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Mortality and pulmonary complications in patients undergoing surgery with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international cohort study

Aaraj, Mahmoud A; Abate, Emmanuele; Abbott, Sarah J; Abbott, Tom Ef; Abdalaziz, Hossam; Abdalla, Mutwakil Om; Abdelaal, Ahmed S; Abdelkarim, Mostafa; Abdou, Hossam; Aboelkassem-Ibrahim, Ahmad; Abou Chaar, Mohamad K; Abuown, Ala; Acebes-Garcia, Fernando; Acharya, Metesh; Adamina, Michel; Addae-Boateng, Emmanuel; Ademuyiwa, Adesoji O; Aftab, Raiyyan; Agarwal, Arnav; Aguilar, José; Aherne, Thomas M; Ahmed, Yousra; Aitken, Emma; Al Maadany, Faraj S; Al-Azzawi, Marwa; Al-Embideen, Somya; Al-Masri, Mahmoud; Al-Najjar, Hani; Al-Sukaini, Ahmad; Alakaloko, Felix; Alam, Ruhina; Alameer, Ehab; Alanbuki, Ammar; Alderson, Derek; Ali Karar, Ali A; Ali, Inthekab Ali Mohamed; Ali, Osman M; Aliyeva, Zumrud; Aljanadi, Firas; Alkadeeki, Ghadah Z; Almasri, Murad; Almeida, Ana C; Alonso-Ortuño, Paula; Alrahawy, Mahmoud M; Alser, Osaid; Altintoprak, Fatih; Alvarez, Maria R; Ambler, Graeme K; Amira, Gamal; Amjad, Rabbia; Anania, Gabriele; Andabaka, Tatjana; Andreani, Stefano M; Angelou, Dimitrios; Annamalai, Seethalakshmi; Annessi, Valerio; Anthoney, James; Antonanzas, Leyre Lopez; Anwar, Sibtain; Anwer, Mariyah; Aoun, Salah G; Aragon-Chamizo, Juan; Archer, James E; Ardito, Antonella; Arigoni, Michele; Armao, Teodora; Arminio, Armando; Armstrong, Lara; Arnaud, Alexis; Arnaud, Alexis P; Asaad, Peter; Ashcroft, James; Ashmore, Christopher; Ashoush, Fouad M; Asqalan, Ahmad; Asti, Emanuele; Ataíde Gomes, Gustavo Mendonça; Aubry, Emmanuelle; Augestad, Knut Magne; Avellana, Rocio B; Ayeni, Funbi A; Ayorinde, John Oo; Aytac, Erman; Ayuso-Herrera, Esther; Babu, Bheemanakone H; Baeza, Melody; Baig, Mirza Mas; Bailon-Cuadrado, Martin; Bajomo, Oreoluwa M; Baker, Markus P; Baker, Olivia J; Bakmaz, Bernarda; Bakri, Nur Amalina Che; Baldi, Caterina; Baldini, Edoardo; Baldo, Stefano; Baldwin, Alexander J; Ballabio, Michele; Baloyiannis, Ioannis; Baltazar, Gerard; Ban, Vin Shen; Bandiera, Alessandro; Bankhead-Kendall, Brittany K; Barlow, Emma; Barmasse, Roberto; Barmpagianni, Christina; Baron, Ryan D; Baronio, Gianluca; Barra, Fabio; Barranquero, Alberto G; Barry, Conor P; Bartsch, Anne-Marie; Basgaran, Amedra; Basha, Amr; Bashkirova, Varvara; Bass, Gary A; Bastazza, Marco; Bath, Michael F; Batjer, H Hunt; Baumber, Rachel; Bauset, Juan Carlos Catalá; Beamish, Andrew J; Belcher, Elizabeth; Belgaumkar, Ajay P; Beltrán de Heredia, Juan; Belvedere, Angela; Bence, Matthew N; Benson, Ruth A; Benítez-Linero, Inmaculada; Bergeat, Damien; Bernal-Sprekelsen, Juan Carlos; Bernasconi, Matteo; Bhalla, Ashish; Bhama, Anuradha R; Bhangu, Aneel; Bhavaraju, Avi V; Bhutiani, Neal; Bianco, Federica; Biffl, Walter L; Bisagni, Pietro; Blake, Iain; Blanco-Colino, Ruth; Blas Laina, Juan Luis; Blazer Iii, Dan G; Blazquez-Martin, Alma; Blundell, Chris M; Boal, Matthew; Boddy, Alexander P; Bonavina, Giulia; Bonavina, Luigi; Bond-Smith, Giles; Booth, Karen; Borges, Filipe; Borghi, Felice; Borgstein, Alexander Bj; Borja De Lacy, F; Bosanquet, David C; Bosch, Karen D; Bouchagier, Konstantinos; Bouhuwaish, Ahmad Em; Bourke, Grainne; Boyle, Emily; Bozkurt, Mehmet A; Brachini, Gioia; Brain, Jessie; Brar, Amanpreet; Brathwaite, Collin Em; Breckles, Lisa; Breen, Kerry A; Bretagnol, Frédéric; Brixton, Genevieve; Brown, Allison K; Brown, Benjamin C; Brown, Oliver D; Bruzzaniti, Placido; Buarque, Igor Lima; Bueno-Cañones, Alejandro D; Bueser, Teofila; Bulugma, Mustafa R; Burke, Joshua R; Burnside, Nathan; Byrne, Matthew Hv; Bàmbina, Fabrizio; Caballero, Albert; Cagigal-Ortega, Elima