depression. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE:In this study, biological offspring with 2 previous generations affected with major depression were at highest risk for major depression, suggesting the potential value of determining family history of depression in children and adolescents beyond 2 generations. Early intervention in offspring of 2 generations affected with moderate to severely impairing MDD seems warranted. The specificity of the transmission of depression across 3 generations may make this group a homogeneous sample for biological marker studies.
PMID: 27532344
ISSN: 2168-6238
CID: 4474592
Key Role of Social Supports in a Cardiac Transplant Treatment Team [Case Report]
Berry, Obianuju O; Kymissis, Carisa
Only a limited literature focuses on solid organ transplant outcomes using an integrated care approach connecting the transplant team with psychiatry, other medical specialties, and importantly, the patient's social supports. We present the case of a man with heart failure whom we treated for symptoms of anxiety and depression both precardiac and postcardiac transplant. The patient was managed by a multidisciplinary team for his complex medical, psychiatric, family, and social issues. Most notably, the role and involvement of his primary caregiver at home changed during the crucial period between his pretransplant evaluation and clinical care during the year following his cardiac transplant. Unfortunately our patient succumbed to a poor outcome both socially and medically, dying 1 year posttransplant. Our experience with this patient led us to explore the cardiac transplant presurgical and postsurgical assessment and management process, focusing on the key role of social support in the patient care team.
PMID: 27138083
ISSN: 1538-1145
CID: 4474582