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Variation in Health Status With Invasive vs Conservative Management of Chronic Coronary Disease

Arnold, Suzanne V; Jones, Philip G; Maron, David J; Cohen, David J; Mark, Daniel B; Reynolds, Harmony R; Bangalore, Sripal; Chen, Jiyan; Newman, Jonathan D; Harrington, Robert A; Stone, Gregg W; Hochman, Judith S; Spertus, John A; ,
BACKGROUND:The ISCHEMIA trial found that patients with chronic coronary disease randomized to invasive strategy had better health status than those randomized to conservative strategy. It is unclear how best to translate these population-level results to individual patients. OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:The authors sought to identify patient characteristics associated with health status from invasive and conservative strategies, and develop a prediction algorithm for shared decision-making. METHODS:One-year disease-specific health status was assessed in ISCHEMIA with the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) Summary Score (SAQ SS) and Angina Frequency, Physical Limitations (PL), and Quality of Life (QL) domains (range 0-100, higher = less angina/better health status). RESULTS:Among 4,617 patients from 320 sites in 37 countries, mean SAQ SS was 74.1 ± 18.9 at baseline and 85.7 ± 15.6 at 1 year. Lower baseline SAQ SS and younger age were associated with better 1-year health status with invasive strategy (P interaction = 0.009 and P interaction = 0.004, respectively). For the individual domains, there were significant treatment interactions for baseline SAQ score (Angina Frequency, PL), age (PL, QL), anterior ischemia (PL), and number of baseline antianginal medications (QL), with more benefit of invasive in patients with worse baseline health status, younger age, anterior ischemia, and on more antianginal medications. Parsimonious prediction models were developed for 1-year SAQ domains with invasive or conservative strategies to support shared decision-making. CONCLUSIONS:In the management of chronic coronary disease, individual patient characteristics are associated with 1-year health status, with younger age and poorer angina-related health status showing greater benefit from invasive management. This prediction algorithm can support the translation of the ISCHEMIA trial results to individual patients. (International Study of Comparative Health Effectiveness With Medical and Invasive Approaches [ISCHEMIA]; NCT01471522).
PMID: 38599711
ISSN: 1558-3597
CID: 5725862

Baseline characteristics including blood and urine metal levels in the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy 2 (TACT2)

Navas-Acien, Ana; Santella, Regina M; Joubert, Bonnie R; Huang, Zhen; Lokhnygina, Yuliya; Ujueta, Francisco; Gurvich, Irina; LoIacono, Nancy J; Ravalli, Filippo; Ward, Cynthia D; Jarrett, Jeffery M; Salazar, Alfonsina De Leon; Boineau, Robin; Jones, Teresa L Z; Mark, Daniel B; Newman, Jonathan D; Nathan, David M; Anstrom, Kevin J; Lamas, Gervasio A
BACKGROUND:The reduction in cardiovascular disease (CVD) events with edetate disodium (EDTA) in the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT) suggested that chelation of toxic metals might provide novel opportunities to reduce CVD in patients with diabetes. Lead and cadmium are vasculotoxic metals chelated by EDTA. We present baseline characteristics for participants in TACT2, a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial designed as a replication of the TACT trial limited to patients with diabetes. METHODS:TACT2 enrolled 1,000 participants with diabetes and prior myocardial infarction, age 50 years or older between September 2016 and December 2020. Among 959 participants with at least one infusion, 933 had blood and/or urine metals measured at the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention using the same methodology as in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). We compared metal levels in TACT2 to a contemporaneous subset of NHANES participants with CVD, diabetes and other inclusion criteria similar to TACT2's participants. RESULTS:, 4% reported type 1 diabetes, 46.8% were treated with insulin, 22.3% with GLP1-receptor agonists or SGLT-2 inhibitors, 90.2% with aspirin, warfarin or P2Y12 inhibitors, and 86.5% with statins. Blood lead was detectable in all participants; median (IQR) was 9.19 (6.30, 13.9) µg/L. Blood and urine cadmium were detectable in 97% and median (IQR) levels were 0.28 (0.18, 0.43) µg/L and 0.30 (0.18, 0.51) µg/g creatinine, respectively. Metal levels were largely similar to those in the contemporaneous NHANES subset. CONCLUSIONS:TACT2 participants were characterized by high use of medication to treat CVD and diabetes and similar baseline metal levels as in the general US population. TACT2 will determine whether chelation therapy reduces the occurrence of subsequent CVD events in this high-risk population. CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRATION/ Identifier: NCT02733185.
PMID: 38621575
ISSN: 1097-6744
CID: 5657392

