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Linguistic markers of anxiety and depression in Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders: Observational study of a digital intervention

Malgaroli, Matteo; Hull, Thomas D; Calderon, Adam; Simon, Naomi M
BACKGROUND:Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders (SSRD), including chronic pain, result in frequent primary care visits, depression and anxiety symptoms, and diminished quality of life. Treatment access remains limited due to structural barriers and functional impairment. Digital delivery offers to improve access and enables transcript analysis via Natural Language Processing (NLP) to inform treatment. Therefore, we investigated asynchronous message-delivered SSRD treatment, and used NLP methods to identify symptom reduction markers from emotional valence. METHODS:173 individuals diagnosed with SSRD received interventions from licensed therapists via messaging 5 days/week for 8 weeks. Depression and anxiety symptoms were measured with the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 from baseline every three weeks. Symptoms trajectories were identified using unsupervised random forest clustering. Emotional valence expressed and use of emotional words were extracted from patients' de-identified transcripts, respectively using VADER and NCR Lexicon. Valence differences were examined using logistic regression. RESULTS:Two subpopulations were identified showing symptoms Improvement (n = 72; 41.62 %) and non-response (n = 101; 58.38 %). Improvement patients expressed more positive valence in the first week of treatment (OR = 1.84, CI: 1.12-3.02; p = .015) and were less likely to express negative valence by the end of treatment (OR = 0.05; CI: 0.30-0.83; p = .008). Non-response patients used more negative valence words, including pain. LIMITATIONS/CONCLUSIONS:Findings were derived from observational data obtained during an ecological intervention, without the inclusion of a control group. CONCLUSIONS:NLP identified linguistic markers distinguishing changes in anxiety and depression symptoms over treatment. Digital interventions offer new forms of delivery and provide the opportunity to automatically collect data for linguistic analysis.
PMID: 38336165
ISSN: 1573-2517
CID: 5632072

Effect of cognitive behavioural therapy and yoga for generalised anxiety disorder on sleep quality in a randomised controlled trial: the role of worry, mindfulness, and perceived stress as mediators

Jacoby, Ryan J; Brown, Mackenzie L; Wieman, Sarah T; Rosenfield, David; Hoeppner, Susanne S; Bui, Eric; Hoge, Elizabeth A; Khalsa, Sat Bir S; Hofmann, Stefan G; Simon, Naomi M
Sleep disturbances are present in ~65% of individuals with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). Although both Kundalini yoga (KY) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are effective treatment options for GAD, little is known about how these treatments compare in improving sleep for GAD and what drives these changes. Accordingly, we examined the effects of CBT, KY, and stress education (SEdu; an attention control condition) on subjective sleep quality (as measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index [PSQI] and Insomnia Severity Index [ISI]) in a randomised controlled trial of 226 adults with GAD (mean age 33.37 years; 70% female; 79% White). We hypothesised that both CBT and KY would outperform SEdu in improving sleep disturbances. Three potential mediators of sleep improvement (worry, mindfulness, perceived stress) were also examined. In line with hypotheses, PSQI and ISI scores significantly improved from pre- to post-treatment for all three treatment groups (all p < 0.001, all d > 0.97). However, contrary to predictions, sleep changes were not significantly greater for CBT or KY compared to SEdu. In mediation analyses, within-person deviations in worry, mindfulness, and stress each significantly mediated the effect of time on sleep outcomes. Degree of change in sleep attributable to worry (CBT > KY > SEdu) and perceived stress (CBT, KY > SEdu) was moderated by treatment group. Personalised medicine as well as combined treatment approaches should be studied to help reduce sleep difficulties for patients with GAD who do not respond.
PMID: 37577773
ISSN: 1365-2869
CID: 5626352

Exploring Differences in Presentation and Treatment Outcomes Between Black and White American Adults With Prolonged Grief Disorder