P; Calcerrada-Alises, Enrique; Callahan, Miriam; Callcut, Rachael A; Camarero, Enrique; Campagnaro, Tommaso; Campanelli, Michela; Candiani, Massimo; Cannoletta, Maria; Canova, Michaela E; Cantalejo-Diaz, Miguel; Cao, Han; Capelli, Patrizio; Capitan-Morales, Luis-Cristobal; Capizzi, Vita; Carcano, Giulio; Carissimi, Francesca; Carlini, Massimo; Carlos, William J; Carlucci, Michele; Carmichael, Heather; Carrasco, Milagros; Carrillo, Mariana; Caruana, Edward J; Carvello, Michele; Casati, Massimiliano; Castoro, Carlo; Catalan, Vanesa; Cato, Liam D; Catton, Andrew B; Cavaleiro, Salomé; Cellerino, Paola; Centinaio, Giovanna; Ceretti, Andrea Pisani; Cernei, Cristina; Cerro, Cristina; Cervellera, Maurizio; Chakrabortee, Sohini; Chamberlain, Stephanie; Chan, Jeffrey; Chang, Grace; Chase, Thomas Jg; Chaudhry, Dauod; Chebaro, Alexandre; Chen, David; Chetty, Govind; Chia, Zoe; Chiappini, Ambra; Chiara, Francesco Di; Chiarugi, Massimo; Chidambaram, Swathikan; Chiozza, Matteo; Cholewa, Hanna; Chong, Clara; Choolani-Bhojwani, Ekta; Chowdhury, Abeed H; Chrastek, David; Christoforidis, Dimitri; Chui, Karen; Chung, Choyin; Chung, Eric A; Cicerchia, Pierfranco M; Cirillo, Bruno; Citterio, Davide; Clermidi, Pauline; Clough, Ethan Cs; Coccolini, Federico; Coleman, Natasha L; Colletti, Gaia; Collins, Chris G; Collins, Michelle L; Colonna, Emily T; Comini, Lara V; Compagnoni, Bruno; Concepción-Martín, Vanesa; Confalonieri, Marco; Connelly, Tara M; Connolly, Hannah; Conso, Christel; Conti, Luigi; Cooper, Zara; Corbellini, Carlo; Cordera, Fernando; Corral, Javier; Costa, Marta; Costa, Paulo Matos; Costanzi, Andrea; Cotsoglou, Christian; Coughlin, Patrick A; Cox, Daniel; Cozza, Valerio; Cruzado, Laura Fernández-Gomez; Cuming, Tamzin; Cunha, Miguel F; Curtis, Miles; Cuschieri, Joseph; D'Agruma, Michele; D'Andrea, Giancarlo; Da Roit, Anna; Daliya, Prita; Dare, Oliver; Darko, Ebenezer; Dass, Debashis; Davidson, Brian R; Davidson, Giana H; Davies, Emma J; Davies, Richard J; Davis, Niall F; Dawson, Brett E; Day, Andrew; De Andrés-Asenjo, Beatriz; de Gheldere, Charles A; De Marchi, Joshua A; De Miguel-Ardevines, Maria-Carmen; De Nardi, Paola; De Salas, Maria Marqueta; De Simone, Veronica; De Souza, Anthony C; De Toma, Giorgio; De Virgilio, Armando; de Vries, Jean-Paul Pm; Dean, Benjamin Jf; Dean, Harry; Dehal, Ahmed; Dehart, Dustin; Del Giudice, Roberto; Delgado, Maria Garcia-Conde; Delgado-Oliver, Eduardo; Denning, Max; Desai, Anant; Desender, Liesbeth; Dester, Sara; DI Bartolomeo, Alessandro; DI Candido, Francesca; Di Franco, Gregorio; Di Giuseppe, Matteo; Di Saverio, Salomone; Diaz, Jose J; Diaz-Peña, Patricia; Dickson, Kathryn E; Diez-Alonso, Manuel M; Dixon, Jan R; Doe, Matthew J; Dolores Del Toro, M; Dousset, Bertrand; Doussot, Alexandre; Drake, Frederick T; Drake, Thomas D; Duchateau, Nicolas; Duff, Sarah; Duffy, John P; Dunne, Declan Fj; Dunne, Naomi Jm; Dunning, Joel; Duque-Mallen, Victoria; Durst, Alexander Ze; Durán-Muñoz-Cruzado, Virginia M; Dziakova, Jana; Díaz Pérez, David; Díaz-García, Alberto; Eardley, Nicola J; Edwards, John G; Egan, Bridget; Egan, Richard; El Kassas, Mohamed; El Youzouri, Hanan; El-Ali, Abess; Elfallal, Ahmed H; Elfeki, Hossam; Elfiky, Mahmoud Ma; Elhadi, Muhammed; Eljareh, Mohammed; Elkadi, Hannah H; Elkady, Ramy; Elkhafeefi, Fatimah; Elliott, Jessie A; Elmore, Ugo; Elmoslemany, Tarek; Emile, Sameh H; Emmerson, Oliver; Emslie, Katy M; Endorf, Frederick W; Enemosah, Ibrahim; Engel, Jamie L; English, Camilla; English, William; Enjuto, Diego T; Erridge, Simon; Escartin, Jorge; Estaire-Gomez, Mercedes; Etchill, Eric W; Evans, Jessica; Evans, Jonathan P; Evans, Luke; Exley, Rebecca; Fabbri, Nicoló; Fahey, Brian