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Inhibiting the P2Y12 Receptor in Megakaryocytes and Platelets Suppresses Interferon-Associated Responses
Sowa, Marcin A; Sun, Haoyu; Wang, Tricia T; Virginio, Vitor W; Schlamp, Florencia; El Bannoudi, Hanane; Cornwell, MacIntosh; Bash, Hannah; Izmirly, Peter M; Belmont, H Michael; Ruggles, Kelly V; Buyon, Jill P; Voora, Deepak; Barrett, Tessa J; Berger, Jeffrey S
The authors investigated the impact of antiplatelet therapy on the megakaryocyte (MK) and platelet transcriptome. RNA-sequencing was performed on MKs treated with aspirin or P2Y12 inhibitor, platelets from healthy volunteers receiving aspirin or P2Y12 inhibition, and platelets from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). P2Y12 inhibition reduced gene expression and inflammatory pathways in MKs and platelets. In SLE, the interferon (IFN) pathway was elevated. In vitro experiments demonstrated the role of P2Y12 inhibition in reducing IFNα-induced platelet-leukocyte interactions and IFN signaling pathways. These results suggest that P2Y12 inhibition may have therapeutic potential for proinflammatory and autoimmune conditions like SLE.
PMID: 39444926
ISSN: 2452-302x
CID: 5740042
Investigating quantitative histological characteristics in renal pathology using HistoLens
Border, Samuel P; Tomaszewski, John E; Yoshida, Teruhiko; Kopp, Jeffrey B; Hodgin, Jeffrey B; Clapp, William L; Rosenberg, Avi Z; Buyon, Jill P; Sarder, Pinaki
HistoLens is an open-source graphical user interface developed using MATLAB AppDesigner for visual and quantitative analysis of histological datasets. HistoLens enables users to interrogate sets of digitally annotated whole slide images to efficiently characterize histological differences between disease and experimental groups. Users can dynamically visualize the distribution of 448 hand-engineered features quantifying color, texture, morphology, and distribution across microanatomic sub-compartments. Additionally, users can map differentially detected image features within the images by highlighting affected regions. We demonstrate the utility of HistoLens to identify hand-engineered features that correlate with pathognomonic renal glomerular characteristics distinguishing diabetic nephropathy and amyloid nephropathy from the histologically unremarkable glomeruli in minimal change disease. Additionally, we examine the use of HistoLens for glomerular feature discovery in the Tg26 mouse model of HIV-associated nephropathy. We identify numerous quantitative glomerular features distinguishing Tg26 transgenic mice from wild-type mice, corresponding to a progressive renal disease phenotype. Thus, we demonstrate an off-the-shelf and ready-to-use toolkit for quantitative renal pathology applications.
PMID: 39080444
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 5696402
Reply [Letter]
Buyon, Jill; Izmirly, Peter; Masson, Mala; Carlucci, Philip; Izmirly, Caroline G; Clancy, Robert; Cuneo, Bettina
PMID: 38233972
ISSN: 2326-5205
CID: 5662922
Anti-KIF20B autoantibodies are associated with cranial neuropathy in systemic lupus erythematosus
Krustev, Eugene; Hanly, John G; Chin, Ricky; Buhler, Katherine A; Urowitz, Murray B; Gordon, Caroline; Bae, Sang-Cheol; Romero-Diaz, Juanita; Sánchez-Guerrero, Jorge; Bernatsky, Sasha; Wallace, Daniel J; Isenberg, David; Rahman, Anisur; Merrill, Joan T; Fortin, Paul R; Gladman, Dafna D; Bruce, Ian N; Petri, Michelle A; Ginzler, Ellen M; Dooley, Mary Anne; Ramsey-Goldman, Rosalind; Manzi, Susan; Jönsen, Andreas; Alarcón, Graciela S; van Vollenhoven, Ronald F; Aranow, Cynthia; Mackay, Meggan; Ruiz-Irastorza, Guillermo; Lim, Sam; Inanc, Murat; Kalunian, Kenneth C; Jacobsen, Søren; Peschken, Christine A; Kamen, Diane L; Askenase, Anca; Buyon, Jill; Fritzler, Marvin J; Clarke, Ann E; Choi, May Y
