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Stereotactic body radiation therapy for the treatment of localized prostate cancer in men with underlying inflammatory bowel disease
Lischalk, Jonathan W; Blacksburg, Seth; Mendez, Christopher; Repka, Michael; Sanchez, Astrid; Carpenter, Todd; Witten, Matthew; Garbus, Jules E; Evans, Andrew; Collins, Sean P; Katz, Aaron; Haas, Jonathan
BACKGROUND:Historically, IBD has been thought to increase the underlying risk of radiation related toxicity in the treatment of prostate cancer. In the modern era, contemporary radiation planning and delivery may mitigate radiation-related toxicity in this theoretically high-risk cohort. This is the first manuscript to report clinical outcomes for men diagnosed with prostate cancer and underlying IBD curatively treated with stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). METHODS:A large institutional database of patients (n = 4245) treated with SBRT for adenocarcinoma of the prostate was interrogated to identify patients who were diagnosed with underlying IBD prior to treatment. All patients were treated with SBRT over five treatment fractions using a robotic radiosurgical platform and fiducial tracking. Baseline IBD characteristics including IBD subtype, pre-SBRT IBD medications, and EPIC bowel questionnaires were reviewed for the IBD cohort. Acute and late toxicity was evaluated using the CTCAE version 5.0. RESULTS:A total of 31 patients were identified who had underlying IBD prior to SBRT for the curative treatment of prostate cancer. The majority (n = 18) were diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and were being treated with local steroid suppositories for IBD. No biochemical relapses were observed in the IBD cohort with early follow up. High-grade acute and late toxicities were rare (n = 1, grade 3 proctitis) with a median time to any GI toxicity of 22 months. Hemorrhoidal flare was the most common low-grade toxicity observed (n = 3). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:To date, this is one of the largest groups of patients with IBD treated safely and effectively with radiation for prostate cancer and the only review of patients treated with SBRT. Caution is warranted when delivering therapeutic radiation to patients with IBD, however modern radiation techniques appear to have mitigated the risk of GI side effects.
PMID: 34243797
ISSN: 1748-717x
CID: 4965222
Low Body Mass Index As a Risk Factor for Long-Term Proctitis after Prostate SBRT: Assessing the Dosimetric and Clinical Implications [Meeting Abstract]
Blacksburg, S. R.; Sheu, R.; Carpenter, T. J.; Demircioglu, G.; Witten, M. R.; Mendez, C.; Ilyas, A.; Dodin, F.; Chieng, T.; Garbus, J.; Pappas, D.; Haas, J. A.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4686382
Comparisons Between Patients at Suburban and Inner-City Facilities Treated With Prostate SBRT: Long-Term Parity in Outcomes Despite Measurable Differences in Demographic and Disease Profiles [Meeting Abstract]
Blacksburg, S. R.; Carpenter, T. J.; Marans, H.; Demircioglu, G.; Witten, M. R.; Repka, M. C.; Mendez, C.; Katz, A. E.; Haas, J. A.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4686232
Obstructive Uropathy after Prostate SBRT is Rare: Characterizing Clinical and Dosimetric Predictors From a Large Patient Cohort [Meeting Abstract]
Blacksburg, S. R.; Sheu, R.; Carpenter, T. J.; Repka, M. C.; Demircioglu, G.; Witten, M. R.; Mendez, C.; Auto, H.; Shin, W.; Zafar, S.; Ilyas, A.; Haas, J. A.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4686352
Assessing Clinical and Dosimetric Predictors For Low PSA Nadir after Stereotactic Body Radiation Monotherapy with Intraprostatic Dose Escalation [Meeting Abstract]
Blacksburg, S. R.; Sheu, R.; Carpenter, T. J.; Demircioglu, G.; Repka, M. C.; Witten, M. R.; Mendez, C.; Shin, W.; Chieng, T.; Katz, A. E.; Haas, J. A.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4686362
Omission of MRI For Treatment Planning Does Not Affect Long-Term Outcomes after Prostate SBRT. [Meeting Abstract]
Blacksburg, S. R.; Sheu, R.; Carpenter, T. J.; Demircioglu, G.; Witten, M. R.; Mendez, C.; Auto, H.; Zheng, B.; Katz, A. E.; Haas, J. A.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4686372
Prostate Fiducial Marker Placement in Patients on Anticoagulation: Feasibility Prior to Prostate SBRT
Iocolano, Michelle; Blacksburg, Seth; Carpenter, Todd; Repka, Michael; Carbone, Susan; Demircioglu, Gizem; Miccio, Maryann; Katz, Aaron; Haas, Jonathan