A; Falco, Giuseppe; Familiari, Pietro; Fancellu, Alessandro; Faria, Carlos S; Farik, Shebani; Farrell, Tony; Fehervari, Matyas; Fell, Adam; Feo, Carlo V; Ferguson, Henry Jm; Fernandez, Andres Garcia; Fernandez, Beatriz Dieguez; Fernandez-Camuñas, Angel; Fernández, Antonio J; Fernández-Martínez, María; Fernández-Marín, Reyes; Fernández-Pacheco, Borja Camacho; Ferrara, Francesco; Ferrari, Guglielmo; Ferrero, Simone; Findlay, Laura; Fiore, Marco; Fiori, Enrico; Fitzgerald, J Edward; Flatman, Michael; Flindall, Ian; Flor, Blas; Fonsi, Giovanni B; Font, Roser Farré; Fontana, Tommaso; Ford, David; Ford, Samuel; Forlani, Stefano; Fowler, Amy L; Francone, Elisa; Frattaruolo, Colomba; Fretwell, Kenneth R; Frio, Federico; Fructuoso, Lorena Sanchon; Fusai, Giuseppe K; Gagliano, Annalisa; Gagliardi, Filippo; Gahunia, Sukhpreet; Gaino, Francesca; Gala, Tanzeela; Galfrascoli, Elisa; Galimberti, Luca; Galindo Jara, Pablo; Gallagher, Phoebe; Galleano, Raffaele; Gallo, Gaetano; Galván-Pérez, Armando; Gammeri, Emanuele; Ganau, Mario; Garcia Galocha, Jose L; Garcia, Miguel Hernandez; Garcia-Ureña, Miguel Angel; Garcés-García, Raúl; Gardner, Anne; Garulli, Gianluca; Gascon-Ferrer, Isabel; Gattolin, Andrea; Gaujoux, Sebastien; Gentilli, Sergio; Georgiades, Fanourios; Ghanbari, Amir; Ghosh, Dhruv; Giacometti, Marco; Giblin, Anna-Victoria; Gilbert, Catherine; Gill, Charn K; Giménez, Clara; Giorgakis, Emmanouil; Gipponi, Manuel; Gisbertz, Suzanne S; Giuffrida, Maria Carmela; Glasbey, James C; Glen, Paul; Goatly, Giles; Gobatti, Davide; Godbole, Chintamani; Gohil, Kajal; Gomez-Rosado, Juan-Carlos; Gonullu, Emre; Gonzalez-De Miguel, Melania; Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Enrique; Gordini, Luca; Gracia, Isabel; Gracia-Roche, Carlos; Granieri, Stefano; Green, Susanna; Gregg, Anne; Griffiths, Ewen A; Grivon, Manuela; Grove, Thomas; Guaglio, Marcello; Guaitoli, Eleonora; Guariglia, Claudio A; Guglielmi, Alfredo; Guha, Soumya; Gujjuri, Rohan R; Gustavino, Claudio; Gutiérrez Samaniego, María; Gómez Díaz, Carlos J; Gómez, Marcos; Gómez, María Fanjul; Habeeb, Amir; Hagger, Robert; Hainsworth, Alison J; Hakmi, Hazim; Halkias, Constantine; Hall, Bria J; Hall, Claire; Hall, James Rw; Hammond, John S; Hampton, Matthew; Handa, Siddhartha; Hansen, Laura; Haq, Iram; Haqqani, Maha H; Harky, Amer; Harries, Rhiannon; Harrison, Ewen M; Harrison, Joseph; Hasan, Raashad; Hawari, Mohammad; Hawkin, Paul; Hazelton, Joshua P; Hebblethwaite, Bethany; Henriques, Susana; Heritage, Emily; Hernandez-Juara, Pilar; Hernández Bartolomé, Miguel Ángel; Herrero-Lopez, Maria; Hervieux, Erik; Heyd, Bruno; Higgs, Simon; Hill, Arnold Dk; Hing, Caroline B; Hirji, Sameer A; Hitchman, Louise; Ho, Beatrice; Ho, Michael Ws; Hogan, Aisling; Holbrook, Charlotte M; Holme, Thomas J; Hopkins, James C; Hopkinson, David N; Hossain, Fahad S; Hossain, Tanvir; Houston, Rory; Hudson, Victoria E; Hughes, Jane L; Hurt, Libor; Hutchinson, Peter; Hutchinson, Peter J; Hwang, E Shelley; Hölzle, Frank; Iacob, Giulio; Iannone, Immacolata; Ibrahim, Mohamed Ah; Ibrahim, Sherif; Iovino, Domenico; Irvine, Esmee; Isik, Arda; Isolani, Simone M; Jafarova, Sevda; Jamil, Tahir; Jayaraju, Ullas; Jeganathan, Reuben; Jenkinson, Michael D; Jenner, Edward; Jenny, Hillary E; Jeyaretna, Deva S; Jiao, Long R; Jimenez-Higuera, Elisa; Jimeno, Jaime; Johnstone, Jack R; Jones, Andrew P; Jones, Gareth P; Jones, Mark; Jones, Robert P; Jonker, Pascal Kc; Joyce, Doireann P; Judkins, Nicholas; Jönsson, Maria L; Kaafarani, Haytham Ma; Kalavrezos, Nicholas; Kalidindi, Venugopala; Kalkat, Maninder; Kalkwarf, Kyle J; Kamal, Mona; Kamarajah, Sivesh K; Kamphues, Carsten; Kang, Chong; Kara, Yasin; Karam, Edward; Karim, Ahmed; Kashora, Florence; Kaushal, Manish