Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of hepatic metastases
Sica, Gregory T; Ji, Hoon; Ros, Pablo R
The detection and characterization of liver metastases is well performed with either computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. The administration of intravenous contrast is essential for almost all indications, with multiphasic imaging aiding in lesion characterization and detection. The use of multidetected CT (MDCT) provides the ability for optimized vascular and multiplanar imaging, but has also resulted in increased examination complexity. Tissue-specific MR contrast agents can yield the highest rate of lesion detection and thus may be useful in presurgical planning.
PMID: 11933587
ISSN: 1089-3261
CID: 4269412
Normal colonic wall thickness at CT and its relation to colonic distension
Wiesner, Walter; Mortelé, Koenraad J; Ji, Hoon; Ros, Pablo R
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this work was to analyze the relation between normal colonic wall thickness at CT and local colonic distension. METHOD/METHODS:One hundred consecutively acquired patients were included in our study. All patients were asymptomatic regarding their intestine, and their history was always negative for intestinal disease. All CT examinations were performed for other reasons than intestinal disease. Colonic wall thickness at CT was measured digitally in every patient at four locations and set in relation to the local colonic distension. RESULTS:The normal colonic wall thickness ranged from 0 to 2 mm in colonic segments with a diameter of >/=4-6 cm, from 0.2 to 2.5 mm in colonic segments with a diameter of 3-4 cm, from 0.3 to 4 mm in colonic segments with a diameter of 2-3 cm, and from 0.5 to 5 mm in colonic segments with a diameter of 1-2 cm. Maximal colonic wall thickness ranged up to 6 and 8 mm in the proximal and distal colon, respectively, if the measured colonic segment showed a luminal width of <1 cm according to contraction. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:The normal colonic wall thickness at CT should be regarded as a dynamic value that stays in clear relation to the local colonic distension. In contracted colonic segments, a colonic wall thickness of 6-8 mm may still be normal. On the other hand, a colonic wall measuring 5 and 3 mm should be regarded as thickened if found in colonic segments with a luminal width of >2 and 4 cm, respectively.
PMID: 11801911
ISSN: 0363-8715
CID: 4269402