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Laparoscopic Technique in the Management of High Anorectal Malformations: A Propensity Score-Matched Outcome Study Using a Large Inpatient Database

Tashiro, Jun; Sola, Juan E; Thorson, Chad M; Pandya, Samir; Perez, Eduardo A
PMID: 31770066
ISSN: 1557-9034
CID: 4603642

Pattern of Biliary Disease Following Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Adolescents

Tashiro, Jun; Thenappan, Arunachalam A; Nadler, Evan P
OBJECTIVE:The use of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) has risen steadily as a treatment for adolescents with obesity. This study determined whether obstructive biliary complications after rapid, LSG-related weight loss occur similarly in adolescents compared with adults. METHODS:Between 2010 and 2019, 309 patients underwent LSG. Demographics and clinical factors, including pre- and perioperative BMI and weight changes, were included. RESULTS:. Preoperative excess BMI loss was 7.1% (SD 11.3%). An ultrasound revealed gallstones (71%) and sludge or crystals (12%). Eighteen patients underwent cholecystectomy between 4 weeks and 29 months after LSG. CONCLUSIONS:Pediatric patients present with BD at a similar rate after LSG compared with adults. The majority of adolescents, however, manifest with AP. Thus, pancreatitis should be high on the differential diagnosis list when evaluating post-LSG abdominal symptoms. Additional studies are warranted to elucidate the pathophysiology of post-LSG AP for prevention in the future because its etiology may or may not be solely related to BD.
PMID: 31689004
ISSN: 1930-739x
CID: 4604272

Lymph Node Sampling and Survival in Child and Adolescent Extremity Soft-Tissue Sarcoma

Brady, Ann-Christina; Picado, Omar; Tashiro, Jun; Sola, Juan E; Perez, Eduardo A
BACKGROUND:The significance of lymph node sampling (LNS) on disease-specific survival (DSS) of extremity soft tissue sarcomas (STS) is unknown. We investigated the effect of LNS on DSS in child and adolescent extremity STS. MATERIALS AND METHODS:The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results registry was queried for patients aged <20 y with extremity STS who underwent surgery. Patient demographics were collected and analyzed. RESULTS:A total of 1550 patients were included, with findings of 10-y DSS of 74% for all extremity STS and 49% for rhabdoymyosarcoma (RMS) (P < 0.005). LNS was associated with worse DSS in patients with extremity nonrhabdomyosacrcoma soft tissue sarcomas (79% versus 84%, P = 0.036). Conversely, LNS was associated with an improved DSS in patients with extremity RMS (64% versus 49%, P = 0.005). CONCLUSIONS:LNS is positively associated with an improved DSS in child and adolescent extremity RMS. Multivariate analysis found no correlation between DSS and LNS in child and adolescent extremity nonrhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcomas.
PMID: 31028942
ISSN: 1095-8673
CID: 4604262

Swimming Pool Electrical Injuries: Steps Toward Prevention

Tashiro, Jun; Burnweit, Cathy A
OBJECTIVE:Electrical injuries in swimming pools are an important pediatric public health concern. We sought to (1) improve our understanding of the clinical presentation and outcomes following and (2) describe the epidemiology of swimming pool electrical injuries in the United States. METHODS:We reviewed 4 cases of pediatric (<18 y old) electrical injury from a single, urban level 1 pediatric trauma center. We also queried the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) for emergency department visits due to electrical injury associated with swimming pools, occurring between 1991 and 2013. RESULTS:Overall, 566 cases were reported, with a mean (SD) age of 9.2 (4.1) years. Patients were mostly treated and released from the emergency department (91.8%), whereas 8.2% were hospitalized. When stated, injuries occurred most frequently at home (57.0%), followed by public (23.9%) and sports facilities (19.1%). Electrical outlets or receptacles (39.8%) were most commonly implicated, followed by electrical system doors (18.2%), electric wiring systems (17.0%), thermostats (16.3%), hair dryers (4.6%), and radios (4.1%). Pediatric cases represented 48.4% of swimming pool-related electrical injuries reported to NEISS. CONCLUSIONS:Electrical injuries occurring in and around swimming pools remain an important source of morbidity and mortality. Although NEISS monitors sentinel events, current efforts at preventing such cases are less than adequate. All electrical outlets near swimming pools should be properly wired with ground fault circuit interrupter devices. Possible approaches to increasing safe electrical device installation are through strengthening public awareness and education of the potential for injury, as well as changes to current inspection regulations.
PMID: 28072669
ISSN: 1535-1815
CID: 4604152

Teenage Trauma Patients Are at Increased Risk for Readmission for Mental Diseases and Disorders

