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Association of hypocalcemia with in-hospital mortality and complications in patients with acute pulmonary embolism: results from the 2017 Nationwide Inpatient Sample

Murthi, Mukunthan; Shaka, Hafeez; El-Amir, Zain; Velagapudi, Sujitha; Jamil, Abdul; Wani, Farah; Atluri, Ramtej; Kumar, Akshay; Kichloo, Asim
BACKGROUND:Acute pulmonary embolism (PE) is a common cause for hospitalization associated with significant mortality and morbidity. Disorders of calcium metabolism are a frequently encountered medical problem. The effect of hypocalcemia is not well defined on the outcomes of patients with PE. We aimed to identify the prognostic value of hypocalcemia in hospitalized PE patients utilizing the 2017 Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS). METHODS:In this retrospective study, we selected patients with a primary diagnosis of Acute PE using ICD 10 codes. They were further stratified based on the presence of hypocalcemia. We primarily aimed to compare in-hospital mortality for PE patients with and without hypocalcemia. We performed multivariate logistic regression analysis to adjust for potential confounders. We also used propensity-matched cohort of patients to compare mortality. RESULTS:In the 2017 NIS, 187,989 patients had a principal diagnosis of acute PE. Among the above study group, 1565 (0.8%) had an additional diagnosis of hypocalcemia. 12.4% of PE patients with hypocalcemia died in the hospital in comparison to 2.95% without hypocalcemia. On multivariate regression analysis, PE and hypocalcemia patients had 4 times higher odds (aOR-4.03, 95% CI 2.78-5.84, p < 0.001) of in-hospital mortality compared to those with only PE. We observed a similarly high odds of mortality (aOR = 4.4) on 1:1 propensity-matched analysis. The incidence of acute kidney injury (aOR = 2.62, CI 1.95-3.52, p < 0.001), acute respiratory failure (a0R = 1.84, CI 1.42-2.38, p < 0.001), sepsis (aOR = 4.99, CI 3.08-8.11, p < 0.001) and arrhythmias (aOR = 2.63, CI 1.99-3.48, p < 0.001) were also higher for PE patients with hypocalcemia. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:PE patients with hypocalcemia have higher in-hospital mortality than those without hypocalcemia. The in-hospital complications were also higher, along with longer length of stay.
PMID: 34895211
ISSN: 1471-2466
CID: 5443792

SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions: Concerns, challenges, management and mitigation strategies-a narrative review

Kumar, Rakesh; Yeni, Cut Meurah; Utami, Niken Asri; Masand, Rupali; Asrani, Rajesh Kumar; Patel, Shailesh Kumar; Kumar, Akshay; Yatoo, Mohd Iqbal; Tiwari, Ruchi; Natesan, Senthilkumar; Vora, Kranti Suresh; Nainu, Firzan; Bilal, Muhammad; Dhawan, Manish; Emran, Talha Bin; Ahmad, Tauseef; Harapan, Harapan; Dhama, Kuldeep
The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is a global public health problem. The SARS-CoV-2 triggers hyper-activation of inflammatory and immune responses resulting in cytokine storm and increased inflammatory responses on several organs like lungs, kidneys, intestine, and placenta. Although SARS-CoV-2 affects individuals of all age groups and physiological statuses, immune-compromised individuals such as pregnant women are considered as a highly vulnerable group. This review aims to raise the concerns of high risk of infection, morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 in pregnant women and provides critical reviews of pathophysiology and pathobiology of how SARS-CoV-2 infection potentially increases the severity and fatality during pregnancy. This article also provides a discussion of current evidence on vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Lastly, guidelines on management, treatment, preventive, and mitigation strategies of SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions such as delivery and breastfeeding are discussed.
PMID: 34118736
ISSN: 1876-035x
CID: 5443802

Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study

Ielpo, B; Podda, M; Pellino, G; Pata, F; Caruso, R; Gravante, G; Di Saverio, S; Gallo, Gaetano; Lui, Rashid; Orengia, Adam; Chowdary, Aditya; Kulkarni, Aditya; Kuvvetli, Adnan; Navarro, Adolfo; Pisanu, Adolfo; Smith, Adrian; Ibiricu, Adriana Cavero; Nacion, Aeris Jane D; Alsaleh, Ahmad; Alhazmi, Ahmad; Elmabri, Ahmad; Wani, Ajaz; Rencuzogullari, Ahmet; Lasarte, Aingeru Sarriugarte; Rubio, Ainhoa Valle; Bavikatte, Akshay; Kumar, Akshay; Jamiri, Al-Radjid; Padilla, Alain Michel Alvarado; Cacurri, Alban; de San Ildefonso, Alberto; Porcu, Alberto; Sartori, Alberto; Rocca, Aldo; Yáñez, Alejandro Paz; Becaria, Alejandro; Solís-Peña, Alejandro; Sretenović, Aleksandar; Urbistondo, Alex; Bandin, Alfonso; Najar, Alfonso; De Luca, Alessandro; Boddy, Alex; Charalabopoulos, Alexandros; Tzivanakis, Alexios; Amendola, Alfonso; Ramirez-Gutierrez de Velasco, Alfredo; Yildirim, Ali Cihat; Frontali, Alice; Toure, Alpha Oumar; García-Granero, Alvaro; Martínez Roldan, Amaia; Sanz Larrainzar, Amaia; Ratnayake, Amila Sanjiva; Gonzalez-Ganso, Ana María; Minaya-Bravo, Ana M; Das, Andre; Bondurri, Andrea; Costanzi, Andrea; Lucchi, Andrea; Mazzari, Andrea; Musig, Andrea; Peloso, Andrea; Piano, Andrea; Police, Andrea; Mihailescu, Andrei; Pouy, Andrés; Romano, Angela; Iossa, Angelo; Leonetti, Anna Carmen; Guariniello, Anna; Isaac, Anna; Bovi, Anna Pia Delli; Chessa, Antonella; Tromba, Antonella; Álvarez Martínez, Antonio; Brillantino, Antonio; Caira, Antonio; Castaldi, Antonio; Ferronetti, Antonio; Giuliani, Antonio; Prestera, Antonio; Ramos-De la Medina, Antonio; Tarasconi, Antonio; Tornambè, Antonino; Picciariello, Arcangelo; Ioannidis, Argyrios; Leppäniemi, Ari; Khan, Arshad; Rashid, Arshad; Pérez-Sánchez, Arteaga Luis Eduardo; Mittal, Ashok; Mitul, Ashrarur Rahman; Mehraj, Asif; Laharwal, Asim; Dorismé, Asnel; Marinis, Athanasios; Iqbal, Atif; Moncada, Augusto; Braccio, Bartolomeo; Alkhafaji, Basim; de Andrés Asenjo, Beatriz; Martin-Perez, Beatriz; Pérez, Belinda Sánchez; Creavin, Ben; Calì, Benedetto; Pascotto, Beniamino; Stubbs, Benjamin; Retes, Benjamin Zavala; Jovanovic, Branislav; Goh, Brian Kp; Sensi, Bruno; Biddau, Carlo; Gazia, Carlo; Vallicelli, Carlo; Fagundes, Carlos Alberto; Cerdán Santacruz, Carlos; Chirico, Carlos; Gómez, Carlos Javier; Petrola, Carlos; Sánchez Rodriguez, Carlos; Yánez Benítez, Carlos; Dammaro, Carmelisa; Faro, Carmelo Lo; Reinke, Caroline; Dominguez Paez, Casandra; Oliva, Catalina; Paranjape, Charudutt; Thomas, Charlotte; Chia, Chi Fung; Kong, Chi Kwan; De Lucia, Chiara; Chao, Christian Ovalle; Arcudi, Claudio; Guerci, Claudio; Chia, Clement; Parise, Cristiano; Folliero, Cristina; Varela, Cristopher; Ferguson, Dalya M; Camacho, Daniel; Popowich, Daniel; Souza Lima, Daniel; Rega, Daniela; Delogu, Daniele; Zigiotto, Daniele; Vinci, Danilo; D'Antonio, Dario; Parini, Dario; Merlini, David Alessio; Zimmerman, David DE; Moro-Valdezate, David; Pertile, Davide; Giusti, Deborah Maria; Keller, Deborah S; Tarik, Delko; Kalivaçi, Denis; Mazingi, Dennis; Maldonado-Pintado, Diana Gabriela; Sasia, Diego; Linardoutsos, Dimitrios; Osilli, Dixon; Murrone, Domenico; Russello, Domenico; Rodas, Edgar; Acuña Roa, Edisson Alberto; Ricciardi, Edoardo; Rosso, Edoardo; Saladino, Edoardo; Flores-Villalba, Eduardo; Ruiz Ajs, Eduardo; Smith-Singares, Eduardo; Baili, Efstratia; Kouroumpas, Efstratios; Bourmpouteli, Eirini; Douka, Eleftheria; Martin-Perez, Elena; Guaitoli, Eleonora; Samadov, Elgun; Francone, Elisa; Vaterlini, Elisa; Morales, Emilio; Peña, Emilio; Zhao, Enhao; Del Pozo Andres, Eneko; Benzoni, Enrico; Erdas, Enrico; Pinotti, Enrico; Colás-Ruiz, Enrique; Aytac, Erman; Laterza, Ernesto; Agastra, Ervis; Foianini, Esteban; Moscoso, Esteban; Laviano, Estefania; Marra, Ester; Cardamone, Eugenia; Licardie, Eugenio; Mpaili, Eustratia; Pinna, Eva; Varo, Evaristo; Navarro, Fabian Martín; Marino, Fabio; Medas, Fabio; Romano, Fabio; Maraska, Fatlum; Saliu, Fatmir; Madrid, Fausto; Rosa, Fausto; Mastella, Federica; Gheza, Federico; Luvisetto, Federico; Alconchel, Felipe; Vieira, Felipe Monge; Pareja, Felipe; Agresta, Ferdinando; Luna, Fernanda; Bonilla, Fernando; Cordera, Fernando; Burdió, Fernando; Mendoza-Moreno, Fernando; Muñoz Flores, Fernando; Pardo Aranda, Fernando; Taylor, Fiona; Ramos, Flavia L; Fernandes, Flavio; Tropeano, Francesca Paola; Balestra, Francesco; Bianco, Francesco; Ceci, Francesco; Colombo, Francesco; Di Marzo, Francesco; Ferrara, Francesco; Lancellotti, Francesco; Lazzarin, Francesco; Litta, Francesco; Martini, Francesco; Pizza, Francesco; Roscio, Francesco; Virdis, Francesco; Blanco Antona, Francisco; Cervantes Ramírez, Francisco; Fernandez, Francisco Miguel; Llinares, Francisco Oliver; Quezada, Francisco; Schlottmann, Francisco; Herrera-Almario, Gabriel; Massaferro, Gabriel; Bislenghi, Gabriele; van Ramshorst, Gabrielle; Gallo, Gaetano; Luglio, Gaetano; Bointas, Georgios; Kampouroglou, Georgios; Papadopoulos, Georgios; Arredondo Manrique, Gerardo; Calini, Giacomo; Nastri, Giacomo; Formisano, Giampaolo; Galiffa, Giampaolo; Palini, Gian