V; Kavanagh, Dara O; Kearney, David; Keatley, James M; Keller, Deborah S; Khajuria, Apoorva; Khalefa, Mohamed A; Khan, Azam; Khan, Jim S; Khan, Umul; Khatri, Chetan; Kinnaman, Gabriel; Kinross, James; Kirmani, Bilal H; Kisiel, Aaron P; Kler, Aaron; Klimopoulos, Serafeim; KocataÅŸ, Ali; Kolias, Angelos; Konsten, Joop; Kontovounisios, Christos; Kourdouli, Amar; Kouris, Spyros Marinos; Kouritas, Vasileios; Kowal, Mikolaj R; Krishnan, Emily; Kristinsson, Sverrir; Kruijff, Schelto; Kudsk-Iversen, Søren; Kufeji, Dorothy; Kugler, Nadav; Kulkarni, Gauri; Kulkarni, Rugved; Kurihara, Hayato; Königsrainer, Alfred; La Torre, Filippo; Labib, Peter L; Laface, Letizia; Lakkis, Zaher; Lami, Mariam; Landaluce-Olavarria, Aitor; Lapolla, Pierfrancesco; Larkin, John O; Lauscher, Johannes C; Lawani, Ismail; Lawday, Samuel; Le Roy, Bertrand; Leclercq, Wouter Kg; Lecolle, Katia; Lederhuber, Hans; Ledesma, Frances Sj; Leite-Moreira, André M; Leo, Cosimo Alex; Leung, Elaine Yl; Leventoglu, Sezai; Lewis, Sophia E; Li, Elizabeth; Li, Zoe; Liew, Ignatius; Lima, Maria João; Lin, Daniel J; Lisi, Giorgio; Liu, Helen H; Liyanage, Aloka S D; Lizzi, Vincenzo; Lo, Terence; Lombardi, Celestino P; Lomiento, Daniele; Longhi, Marco; Lostis, Emilie; Lostoridis, Eftychios; Loubani, Mahmoud; Lowery, Aoife J; Lowy-Benoliel, Alejandro; Lozano, Saida Martel; Lucianetti, Alessandro; Luke, Louis; Lunevicius, Raimundas; Luney, Catriona R; Luraghi, Marco; Lye, George; Lázaro, André; Löffler, Markus W; Mabrouk, Islam; Macchi, Alberto; MacDonald, Luisa; Machairas, Nikolaos; Madonini, Marco; Magowan, Drew; Maia, Mariana Magalhães; Maisonneuve, Emeline; Majkowska, Agata; Majkowski, Lawrence; Mak, Jason; Malabarba, Stefano; Malerba, Michele; Mannan, Syed; Manson, Joanna; Mansuri, Ahmer; Mantoglu, Baris; Manu, Nichola; Maqsood, Afnan; Marano, Alessandra; Marchbank, Adrian; Marcos-Santos, Pablo; Mari, Giulio Maria; Mariani, Nicolò M; Marino Cosentino, Luigi Mp; Marino, Marco V; Marra, Angelo A; Marrano, Enrico; Marsh, Christopher L; Martin, Benjamin; Martin, Emmeline; Martin, Guy; Martin, Janet; Martin, Robert Cg; Martin-Albo, Lorena; Martinelli, Fabio; Martinez-German, Antonio; Martinez-Pinedo, Carlos; Martins, Ricardo; Martín-Román, Lorena; Martínez-dePaz, Fernando; Martínez-Pérez, Carolina; Marwan, Hisham; Marzi, Federica; Mashbari, Hassan N; Mateo-Sierra, Olga; Mathieu, Pierre; Matute-Najarro, Maria-Soledad; Maw, Andrew; Mazingi, Dennis; Mazzaferro, Vincenzo; McCanny, Andrew; McCluney, Simon J; McIntyre, Robert C; Mckay, Siobhan C; McKenzie, Katherine; McKevitt, Kevin L; McLarty, Nicola; McPherson, Iain; Meagher, Ashley D; Medina, Esther; Mediratta, Saniya; Medone, Marzia; Mehdi, Mohammad Q; Mehigan, Brian J; Mehra, Gautam; Mele, Simone; Melero-Cortés, Lidia; Mendoza-Moreno, Fernando; Meneghini, Simona; Mercante, Giuseppe; Merdrignac, Aude; Merola, Stephen; Metallidis, Symeon; Michel, Martin; Migliore, Marco; Mihanovic, Jakov; Miller, Douglas; Mills, Sarah J; Minaya-Bravo, Ana; Mingoli, Andrea; Minto, Gary; Mirabella, Antonello; Misra, Nikhil; Mithany, Reda H M; Mitrasinovic, Stefan; Miu, Victor; Moawad, Nader; Mochet, Sylvie; Modabber, Ali; Mohammad, Adam; Mohan, Helen M; Mohan, Midhun; Moir, John Ag; Moliner-Sánchez, Carmen; Mongelli, Francesco; Monson, John Rt; Monteiro, Joana M; Monteleone, Michela; Montella, Maria T; Montesinos, Cristina Soto; Montuori, Mauro; Moore, Rachel; Mora-Guzmán, Ismael; Morales, Dieter; Morales, Xavier; Morelli, Luca; Morelli, Lucia; Morgan, Richard; Morgom, Marwa M; Morris, Chris; Mortini, Pietro; Morton, Dion G; Mosca, Angelo; Moszkowicz, David; Motter, Dema; Moug, Susan; Moura, Francisco S; Muguerza, Jose