Gacheru, Margaret; Mauro, Christine; Skritskaya, Natalia; Alston, Nicole; Reynolds, Charles F.; Simon, Naomi; Zisook, Sidney; Lebowitz, Barry; Shear, M. Katherine
Prolonged grief disorder (PGD) is a condition of persistent, intense grief and PGD-targeted psychotherapy (PGDT) is an efficacious treatment. This study aimed to compare participants with PGD who self-identified as Black versus White, with respect to baseline features and response to PGDT. We performed a secondary data analysis of 55 Black and 455 White adults from two randomized clinical trials. Racial differences in baseline features were examined using Chi-squared and T-tests. We compared assessment completion and treatment response rates (PGDT vs. no PGDT) by race and evaluated posttreatment self-reported measures using linear models. There were racial differences in the cause of death, relation to the deceased, and taking comfort in religion. Black participants had similar ratings to their counterparts on impairment and grief severity at baseline. However, they had higher scores on a baseline measure of typical grief-related beliefs. Both racial groups had significantly greater response rates to PGDT than the comparison treatment. Similarly, PGDT resulted in lower posttreatment impairment than the comparison treatment for both racial groups. However, only the White participants had a difference in posttreatment grief severity between the treatment groups. This study supports the idea that PGD characteristics are similar in Black and White treatment seeking individuals, and that Black and White participants display improvement in response to PGDT.
ISSN: 1077-7229
CID: 5717072

Breathing on the mind: Treating dyspnea and anxiety symptoms with biofeedback in chronic lung disease - A qualitative analysis

Norweg, Anna; Hofferber, Brittany; Maguire, Sophia; Oh, Cheongeun; Raveis, Victoria H; Simon, Naomi M
RATIONALE/BACKGROUND:) levels. OBJECTIVE:The study objective was to measure the acceptability of a new mind-body intervention we developed called Capnography-Assisted, Learned Monitored (CALM) Breathing, implemented before pulmonary rehabilitation. METHODS:biofeedback, and motivational interviewing. Using qualitative methods and semi-structured interviews immediately post-intervention, we evaluated the acceptability and participation process of CALM Breathing. Themes were identified using constant comparative analysis. RESULTS:Sixteen participants were interviewed after receiving CALM Breathing. Three main themes of CALM Breathing were identified: (1) Process of learning self-regulated breathing, (2) Mechanisms of a mind-body intervention, (3) Clinical and implementation outcomes. CONCLUSIONS:Positive themes supported the acceptability of CALM Breathing and described participants' process of learning more self-regulated breathing to manage their dyspnea and anxiety. Positive signals from qualitative participant feedback provided support for CALM Breathing as an intervention for COPD, but larger scale efficacy trials are needed.
PMID: 38141864
ISSN: 1532-3064
CID: 5623622

Capnography-Assisted Learned, Monitored (CALM) breathing therapy for dysfunctional breathing in COPD: A bridge to pulmonary rehabilitation

Norweg, Anna; Hofferber, Brittany; Oh, Cheongeun; Spinner, Michael; Stavrolakes, Kimberly; Pavol, Marykay; DiMango, Angela; Raveis, Victoria H; Murphy, Charles G; Allegrante, John P; Buchholz, David; Zarate, Alejandro; Simon, Naomi
BACKGROUND:, dyspnea, and inefficient recovery from breathing challenges. While pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) improves dyspnea, only 1-2% of patients access it. Individuals with anxiety who use PR have worse outcomes. METHODS:changes to dyspnea and anxiety symptoms and targeting breathing efficiency and self-efficacy in COPD. Participants are randomized to CALM Breathing or a Usual Care control group. RESULTS:Primary outcomes include feasibility and acceptability metrics of recruitment efficiency, participant retention, intervention adherence and fidelity, PR facilitation, patient satisfaction, and favorable themes from interviews. Secondary outcomes include breathing biomarkers, symptoms, health-related quality of life, six-minute walk distance, lung function, mood, physical activity, and PR utilization and engagement. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:By disrupting the cycle of dyspnea and anxiety, and providing a needed bridge to PR, CALM Breathing may address a substantive gap in healthcare and optimize treatment for patients with COPD.
PMID: 37730198
ISSN: 1559-2030
CID: 5611482

Association of Health Care Work With Anxiety and Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Structural Topic Modeling Study