Marco; Colucci, Gianluca; Pagano, Gianluca; Pellino, Gianluca; Vanni, Gianluca; Pattacini, Gianmaria Casoni; Gravante, Gianpiero; De Paola, Gilda; Lisi, Giorgio; Partida, Giovanna; Bellanova, Giovanni; De Nobili, Giovanni; Necchi, Giovanni Sammy; Sinibaldi, Giovanni; Tebala, Giovanni; Bagaglini, Giulia; Izzo, Giuliano; Argenio, Giulio; Brisinda, Giuseppe; Candilio, Giuseppe; Di Grezia, Giuseppe; Esposito, Giuseppe; Faillace, Giuseppe; Frazzetta, Giuseppe; La Gumina, Giuseppe; Nigri, Giuseppe; Romeo, Giuseppe; Chocarro Amatriaín, Gloria; Ortega, Gloria; Martin-Martin, Gonzalo; Stavrou, Gregor A; Gunadi; Ugon, Gustavo Armand; Machain, Gustavo; Marcucci, Gustavo; Martínez-Mier, Gustavo; Machain, Gustavo Miguel; Nari, Gustavo; Calvo, Haydée; Fathy, Hamada; Hamilto; Ahmed, Hazem; Faraj, Hazem; Nava, Hector; Ordas Macias, Hector; Nikaj, Herald; Solano, Heriberto; Khan, Huma Ahmed; Sánchez Alarcón, Humberto; Ebied, Husam; Giani, Iacopo; Villalabeitia Ateca, Ibabe; Neri, Ignacio; Alberdi San Roman, Igor; Fidoshev, Iliya; Martinez Rodriguez, Iñaki; Negoi, Ionut; Ortega, Irene; Bernescu, Irina; Russo, Iris Shari; Vincente Rodríguez, Irune; Palomares, Irving; Baltazar, Isaac; Jaén Torrejimeno, Isabel; Cornejo Jurado, Isabel María; Reccia, Isabella; Hussain, Ishtiyaq; Brito Toledo, Ismael; Mora-Guzmán, Ismael; Dogaru, Iulia; Romic, Ivan; Balciscueta, Izaskun; Kenington, J Cleo; Sagolsem, Jackison; Jang, Jae Y; Olivier, James; Lammel-Lindemann, Jan; Dziakova, Jana; Roldán Villavicencio, Javier Ismael; Salinas, Javier; Pejanovic, Jelena; Parreira, Jose Gustavo; Jovanovic; Rincón Pérez, Jeny; AsReyes, Jeryl; Medina Luque, Jesus Antonio; Mak, Joanna; Salas Rodriguez, Joanne; Herrera Kok, Johnn Henry; Krook, Jon; Diaz-Elizondo, Jose Antonio; Castell, Jose; García-Flores, José Eduardo; Jover Navalón, José María; Silva Rodrigues, Jose Mauro; Pereira, José; Castell Gómez, José Tomas; Bellido Luque, Juan; Martín Del Olmo, Juan Carlos; Salamea, Juan Carlos; Coronel Olivier, Juan Francisco; Blas Laina, Juan Luis; Ordoñez, Juliana Maria; Gutierrez, Julieta; Abba, Julio; Sofi, Junaid Ahmad; Sherafgan, Kashaf; Sahnan, Kapil; Yanaga, Katsuhiko; Beatson, Kevin; Asim, Laharwal; Alvarez, Laura; Siragusa, Leandro; Farber, Lee; Ong, Lester; Athanasios, Liarakos; García-Bruña, Lorena; De Martino, Luca; Ferrario, Luca; Giordano, Luca; Gordini, Luca; Pio, Luca; Ponchietti, Luca; Moletta, Lucia; Curella, Luciano; Poggi, Luciano; Taglietti, Lucio; Bonavina, Luigi; Conti, Luigi; Goffredi, Luigi; Garcia Ruiz, Luis Angel; Barrionuevo, Luis; Fregoso, Luis Enrique; Cabrera, Luis F; Rodriguez, Luis G; Grande, Luis; Gregorio Osoria, Luis; Kantun Gonzalez, Luis Javier; Sánchez-Guillén, Luis; Tallon-Aguilar, Luis; Tresierra, Luis; Giavarini, Luisa; Hasabelnabi, Mahmoud; Odovic, Maja; Uemura, Mamoru; Khan, Mansoor; Artiles-Armas, Manuel; David, Mara; Di Martino, Marcello; Spampinato, Marcello Giuseppe; Ribeiro, Marcelo A F; Viola, Marcelo; Angrisani, Marco; Calussi, Marco; Cannistrà, Marco; Catarci, Marco; Cereda, Marco; Conte, Marco; Giordano, Marco; Pellicciaro, Marco; Marino, Marco Vito; Vaterlini, Maria E; Jiménez, María F; Lolli, María Giulia; Bellini, Maria Irene; Lemma, Maria; Chiarello, Maria Michela; Nicola, Maria; Arrigo, Mario; Caneda Mejia, Mario; Montes Manrique, Mario; Rodriguez-Lopez, Mario; Serradilla-Martín, Mario; Zambrano Lara, Mario; Martínez, Marisa; Bagnall, Mark; Peter, Mark; Cañón Lara, Marta; Jimenez Gomez, Marta; Paniagua-Garcia-Señorans, Marta; Perez Gonzalez, Marta; Rutegård, Martin; Salö, Martin; Franceschilli, Marzia; Silveri, Massimiliano; Veroux, Massimiliano; Pezzulo, Massimo; Nardi, Matteo; Rottoli, Matteo; Tolonen, Matti; Pedraza Ciro, Mauricio; Zuluagua, Mauricio; Cannavò, Maurizio; Cervellera, Maurizio; Iacobone, Maurizio; Montuori, Mauro; Podda, Mauro; García Domínguez, Melody; Bingol-Kologlu, Meltem; Tahir, Mian; Lim, Michael; Wilson, Michael Sj; Wilson, Michael; Campanelli, Michela; Bisaccia, Michele; De Rosa, Michele; Maruccia, Michele; Paterno, Michele; Pisano, Michele; Torre, Michele; Treviño, Michele; Zuolo, Michele; Hernandez Bartolome, Miguel A; Farina, Miguel; Pera, Miguel; Prieto Calvo, Miguel; Sotelo, Milagros; Thway, Min Myat; Hassan, Mohamed; Hassan, Mohamed Salah Eldin; Azfar, Mohammad; Bouhuwaish, Mohammad; Taha, Mohammad; Zaieem, Mohammad; Korkoman, Mohammed; Guraieb, Montserrat; Shalaby, Mostafa; Raza, Muhammad Asif; Younis, Muhammad Umar; Elhadi, Muhammed; Ali, Mujahid Zulfiqar; Quazi, Nadeem; Dudi-Venkata, Nagendra N; Alselaim, Nahar; Loria, Natasha; Villan Ramírez, Nathalie; Than, Nay Win; Smart, Neil; Trelles, Nelson; Pinto, Nicanor; Allievi, Niccolò; Petrucciani, Niccolo; Antonacci, Nicola; Cillara, Nicola; Gica, Nicolae; Cristiana, Nicolaescu Diana; Nicolás, Nicolás; Falco, Nicolò; Pecorelli, Nicolò; Tamini, Nicolò; Dallas, Nikolaos Andreas; Machairas, Nikolaos; Brito, Noelia; Fieturi, Nura Ahmed; Ortega, Nuria; AvilaMercado, Octavio; Irkorucu, Oktay; Alsherif, Omar; Valles, Orestes; Ioannidis, Orestis; Hernández