M; Mukherjee, Samrat; Murphy, Suzanne H; Najdy, Manhal; Nakas, Apostolos; Namazov, Ilgar; Naredla, Pradyumna; Nasef, Emmhamed; Nassa, Heeam; Nath, Rahul; Naumann, David N; Navarro-Sánchez, Antonio; Nazarian, Scarlet; Neary, Paul C; Neely, David Ta; Negri, Giampiero; Nehra, Deepika; Neil-Dwyer, Jason; Nepogodiev, Dmitri; Neri, Jacopo; Newton, Katy; Ng-Kamstra, Joshua S; Ngu, Albert Wt; Nguyen, Truong A; Nikaj, Herald; Niquen, Milagros; Nita, George E; Nizami, Kulsoom; Nobile, Sara; Nogueiro, Jorge; Ntirenganya, Faustin; Nugent Iii, William C; Nugent, Michael; Nunes, Quentin M; Nygaard, Rachel M; Núñez, Jordi; O'Meara, Lindsay B; O'Neill, John R; Ocaña, Juan; Odeh, Abdulrahman; Okafor, Barbara U; Okechukwu, Valentine; Oliva-Mompean, Fernando; Oliveira, Ana; Ollat, Didier; Olson, Steven A; Omar, Omar M; Onos, Lavinia; Oo, Aung Y; Ormazabal, Pablo Collera; Osagie-Clouard, Liza; Osman, Khabab; Osorio, Alexander L; Ottolina, Jessica; Ourieff, Jared; Outani, Oumaima; Oyewole, Bankole; Ozben, Volkan; Pacheco-Sanchez, David; Pachl, Max J; Padilla-Valverde, David; Pai, Madhava; Paiella, Salvatore; Paisley, Samuel; Palini, Gianmarco; Palmeri, Matteo; Panahi, Pedram; Parente, Alessandro; Parlanti, Daniele; Parmar, Chetan; Parry, James T; Pascual, Angela; Pata, Francesco; Patel, Mahul; Patel, Panna K; Pathak, Abhijit; Patil, Sangram; Pattyn, Piet; Peckham-Cooper, Adam; Pedrazzani, Corrado; Pellino, Gianluca; Peluso, Chiara; Pereira, André; Pereira-Neves, António; Perez-Diaz, M D; Perivoliotis, Konstantinos; Perkins, Clare; Peros, Georgios; Perotto, Ornella; Perra, Teresa; Petrone, Patrizio; Pevidal, Ana Nogues; Pezzuto, Anna P; Phenix, George; Philp, Matthew M; Picazo, Sara; Picon-Rodriguez, Rafael; Piloni, Martina; Pingarrón-Martín, Lorena; Pinkney, Thomas D; Pinotti, Enrico; Pisanu, Adolfo; Pizzini, Paolo; Pockney, Peter; Podda, Mauro; Podolsky, Dina; Poggioli, Gilberto; Pollok, Joerg M; Pompili, Cecilia; Pontari, Michael; Porcu, Alberto; Potter, Ryan; Povey, Meical G; Poza, Alfredo Alonso; Price, Claire; Pruvot, François-René; Pujol-Muncunill, Roger; Puppo, Andrea; Pérez-González, Marta; Pérez-Saborido, Baltasar; Pérez-Sánchez, Luis E; Quante, Markus; Quintana-Villamandos, Begoña; Qureshi, Ali; Radenkovic, Dejan; Rajgor, Amarkumar D; Rakvin, Ivan; Ramallo-Solís, Irene; Ramcharan, Sean; Ramos, Diego; Ramos-Bonilla, Antonio; Ramos-De la Medina, Antonio; Ramzi, Joussi; Rao, Jagan N; Raptis, Dimitri A; Rathinam, Sridhar; Rausa, Emanuele; Ravaioli, Matteo; Ravindran, Sharanya; Raymond, Thomas; Razik, Aisha; Redfern, Jennifer; Reguera-Rosal, Julio; Rela, Mariam; Rey-Biel, Juan; Rey-Valcarcel, Cristina; Ribolla, Marta; Rice, Henry E; Richards, Tomos; Richmond, Michael; Ridgway, Paul F; Righini, Erminio; Rio-Gomez, Javier; Rivas, Ana Munoz; Riyat, Harjoat; Rizvi, Sana; Roberts, Keith; Roberts, Matthew; Robertson, Ronald; Robertson, Stuart; Robin-Valle, Alvaro; Rochon, Melissa; Rodriguez-Sanjuan, Juan C; Rogers, Luke J; Rojo, Mikel; Rollett, Rebecca A; Rolli, Luigi; Romano, Silvio; Romera, Jose L; Rooney, Siobhan M; Rosato, Francesco; Roslani, April C; Ross, Elizabeth; Ross, Howard; Rossborough, Catherine; Rottoli, Matteo; Roxo, Vanessa I; Rubio, Eduardo E; Ruiz, Carolina Castro; Ruiz, Manuel Losada; Ruiz-Grande, Fernando; Ruiz-Marin, Miguel; Ruiz-Martin, Irene; Ruiz-Soriano, María; Ruzzenente, Andrea; Ryan, Éanna J; Ryska, Ondrej; Saad, Abdel Rahman; Saeed, Samerah A; Saez, Carlos; Sagnotta, Andrea; Sahnan, Kapil; Sahni, Arun; Salama, Hiba A; Salamah, Abdulrauf A; Salem, Hosni Khairy; Salim, Ali; Sallam, Ibrahim; Salvia, Roberto; Samadov, Elgun; Sammarco, Giuseppe; Sampaio-Alves, Mafalda; Sampietro, Gianluca M; San Miguel