BACKGROUND:Cranial neuropathies (CN) are a rare neuropsychiatric SLE (NPSLE) manifestation. Previous studies reported that antibodies to the kinesin family member 20B (KIF20B) (anti-KIF20B) protein were associated with idiopathic ataxia and CN. We assessed anti-KIF20B as a potential biomarker for NPSLE in an international SLE inception cohort. METHODS:Individuals fulfilling the revised 1997 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) SLE classification criteria were enrolled from 31 centres from 1999 to 2011 and followed annually in the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus International Collaborating Clinics inception cohort. Anti-KIF20B testing was performed on baseline (within 15 months of diagnosis or first annual visit) samples using an addressable laser bead immunoassay. Logistic regression (penalised maximum likelihood and adjusting for confounding variables) examined the association between anti-KIF20B and NPSLE manifestations (1999 ACR case definitions), including CN, occurring over the first 5 years of follow-up. RESULTS:Of the 1827 enrolled cohort members, baseline serum and 5 years of follow-up data were available on 795 patients who were included in this study: 29.8% were anti-KIF20B-positive, 88.7% female, and 52.1% White. The frequency of anti-KIF20B positivity differed only for those with CN (n=10) versus without CN (n=785) (70.0% vs 29.3%; OR 5.2, 95% CI 1.4, 18.5). Compared with patients without CN, patients with CN were more likely to fulfil the ACR haematological (90.0% vs 66.1%; difference 23.9%, 95% CI 5.0%, 42.8%) and ANA (100% vs 95.7%; difference 4.3%, 95% CI 2.9%, 5.8%) criteria. In the multivariate analysis adjusting for age at baseline, female, White race and ethnicity, and ACR haematological and ANA criteria, anti-KIF20B positivity remained associated with CN (OR 5.2, 95% CI 1.4, 19.1). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Anti-KIF20B is a potential biomarker for SLE-related CN. Further studies are needed to examine how autoantibodies against KIF20B, which is variably expressed in a variety of neurological cells, contribute to disease pathogenesis.
PMID: 38599670
ISSN: 2053-8790
CID: 5669862
Clinical and Serologic Phenotyping and Damage Indices in Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus With and Without Fibromyalgia
Corbitt, Kelly; Carlucci, Philip M; Cohen, Brooke; Masson, Mala; Saxena, Amit; Belmont, H Michael; Tseng, Chung-E; Barbour, Kamil E; Gold, Heather; Buyon, Jill; Izmirly, Peter
OBJECTIVE:Given fibromyalgia (FM) frequently co-occurs with autoimmune disease, this study was initiated to objectively evaluate FM in a multiracial/ethnic cohort of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). METHODS:Patients with SLE were screened for FM using the 2016 FM classification criteria during an in-person rheumatologist visit. We evaluated hybrid Safety of Estrogens in Lupus National Assessment (SELENA)-SLE Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI) scores, SLE classification criteria, and Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics damage index. We compared patients with and without FM and if differences were present, compared patients with FM with patients with non-FM related chronic pain. RESULTS:316 patients with SLE completed the FM questionnaire. 55 (17.4%) met criteria for FM. The racial composition of patients with FM differed from those without FM (P = 0.023), driven by fewer Asian patients having FM. There was no difference in SLE disease duration, SELENA-SLEDAI score, or active serologies. There was more active arthritis in the FM group (16.4%) versus the non-FM group (1.9%) (P < 0.001). The Widespread Pain Index and Symptom Severity Score did not correlate with degree of SLE activity (r = -0.016; 0.107) among patients with FM or non-FM chronic pain (r = 0.009; -0.024). Regarding criteria, patients with FM had less nephritis and more malar rash. Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics damage index did not differ between groups. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Except for arthritis, patients with SLE with FM are not otherwise clinically or serologically distinguishable from those without FM, and Widespread Pain Index and Symptom Severity Score indices do not correlate with SLEDAI. These observations support the importance of further understanding the underlying biology of FM in SLE.