Palmas, Oscar; Hernandez Palmas, Oscar Isaac; Sanz Guadarrama, Oscar; Bozbiyik, Osman; Omelanczuk, Pablo; Ottolino, Pablo; Rodrigues, Pablo; Ruiz, Pablo; Campenni, Paola; Chiarade, Paola; Prieto Olivares, Paola; Baroffio, Paolo; Baroffio, Paolo; Wintringer, Pascal; Di Fronzo, Pasquale; Talento, Pasquale; Favoriti, Pasqualino; Sendino, Patricia; Marsanic, Patrizia; Mifsut, Patricia; Andrade, Paúl; Ajawin, Pawel; Ferri, Valentina; Massimiliano de Luca, Giuseppe; Ingallinella, Sara; Pueyo, Eva; Palmieri, Francesco; Silva, Jesus; Chin, Ken Min; Syn, Nicholas; Goh, Brian K P; Koh, Ye Xin; Tonini, Valeria; Gonzales-Ganso, Ana; Simó, Vicente; Diago, Maria Victoria; Abadía-Barnó, Pedro; Najar Castañeda, Pedro Alfonso; Sillas Arevalos, Pedro Omar; Palazón Bellver, Pedro; Koh, Peng Soon; Souza, Petry; Major, Piotr; Bali, Rajandeep Singh; Khattar, Rakesh Mohan; Melo, Renato Bessa; Ebrahiminia, Reza; Azar, Ricardo; Murga, Ricardo López; Caruso, Riccardo; Pirolo, Riccardo; Brady, Richard; Davies, Richard Justin; Dholakia, Rishi; Rattan, Rishi; Singhal, Rishi; Lim, Robert; Angelico, Roberta; Isernia, Roberta Maria; Tutino, Roberta; Faccincani, Roberto; Peltrini, Roberto; Carrera-Ceron, Rocío; Tejos, Rodrigo; Kashyap, Rohit; Fajardo, Roosevelt; Lozito, Rosa; Madariaga Pareja, Royer; Garbarino, Sabrina; Di Saverio, Salomone; Morales-Conde, Salvador; Benli, Sami; Mansour, Sami; Flores, Samir; Limon Suarez, Samuel; Lopez Ben, Santiago; Fuentes, Sara; Napetti, Sara; Ortiz de Guzmán, Sara; Awad, Selmy; Weckmann Luján, Sergio A; Gentilli, Sergio; Grimaldi, Sergio; Olivares Pizarro, Sergio; Tayar, Serkan; Nabi, Shakeeb; Chan, Shannon M; Junaid, Sheikh; Rojas, Sidney; Monetti, Silvana; García, Silvia; Salvans, Silvia; Tenconi, Silvia; Shaw, Simon; Santoni, Simone; Parra, Sofia Andrea; Cárdenas, Sofía; Pérez-Bertólez, Sonia; Chiappetta, Sonja; Dessureault, Sophie; Delis, Spiros; Bonapasta, Stefano Amore; Rausei, Stefano; Scaringi, Stefano; Keswani, Sundeep; Ali, Syed Muhammad; Cetinkunar, Süleyman; Fung, Tak Lit Derek; Rawashdeh, Tariq; Nicolás López, Tatiana; De Campos, Tercio; Calderon Duque, Teresa; Perra, Teresa; Liakakos, Theodore; Daskalakis, Theodoros; Liakakos, Theodoros; Barnes, Thomas; Koëter, Tijmen; Zalla, Tiku; González, Tomás E; Elosua, Tomás; Campagnaro, Tommaso; Brown, Tommy; Luoto, Topi; Oumar, Touré Alpha; Giustizieri, Ugo; Grossi, Ugo; Bracale, Umberto; Rivas, Uriel; Sosa, Valentina; Testa, Valentina; Andriola, Valeria; Tonini, Valeria; Balassone, Valerio; Celentano, Valerio; Progno, Valerio; Raju, Varun; Carroni, Vanessa; Cavallaro, Venera; Katta, Venkateswara Rao; De Simone, Veronica; Romaguera, Vicent Primo; García Orozco, Victor Hugo; Luraschi, Victor; Rachkov, Victor; Turrado-L, Victor; Visag-Castillo, Victor; Dowling, Victoria; Graham, Victoria; Papagni, Vincenzo; Vigorita, Vincenzo; Cordeiro Fonseca, Vinicius; Jimenez Carneros, Virginia; Bellato, Vittoria; Gonçalves, Walyson; Powers, William F; Grigg, William; Bechstein, Wolf O; Lim, Yu Bing; Altinel, Yuksel; Golubović, Zoran; Balciscueta, Zutoia
BACKGROUND:Surgical strategies are being adapted to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations on the management of acute appendicitis have been based on expert opinion, but very little evidence is available. This study addressed that dearth with a snapshot of worldwide approaches to appendicitis. METHODS:The Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe designed an online survey to assess the current attitude of surgeons globally regarding the management of patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic. Questions were divided into baseline information, hospital organization and screening, personal protective equipment, management and surgical approach, and patient presentation before versus during the pandemic. RESULTS:Of 744 answers, 709 (from 66 countries) were complete and were included in the analysis. Most hospitals were treating both patients with and those without COVID. There was variation in screening indications and modality used, with chest X-ray plus molecular testing (PCR) being the commonest (19·8 per cent). Conservative management of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis was used by 6·6 and 2·4 per cent respectively before, but 23·7 and 5·3 per cent, during the pandemic (both P < 0·001). One-third changed their approach from laparoscopic to open surgery owing to the popular (but evidence-lacking) advice from expert groups during the initial phase of the pandemic. No agreement on how to filter surgical smoke plume during laparoscopy was identified. There was an overall reduction in the number of patients admitted with appendicitis and one-third felt that patients who did present had more severe appendicitis than they usually observe. CONCLUSION:Conservative management of mild appendicitis has been possible during the pandemic. The fact that some surgeons switched to open appendicectomy may reflect the poor guidelines that emanated in the early phase of SARS-CoV-2.
PMID: 34157090
ISSN: 1365-2168
CID: 5443642

