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Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band Erosion: A Rare Cause of Epigastric Pain [Meeting Abstract]

Patil, Sagar; Sofer, Tova; Halwan, Bhawna
ISSN: 0002-9270
CID: 3508432

Outcomes of a 5-Year, Large Prospective Series of Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM). Emphasis on Objective Assessment for GERD and Luminal Patency [Meeting Abstract]

Stavropoulos, Stavros N.; Modayil, Rani J.; Brathwaite, Collin E.; Halwan, Bhawna; Kollarus, Maria M.; Friedel, David; Taylor, Sharon I.; Grendell, James H.
ISSN: 0016-5107
CID: 3508442

That's Pretty Hard to Swallow: A Rare Case of Dysphagia Due to Myasthenia Gravis [Meeting Abstract]

Patel, Kumkum; Forman, Jacqueline; Halwan, Bhawna; Grendell, James
ISSN: 0002-9270
CID: 3508402

Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) for Achalasia: Effective, Durable and Safe Based on Outcomes of a Large Prospective Series [Meeting Abstract]

Stavropoulos, Stavros; Modayil, Rani; Brathwaite, Collin; Taylor, Sharon; Katz, Douglas; Coppola, Thomas; Patel, Kumkum; Friedel, David; Halwan, Bhawna; Grendell, James
ISSN: 0002-9270
CID: 3508412

Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage: To Scope or Not to Scope Emergently? [Meeting Abstract]

Ali, Mohammad; Ahmed, Haseeb; Patil, Sagar; Halwan, Bhawna
ISSN: 0002-9270
CID: 3508422

Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) for Achalasia: Excellent Long-term Safety, Efficacy and Durability in a Large Single-center 4-year Series [Meeting Abstract]

Stavropoulos, Stavros; Modayil, Rani; Brathwaite, Collin; Halwan, Bhawna; Dejesus, Dolorita; Friedel, David; Patel, Kumkum; Ghevariya, Vischal; Grendell, James
ISSN: 0002-9270
CID: 3508392

Red Color Colonoscopy Prep Does Not Affect Endoscopic Visualization: A Pilot Study [Meeting Abstract]

Mogul, Zainab; Saha, Ritu; Rush, Jordan; Vrabie, Raluca; Malet, Peter; Halwan, Bhawna
ISSN: 0002-9270
CID: 3508372

Splenic Injury aft er Colonoscopy: A Rare but Life-threatening Occurrence [Meeting Abstract]

Ali, Mohammad; Williams, Elizabeth; Korrapati, Vineet; Morim, Aleksandr; Halwan, Bhawna
ISSN: 0002-9270
CID: 3508382

POEM (PerOral Endoscopic Myotomy): Effective NOTES (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery) Accessible to the Gastroenterologist, 3 Year Experience at a US Center [Meeting Abstract]

Stavropoulos, Stavros; Brathwaite, Collin; Halwan, Bhawna; Korrapati, Vineet; DeJesus, Dolorita; Iqbal, Shahzad; Widmer, Jessica; Friedel, David; Grendell, James
ISSN: 0002-9270
CID: 3411702

Effectiveness of endoclips for the treatment of stigmata of recent hemorrhage in the colon of patients with acute lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding

Kumar, Atul; Artifon, Everson; Chu, Adrienne; Halwan, Bhawna
AIMS AND METHODS/OBJECTIVE:Coaptive thermo coagulation (CTC) for the treatment of stigmata of recent hemorrhage (SRH) in the colon is risky. We evaluated the safety and effectiveness of endoclips in 13 patients with acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB). Thirty-day re-bleeding and complication rates were comparable to a historical cohort of 41 patients (group 2) who underwent CTC/IE (injection epinephrine) for the management of acute lower GIB. RESULTS:There was no difference in the 30-day re-bleeding rates in the two groups. In group I, immediate hemostasis was successful in all patients. Three of 13 patients (23.1%) developed re-bleeding. In group II, 41 patients from six prior studies underwent CTC and/or IE for the treatment of HRS where 12 (29.3%) developed re-bleeding. There were no immediate complications. CONCLUSIONS:Endoclip deployment is as effective as CTC and/or IE for treatment of SRH in the colon.
PMID: 21553169
ISSN: 1573-2568
CID: 3667642