PMID: 38196183
ISSN: 2578-5745
CID: 5738372
Prospective Evaluation of High Titer Autoantibodies and Fetal Home Monitoring in the Detection of Atrioventricular Block Among Anti-SSA/Ro Pregnancies
Buyon, Jill P; Masson, Mala; Izmirly, Caroline G; Phoon, Colin; Acherman, Ruben; Sinkovskaya, Elena; Abuhamad, Alfred; Makhoul, Majd; Satou, Gary; Hogan, Whitnee; Pinto, Nelangi; Moon-Grady, Anita; Howley, Lisa; Donofrio, Mary; Krishnan, Anita; Ahmadzia, Homa; Levasseur, Stephanie; Paul, Erin; Owens, Sonal; Cumbermack, Kristopher; Matta, Jyothi; Joffe, Gary; Lindblade, Christopher; Haxel, Caitlin; Kohari, Katherine; Copel, Joshua; Strainic, James; Doan, Tam; Bermudez-Wagner, Karla; Holloman, Conisha; Sheth, Shreya S; Killen, Stacy; Tacy, Theresa; Kaplinski, Michelle; Hornberger, Lisa; Carlucci, Philip M; Izmirly, Peter; Fraser, Nicola; Clancy, Robert M; Cuneo, Bettina F
OBJECTIVE:This prospective study of pregnant patients, Surveillance To Prevent AV Block Likely to Occur Quickly (STOP BLOQ), addresses the impact of anti-SSA/Ro titers and utility of ambulatory monitoring in the detection of fetal second-degree atrioventricular block (AVB). METHODS:Women with anti-SSA/Ro autoantibodies by commercial testing were stratified into high and low anti-52-kD and/or 60-kD SSA/Ro titers applying at-risk thresholds defined by previous evaluation of AVB pregnancies. The high-titer group performed fetal heart rate and rhythm monitoring (FHRM) thrice daily and weekly/biweekly echocardiography from 17-26 weeks. Abnormal FHRM prompted urgent echocardiography to identify AVB. RESULTS:Anti-52-kD and/or 60-kD SSA/Ro met thresholds for monitoring in 261 of 413 participants (63%); for those, AVB frequency was 3.8%. No cases occurred with low titers. The incidence of AVB increased with higher levels, reaching 7.7% for those in the top quartile for anti-60-kD SSA/Ro, which increased to 27.3% in those with a previous child who had AVB. Based on levels from 15 participants with paired samples from both an AVB and a non-AVB pregnancy, healthy pregnancies were not explained by decreased titers. FHRM was considered abnormal in 45 of 30,920 recordings, 10 confirmed AVB by urgent echocardiogram, 7 being second-degree AVB, all <12 hours from normal FHRM and within another 0.75 to 4 hours to echocardiogram. The one participant with second/third-degree and two participants with third-degree AVB were diagnosed by urgent echocardiogram >17 to 72 hours from an FHRM. Surveillance echocardiograms detected no AVB when the preceding interval FHRM recordings were normal. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:High-titer antibodies are associated with an increased incidence of AVB. Anti-SSA/Ro titers remain stable over time and do not explain the discordant recurrence rates, suggesting that other factors are required. Fetal heart rate and rhythm (FHRM) with results confirmed by a pediatric cardiologist reliably detects conduction abnormalities, which may reduce the need for serial echocardiograms.
PMID: 37947364
ISSN: 2326-5205
CID: 5655442
Longitudinal patterns and predictors of response to standard-of-care therapy in lupus nephritis: data from the Accelerating Medicines Partnership Lupus Network
Izmirly, Peter M; Kim, Mimi Y; Carlucci, Philip M; Preisinger, Katherine; Cohen, Brooke Z; Deonaraine, Kristina; Zaminski, Devyn; Dall'Era, Maria; Kalunian, Kenneth; Fava, Andrea; Belmont, H Michael; Wu, Ming; Putterman, Chaim; Anolik, Jennifer; Barnas, Jennifer L; Diamond, Betty; Davidson, Anne; Wofsy, David; Kamen, Diane; James, Judith A; Guthridge, Joel M; Apruzzese, William; Rao, Deepak A; Weisman, Michael H; ,; Petri, Michelle; Buyon, Jill; Furie, Richard
BACKGROUND:Leveraging the Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) Lupus Nephritis (LN) dataset, we evaluated longitudinal patterns, rates, and predictors of response to standard-of-care therapy in patients with lupus nephritis. METHODS:Patients from US academic medical centers with class III, IV, and/or V LN and a baseline urine protein/creatinine (UPCR) ratio ≥ 1.0 (n = 180) were eligible for this analysis. Complete response (CR) required the following: (1) UPCR < 0.5; (2) normal serum creatinine (≤ 1.3 mg/dL) or, if abnormal, ≤ 125% of baseline; and (3) prednisone ≤ 10 mg/day. Partial response (PR) required the following: (1) > 50% reduction in UPCR; (2) normal serum creatinine or, if abnormal, ≤ 125% of baseline; and (3) prednisone dose ≤ 15 mg/day. RESULTS: = 2.61 [95%CI = 0.93-7.33]; p = 0.069). CONCLUSIONS:CR and PR rates at week 52 were consistent with the standard-of-care response rates observed in prospective registrational LN trials. Low sustained response rates underscore the need for more efficacious therapies and highlight how critically important it is to understand the molecular pathways associated with response and non-response.