Effect of Blood Product Transfusion on Perioperative Outcomes After Heart Transplantation

Subramaniam, Kathirvel; Kumar, Akshay; Hernandez, Sergio; Nouraie, Seyed Mehdi
OBJECTIVE(S)/OBJECTIVE:The objective of this study was to identify transfusion-related in-hospital outcomes in orthotopic heart transplantation (OHT) recipients. DESIGN/METHODS:Retrospective chart review. SETTING/METHODS:Tertiary care hospital. PARTICIPANTS/METHODS:Adult OHT recipients undergoing transplantation between January 2010 and December 2016. INTERVENTIONS/METHODS:None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS/RESULTS:The primary composite outcome was occurrence of any of the following events during admission for OHT: (1) graft dysfunction requiring mechanical circulatory support (MCS); (2) respiratory failure requiring tracheostomy; (3) renal failure requiring hemodialysis; (4) 30-day mortality; (5) complication requiring readmission to intensive care unit; (6) sepsis; and (7) stroke. The authors evaluated these outcomes in relation to all blood component transfusions received intraoperatively and in the first 24 hours postoperatively. The study included 197 patients and the primary composite outcome was present in 72 (36.6%). After adjusting for propensity score, red blood cell (RBC) transfusion was associated with composite outcomes (odds ratio [OR] 1.17, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.05-1.31, p = 0.004), postoperative MCS use (OR 1.36, 95% CI 1.18-1.58, p < 0.001), acute renal failure requiring hemodialysis (OR 1.21, 5% CI 1.06-1.38, p = 0.004), and 30-day mortality (OR 1.29, 95% CI 1.05-1.59, p = 0.02). Fresh frozen plasma was associated with composite outcome (OR 1.07, 95% CI [1.003-1.15], p = 0.042) and renal failure (OR 1.08, 95% CI 1.08 [1.002-1.17], p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS:Intra- and postoperative transfusions (first 24 hours) of RBC and FFP were associated with adverse postoperative composite outcomes in patients undergoing OHT.
PMID: 33168431
ISSN: 1532-8422
CID: 5339172

