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Myths and Misconceptions in the Management of Elderly Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Katz, Seymour; Kane, Sunanda V
PMID: 34602906
ISSN: 1554-7914
CID: 5110762

Challenges in the Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Chapter by: Katz, Seymour; Liu, Yingheng
in: Geriatric gastroenterology by Pitchumoni, CS; Dharmarajan, TS (Eds)
[S.l.] : Springer, 2021
pp. 1675-1690
ISBN: 978-3-030-30193-4
CID: 5325582

The elderly IBD patient in the modern era: changing paradigms in risk stratification and therapeutic management

Hong, Simon J; Katz, Seymour
The incidence and prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is rising in the elderly population. Compared with patients with onset during their younger years, patients with elderly onset IBD have a distinct clinical presentation, disease phenotype, and natural history. Genetics contribute less to pathogenesis of disease, whereas biological changes associated with aging including immunosenescence, dysbiosis, and frailty have a greater impact on disease outcomes. With the advent of an increasingly wider array of biologic and small-molecule therapeutic options, data regarding efficacy and safety of these agents in elderly IBD patients specifically are paramount, given the unique characteristics of this population.
PMID: 34276809
ISSN: 1756-283x
CID: 4965892

Acute Pancreatitis in a Patient With Ulcerative Colitis on Vedolizumab

Lin, Elissa; Katz, Seymour
PMID: 32100867
ISSN: 1536-4844
CID: 4324352

Serious and Opportunistic Infections in Elderly Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Lin, Elissa; Lin, Kevin; Katz, Seymour
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is often treated with biologics and immunomodulators, which can place elderly IBD patients at risk for serious and opportunistic infections. This article provides an updated account of research on therapies in IBD that are associated with an increased infection risk. Relevant serious and opportunistic infections in the elderly population are discussed along with methods for prevention and treatment. The incidence of infection increases with age and the degree of immunosuppression. Emphasis should be placed on performing vaccinations at the time of IBD diagnosis. Additionally, patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy should avoid live vaccines. Physicians should have a greater awareness of the increased risk of infection in elderly adults and the need for screening for infection prior to initiation of immunosuppressive IBD therapies.
PMID: 31802985
ISSN: 1554-7914
CID: 4297532

The Role of Vitamin D in Elderly Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients

Kagolanu, Deepthi; Levine, Irving; Katz, Seymour
The role of vitamin D has long been discussed in many chronic diseases, and its significance in inflammatory bowel disease has recently gained attention. This article reviews vitamin D homeostasis, the involvement of vitamin D in the pathophysiology of inflammatory bowel disease, and vitamin D deficiency as a result of inflammatory bowel disease. In addition, this article explores the possibility of age, specifically in the elderly population, as a risk factor for developing vitamin D deficiency in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
PMID: 30899205
ISSN: 1554-7914
CID: 3734502

Ileal Adenocarcinoma with Liver Metastasis in Patient with Crohn's Disease: A 9-Year Survival [Case Report]

Kothadia, Jiten P; Nagaraju, Deepa H; Katz, Seymour; Bruckner, Howard; Itzkowitz, Steven H; Schwartz, Myron
Small bowel adenocarcinoma is a rare but well-known complication of Crohn's disease. The diagnosis of small bowel adenocarcinoma remains difficult since its presentation is highly variable and mimics active or obstructive Crohn's disease. The diagnosis is often delayed and typically detected only at surgery in an advanced stage with a poor prognosis. We report a case of metastatic ileal adenocarcinoma in a patient with Crohn's disease with prolonged survival. Our case describes serial promising treatment options of these advanced malignancies and raises a possible role for checkpoint immunotherapy.
PMID: 31485362
ISSN: 2090-6706
CID: 4069132

Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the Baby to Baby Boomer: Pediatric and Elderly Onset of IBD

