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person:ringem02, 2020
The doctor will sneeze you now
Ringer, Matthew; Wheelock, Kevin; Moss, Emily; O'Donovan, Lisa; Fischler, Barbara
(Website)CID: 5428122
Diagnosis of oesophageal mucormycosis managed with medical therapy alone [Case Report]
Ringer, Matthew; Pischel, Lauren; Azar, Marwan Mikheal
Mucormycosis is an invasive mould that can cause aggressive infection, particularly in immunocompromised patients. Though oesophageal mucormycosis is relatively rare, it remains an elusive and devastating manifestation of this disease. The management is also challenging, due to surgical morbidity and contraindications such as thrombocytopenia in immunocompromised hosts. In this report, we present the case of a 60-year-old Lebanese man with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukaemia who developed oesophageal mucormycosis after induction chemotherapy with idarubicin/cytarabine (7+3). The diagnosis was made when the patient developed febrile neutropenia and odynophagia. CT scan of the chest revealed a thickened oesophagus. Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy, histopathology and PCR were performed, resulting in the diagnosis of Rhizopus microsporus The patient was successfully treated with liposomal amphotericin B and salvage posaconazole therapy without surgical intervention. We reviewed the clinical characteristics of the six published oesophageal mucormycosis reports from the literature.
PMID: 33093060
ISSN: 1757-790x
CID: 5428032
Reisman, Anna; Haghighat, Leila; Kumar, Sumit; Russell, Rene; Falker, Caroline; Lu, Benjamin; Pray, Devin; Ringer, Matthew; Hsueh, Christine; Brienza, Rebecca
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 5428092