Background and Purpose: Fiducial marker placement is required in patients undergoing robotic-based Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) or image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) for prostate cancer. Many patients take antiplatelet or anticoagulant medication due to other medical comorbidities. They are often required to temporarily discontinue these medications prior to invasive medical procedures as they are prone to bleed. Some patients are unable to discontinue therapy due to an elevated risk of thromboembolic events. The purpose of this study is to report this institution's experience placing fiducial markers in prostate cancer patients who are on chronic antiplatelet or anticoagulant medication. Materials and Methods: From August 2015-March 2019 57 patients on chronic antiplatelet or anticoagulation therapy who were not cleared to stop these medications underwent transrectal ultrasound guided (TRUS) fiducial marker placement for SBRT/IGRT. All patients were monitored by a registered nurse during the procedure for prolonged bleeding that required staff to hold pressure to the area with a 4 × 4 gauze until it resolved. All patients were also called the following day to assess for ongoing bleeding events. Treatment planning CT scan confirmed the ideal geometry of the marker placement. Results: All 57 patients on antiplatelet or anticoagulant medication who underwent fiducial marker placement were discharged home the same day of the procedure. Four patients experienced persistent bleeding that required a nurse to hold prolonged pressure to the area. No patient experienced significant bleeding the following day or any untoward cardiovascular event. Conclusions: This series suggests the use of antiplatelet or anticoagulant medication is not an absolute contraindication to fiducial marker placement in patients undergoing SBRT or IGRT for prostate cancer. These patients should be closely monitored after the procedure for bleeding complications. Practitioners may consider the patient's medical comorbidities, risk factors for thromboembolism, and overall functional status as there is no standardized protocol for discontinuing anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy for fiducial marker placement.
PMID: 32175274
ISSN: 2234-943x
CID: 4371092
The Prognostic Impact of Delayed Time From Biopsy in Men with Low Risk Prostate Cancer Treated with Definitive SBRT [Meeting Abstract]
Blacksburg, S. R.; Carpenter, T. J.; Demircioglu, G.; Witten, M. R.; Mendez, C.; Dodin, F.; Katz, A. E.; Haas, J. A.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4686392
Analysis of Local Control and Pain Control After Spine Stereotactic Radiosurgery Reveals Inferior Outcomes for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Compared With Other Radioresistant Histologies
McGee, Heather M; Carpenter, Todd J; Ozbek, Umut; Kirkwood, Katherine A; Tseng, Tzu-Chi; Blacksburg, Seth; Germano, Isabelle M; Green, Sheryl; Buckstein, Michael
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for spinal metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) compared with other radioresistant histologies (renal cell carcinoma [RCC], melanoma, and sarcoma) in terms of local control (LC) and pain control. METHODS AND MATERIALS/METHODS:We performed a retrospective review of patients treated with SRS to the spine for metastatic HCC, RCC, melanoma, and sarcoma between January 2007 and May 2014. Radiographic assessments of LC, overall survival, and patient-reported pain control were analyzed as univariable analyses and with various patient- and treatment-related parameters as multivariable analyses (MVA). RESULTS:Of the 96 patients treated with SRS, 41 patients had radioresistant histologies, including 18 HCC, 1 mixed HCC and cholangiocarcinoma, 15 RCC, 6 melanoma, and 1 leiomyosarcoma. Extraosseous disease was present in 63% of patients (74% in HCC; 55% in non-HCC; P = not significant). Spinal cord compression was present in 29% of patients (32% in HCC; 27% in non-HCC; P = not significant), and 24% of patients had decompressive surgery before SRS (26% in HCC; 23% in non-HCC; P = not significant). With a median follow-up time of 8.7 months, the actuarial 3-, 6-, and 12-month LC rates were 71%, 61%, 41%, respectively, for HCC, and 94%, 94%, and 85%, respectively, for non-HCC. The median time to local failure was 3 months for HCC and 11 months for non-HCC. On MVA, there was a strong trend toward inferior LC with HCC (P = .059). Of the 28 patients with pretreatment pain, pain relief was achieved in 93% of patients, but the 2 patients who did not experience pain relief both had HCC. The actuarial 3-, 6-, and 12-month pain control rates were 68%, 51%, 17%, respectively, for HCC, and 100%, 89%, and 89%, respectively, for non-HCC (P = .023), and remained significant on MVA (P = .034). CONCLUSIONS:Compared with other radioresistant histologies, HCC has inferior LC and pain relief after SRS. Whether HCC may benefit from further dose escalation or combined treatment with new therapies is an area of future research.
PMID: 30543868
ISSN: 1879-8519
CID: 3733682
Comparison of 5-Year Outcomes of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for African American and white Men Treated for Low Risk Prostate Cancer [Meeting Abstract]
Blacksburg, S. R.; Carpenter, T. J.; Demircioglu, G.; Mirza, A.; Coakley, M.; Mieles, M.; Murray, A. O.; Witten, M. R.; Mendez, C.; Katz, A. E.; Haas, J. A.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4111972