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A Good Tip-Apex Distance Does Not Make Up For a Poor Reduction in Intertrochanteric Hip Fractures Treated with an Cephalomedullary Nail: The Utility of the Neck-Shaft Angle in Preventing Fixation Failure

Fisher, Nina D; Parola, Rown; Anil, Utkarsh; Herbosa, Christopher; Boadi, Blake; Ganta, Abhishek; Tejwani, Nirmal; Konda, Sanjit R; Egol, Kenneth A
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Determine if any fracture characteristics or radiographic parameters were predictive of fixation failure [FF] within 1 year following cephalomedullary nailing for intertrochanteric fractures. METHODS:A consecutive series of intertrochanteric hip fracture patients (AO/OTA 31A) treated with a cephalomedullary nail were reviewed. Pre-fixation (neck-shaft angle [NSA], distance from ischial tuberosities to greater and lesser trochanters, integrity of lesser trochanter, and fracture angulation) and post-fixation (post-fixation NSA, posteromedial cortex continuity, lag screw position, tip to apex distance [TAD], and post-fixation angulation and translation) radiographic parameters were measured by blinded independent reviewers. The FF and non-FF groups were statistically compared. Logistic regression was performed to determine radiographic parameter correlates of FF. RESULTS:Of 1249 patients, 23 (1.8%) developed FF within 1 year. The FF patients were younger than their non-FF counterparts (77.2 years vs 81.0 years, p=0.048), however there were no other demographic differences. The FF cohort did not differ in frequency of TAD over 25 mm (4.3% vs 9.6%, p=0.624) and had decreased mean TAD (13.6mm vs 16.3mm, p=0.021) relative to the non-FF cohort. The FF cohort had a higher rate of a post-fixation coronal plane NSA more than 10° different from the contralateral side (delta NSA>10°, 34.8% vs 13.7%, p=0.011) with the majority fixed in relative varus. For every 1° increase in varus compared to the contralateral side the odds of FF increased 7% (OR=1.065, 95%CI[1.005-1.130], p=0.034) on univariate analysis. On univariate logistic regression, patients with an absolute post-fixation NSA of 10° or more of varus compared to contralateral were significantly more likely to have a FF (OR=3.139, 95%CI[1.067-8.332], p=0.026). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Despite an acceptable TAD, post-fixation NSA in relative varus as compared to the contralateral side was significantly associated with failure in intertrochanteric hip fractures fixed with a cephalomedullary nail. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/METHODS:Prognostic Level III.
PMID: 37748038
ISSN: 1940-5480
CID: 5625692

Does Flipping from Prone to Supine for Medial Malleolar Fixation of Trimalleolar Ankle Fractures Improve Results?

Kadiyala, Manasa L; Merrell, Lauren A; Ganta, Abhishek; Konda, Sanjit R; Rivero, Steven M; Leucht, Philipp; Tejwani, Nirmal C; Egol, Kenneth A
There has been a paradigm shift towards fixing the posterior malleolus in trimalleolar ankle fractures. This study evaluated whether a surgeon's preference to intraoperatively flip or not flip patients from prone to supine for medial malleolar fixation following repair of fibular and posterior malleoli impacted surgical outcomes. A retrospective patient cohort treated at a large urban academic center and level 1 trauma center was reviewed to identify all operative trimalleolar ankle fractures initially positioned prone. One hundred and forty-seven patients with mean 12-month follow up were included and divided based on positioning for medial malleolar fixation, prone or supine (following closure, flip and re-prep and drape). Data was collected on patient demographics, injury mechanism, perioperative variables, and complication rates. Postoperative reduction films were reviewed by orthopedic traumatologists to grade the accuracy of anatomic fracture reduction. Overall, 74 (50.3%) had the medial malleolus fixed prone, while 73 (49.7%) were flipped and fixed supine. No differences in demographics, injury details, and fracture type existed between the groups. The supine group had a higher rate of initial external fixation (p=0.047), longer operative time in minutes (p<0.001), and a higher use of plate and screw constructs for medial malleolar fixation (p=0.019). There were no differences in clinical and radiographic outcomes and complication rates. This study demonstrated that intraoperative change in positioning for improved medial malleolar visualization in trimalleolar ankle fractures results in longer operative times but similar radiographic and clinical results. The decision of operative position should be based on surgeon comfort.
PMID: 38103721
ISSN: 1542-2224
CID: 5612532

Eponyms for the Description and Classification of Calcaneus Fractures

Fisher, Nina D; Bi, Andrew S; Tejwani, Nirmal; Egol, Kenneth A
There are several eponyms used in the assessment and management of calcaneus fractures. However, the origin of these eponyms is no longer widely known. Named for orthopaedic surgeons who made substantial contributions to the management of calcaneus fractures as well as the field of orthopaedic surgery, understanding the context of how these descriptors were derived helps give context to their use in the present day. The purpose of this review is to provide a historical perspective and comprehensive collection of the most common eponyms related to calcaneus fractures.
PMID: 37837387
ISSN: 1944-7876
CID: 5604582