PMID: 38378664
ISSN: 1478-6362
CID: 5634232
Urine proteomic signatures of histological class, activity, chronicity, and treatment response in lupus nephritis
Fava, Andrea; Buyon, Jill; Magder, Laurence; Hodgin, Jeff; Rosenberg, Avi; Demeke, Dawit S; Rao, Deepak A; Arazi, Arnon; Celia, Alessandra Ida; Putterman, Chaim; Anolik, Jennifer H; Barnas, Jennifer; Dall'Era, Maria; Wofsy, David; Furie, Richard; Kamen, Diane; Kalunian, Kenneth; James, Judith A; Guthridge, Joel; Atta, Mohamed G; Monroy Trujillo, Jose; Fine, Derek; Clancy, Robert; Belmont, H Michael; Izmirly, Peter; Apruzzese, William; Goldman, Daniel; Berthier, Celine C; Hoover, Paul; Hacohen, Nir; Raychaudhuri, Soumya; Davidson, Anne; Diamond, Betty; ,; Petri, Michelle
Lupus nephritis (LN) is a pathologically heterogenous autoimmune disease linked to end-stage kidney disease and mortality. Better therapeutic strategies are needed as only 30%-40% of patients completely respond to treatment. Noninvasive biomarkers of intrarenal inflammation may guide more precise approaches. Because urine collects the byproducts of kidney inflammation, we studied the urine proteomic profiles of 225 patients with LN (573 samples) in the longitudinal Accelerating Medicines Partnership in RA/SLE cohort. Urinary biomarkers of monocyte/neutrophil degranulation (i.e., PR3, S100A8, azurocidin, catalase, cathepsins, MMP8), macrophage activation (i.e., CD163, CD206, galectin-1), wound healing/matrix degradation (i.e., nidogen-1, decorin), and IL-16 characterized the aggressive proliferative LN classes and significantly correlated with histological activity. A decline of these biomarkers after 3 months of treatment predicted the 1-year response more robustly than proteinuria, the standard of care (AUC: CD206 0.91, EGFR 0.9, CD163 0.89, proteinuria 0.8). Candidate biomarkers were validated and provide potentially treatable targets. We propose these biomarkers of intrarenal immunological activity as noninvasive tools to diagnose LN and guide treatment and as surrogate endpoints for clinical trials. These findings provide insights into the processes involved in LN activity. This data set is a public resource to generate and test hypotheses and validate biomarkers.