Parreco, Joshua; Alawa, Nawara; Rattan, Rishi; Tashiro, Jun; Sola, Juan E
BACKGROUND:Most studies of readmission after trauma are limited to single institutions or single states. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors for readmission after trauma for mental illness including readmissions to different hospitals across the United States. MATERIALS AND METHODS:The Nationwide Readmission Database for 2013 and 2014 was queried for all patients aged 13 to 64 y with a nonelective admission for trauma and a nonelective readmission within 30 d. Multivariable logistic regression was performed for readmission for mental diseases and disorders. RESULTS:During the study period, 53,402 patients were readmitted within 30 d after trauma. The most common major diagnostic category on readmission was mental diseases and disorders (12.1%). The age group with the highest percentage of readmissions for mental diseases and disorders was 13 to 17 y (38%). On multivariable regression, the teenage group was also the most likely to be readmitted for mental diseases and disorders compared to 18-44 y (odds ratio [OR] 0.45, P < 0.01) and 45-64 y (OR 0.24, P < 0.01). Other high-risk comorbidities included HIV infection (OR 2.4, P < 0.01), psychosis (OR 2.2, P < 0.01), drug (OR 2.0, P < 0.01), and alcohol (OR 1.4, P < 0.01) abuse. CONCLUSIONS:Teenage trauma patients are at increased risk for hospital readmission for mental illness. Efforts to reduce these admissions should be targeted toward individuals with high-risk comorbidities such as HIV infection, psychosis, and substance abuse.
PMID: 30463750
ISSN: 1095-8673
CID: 4604252

Incidence and outcomes of pediatric extremity melanoma: A propensity score matched SEER study

Parikh, Punam P; Tashiro, Jun; Rubio, Gustavo A; Sola, Juan E; Neville, Holly L; Hogan, Anthony R; Perez, Eduardo A
BACKGROUND:There is a paucity of literature on treatment of melanoma in children with surgical management extrapolated from adult experience. The incidence and clinical outcomes of pediatric extremity melanoma were studied. METHODS:SEER registry was analyzed between 1973 and 2010 for patients <20years old with extremity melanoma. Multivariate and propensity-score matched analyses were performed to identify independent predictors of survival. RESULTS:Overall, 917 patients were identified with an age-adjusted incidence of 0.2/100,000 persons, annual percent change 0.96. Most had localized disease (77%), histology revealing melanoma-not otherwise specified (52%). Surgical procedures performed included wide local excision (50%), excisional biopsy (32%), lymphadenectomy (LA) (28%), and sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) (15%). Overall, 30-year disease specific mortality was 7% with lower survival for extremity melanoma (90%), males (89%), nodular histology (69%), and distant disease (36%) (all P<0.05). Post-treatment multivariate analysis revealed localized disease (HR 9.76; P=0.006) as an independent prognosticator of survival; earlier diagnostic years 1988-1999 (HR 2.606; P=0.017) were a negative prognosticator of survival. Propensity-score matched analysis found no difference in survival between SLNB/LA vs no sampling for regional/distant disease. CONCLUSIONS:Pediatric extremity melanoma in SEER demonstrate no survival advantage between children undergoing sampling procedures vs no sampling for regional/distant disease. TYPE OF STUDY/METHODS:Retrospective, prognostic study. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/METHODS:III.
PMID: 29602554
ISSN: 1531-5037
CID: 4604232

Weekend vs. weekday appendectomy for complicated appendicitis, effects on outcomes and operative approach

Lane, Rebecca S; Tashiro, Jun; Burroway, Brandon W; Perez, Eduardo A; Sola, Juan E
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:We hypothesized that laparoscopic (LA) or open appendectomy (OA) outcomes in complicated appendicitis are associated with weekend vs. weekday procedure date. METHODS:We queried the Kids' Inpatient Database (1997-2012) for complicated (540.0, 540.1) appendicitis treated with LA or OA. Propensity score (PS)-matched analysis compared outcomes associated with weekend vs. weekday LA and OA. RESULTS:Overall, 103,501 cases of complicated appendicitis were identified. On 1:1 PS-matched analyses of complicated appendicitis, weekday OA had increased wound infection rates (odds ratio: 1.3) vs. weekend OA, p < 0.001. Weekend OA had higher pneumonia rates (1.4) and longer length of stay, but lower home healthcare requirement following discharge vs. weekday OA, p < 0.05. Weekend and weekday LA had no significant outcome differences. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:On a PS-matched comparison of appendectomies performed for complicated appendicitis on weekends and weekdays, procedure day is associated with different complication rates and resource utilization for OA. For LA, no weekend effect was noted for complicated appendicitis. To ensure the optimal patient care, prospective studies should be sought to identify causes of complications dependent on the day of procedure.
PMID: 29626244
ISSN: 1437-9813
CID: 4604242

Looped suture versus stapler device in pediatric laparoscopic appendectomy: a comparative outcomes and intraoperative cost analysis

