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MAGIC biomarkers predict long-term outcomes for steroid-resistant acute GVHD

Major-Monfried, Hannah; Renteria, Anne S; Pawarode, Attaphol; Reddy, Pavan; Ayuk, Francis; Holler, Ernst; Efebera, Yvonne A; Hogan, William J; Wölfl, Matthias; Qayed, Muna; Hexner, Elizabeth O; Wudhikarn, Kitsada; Ordemann, Rainer; Young, Rachel; Shah, Jay; Hartwell, Matthew J; Chaudhry, Mohammed S; Aziz, Mina; Etra, Aaron; Yanik, Gregory A; Kröger, Nicolaus; Weber, Daniela; Chen, Yi-Bin; Nakamura, Ryotaro; Rösler, Wolf; Kitko, Carrie L; Harris, Andrew C; Pulsipher, Michael; Reshef, Ran; Kowalyk, Steven; Morales, George; Torres, Ivan; Özbek, Umut; Ferrara, James L M; Levine, John E
Acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is treated with systemic corticosteroid immunosuppression. Clinical response after 1 week of therapy often guides further treatment decisions, but long-term outcomes vary widely among centers, and more accurate predictive tests are urgently needed. We analyzed clinical data and blood samples taken 1 week after systemic treatment of GVHD from 507 patients from 17 centers of the Mount Sinai Acute GVHD International Consortium (MAGIC), dividing them into a test cohort (n = 236) and 2 validation cohorts separated in time (n = 142 and n = 129). Initial response to systemic steroids correlated with response at 4 weeks, 1-year nonrelapse mortality (NRM), and overall survival (OS). A previously validated algorithm of 2 MAGIC biomarkers (ST2 and REG3α) consistently separated steroid-resistant patients into 2 groups with dramatically different NRM and OS (P < .001 for all 3 cohorts). High biomarker probability, resistance to steroids, and GVHD severity (Minnesota risk) were all significant predictors of NRM in multivariate analysis. A direct comparison of receiver operating characteristic curves showed that the area under the curve for biomarker probability (0.82) was significantly greater than that for steroid response (0.68, P = .004) and for Minnesota risk (0.72, P = .005). In conclusion, MAGIC biomarker probabilities generated after 1 week of systemic treatment of GVHD predict long-term outcomes in steroid-resistant GVHD better than clinical criteria and should prove useful in developing better treatment strategies.
PMID: 29545329
ISSN: 1528-0020
CID: 5761712

Acute graft-versus-host disease of the gut: considerations for the gastroenterologist

Naymagon, Steven; Naymagon, Leonard; Wong, Serre-Yu; Ko, Huaibin Mabel; Renteria, Anne; Levine, John; Colombel, Jean-Frederic; Ferrara, James
Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is central to the management of many haematological disorders. A frequent complication of HSCT is acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), a condition in which immune cells from the donor attack healthy recipient tissues. The gastrointestinal system is among the most common sites affected by acute GVHD, and severe manifestations of acute GVHD of the gut portends a poor prognosis in patients after HSCT. Acute GVHD of the gastrointestinal tract presents both diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Although the clinical manifestations are nonspecific and overlap with those of infection and drug toxicity, diagnosis is ultimately based on clinical criteria. As reliable serum biomarkers have not yet been validated outside of clinical trials, endoscopic and histopathological evaluation continue to be utilized in diagnosis. Once a diagnosis of gastrointestinal acute GVHD is established, therapy with systemic corticosteroids is typically initiated, and non-responders can be treated with a wide range of second-line therapies. In addition to treating the underlying disease, the management of complications including profuse diarrhoea, severe malnutrition and gastrointestinal bleeding is paramount. In this Review, we discuss strategies for the diagnosis and management of acute GVHD of the gastrointestinal tract as they pertain to the practising gastroenterologist.
PMID: 28951581
ISSN: 1759-5053
CID: 5761702

An early-biomarker algorithm predicts lethal graft-versus-host disease and survival

Hartwell, Matthew J; Özbek, Umut; Holler, Ernst; Renteria, Anne S; Major-Monfried, Hannah; Reddy, Pavan; Aziz, Mina; Hogan, William J; Ayuk, Francis; Efebera, Yvonne A; Hexner, Elizabeth O; Bunworasate, Udomsak; Qayed, Muna; Ordemann, Rainer; Wölfl, Matthias; Mielke, Stephan; Pawarode, Attaphol; Chen, Yi-Bin; Devine, Steven; Harris, Andrew C; Jagasia, Madan; Kitko, Carrie L; Litzow, Mark R; Kröger, Nicolaus; Locatelli, Franco; Morales, George; Nakamura, Ryotaro; Reshef, Ran; Rösler, Wolf; Weber, Daniela; Wudhikarn, Kitsada; Yanik, Gregory A; Levine, John E; Ferrara, James Lm
PMID: 28194439
ISSN: 2379-3708
CID: 5761692

Late acute graft-versus-host disease: a prospective analysis of clinical outcomes and circulating angiogenic factors

