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The somatizing disorders: Somatoform disorders, factitious disorders, and malingering

Chapter by: Williams, Daniel T; Hirsch, Glenn
in: Handbook of clinical assessment of children and adolescents by Kestenbaum, Clarice J.; Williams, Daniel T. [Eds]
New York, NY, US: New York University Press. xxvii, 1170pp
pp. 743-768
ISBN: 0814745903
CID: 2672

The disposable umbrella catheter: an alternative to the standard balloon enema catheter

Hirsch, G; Sackler, J P; Posteraro, R H; Peng, J J; Blackwell, D E; Leo, J S
The authors describe the use of a new catheter for barium enema examination that eliminates the hazards of the straight and balloon type catheters.
PMID: 6739828
ISSN: 0033-8419
CID: 603172