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Atherogenic Properties of Rheumatoid Arthritis and SLE Plasma Are Attenuated by Interferon-gamma Depletion [Meeting Abstract]

Reiss, Allison B; Voloshyna, Iryna; Littlefield, Michael J; Belilos, Elise; Belostocki, Kristina B; Bonetti, Lois A; Rosenblum, Gary C; Carsons, Steven E
ISSN: 0004-3591
CID: 2677752

Case report: primary gastric melanoma in a patient with dermatomyositis [Case Report]

Castro, Christine; Khan, Yaqoot; Awasum, Michael; Belostocki, Kristina; Rosenblum, Gary; Belilos, Elise; Carsons, Steven
We present the first reported case of a patient with dermatomyositis found to have primary gastric melanoma. The possibility of primary gastric melanoma occurring before, concurrently or after the onset of dermatomyositis is the subject of this case report.
PMID: 18794626
ISSN: 0002-9629
CID: 3431412

Atherogenic properties of lupus plasma: Increased foam cell transformation and CD36 scavenger receptor and diminished cholesterol 27-hydroxylase [Meeting Abstract]

Reiss, AB; Wan, DW; Merrill, JT; Zhang, HW; Chan, ESL; Rao, S; Belilos, E; Bonetti, L; Rosenblum, G; Belostocki, K; Belmont, HM; Cronstein, BN; Carsons, S
ISSN: 0004-3591
CID: 70122