Sudden cardiac death: epidemiology, pathogenesis and management

Kumar, Akshay; Avishay, Dor Mordehay; Jones, Calvin Richard; Shaikh, Juber Dastagir; Kaur, Roopvir; Aljadah, Michael; Kichloo, Asim; Shiwalkar, Nimisha; Keshavamurthy, Suresh
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is an unexpected sudden death due to a heart condition, that occurs within one hour of symptoms onset. SCD is a leading cause of death in western countries, and is responsible for the majority of deaths from cardiovascular disease. Moreover, SCD accounts for mortality in approximately half of all coronary heart disease patients. Nevertheless, the recent advancements made in screening, prevention, treatment, and management of the underlying causes has decreased this number. In this article, we sought to review established and new modes of screening patients at risk for SCD, treatment and prevention of SCD, and the role of new technologies in the field. Further, we delineate the current epidemiologic trends and pathogenesis. In particular, we describe the advancement in molecular autopsy and genetic testing, the role of target temperature management, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and transvenous and subcutaneous implantable cardioverter devices (ICDs).
PMID: 33792256
ISSN: 1530-6550
CID: 5339182

Systemic adverse effects and toxicities associated with immunotherapy: A review

Kichloo, Asim; Albosta, Michael; Dahiya, Dushyant; Guidi, Jean Claude; Aljadah, Michael; Singh, Jagmeet; Shaka, Hafeez; Wani, Farah; Kumar, Akshay; Lekkala, Manidhar
Immunotherapy is rapidly evolving secondary to the advent of newer immunotherapeutic agents and increasing approval of the current agents by the United States Food and Drug Administration to treat a wide spectrum of cancers. Immunotherapeutic agents have gained immense popularity due to their tumor-specific action. Immunotherapy is slowly transforming into a separate therapeutic entity, and the fifth pillar of management for cancers alongside surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy. However, like any therapeutic entity it has its own adverse effects. With the increasing use of immuno-therapeutic agents, it is vital for physicians to acquaint themselves with these adverse effects. The aim of this review is to investigate the common systemic adverse effects and toxicities associated with the use of different classes of immunotherapeutic agents. We provide an overview of potential adverse effects and toxicities associated with different classes of immunotherapeutic agents organized by organ systems, as well as an extensive discussion of the current recommendations for treatment and clinical trial data. As we continue to see increasing usage of these agents in clinical practice, it is vital for physicians to familiarize themselves with these effects.
PMID: 33767971
ISSN: 2218-4333
CID: 5443782