PMID: 38258904
ISSN: 2379-3708
CID: 5624822
Prevalence of concomitant rheumatologic diseases and autoantibody specificities among racial and ethnic groups in SLE patients
Denvir, Brendan; Carlucci, Philip M; Corbitt, Kelly; Buyon, Jill P; Belmont, H Michael; Gold, Heather T; Salmon, Jane E; Askanase, Anca; Bathon, Joan M; Geraldino-Pardilla, Laura; Ali, Yousaf; Ginzler, Ellen M; Putterman, Chaim; Gordon, Caroline; Barbour, Kamil E; Helmick, Charles G; Parton, Hilary; Izmirly, Peter M
OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:Leveraging the Manhattan Lupus Surveillance Program (MLSP), a population-based registry of cases of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and related diseases, we investigated the proportion of SLE with concomitant rheumatic diseases, including Sjögren's disease (SjD), antiphospholipid syndrome (APLS), and fibromyalgia (FM), as well as the prevalence of autoantibodies in SLE by sex and race/ethnicity. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:Prevalent SLE cases fulfilled one of three sets of classification criteria. Additional rheumatic diseases were defined using modified criteria based on data available in the MLSP: SjD (anti-SSA/Ro positive and evidence of keratoconjunctivitis sicca and/or xerostomia), APLS (antiphospholipid antibody positive and evidence of a blood clot), and FM (diagnosis in the chart). RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:1,342 patients fulfilled SLE classification criteria. Of these, SjD was identified in 147 (11.0%, 95% CI 9.2-12.7%) patients with women and non-Latino Asian patients being the most highly represented. APLS was diagnosed in 119 (8.9%, 95% CI 7.3-10.5%) patients with the highest frequency in Latino patients. FM was present in 120 (8.9%, 95% CI 7.3-10.5) patients with non-Latino White and Latino patients having the highest frequency. Anti-dsDNA antibodies were most prevalent in non-Latino Asian, Black, and Latino patients while anti-Sm antibodies showed the highest proportion in non-Latino Black and Asian patients. Anti-SSA/Ro and anti-SSB/La antibodies were most prevalent in non-Latino Asian patients and least prevalent in non-Latino White patients. Men were more likely to be anti-Sm positive. CONCLUSION/UNASSIGNED:Data from the MLSP revealed differences among patients classified as SLE in the prevalence of concomitant rheumatic diseases and autoantibody profiles by sex and race/ethnicity underscoring comorbidities associated with SLE.
PMID: 38516120
ISSN: 2674-1199
CID: 5640792
Association between severe non-adherence to hydroxychloroquine and SLE flares, damage, and mortality in 660 patients from the SLICC Inception Cohort
Nguyen, Yann; Blanchet, Benoît; Urowitz, Murray B; Hanly, John G; Gordon, Caroline; Bae, Sang-Cheol; Romero-Diaz, Juanita; Sanchez-Guerrero, Jorge; Clarke, Ann E; Bernatsky, Sasha; Wallace, Daniel J; Isenberg, David A; Rahman, Anisur; Merrill, Joan T; Fortin, Paul R; Gladman, Dafna D; Bruce, Ian N; Petri, Michelle; Ginzler, Ellen M; Dooley, Mary Anne; Ramsey-Goldman, Rosalind; Manzi, Susan; Jönsen, Andreas; Alarcón, Graciela S; van Vollenhoven, Ronald F; Aranow, Cynthia; Le Guern, Véronique; Mackay, Meggan; Ruiz-Irastorza, Guillermo; Lim, S Sam; Inanc, Murat; Kalunian, Kenneth C; Jacobsen, Søren; Peschken, Christine A; Kamen, Diane L; Askanase, Anca; Buyon, Jill; Costedoat-Chalumeau, Nathalie
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:To assess the associations of severe non-adherence to HCQ, objectively assessed by HCQ serum levels, and risks of SLE flares, damage, and mortality over 5 years of follow-up. METHODS:The SLICC Inception Cohort is an international multicenter initiative (33 centers; 11 countries). Serum of patients prescribed HCQ for at least 3 months at enrollment were analyzed. Severe non-adherence was defined by a serum HCQ level <106 ng/ml or <53 ng/ml, for HCQ doses of 400 or 200 mg/d, respectively. Associations with the risk of a flare (defined as a SLEDAI-2K increase ≥4 points, initiation of prednisone or immunosuppressive drugs, or new renal involvement) were studied with logistic regression, and associations with damage (first SLICC/ACR Damage Index (SDI) increase ≥1 point) and mortality with separate Cox proportional hazard models. RESULTS:Of 1849 cohort subjects, 660 patients (88% women) were included. Median (interquartile range) serum HCQ was 388 ng/ml (244-566); 48 patients (7.3%) had severe HCQ non-adherence. No covariates were clearly associated with severe non-adherence, which was however independently associated with both flare (OR 3.38; 95% CI 1.80-6.42) and an increase in the SDI within each of the first 3 years (HR 1.92 at 3 years; 95% CI 1.05-3.50). Eleven patients died within 5 years, including 3 with severe non-adherence (crude HR 5.41; 95% CI 1.43-20.39). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Severe non-adherence was independently associated with the risks of an SLE flare in the following year, early damage, and 5-year mortality.
PMID: 37459273
ISSN: 2326-5205
CID: 5535452