Malgaroli, Matteo; Tseng, Emily; Hull, Thomas D; Jennings, Emma; Choudhury, Tanzeem K; Simon, Naomi M
BACKGROUND:Stressors for health care workers (HCWs) during the COVID-19 pandemic have been manifold, with high levels of depression and anxiety alongside gaps in care. Identifying the factors most tied to HCWs' psychological challenges is crucial to addressing HCWs' mental health needs effectively, now and for future large-scale events. OBJECTIVE:In this study, we used natural language processing methods to examine deidentified psychotherapy transcripts from telemedicine treatment during the initial wave of COVID-19 in the United States. Psychotherapy was delivered by licensed therapists while HCWs were managing increased clinical demands and elevated hospitalization rates, in addition to population-level social distancing measures and infection risks. Our goal was to identify specific concerns emerging in treatment for HCWs and to compare differences with matched non-HCW patients from the general population. METHODS:We conducted a case-control study with a sample of 820 HCWs and 820 non-HCW matched controls who received digitally delivered psychotherapy in 49 US states in the spring of 2020 during the first US wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Depression was measured during the initial assessment using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, and anxiety was measured using the General Anxiety Disorder-7 questionnaire. Structural topic models (STMs) were used to determine treatment topics from deidentified transcripts from the first 3 weeks of treatment. STM effect estimators were also used to examine topic prevalence in patients with moderate to severe anxiety and depression. RESULTS:The median treatment enrollment date was April 15, 2020 (IQR March 31 to April 27, 2020) for HCWs and April 19, 2020 (IQR April 5 to April 27, 2020) for matched controls. STM analysis of deidentified transcripts identified 4 treatment topics centered on health care and 5 on mental health for HCWs. For controls, 3 STM topics on pandemic-related disruptions and 5 on mental health were identified. Several STM treatment topics were significantly associated with moderate to severe anxiety and depression, including working on the hospital unit (topic prevalence 0.035, 95% CI 0.022-0.048; P<.001), mood disturbances (prevalence 0.014, 95% CI 0.002-0.026; P=.03), and sleep disturbances (prevalence 0.016, 95% CI 0.002-0.030; P=.02). No significant associations emerged between pandemic-related topics and moderate to severe anxiety and depression for non-HCW controls. CONCLUSIONS:The study provides large-scale quantitative evidence that during the initial wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, HCWs faced unique work-related challenges and stressors associated with anxiety and depression, which required dedicated treatment efforts. The study further demonstrates how natural language processing methods have the potential to surface clinically relevant markers of distress while preserving patient privacy.
PMID: 38875560
ISSN: 2817-1705
CID: 5669512

Heterogeneity of posttraumatic stress, depression, and fear of cancer recurrence in breast cancer survivors: a latent class analysis

Malgaroli, Matteo; Szuhany, Kristin L; Riley, Gabriella; Miron, Carly D; Park, Jae Hyung; Rosenthal, Jane; Chachoua, Abraham; Meyers, Marleen; Simon, Naomi M
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Breast cancer survivors may demonstrate elevated psychological distress, which can also hinder adherence to survivorship care plans. Our goal was to study heterogeneity of behavioral health and functioning in breast cancer survivors, and identify both risk and protective factors to improve targets for wellness interventions. METHODS:Breast cancer survivors (n = 187) consented to complete self-reported psychological measures and to access their medical records. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to classify heterogeneous subpopulations based on levels of depression, post-traumatic stress, fear of cancer recurrence, cancer-related pain, and fatigue. Multinomial logistic regression and auxiliary analysis in a 3-step modeling conditional approach was used to identify characteristics of the group based on demographics, treatment history and characteristics, and current medication prescriptions. RESULTS:Three subpopulations of breast cancer survivors were identified from the LCA: a modal Resilient group (48.2%, n = 90), a Moderate Symptoms group (34%, n = 65), and an Elevated Symptoms group (n = 17%, n = 32) with clinically-relevant impairment. Results from the logistic regression indicated that individuals in the Elevated Symptoms group were less likely to have a family history of breast cancer; they were more likely to be closer to time of diagnosis and younger, have received chemotherapy and psychotropic prescriptions, and have higher BMI. Survivors in the Elevated Symptoms group were also less likely to be prescribed estrogen inhibitors than the Moderate Symptoms group. CONCLUSIONS:This study identified subgroups of breast cancer survivors based on behavioral, psychological, and treatment-related characteristics, with implications for targeted monitoring and survivorship care plans. IMPLICATIONS FOR CANCER SURVIVORS/CONCLUSIONS:Results showed the majority of cancer survivors were resilient, with minimal psychological distress. Results also suggest the importance of paying special attention to younger patients getting chemotherapy, especially those without a family history of breast cancer.
PMID: 35224684
ISSN: 1932-2267
CID: 5174072