Emerging therapeutics in the management of COVID-19

Kichloo, Asim; Albosta, Michael; Kumar, Akshay; Aljadah, Michael; Mohamed, Mohamed; El-Amir, Zain; Wani, Farah; Jamal, Shakeel; Singh, Jagmeet; Kichloo, Akif
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19) pandemic has placed a tremendous burden on healthcare systems globally. Therapeutics for treatment of the virus are extremely inconsistent due to the lack of time evaluating drug efficacy in clinical trials. Currently, there is a deficiency of published literature that comprehensively discusses all therapeutics being considered for the treatment of COVID-19. A review of the literature was performed for articles related to therapeutics and clinical trials in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. We used PubMed, Google Scholar, and to search for articles relative to the topic of interest. We used the following keywords: "COVID-19", "therapeutics", "clinical trials", "treatment", "FDA", "ICU", "mortality", and "management". In addition, searches through the references of retrieved articles was also performed. In this paper, we have elaborated on the therapeutic strategies that have been hypothesized or trialed to-date, the mechanism of action of each therapeutic, the clinical trials finished or in-process that support the use of each therapeutic, and the adverse effects associated with each therapeutic. Currently, there is no treatment that has been proven to provide significant benefit in reducing morbidity and mortality. There are many clinical trials for numerous different therapeutic agents currently underway. By looking back and measuring successful strategies from previous pandemics in addition to carrying out ongoing research, we provide ourselves with the greatest opportunity to find treatments that are beneficial.
PMID: 33585175
ISSN: 2220-3249
CID: 5443772

Utilization of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation during the COVID-19 pandemic

Kichloo, Asim; Kumar, Akshay; Amir, Rawan; Aljadah, Michael; Farooqi, Najiha; Albosta, Michael; Singh, Jagmeet; Jamal, Shakeel; El-Amir, Zain; Kichloo, Akif; Lone, Nazir
The ongoing outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 [SARS-CoV-2, or coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)] was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. Worldwide, more than 65 million people have been infected with this SARS-CoV-2 virus, and over 1.5 million people have died due to the viral illness. Although a tremendous amount of medical progress has been made since its inception, there continues to be ongoing research regarding the pathophysiology, treatments, and vaccines. While a vast majority of those infected develop only mild to moderate symptoms, about 5% of people have severe forms of infection resulting in respiratory failure, myocarditis, septic shock, or multi-organ failure. Despite maximal cardiopulmonary support and invasive mechanical ventilation, mortality remains high. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) remains a valid treatment option when maximal conventional strategies fail. Utilization of ECMO in the pandemic is challenging from both resource allocation and ethical standpoints. This article reviews the rationale behind its use, current status of utilization, and future considerations for ECMO in critically ill COVID-19 patients.
PMID: 33505868
ISSN: 2220-3141
CID: 5443762

Optical Density Optimization of Malaria Pan Rapid Diagnostic Test Strips for Improved Test Zone Band Intensity

Manta, Prince; Nagraik, Rupak; Sharma, Avinash; Kumar, Akshay; Verma, Pritt; Paswan, Shravan Kumar; Bokov, Dmitry O; Shaikh, Juber Dastagir; Kaur, Roopvir; Leite, Ana Francesca Vommaro; Filho, Silas Jose Braz; Shiwalkar, Nimisha; Persaud, Purnadeo; Kapoor, Deepak N
For the last few decades, the immunochromatographic assay has been used for the rapid detection of biological markers in infectious diseases in humans and animals The assay, also known as lateral flow assay, is utilized for the detection of antigen or antibody in human infectious diseases. There are a series of steps involved in the development of these immuno-chromatographic test kits, from gold nano colloids preparation to nitrocellulose membrane coating (NCM). These tests are mostly used for qualitative assays by a visual interpretation of results. For the interpretation of the results, the color intensity of the test zone is therefore very significant. Herein, the study was performed on a malaria antigen test kit. Several studies have reported the use of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with varying diameters and its binding with various concentrations of protein in order to optimize tests. However, none of these studies have reported how to fix (improve) test zone band intensity (color), if different sized AuNPs were synthesized during a reaction and when conjugated equally with same amount of protein. Herein, different AuNPs with average diameter ranging from 10 nm to 50 nm were prepared and conjugated equally with protein concentration of 150 µg/mL with KD = 1.0 × 10-3. Afterwards, the developed kits' test zone band intensity for all different sizes AuNPs was fixed to the same band level (high) by utilization of an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer. The study found that the same optical density (OD) has the same test zone band intensity irrespective of AuNP size. This study also illustrates the use of absorption maxima (λ max) techniques to characterize AuNPs and to prevent wastage of protein while developing immunochromatographic test kits.
PMID: 33137871
ISSN: 2075-4418
CID: 5443742