Sex Differences in Revascularization, Treatment Goals, and Outcomes of Patients With Chronic Coronary Disease: Insights From the ISCHEMIA Trial

Reynolds, Harmony R; Cyr, Derek D; Merz, C Noel Bairey; Shaw, Leslee J; Chaitman, Bernard R; Boden, William E; Alexander, Karen P; Rosenberg, Yves D; Bangalore, Sripal; Stone, Gregg W; Held, Claes; Spertus, John; Goetschalckx, Kaatje; Bockeria, Olga; Newman, Jonathan D; Berger, Jeffrey S; Elghamaz, Ahmed; Lopes, Renato D; Min, James K; Berman, Daniel S; Picard, Michael H; Kwong, Raymond Y; Harrington, Robert A; Thomas, Boban; O'Brien, Sean M; Maron, David J; Hochman, Judith S; ,
BACKGROUND:Women with chronic coronary disease are generally older than men and have more comorbidities but less atherosclerosis. We explored sex differences in revascularization, guideline-directed medical therapy, and outcomes among patients with chronic coronary disease with ischemia on stress testing, with and without invasive management. METHODS AND RESULTS/RESULTS:=0.49), with no significant sex-by-treatment-group interactions. CONCLUSIONS:Women had less extensive coronary artery disease and, therefore, lower revascularization rates in the invasive group. Despite lower risk factor goal attainment, women with chronic coronary disease experienced similar risk-adjusted outcomes to men in the ISCHEMIA trial. REGISTRATION/BACKGROUND:URL: Unique identifier: NCT01471522.
PMID: 38410945
ISSN: 2047-9980
CID: 5645612

Body Mass Index and Clinical and Health Status Outcomes in Chronic Coronary Disease and Advanced Kidney Disease in the ISCHEMIA-CKD Trial

Mathew, Roy O; Kretov, Evgeny I; Huang, Zhen; Jones, Philip G; Sidhu, Mandeep S; O'Brien, Sean M; Prokhorikhin, Aleksei A; Rangaswami, Janani; Newman, Jonathan; Stone, Gregg W; Fleg, Jerome L; Spertus, John A; Maron, David J; Hochman, Judith S; Bangalore, Sripal; ,
OBJECTIVE:This study aimed to assess whether an obesity paradox (lower event rates with higher body mass index [BMI]) exists in participants with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) and chronic coronary disease in the International Study of Comparative Health Effectiveness of Medical and Invasive Approaches (ISCHEMIA)-CKD, and whether BMI modified the effect of initial treatment strategy. METHODS:). Associations between BMI and the primary outcome of all-cause death or myocardial infarction (D/MI), and all-cause death, cardiovascular death, and MI individually were estimated. Associations with health status were also evaluated using the Seattle Angina Questionnaire-7, the Rose Dyspnea Scale, and the EuroQol-5D Visual Analog Scale. RESULTS:was marginally associated with D/MI (HR 1.43 [1.00-2.04]) and greater dyspnea throughout follow-up (P < .05 at all time points). Heterogeneity of treatment effect between baseline BMI was not evident for any outcome. CONCLUSIONS:In the ISCHEMIA-CKD trial, an obesity paradox was not detected. Higher BMI was associated with worse dyspnea, and a trend toward increased D/MI and MI risk. Larger studies to validate these findings are warranted.
PMID: 37925061
ISSN: 1555-7162
CID: 5607182

Platelet RNA Biomarker of Ticagrelor-Responsive Genes Is Associated With Platelet Function and Cardiovascular Events