Comparing Kundalini Yoga, cognitive behavioral therapy, and stress education for generalized anxiety disorder: Anxiety and depression symptom outcomes

Hoge, Elizabeth A; Simon, Naomi M; Szuhany, Kristin; Feldman, Benjamin; Rosenfield, David; Hoeppner, Susanne; Jennings, Emma; Khalsa, Sat Bir; Hofmann, Stefan G
Increasingly, individuals with anxiety disorders are seeking mind-body interventions (e.g., yoga), but their effectiveness is unclear. This report summarizes seven additional, secondary outcomes measuring anxiety and depression symptoms from a study of 226 adults with generalized anxiety disorder who were randomized to 12-week Kundalini Yoga, Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) or stress education (control). At post-treatment, participants receiving CBT displayed significantly lower symptom severity, compared to those in the control group, on 6 of the 7 measures. Participants who received Yoga (vs. those in the control group) displayed lower symptom severity on 3 of the 7 measures. No significant differences were detected between participants receiving CBT vs those receiving Yoga. At the 6-month follow-up, participants from the CBT continued to display lower symptoms than the control group.
PMID: 37598625
ISSN: 1872-7123
CID: 5598162

Predictors of Long-Term Exercise Engagement in Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: The Role of Physical Activity Enjoyment

Szuhany, Kristin L; Steinberg, Margot H; McLaughlin, Nicole C R; Mancebo, Maria C; Brown, Richard A; Greenberg, Benjamin D; Simon, Naomi M; Abrantes, Ana M
Most U.S. adults, even more so those with psychiatric conditions like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), do not engage in the recommended amount of physical activity (PA), despite the wide array of physical and mental health benefits associated with exercise. Therefore, it is essential to identify mechanistic factors that drive long-term exercise engagement so they can be targeted. Using the science of behavior change (SOBC) framework, this study examined potential predictors of long-term exercise engagement as a first step towards identifying modifiable mechanisms, in individuals with OCD, such as PA enjoyment, positive or negative affect, and behavioral activation. Fifty-six low-active patients (mean age = 38.8 ± 13.0, 64% female) with a primary diagnosis of OCD were randomized to either aerobic exercise (AE; n = 28) or health education (HE; n = 28), and completed measures of exercise engagement, PA enjoyment, behavioral activation, and positive and negative affect at baseline, postintervention, and 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up. Significant predictors of long-term exercise engagement up to 6-months postintervention were baseline PA (Estimate = 0.29, 95%CI [0.09, 0.49], p = .005) and higher baseline PA enjoyment (Estimate = 1.09, 95%CI [0.30, 1.89], p = .008). Change in PA enjoyment from baseline to postintervention was greater in AE vs. HE, t(44) = -2.06, p = .046, d = -0.61, but endpoint PA enjoyment did not predict follow-up exercise engagement above and beyond baseline PA enjoyment. Other hypothesized potential mechanisms (baseline affect or behavioral activation) did not significantly predict exercise engagement. Results suggest that PA enjoyment may be an important modifiable target mechanism for intervention, even prior to a formal exercise intervention. Next steps aligned with the SOBC framework are discussed, including examining intervention strategies to target PA enjoyment, particularly among individuals with OCD or other psychiatric conditions, who may benefit most from long-term exercise engagement's effects on physical and mental health.
PMID: 37330252
ISSN: 1878-1888
CID: 5538412

Examining the Rationale for Studying Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Caregiver Distress

Gold, Noah D; Podrebarac, Samantha K; White, Lindsay A; Marini, Christina; Simon, Naomi M; Mittelman, Mary S; Ross, Stephen; Bogenschutz, Michael P; Petridis, Petros D
ISSN: 2831-4425
CID: 5525822