Parikh, Punam P; Tashiro, Jun; Wagenaar, Amy E; Curbelo, Miosotys; Perez, Eduardo A; Neville, Holly L; Hogan, Anthony R; Sola, Juan E
BACKGROUND:Appendiceal ligation during pediatric laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) may be performed using looped suture versus stapler. Controversy regarding the utility of either method exists. Clinical outcomes and cost analysis of LA with both methods were compared. METHODS:All pediatric LA were performed from fiscal years 2013 and 2014 by two pediatric surgeons. While one surgeon used looped suture, the other used stapler exclusively. chi-Square tests were performed to analyze associations. RESULTS:Two hundred thirty-eight cases were analyzed where looped suture versus stapler LA was performed in 46% and 54% of patients, respectively. Operating room costs were $317.10 and $707.12/person for looped suture and stapler LA, respectively (P<0.0001). Difference in cost of $390.02/person was attributed solely to ligation type. On bivariate analysis, rate of in-hospital complications, length of stay, return-to-ER and readmission within 30 days did not significantly differ between groups. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:A comparative analysis of looped suture versus stapler device during LA for pediatric appendicitis revealed that postoperative complications, length of stay, ER visits and readmissions were not significantly different. Looped suture LA was significantly more cost efficient than stapler LA. In pediatric appendicitis, appendiceal ligation during LA may be performed safely and cost effectively with looped suture versus stapler. TYPE OF STUDY/METHODS:Cost effectiveness LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: III.
PMID: 28550935
ISSN: 1531-5037
CID: 4604172

Total retroperitoneal approach to aortic reconstruction: A novel technique for aorto-enteric fistulae and graft infections [Case Report]

Alfawaz, Abdullah; Tashiro, Jun; Sleeman, Danny; Jones, Keith; Rey, Jorge
Aorto-enteric fistulae pose a challenging negative outcome of aortic intervention. Treatment involves graft excision, and recently, more enthusiasm has met in situ revascularization over extra-anatomic bypass. This has been traditionally performed through the transperitoneal approach via a midline abdominal incision. We propose an exclusively total retroperitoneal technique in managing this complication with regard to both the vascular and alimentary tract technical aspects of the procedure. This involves exclusion and bypass of the affected segment followed by en-mass resection of the affected segment with the duodenum, and finally, bowel anastomosis. We present a case of an aorto-enteric fistulae illustrating classical radiological findings treated via a flank incision and retroperitoneal technique after a temporizing endovascular stent placement at an outside institution. Peri-operative course was uneventful. The retroperitoneal approach has been shown to be equivalent to its transperitoneal counterpart in many aspects of treating aortic disease. It has also been shown to be superior in others, including but not limited to, faster return of bowel function, decreased respiratory complications, less blood loss and shorter length of stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital. We recommend adding this approach to every vascular surgeons operative armamentarium when it comes to managing aorto-enteric fistulae. This might be especially helpful in avoiding re-operative planes, thus minimizing blood loss and iatrogenic bowel injury, better aortic exposure, and adequate access to the duodenum.
PMID: 29511543
ISSN: 2050-313x
CID: 4604222

Peritoneal drainage is associated with higher survival rates for necrotizing enterocolitis in premature, extremely low birth weight infants

Tashiro, Jun; Wagenaar, Amy E; Perez, Eduardo A; Sola, Juan E
BACKGROUND:To evaluate peritoneal drainage (PD) and laparotomy ± resection/ostomy (LAP) as initial approaches to the surgical management of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in premature, extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants. METHODS:Kids' Inpatient Database (2003-2012) was searched for cases of NEC (International Classification of Diseases, ninth revision, Clinical Modification [ICD-9-CM] 777.5x) in premature (<37 weeks), extremely low birth weight (<1000 g) infants. Infants were admitted at <28 days of life. Propensity score (PS)-matched analyses were performed, using end points of hospital mortality, length of stay (LOS), and cost of hospitalization. Cases were matched 1:1 on 48 confounding variables (demographic, clinical, and hospital characteristics and 39 comorbidities). RESULTS:On PS-matched comparison, PD had higher survival versus LAP, P = 0.0009. LOS and cost were higher for PD versus LAP, P < 0.003. Survival rates did not differ between PD + LAP and PD-only treatments. LOS and cost were higher for PD + LAP versus PD-only, P < 0.02. PD + LAP infants had higher survival versus LAP, P = 0.0193. LOS and cost were higher for PD + LAP, P < 0.005. CONCLUSIONS:A risk-adjusted PS-matched analysis of operative management in premature, ELBW infants with NEC found higher survival rates associated with PD placement versus LAP, whether PD was used as definitive treatment or with subsequent LAP even after controlling for potential contributors to selection bias (i.e., stability influencing management preference).
PMID: 28985839
ISSN: 1095-8673
CID: 4604212