Myers, Rachel A; Ortel, Thomas L; Waldrop, Alexander; Cornwell, MacIntosh; Newman, Jonathan D; Levy, Natalie K; Barrett, Tessa J; Ruggles, Kelly; Sowa, Marcin A; Dave, Sandeep; Ginsburg, Geoffrey S; Berger, Jeffrey S; Voora, Deepak
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:Identifying patients with the optimal risk:benefit for ticagrelor is challenging. The aim was to identify ticagrelor-responsive platelet transcripts as biomarkers of platelet function and cardiovascular risk. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:Healthy volunteers (n=58, discovery; n=49, validation) were exposed to 4 weeks of ticagrelor with platelet RNA data, platelet function, and self-reported bleeding measured pre-/post-ticagrelor. RNA sequencing was used to discover platelet genes affected by ticagrelor, and a subset of the most informative was summarized into a composite score and tested for validation. This score was further analyzed (1) in CD34+ megakaryocytes exposed to an P2Y12 inhibitor in vitro, (2) with baseline platelet function in healthy controls, (3) in peripheral artery disease patients (n=139) versus patient controls (n=30) without atherosclerosis, and (4) in patients with peripheral artery disease for correlation with atherosclerosis severity and risk of incident major adverse cardiovascular and limb events. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:Ticagrelor exposure differentially expressed 3409 platelet transcripts. Of these, 111 were prioritized to calculate a Ticagrelor Exposure Signature score, which ticagrelor reproducibly increased in discovery and validation cohorts. Ticagrelor's effects on platelets transcripts positively correlated with effects of P2Y12 inhibition in primary megakaryocytes. In healthy controls, higher baseline scores correlated with lower baseline platelet function and with minor bleeding while receiving ticagrelor. In patients, lower scores independently associated with both the presence and extent of atherosclerosis and incident ischemic events. CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:Ticagrelor-responsive platelet transcripts are a biomarker for platelet function and cardiovascular risk and may have clinical utility for selecting patients with optimal risk:benefit for ticagrelor use.
PMID: 38059352
ISSN: 1524-4636
CID: 5591292

A review of air pollution as a driver of cardiovascular disease risk across the diabetes spectrum

Bonanni, Luke J; Wittkopp, Sharine; Long, Clarine; Aleman, José O; Newman, Jonathan D
The prevalence of diabetes is estimated to reach almost 630 million cases worldwide by the year 2045; of current and projected cases, over 90% are type 2 diabetes. Air pollution exposure has been implicated in the onset and progression of diabetes. Increased exposure to fine particulate matter air pollution (PM2.5) is associated with increases in blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) across the glycemic spectrum, including normoglycemia, prediabetes, and all forms of diabetes. Air pollution exposure is a driver of cardiovascular disease onset and exacerbation and can increase cardiovascular risk among those with diabetes. In this review, we summarize the literature describing the relationships between air pollution exposure, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, highlighting how airborne pollutants can disrupt glucose homeostasis. We discuss how air pollution and diabetes, via shared mechanisms leading to endothelial dysfunction, drive increased cardiovascular disease risk. We identify portable air cleaners as potentially useful tools to prevent adverse cardiovascular outcomes due to air pollution exposure across the diabetes spectrum, while emphasizing the need for further study in this particular population. Given the enormity of the health and financial impacts of air pollution exposure on patients with diabetes, a greater understanding of the interventions to reduce cardiovascular risk in this population is needed.
PMID: 38665261
ISSN: 1664-2392
CID: 5669872

A Clinical Perspective on Arsenic Exposure and Development of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

Kaur, Gurleen; Desai, Karan P; Chang, Isabella Y; Newman, Jonathan D; Mathew, Roy O; Bangalore, Sripal; Venditti, Ferdinand J; Sidhu, Mandeep S
Cardiovascular risk has traditionally been defined by modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors, such as tobacco use, hyperlipidemia, and family history. However, chemicals and pollutants may also play a role in cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Arsenic is a naturally occurring element that is widely distributed in the Earth's crust. Inorganic arsenic (iAs) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, with chronic high-dose exposure to iAs (> 100 µg/L) being linked to CVD; however, whether low-to-moderate dose exposures of iAs (< 100 µg/L) are associated with the development of CVD is unclear. Due to limitations of the existing literature, it is difficult to define a threshold for iAs toxicity. Studies demonstrate that the effect of iAs on CVD is far more complex with influences from several factors, including diet, genetics, metabolism, and traditional risk factors such as hypertension and smoking. In this article, we review the existing data of low-to-moderate dose iAs exposure and its effect on CVD, along with highlighting the potential mechanisms of action.
PMID: 35029799
ISSN: 1573-7241
CID: 5119142

Biomarkers and cardiovascular events in patients with stable coronary disease in the ISCHEMIA Trials

