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The enigma of occult mitral regurgitation in a patient with cardiogenic shock [Case Report]

Shah, Alan; Kronzon, Itzhak
In patients with mitral regurgitation (MR), there is a high pressure gradient between the left ventricle (LV) and left atrium that Doppler echocardiography can easily detect. We present a case where transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) failed to provide an accurate evaluation of a patient who presented in cardiogenic shock. A transesophageal echocardiogram diagnosed MR because of a flail leaflet caused by a ruptured papillary muscle in the setting of normal ventricular function
PMID: 14566304
ISSN: 0894-7317
CID: 39026

The a-dip of aortic regurgitation [Case Report]

Sethi, Jesse S; Shah, Alan; Benenstein, Ricardo; Rosenzweig, Barry P; Tunick, Paul A; Kronzon, Itzhak
Echocardiography has become the diagnostic technique of choice for delineating the intracardiac hemodynamics in a host of pathophysiologic states. Pressures and flows can be estimated or measured with enough accuracy to allow for clinical decision-making. We present a case with an unusual Doppler echocardiographic finding and discuss its derivation
PMID: 14566303
ISSN: 0894-7317
CID: 39027

Bilateral pulmonary artery compression and obstruction by tumor: diagnosis by unusual Doppler flow patterns [Case Report]

Katz, Edward S; Shah, Alan; Rosenzweig, Barry P; Tunick, Paul A; Kronzon, Itzhak
Pulmonary artery obstruction may be caused by tumor within or external to the arteries. Presented here is a patient with life-threatening compromise in pulmonary flow that was caused by a pulmonary neoplasm. The Doppler echocardiogram showed subtotal narrowing of the right pulmonary artery and total occlusion of the left pulmonary artery. In addition, the beneficial effects of chemotherapy were documented by Doppler
PMID: 12574747
ISSN: 0894-7317
CID: 36576

Aplastic anemia in systemic lupus erythematosus: a distinct presentation of acquired aplastic anemia?

Tagoe, C; Shah, A; Yee, H; Belmont, H M
Aplastic anemia is a rare but serious complication of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with an often dramatic and unanticipated onset. The peripheral destruction of formed blood elements, which frequently accompanies the syndrome, may obscure or delay the diagnosis of bone marrow suppression, and the number of published cases may be an underestimate of the actual incidence of the disease. Furthermore, the disease course may differ significantly from other forms of acquired aplastic anemia and seems to carry a more favorable prognosis once effectively diagnosed and treated. In addition, aplastic anemia may precede other manifestations of SLE. Therefore, the possibility of bone marrow aplasia should be excluded in all SLE patients with severe pancytopenia, and conversely, the diagnosis of SLE should be explored in cases of aplastic anemia. Two patients with aplastic anemia in SLE, one with aplastic anemia preceding the onset of SLE, are described along with 15 cases reviewed from the English language literature. The presentation, prognosis, treatment, and pathogenesis of aplastic anemia complicating SLE are discussed. Recognition that cytopenias, especially pancytopenia, may occur on the basis of inhibited myelopoesis rather than peripheral destruction as either a harbinger of SLE or as a manifestation of disease flare is important. This knowledge will prompt the astute clinician to obtain screening antinuclear antibodies in the setting of otherwise unexplained bone marrow acellularity or, given the prognosis of SLE associated aplastic anemia, give early consideration to more aggressive immunosuppression
PMID: 17039179
ISSN: 1076-1608
CID: 105160

Hypertrophic pachymeningitis: A report of 10 cases [Meeting Abstract]

Martin, V; Shah, A; Kupersmith, MJ; Mitnick, HJ
ISSN: 0004-3591
CID: 114064