Afzali, Anita; Katz, Seymour
PURPOSE OF REVIEW/OBJECTIVE:Early- and late-onset of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may perhaps be etiologically distinct and potentially attributed to genetics, environmental or microbial factors. We review disease factors and clinical characteristics, as well as unique management and treatment strategies to consider when caring for the "baby" or "baby boomer" with IBD. RECENT FINDINGS/RESULTS:Around 25% of cases of initial diagnosis of IBD is made before the age of 18 years old, and another 15-20% made after the age of 60. Crohn's disease (CD) typically presents as ileocolonic and stricturing or penetrating phenotype among early-onset, whereas among late-onset, it is mainly colonic and inflammatory. Pediatric ulcerative colitis (UC) is mostly pan-colonic versus primarily left-sided among the elderly. Treatment goal for both age groups is primarily symptom control, with growth and development also considered among pediatric patients. Due to alterations in pharmacokinetics, careful monitoring and reduced dose should be considered. A multidisciplinary care team is necessary to ensure better clinical outcomes. Onset of disease at either spectrum of age requires careful management and treatment, with both unique disease- and age-appropriate factors carefully considered.
PMID: 30006766
ISSN: 1092-8472
CID: 3192812

Functional variants in the LRRK2 gene confer shared effects on risk for Crohn's disease and Parkinson's disease

Hui, Ken Y; Fernandez-Hernandez, Heriberto; Hu, Jianzhong; Schaffner, Adam; Pankratz, Nathan; Hsu, Nai-Yun; Chuang, Ling-Shiang; Carmi, Shai; Villaverde, Nicole; Li, Xianting; Rivas, Manual; Levine, Adam P; Bao, Xiuliang; Labrias, Philippe R; Haritunians, Talin; Ruane, Darren; Gettler, Kyle; Chen, Ernie; Li, Dalin; Schiff, Elena R; Pontikos, Nikolas; Barzilai, Nir; Brant, Steven R; Bressman, Susan; Cheifetz, Adam S; Clark, Lorraine N; Daly, Mark J; Desnick, Robert J; Duerr, Richard H; Katz, Seymour; Lencz, Todd; Myers, Richard H; Ostrer, Harry; Ozelius, Laurie; Payami, Haydeh; Peter, Yakov; Rioux, John D; Segal, Anthony W; Scott, William K; Silverberg, Mark S; Vance, Jeffery M; Ubarretxena-Belandia, Iban; Foroud, Tatiana; Atzmon, Gil; Pe'er, Itsik; Ioannou, Yiannis; McGovern, Dermot P B; Yue, Zhenyu; Schadt, Eric E; Cho, Judy H; Peter, Inga
Crohn's disease (CD), a form of inflammatory bowel disease, has a higher prevalence in Ashkenazi Jewish than in non-Jewish European populations. To define the role of nonsynonymous mutations, we performed exome sequencing of Ashkenazi Jewish patients with CD, followed by array-based genotyping and association analysis in 2066 CD cases and 3633 healthy controls. We detected association signals in the LRRK2 gene that conferred risk for CD (N2081D variant, P = 9.5 × 10-10) or protection from CD (N551K variant, tagging R1398H-associated haplotype, P = 3.3 × 10-8). These variants affected CD age of onset, disease location, LRRK2 activity, and autophagy. Bayesian network analysis of CD patient intestinal tissue further implicated LRRK2 in CD pathogenesis. Analysis of the extended LRRK2 locus in 24,570 CD cases, patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), and healthy controls revealed extensive pleiotropy, with shared genetic effects between CD and PD in both Ashkenazi Jewish and non-Jewish cohorts. The LRRK2 N2081D CD risk allele is located in the same kinase domain as G2019S, a mutation that is the major genetic cause of familial and sporadic PD. Like the G2019S mutation, the N2081D variant was associated with increased kinase activity, whereas neither N551K nor R1398H variants on the protective haplotype altered kinase activity. We also confirmed that R1398H, but not N551K, increased guanosine triphosphate binding and hydrolyzing enzyme (GTPase) activity, thereby deactivating LRRK2. The presence of shared LRRK2 alleles in CD and PD provides refined insight into disease mechanisms and may have major implications for the treatment of these two seemingly unrelated diseases.
PMID: 29321258
ISSN: 1946-6242
CID: 2905552

Update on Relative Value Units and the Cognitive Physician Visit

Katz, Seymour; Petrilak, Eileen
PMID: 29491760
ISSN: 1554-7914
CID: 2965572