Newman, Jonathan D; Anthopolos, Rebecca; Ruggles, Kelly V; Cornwell, Macintosh; Reynolds, Harmony R; Bangalore, Sripal; Mavromatis, Kreton; Held, Claes; Wallentin, Lars; Kullo, Iftikar J; McManus, Bruce; Newby, L Kristin K; Rosenberg, Yves; Hochman, Judith S; Maron, David J; Berger, Jeffrey S; ,
IMPORTANCE:Biomarkers may improve prediction of cardiovascular events for patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD), but their importance in addition to clinical tests of inducible ischemia and CAD severity is unknown. OBJECTIVES:To evaluate the prognostic value of multiple biomarkers in stable outpatients with obstructive CAD and moderate or severe inducible ischemia. DESIGN AND SETTING:The ISCHEMIA and ISCHEMIA CKD trials randomized 5,956 participants with CAD to invasive or conservative management from July 2012 to January 2018; 1,064 participated in the biorepository. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Primary outcome was cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction (MI), or hospitalization for unstable angina, heart failure, or resuscitated cardiac arrest. Secondary outcome was cardiovascular death or MI. Improvements in prediction were assessed by cause-specific hazard ratios (HR) and area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC) for an interquartile increase in each biomarker, controlling for other biomarkers, in a base clinical model of risk factors, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and ischemia severity. Secondary analyses were performed among patients in whom core-lab confirmed severity of CAD was ascertained by computed cardiac tomographic angiography (CCTA). EXPOSURES:Baseline levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), high sensitivity troponin T (hsTnT), growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15), N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), lipoprotein a (Lp[a]), high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), Cystatin C, soluble CD 40 ligand (sCD40L), myeloperoxidase (MPO), and matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP3). RESULTS:Among 757 biorepository participants, median (IQR) follow-up was 3 (2-5) years, age was 67 (61-72) years, and 144 (19%) were female; 508 had severity of CAD by CCTA available. In an adjusted multimarker model with hsTnT, GDF-15, NT-proBNP and sCD40L, the adjusted HR for the primary outcome per interquartile increase in each biomarker was 1.58 (95% CI 1.22, 2.205), 1.60 (95% CI 1.16, 2.20), 1.61 (95% 1.22, 2.14), and 1.46 (95% 1.12, 1.90), respectively. The adjusted multimarker model also improved prediction compared with the clinical model, increasing the AUC from 0.710 to 0.792 (P < .01) and 0.714 to 0.783 (P < .01) for the primary and secondary outcomes, respectively. Similar findings were observed after adjusting for core-lab confirmed atherosclerosis severity. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE:Among ISCHEMIA biorepository participants, biomarkers of myocyte injury/distension, inflammation, and platelet activity improved cardiovascular event prediction in addition to risk factors, LVEF, and assessments of ischemia and atherosclerosis severity. These biomarkers may improve risk stratification for patients with stable CAD.
PMID: 37604357
ISSN: 1097-6744
CID: 5598422

SARS-CoV-2 infection triggers pro-atherogenic inflammatory responses in human coronary vessels

Eberhardt, Natalia; Noval, Maria Gabriela; Kaur, Ravneet; Amadori, Letizia; Gildea, Michael; Sajja, Swathy; Das, Dayasagar; Cilhoroz, Burak; Stewart, O'Jay; Fernandez, Dawn M; Shamailova, Roza; Guillen, Andrea Vasquez; Jangra, Sonia; Schotsaert, Michael; Newman, Jonathan D; Faries, Peter; Maldonado, Thomas; Rockman, Caron; Rapkiewicz, Amy; Stapleford, Kenneth A; Narula, Navneet; Moore, Kathryn J; Giannarelli, Chiara
Patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) present increased risk for ischemic cardiovascular complications up to 1 year after infection. Although the systemic inflammatory response to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection likely contributes to this increased cardiovascular risk, whether SARS-CoV-2 directly infects the coronary vasculature and attendant atherosclerotic plaques remains unknown. Here we report that SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA is detectable and replicates in coronary lesions taken at autopsy from severe COVID-19 cases. SARS-CoV-2 targeted plaque macrophages and exhibited a stronger tropism for arterial lesions than adjacent perivascular fat, correlating with macrophage infiltration levels. SARS-CoV-2 entry was increased in cholesterol-loaded primary macrophages and dependent, in part, on neuropilin-1. SARS-CoV-2 induced a robust inflammatory response in cultured macrophages and human atherosclerotic vascular explants with secretion of cytokines known to trigger cardiovascular events. Our data establish that SARS-CoV-2 infects coronary vessels, inducing plaque inflammation that could trigger acute cardiovascular complications and increase the long-term cardiovascular risk.
PMID: 38076343
ISSN: 2731-0590
CID: 5589542

Portable Air Cleaners and Home Systolic Blood Pressure in Adults With Hypertension Living in New York City Public Housing [Letter]

Wittkopp, Sharine; Anastasiou, Elle; Hu, Jiyuan; Liu, Mengling; Langford, Aisha T; Brook, Robert D; Gordon, Terry; Thorpe, Lorna E; Newman, Jonathan D
PMID: 37382099
ISSN: 2047-9980
CID: 5537272