Mendez, Carlos; Sanchez Del Pueblo, Cristina; Sanchez-Fuentes, Maria-Nieves; Sanchez-Pelaez, Daniel; Sanchez-Perez, Coral; Sanchez-Rubio, Maria; Sancho-Muriel, Jorge; Sanders, Julie; Santero-Ramirez, Maria-Pilar; Santora, Thomas; Santoro, Antonio; Santos, Irene; Santos-Sousa, Hugo; Sapienza, Paolo; Sarma, Diwakar R; Sartarelli, Lodovico; Sarveswaran, Janahan; Sasia, Diego; Saudemont, Alain; Saudi-Moro, Sef; Saxena, Dolly; Saxena, Shobhit; Sayasneh, Ahmad; Scalabre, Aurelien; Schache, Andrew; Schaffer, Kathryn B; Schiavina, Riccardo; Schilling, Clare; Schineis, Christian; Schnitzbauer, Andreas A; Schreckenbach, Teresa; Scorza, Antonella; Scott, Lucy; Scurrah, Rachel J; Seegert, Sara; Seguin-Givelet, Agathe; Senent-Boza, Ana; Serevina, Olivia L; Serralheiro, Pedro A; Serrano González, Javier; Sewards, Joseph M; Seymour, Keith; Shabana, Amanda; Shackcloth, Michael J; Shah, Jigar; Shah, Karishma; Shah, Preena; Shah, Sujay; Shakir, Taner; Shalaby, Mostafa; Shane Lester, Madan Jha; Shankar, Sushma; Sharma, Neil; Shaw, Abigail V; Shaw, Richard; Sheel, Andrea Rg; Shehata, Sameh; Shenfine, Amy; Sheridan, Kelda; Sherief, Ahmed; Sherief, Mohamed; Sherif, Mohamed; Shinkwin, Michael; Shu, Sebastian; Siaw-Acheampong, Kwabena; Sica, Giuseppe S; Siddique, Muhammad Harris; Sileri, Pierpaolo; Simoes, Joana Ff; Singh, Abhinav; Singh, Aminder A; Singh, Rabindra P; Singh, Shailendra; Sinha, Deepti; Sinha, Sanjay; Siragusa, Leandro; Sivaprakasam, Rajesh; Sivayoganathan, Sriharan; Skelly, Brendan L; Smart, Neil J; Smillie, Robert; Smith, Andrew; Smith, Christopher; Smith, Claire; Smith, Henry G; Sochorova, Dana; Soggiu, Fiammetta; Sohail, Amir H; Sohrabi, Catrin; Solari, Francesca; Solli, Piergiorgio; Soreide, Kjetil; Spalding, Duncan R; Spinelli, Antonino; Spoletini, Domenico; Spriano, Giuseppe; Springford, Laurie R; Sravanam, Sanskrithi; Ssentongo, Anna E; Ssentongo, Paddy; Stanger, Sophie; Stavroulias, Dionisios; Steel, Ben; Steinkamp, Pieter J; Stella, Marco; Stevens, Kent A; Stewart, Grant D; Stewart, Robbie; Stringer, Sally; Stylianides, Nicholas A; Sulen, Nina; Sullivan, Tom Bb; Sundar, Sudha; Sundhu, Matthew; Suri, Avni; Syed, Arooj; Szatmary, Peter; Sánchez-Arteaga, Alejandro; Tabiri, Stephen; Tadross, Daniel; Taglietti, Lucio; Taher, Ahmed Sa; Tamimy, Muhammad S; Tang, Alethea M; Tansey, Rosamond; Tartaglia, Dario; Tawheed, Ahmed; Tayeh, Salim; Tebala, Giovanni D; Tejero-Pintor, Francisco J; Teles, Tobias; Testa, Valentina; Tewari, Nilanjana; Thaha, Mohamed A; Thoenissen, Philipp; Thomas, Amy J; Thomas, Kane; Thomin, Anne; Thrush, Jessica; Tierney, Sean; Tiwari, Abhinav; Toh, Simon; Toledo, Enrique; Tonini, Valeria; Torkington, Jared; Torquati, Alfonso; Torres, Antonio J; Torzilli, Guido; Totty, Joshua; Tourountzi, Paraskevi; Tousidonis, Manuel; Townend, Philip; Townsend, Catherine; Townshend, David N; Tripathi, Shiva S; Trompeter, Alex; Trompetto, Mario; Trotta, Francesco; Trout, Isobel M; Truant, Stéphanie; Trujillo-Díaz, Jeancarlos; Tsoulfas, George; Tsoulfas, Georgios; Tucker, Sarah C; Turco, Celia; Turrado-Rodriguez, Victor; Turri, Giulia; Tustin, Harry; Tyler, Jayne; Tzedakis, Stylianos; Tzovaras, George; Ubhi, Harmony K; Uittenbogaart, Martine; Ullah, Ramzan; Urban, Shane; Urbani, Alessia; Usai, Antonella; Vaccarella, Gianpaolo; Valdes-Hernandez, Javier; Valsecchi, Luca; van Berge Henegouwen, Mark I; van der Plas, Willemijn Y; van Heinsbergen, Maarten; van Ramshorst, Gabrielle H; Vashisht, Rajiv; Vega, Viviana A; Velmahos, George C; Velopulos, Catherine G; Venkatesan, Gowtham S; Venn, Mary; Venn, Mary L; Vera-Mansilla, Cristina; Vergari, Roberto; Vescio, Giuseppina; Vidya, Raghavan; Vieira, Paula; Vijay, Vardhini; Vimalachandran, Dale; Violante, Tommaso; Viswanath, Yirupaiahgari