Holtan, Shernan G; Khera, Nandita; Levine, John E; Chai, Xiaoyu; Storer, Barry; Liu, Hien D; Inamoto, Yoshihiro; Chen, George L; Mayer, Sebastian; Arora, Mukta; Palmer, Jeanne; Flowers, Mary E D; Cutler, Corey S; Lukez, Alexander; Arai, Sally; Lazaryan, Aleksandr; Newell, Laura F; Krupski, Christa; Jagasia, Madan H; Pusic, Iskra; Wood, William; Renteria, Anne S; Yanik, Gregory; Hogan, William J; Hexner, Elizabeth; Ayuk, Francis; Holler, Ernst; Watanaboonyongcharoen, Phandee; Efebera, Yvonne A; Ferrara, James L M; Panoskaltsis-Mortari, Angela; Weisdorf, Daniel; Lee, Stephanie J; Pidala, Joseph
Late acute (LA) graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is persistent, recurrent, or new-onset acute GVHD symptoms occurring >100 days after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). The aim of this analysis is to describe the onset, course, morbidity, and mortality of and examine angiogenic factors associated with LA GVHD. A prospective cohort of patients (n = 909) was enrolled as part of an observational study within the Chronic GVHD Consortium. Eighty-three patients (11%) developed LA GVHD at a median of 160 (interquartile range, 128-204) days after HCT. Although 51 out of 83 (61%) achieved complete or partial response to initial therapy by 28 days, median failure-free survival was only 7.1 months (95% confidence interval, 3.4-19.1 months), and estimated overall survival (OS) at 2 years was 56%. Given recently described alterations of circulating angiogenic factors in classic acute GVHD, we examined whether alterations in such factors could be identified in LA GVHD. We first tested cases (n = 55) and controls (n = 50) from the Chronic GVHD Consortium and then validated the findings in 37 cases from Mount Sinai Acute GVHD International Consortium. Plasma amphiregulin (AREG; an epidermal growth factor [EGF] receptor ligand) was elevated, and an AREG/EGF ratio at or above the median was associated with inferior OS and increased nonrelapse mortality in both cohorts. Elevation of AREG was detected in classic acute GVHD, but not chronic GVHD. These prospective data characterize the clinical course of LA GVHD and demonstrate alterations in angiogenic factors that make LA GVHD biologically distinct from chronic GVHD.
PMID: 27625357
ISSN: 1528-0020
CID: 5761682

Development of a biomarker scoring system for use in graft-versus-host disease

Renteria, Anne S; Levine, John E; Ferrara, James L
PMID: 27416114
ISSN: 1752-0371
CID: 5761672

International, Multicenter Standardization of Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease Clinical Data Collection: A Report from the Mount Sinai Acute GVHD International Consortium

Harris, Andrew C; Young, Rachel; Devine, Steven; Hogan, William J; Ayuk, Francis; Bunworasate, Udomsak; Chanswangphuwana, Chantiya; Efebera, Yvonne A; Holler, Ernst; Litzow, Mark; Ordemann, Rainer; Qayed, Muna; Renteria, Anne S; Reshef, Ran; Wölfl, Matthias; Chen, Yi-Bin; Goldstein, Steven; Jagasia, Madan; Locatelli, Franco; Mielke, Stephan; Porter, David; Schechter, Tal; Shekhovtsova, Zhanna; Ferrara, James L M; Levine, John E
Acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) remains a leading cause of morbidity and nonrelapse mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. The clinical staging of GVHD varies greatly between transplant centers and is frequently not agreed on by independent reviewers. The lack of standardized approaches to handle common sources of discrepancy in GVHD grading likely contributes to why promising GVHD treatments reported from single centers have failed to show benefit in randomized multicenter clinical trials. We developed guidelines through international expert consensus opinion to standardize the diagnosis and clinical staging of GVHD for use in a large international GVHD research consortium. During the first year of use, the guidance followed discussion of complex clinical phenotypes by experienced transplant physicians and data managers. These guidelines increase the uniformity of GVHD symptom capture, which may improve the reproducibility of GVHD clinical trials after further prospective validation.
PMID: 26386318
ISSN: 1523-6536
CID: 5761322

Therapeutic targets and emerging treatment options in gastrointestinal acute graft-versus-host disease

Renteria, Anne S; Levine, John E; Ferrara, James L M
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) continues to be the major lethal complication of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) but the standard of care, high dose steroids, has not changed in 40 years. Approximately 50% of GVHD patients will develop steroid refractory disease, typically involving the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which has a very poor prognosis. Newly developed GVHD biomarker-based risk scores provide the first opportunity to treat patients at the onset of symptoms according to risk of steroid failure. Furthermore, improvements in our understanding of the pathobiology of GVHD, its different signaling pathways, involved cytokines, and the role of post-translational and epigenetic modifications, has identified new therapeutic targets for clinical trials. AREAS COVERED/METHODS:This manuscript summarizes the pathophysiology, diagnosis, staging, current and new targeted therapies for GVHD, with an emphasis on GI GVHD. A literature search on PubMed was undertaken and the most relevant references included. EXPERT OPINION/CONCLUSIONS:The standard treatment for GVHD, high dose steroids, offers less than optimal outcomes as well as significant toxicities. Better treatments, especially for GI GVHD, are needed to reduce non-relapse mortality after allogeneic HCT. The identification of high risk patients through a biomarker-defined scoring system offers a personalized approach to a disease that still requires significant research attention.
PMID: 30057862
ISSN: 2167-8707
CID: 5761722

Nonoperative Management of Spontaneous Splenic Rupture in a Patient with Light-Chain Amyloidosis: A Case Report [Letter]

Bosch, Nicholas; Renteria, Anne S; Quillen, Karen; Brauneis, Dina; Santilli, John; Kim, Ducksoo; Sanchorawala, Vaishali
PMID: 26408221
ISSN: 1535-7732
CID: 5761662

Simultaneous PRES and TMA secondary to tacrolimus after allogeneic bone marrow transplant [Case Report]

Aruch, Daniel B; Renteria, Anne
PMID: 26287041
ISSN: 1528-0020
CID: 5761652

Serum free light chain trends between orthotopic heart transplantation and auto-SCT in patients with AL amyloidosis [Letter]

Renteria, A S; Sanchorawala, V; Niehaus, E D; Sun, F; Semigran, M J; Seldin, D C
PMID: 25751645
ISSN: 1476-5365
CID: 5761642