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Prospective, Randomized Comparison of 3 Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) Knives in an Acute Porcine Model [Meeting Abstract]

Stavropoulos, Stavros; Ghevariya, Vishal; Cho, Jaehoon; DeJesus, Dolorita; Katsogridakis, Ioannis; Gupta, Mala; Rodriguez, Katherine; Barkan, Alexander; Angelos, George; Iqbal, Shahzad; Grendell, James; Grendell, James H. H.
ISSN: 0002-9270
CID: 3522552

Magnetic resonance imaging as an adjunct to ultrasound in evaluating cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy

Wu, Rebecca; Klein, Michelle A; Mahboob, Sabrina; Gupta, Mala; Katz, Douglas S
Cesarean scar pregnancies (CSPs) are a relatively rare form of ectopic pregnancy in which the embryo is implanted within the fibrous scar of a previous cesarean section. A greater number of cases of CSPs are currently being reported as the rates of cesarean section are increasing globally and as detection of scar pregnancy has improved with use of transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) with color Doppler imaging. Delayed diagnosis and management of this potentially life-threatening condition may result in complications, predominantly uterine rupture and hemorrhage with significant potential maternal morbidity. Diagnosis of a cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP) requires a high index of clinical suspicion, as up to 40% of patients may be asymptomatic. TVUS has a reported sensitivity of 84.6% and has become the imaging examination of choice for diagnosis of a CSP. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used in a small number of patients as an adjunct to TVUS. In the present report, MRI is highlighted as a problem-solving tool capable of more precisely identifying the relationship of a CSP to adjacent structures, thereby providing additional information critical to directing appropriate patient management and therapy.
PMID: 23814688
ISSN: 2156-7514
CID: 2061972

Prospective, Randomized Comparison of Three Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) Knives in an Acute Porcine Model: Results from a US Center [Meeting Abstract]

Stavropoulos, Stavros; Ghevariya, Vishal; DeJesus, Dolorita; Katsogridakis, Ioannis; Korrapati, Vineet; Gupta, Mala; Rodriguez, Katherine; Barkan, Alexander; Angelos, George; Iqbal, Shahzad; Grendell, James
ISSN: 0002-9270
CID: 3412762

Diagnosis of Gastric Glomus Tumor by Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy [Meeting Abstract]

Mohanty, Sambit; Stravropoulous, Stavros; Donovan, Virginia; Gupta, Mala
ISSN: 0002-9173
CID: 3484232

Radiology-pathology conference: primary adrenal lymphoma [Case Report]

Tanpitukpongse, Teerath P; Kamalian, Shahmir; Punsoni, Michael; Gupta, Mala; Katz, Douglas S
We present a case of a 62-year-old man with a history of type II diabetes mellitus who presented to our emergency department with back pain and right upper quadrant abdominal pain associated with vomiting and weight loss. A computed tomographic scan of the abdomen and pelvis demonstrated a large adrenal mass, and subsequent biopsy showed primary adrenal lymphoma.
PMID: 22370139
ISSN: 1873-4499
CID: 3002702

Endoscopic-ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration and the role of the cytopathologist in solid pancreatic lesion diagnosis

Iqbal, Shahzad; Friedel, David; Gupta, Mala; Ogden, Lorna; Stavropoulos, Stavros N
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is the most sensitive imaging modality for solid pancreatic lesions. The specificity, however, is low (about 75%). It can be increased to 100% with an accuracy of 95% by the addition of fine-needle aspiration (FNA). Cytopathology plays an important role. The final diagnosis is based upon the correlation of clinical, EUS, and cytologic features. A close interaction with the cytopathologist is required in improving the diagnostic yield. In this paper, we present an overview of the role of EUS-guided FNA and importance of close interaction with the cytopathologist. Day to day examples of different solid pancreatic lesions have been presented at the end.
PMID: 22666633
ISSN: 2042-003x
CID: 3484292

Endoscopic Ultrasound -guided Fine-Needle Aspiration of a Portal Vein Thrombus to Aid in the Diagnosis and Staging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Michael, Hazar; Lenza, Christopher; Gupta, Mala; Katz, Douglas S
PMID: 21475421
ISSN: 1554-7914
CID: 3002612

Endoscopic Ultrasound Guided Fine Needle Aspiration (EUS-FNA)- What Variables Influence Diagnostic Yield? [Meeting Abstract]

Mohanty, Sambit K.; Bonasera, Robert J.; Feuerman, Martin; Gupta, Mala; Stavropoulos, Stavros N.
ISSN: 0016-5085
CID: 3521382

The regulation of protein synthesis in cancer

Cuesta, Rafael; Gupta, Malavika; Schneider, Robert J
Translational control of cancer is a multifaceted process, involving alterations in translation factor levels and activities that are unique to the different types of cancers and the different stages of disease. Translational alterations in cancer include adaptations of the tumor itself, of the tumor microenvironment, an integral component in disease, and adaptations that occur as cancer progresses from development to local disease and ultimately to metastatic disease. Adaptations include the overexpression and increased activity of specific translation factors, the physical or functional loss of translation regulatory components, increased production of ribosomes, selective mRNA translation, and alteration of signal transduction pathways to permit unfettered activation of protein synthesis. There is intense clinical interest to capitalize on the emerging new understanding of translational control in cancer by targeting specific components of the translation apparatus that are altered in disease for the development of specific cancer therapeutics. Clinical trial data are nascent but encouraging, suggesting that translational control constitutes an important new area for drug development in human cancer
PMID: 20374744
ISSN: 1878-0814
CID: 132875

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) break-apart probe helps detect lymphoma using fine-needle aspiration cell block material [Meeting Abstract]

Bragdon, Jeremy; Khullar, Poonam; Gupta, Mala; Koduru, Prasad
ISSN: 0002-9173
CID: 3533832