Ks; Vivas, Alfredo A; Volpe, Anita; Vovola, Fernanda; Vulliamy, Paul; Vázquez-Fernández, Andrea; Wade, Ryckie G; Wadley, Martin S; Wall, Joshua Js; Wall, Rosemary; Wallwork, Kate; Walsh, Stewart; Walters, Andrew M; Ward, Alex; Warren, Oliver J; Warwick, David; Waseem, Saima; Weaver, Helen; Weerasinghe, Chamindri K; Wells, Fiona; Wen, Jiaxin; West, Raha; Whitehall, Emma; Wild, Laura; Wilkin, Richard Jw; Wilkins, Alex; Williams, Gethin; Williams, Katherine J; Williams, Matthew; Winnand, Philipp; Winter, Stuart C; Wong, Ken; Worku, Dawit; Wormald, Justin Cr; Wright, Franklin L; Wright, Naomi; Xyda, Souzana E; Yalamanchili, Seema; Yershov, Danylo; Yildiz, Alp; Young, Alastair L; Young, Richard; Youssef, Mina Mg; Yousuf, Farhat B; Yurttas, Can; Zadegan, Frederic; Zafar, Noman; Zakaria, Rasheed; Zambon, Martina; Zanini, Nicola; Zappa, Marco A; Zarate, Alba; Zerbib, Philippe; Zizzo, Maurizio; Zmora, Oded; Zonta, Sandro
BACKGROUND:The impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) on postoperative recovery needs to be understood to inform clinical decision making during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. This study reports 30-day mortality and pulmonary complication rates in patients with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS:This international, multicentre, cohort study at 235 hospitals in 24 countries included all patients undergoing surgery who had SARS-CoV-2 infection confirmed within 7 days before or 30 days after surgery. The primary outcome measure was 30-day postoperative mortality and was assessed in all enrolled patients. The main secondary outcome measure was pulmonary complications, defined as pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or unexpected postoperative ventilation. FINDINGS:This analysis includes 1128 patients who had surgery between Jan 1 and March 31, 2020, of whom 835 (74·0%) had emergency surgery and 280 (24·8%) had elective surgery. SARS-CoV-2 infection was confirmed preoperatively in 294 (26·1%) patients. 30-day mortality was 23·8% (268 of 1128). Pulmonary complications occurred in 577 (51·2%) of 1128 patients; 30-day mortality in these patients was 38·0% (219 of 577), accounting for 81·7% (219 of 268) of all deaths. In adjusted analyses, 30-day mortality was associated with male sex (odds ratio 1·75 [95% CI 1·28-2·40], p<0·0001), age 70 years or older versus younger than 70 years (2·30 [1·65-3·22], p<0·0001), American Society of Anesthesiologists grades 3-5 versus grades 1-2 (2·35 [1·57-3·53], p<0·0001), malignant versus benign or obstetric diagnosis (1·55 [1·01-2·39], p=0·046), emergency versus elective surgery (1·67 [1·06-2·63], p=0·026), and major versus minor surgery (1·52 [1·01-2·31], p=0·047). INTERPRETATION:Postoperative pulmonary complications occur in half of patients with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection and are associated with high mortality. Thresholds for surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic should be higher than during normal practice, particularly in men aged 70 years and older. Consideration should be given for postponing non-urgent procedures and promoting non-operative treatment to delay or avoid the need for surgery. FUNDING:National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, Bowel and Cancer Research, Bowel Disease Research Foundation, Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons, British Association of Surgical Oncology, British Gynaecological Cancer Society, European Society of Coloproctology, NIHR Academy, Sarcoma UK, Vascular Society for Great Britain and Ireland, and Yorkshire Cancer Research.