Managing Central Venous Access during a Healthcare Crisis

Chun, Tristen T; Judelson, Dejah R; Rigberg, David; Lawrence, Peter F; Cuff, Robert; Shalhub, Sherene; Wohlauer, Max; Abularrage, Christopher J; Anastasios, Papapetrou; Arya, Shipra; Aulivola, Bernadette; Baldwin, Melissa; Baril, Donald; Bechara, Carlos F; Beckerman, William E; Behrendt, Christian-Alexander; Benedetto, Filippo; Bennett, Lisa F; Charlton-Ouw, Kristofer M; Chawla, Amit; Chia, Matthew C; Cho, Sungsin; Choong, Andrew M T L; Chou, Elizabeth L; Christiana, Anastasiadou; Coscas, Raphael; De Caridi, Giovanni; Ellozy, Sharif; Etkin, Yana; Faries, Peter; Fung, Adrian T; Gonzalez, Andrew; Griffin, Claire L; Guidry, London; Gunawansa, Nalaka; Gwertzman, Gary; Han, Daniel K; Hicks, Caitlin W; Hinojosa, Carlos A; Hsiang, York; Ilonzo, Nicole; Jayakumar, Lalithapriya; Joh, Jin Hyun; Johnson, Adam P; Kabbani, Loay S; Keller, Melissa R; Khashram, Manar; Koleilat, Issam; Krueger, Bernard; Kumar, Akshay; Lee, Cheong Jun; Lee, Alice; Levy, Mark M; Lewis, C Taylor; Lind, Benjamin; Lopez-Pena, Gabriel; Mohebali, Jahan; Molnar, Robert G; Morrissey, Nicholas J; Motaganahalli, Raghu L; Mouawad, Nicolas J; Newton, Daniel H; Ng, Jun Jie; O'Banion, Leigh Ann; Phair, John; Rancic, Zoran; Rao, Ajit; Ray, Hunter M; Rivera, Aksim G; Rodriguez, Limael; Sales, Clifford M; Salzman, Garrett; Sarfati, Mark; Savlania, Ajay; Schanzer, Andres; Sharafuddin, Mel J; Sheahan, Malachi; Siada, Sammy; Siracuse, Jeffrey J; Smith, Brigitte K; Smith, Matthew; Soh, Ina; Sorber, Rebecca; Sundaram, Varuna; Sundick, Scott; Tomita, Tadaki M; Trinidad, Bradley; Tsai, Shirling; Vouyouka, Ageliki G; Westin, Gregory G; Williams, Michael S; Wren, Sherry M; Yang, Jane K; Yi, Jeniann; Zhou, Wei; Zia, Saqib; Woo, Karen
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:During the COVID-19 pandemic, central venous access line teams were implemented at many hospitals throughout the world to provide access for critically ill patients. The objective of this study was to describe the structure, practice patterns and outcomes of these vascular access teams during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS:We conducted a cross sectional, self-reported study of central venous access line teams in hospitals afflicted with the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to participate in the study, hospitals were required to meet one of the following criteria: a) development of a formal plan for a central venous access line team during the pandemic, b) implementation of a central venous access line team during the pandemic, c) placement of central venous access by a designated practice group during the pandemic as part of routine clinical practice, or d) management of an iatrogenic complication related to central venous access in a patient with COVID-19. RESULTS:Participants from 60 hospitals in 13 countries contributed data to the study. Central venous line teams were most commonly composed of vascular surgery and general surgery attending physicians and trainees. Twenty sites had 2,657 lines placed by their central venous access line team or designated practice group. During that time, there were 11 (0.4%) iatrogenic complications associated with central venous access procedures performed by the line team or group at those 20 sites. Triple lumen catheters, Cordis® catheters and non-tunneled hemodialysis catheters were the most common types of central venous lines placed by the teams. Eight (14%) sites reported experience placing central venous lines in prone, ventilated patients with COVID-19. A dedicated line cart was used by 35 (59%) of hospitals. Less than 50% (24, 41%) of the participating sites reported managing thrombosed central lines in COVID-patients. Twenty-three of the sites managed 48 iatrogenic complications in patients with COVID-19 (including complications caused by providers outside of the line team or designated practice group). CONCLUSIONS:Implementation of a dedicated central venous access line team during a pandemic or other healthcare crisis is a way by which physicians trained in central venous access can contribute their expertise to a stressed healthcare system. A line team composed of physicians with vascular skill sets provides relief to resource-constrained ICU, ward, and emergency medicine teams with a low rate of iatrogenic complications relative to historical reports. We recommend that a plan for central venous access line team implementation be in place for future healthcare crises.
PMID: 32682063
ISSN: 1097-6809
CID: 4531762