PMID: 32479829
ISSN: 1474-547x
CID: 4851402

Robotic-Assisted Transabdominal Preperitoneal Ventral Hernia Repair

Nikolian, Vahagn C; Coleman, Natasha L; Podolsky, Dina; Novitsky, Yuri W
Ventral hernia repair is one of the most common operations performed by surgeons worldwide. The widespread adoption of laparoscopic surgery has significantly reduced complications related to traditional open approaches. The most common approach in laparoscopic ventral hernia repair is the intraperitoneal onlay mesh (IPOM) approach. This technique, though simple to perform, has limitations, including bridging mesh, intraperitoneal positioning of mesh, transfascial fixation, circumferential mesh fixation, and the use of more expensive composite mesh materials. These limitations are magnified when hernias occur in anatomically difficult sites such as the subxiphoid, suprapubic, and flank regions. Robotic-assisted hernia repair using a transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) approach has emerged as a viable alternative to traditional IPOM by potentially addressing these limitations. We review the operative considerations, intraoperative approach, and current body of literature related to robotic-assisted TAPP ventral hernia repair and conclude that it is feasible and may result in improved outcomes related to the restoration of abdominal wall anatomy and reduced operative costs. Further studies are needed to assess if robotic-assisted TAPP should become the standard approach for repair of ventral hernia defects.
PMID: 32196564
ISSN: 1090-3941
CID: 5505302

Outcomes from Acute Care Surgery Consultation in Bone Marrow Transplant Patients [Meeting Abstract]

Castillo-Angeles, Manuel; Coleman, Melissa; Coleman, Natasha; Armand, Philippe; Bendix, Peter G.; Salim, Ali; Askari, Reza
ISSN: 1072-7515
CID: 5505362

Future health disparity initiatives at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Rappaport, Leah; Coleman, Natasha; Dumenco, Luba; Tobin-Tyler, Elizabeth; Dollase, Richard H; George, Paul
As the United States embarks on health care reform through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to practice medicine will change. Education centered on health disparities and social determinants of health will become increasingly more important as 32 million Americans receive coverage through the ACA. In this paper, we describe future initiatives at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University in training medical students on health disparities and social determinants of health through mechanisms such as the Primary Care-Population Medicine Program, the Rhode Island Area Health Education Center, the Scholarly Concentration program and other mechanisms.
PMID: 25181745
ISSN: 2327-2228
CID: 5505292

Dynamic patterns of histone lysine methylation in the developing retina

Rao, Rajesh C; Tchedre, Kissaou T; Malik, Muhammad Taimur A; Coleman, Natasha; Fang, Yuan; Marquez, Victor E; Chen, Dong Feng
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Histone lysine methylation (HKM) is an important epigenetic mechanism that establishes cell-specific gene expression and functions in development. However, epigenetic control of retinal development is poorly understood. To study the roles of HKM in retinogenesis, the authors examined the dynamic changes of three HKM modifications and of two of their regulators, the histone methyltransferases (HMTases) Ezh2 and G9a, in the mouse retina. METHODS:Retinal sections and lysates from embryonic day 16 through adult were processed for immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting using antibodies against various marks and HMTases. To further analyze the biological functions of HKM, the effects of small molecule inhibitors of HMTases were examined in vitro. RESULTS:Methylation marks of trimethyl lysine 4 and 27 on histone H3 (H3K4me3 and H3K27me3) were detected primarily in differentiated retinal neurons in the embryonic and adult retina. In contrast, dimethyl lysine 9 on histone H3 (H3K9me2) was noted in early differentiating retinal ganglion cells but was lost after birth. The HMTases controlling H3K27me3, H3K9me2, Ezh2, and G9a were enriched in the inner embryonic retina during the period of active retinogenesis. Using the chemical inhibitors of Ezh2 and G9a, the authors reveal a role for HKM in regulating retinal neuron survival. CONCLUSIONS:HKM is a dynamic and spatiotemporally regulated process in the developing retina. Epigenetic regulation of gene transcription by Ezh2- and G9a-mediated HKM plays crucial roles in retinal neuron survival and may represent novel epigenetic targets to enhance viability in retinal neurodegenerative diseases such as glaucoma.
PMID: 20671280
ISSN: 1552-5783
CID: 5505282