Home discharge location is safest following fracture of the hip

Deemer, Alexa R; Ganta, Abhishek; Leucht, Philipp; Konda, Sanjit; Tejwani, Nirmal C; Egol, Kenneth A
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:To determine the factors associated with discharge location in patients with hip fractures and whether home discharge was associated with a lower readmission and complication rate. METHODS:Hip fracture patients who presented to our academic medical center for operative management of a hip fracture were enrolled into an IRB-approved hip fracture database. Radiographs, demographics, and injury details were recorded at the time of presentation. Patients were grouped based upon discharge disposition: home (with or without home services), acute rehabilitation facility (ARF), or sub-acute rehabilitation facility (SAR). RESULTS:The cohorts differed in marital status, with a greater proportion of patients discharged to home being married (51.7% vs. 43.8% vs. 34.1%) (P < 0.05). Patients discharged to home were less likely to require an assistive device (P < 0.05). Patients discharged to home experienced fewer post-operative complications (P < 0.05) and had lower readmission rates (P < 0.05). Being married was associated with an increased likelihood of discharge to home (OR = 1.679, CI = 1.391-2.028, P < 0.001). Being enrolled in Medicare/Medicaid was associated with decreased odds of discharge to home (OR = 0.563, CI = 0.457-0.693, P < 0.001). Use of an assistive device was associated with decreased odds of discharge to home (OR = 0.398, CI = 0.326-0.468, P < 0.001). Increases in CCI (OR = 0.903, CI = 0.846-0.964, P = 0.002) and number of inpatient complications (OR = 0.708, CI = 0.532-0.943, P = 0.018) were associated with decreased odds of home discharge. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Hip fracture patients discharged to home were healthier and more functional at baseline, and also less likely to have had a complicated hospital course. Those discharged to home also had lower rates of readmission and post-operative complications. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/METHODS:III.
PMID: 37219687
ISSN: 1432-1068
CID: 5508332

One year later: How outcomes of hip fractures treated during the "first wave" of the COVID-19 pandemic were affected

Konda, Sanjit R; Esper, Garrett W; Meltzer-Bruhn, Ariana T; Solasz, Sara J; Ganta, Abhishek; Leucht, Philipp; Tejwani, Nirmal C; Egol, Kenneth A
The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of COVID-19 on long-term outcomes in the geriatric hip fracture population. We hypothesize that COVID + geriatric hip fracture patients had worse outcomes at 1-year follow-up. Between February and June 2020, 224 patients > 55 years old treated for a hip fracture were analyzed for demographics, COVID status on admission, hospital quality measures, 30- and 90-day readmission rates, 1-year functional outcomes (as measured by the EuroQol- 5 Dimension [EQ5D-3L] questionnaire), and inpatient, 30-day, and 1-year mortality rates with time to death. Comparative analyses were conducted between COVID + and COVID- patients. Twenty-four patients (11%) were COVID + on admission. No demographic differences were seen between cohorts. COVID + patients experienced a longer length of stay (8.58 ± 6.51 vs. 5.33 ± 3.09, p < 0.01) and higher rates of inpatient (20.83% vs. 1.00%, p < 0.01), 30-day (25.00% vs. 5.00%, p < 0.01), and 1-year mortality (58.33% vs. 18.50%, p < 0.01). There were no differences seen in 30- or 90-day readmission rates, or 1-year functional outcomes. While not significant, COVID + patients had a shorter average time to death post-hospital discharge (56.14 ± 54.31 vs 100.68 ± 62.12, p = 0.171). Pre-vaccine, COVID + geriatric hip fracture patients experienced significantly higher rates of mortality within 1 year post-hospital discharge. However, COVID + patients who did not die experienced a similar return of function by 1-year as the COVID- cohort.
PMID: 37020155
ISSN: 2035-5114
CID: 5613302

The Role of External Fixation in the Management of Upper Extremity Fractures

Moses, Michael J; Tejwani, Nirmal C
External fixation is a powerful tool in the armamentarium of the active orthopaedic surgeon. The upper extremity, however, poses unique challenges in the techniques of external fixation because of the smaller soft-tissue envelope and the proximity of neurovascular structures, which may be entrapped in fracture fragments or traversing in line with pin trajectories. This review article summarizes the indications, techniques, clinical outcomes, and complications of external fixation of the upper extremity in the setting of proximal humerus, humeral shaft, distal humerus, elbow, forearm, and distal radius fractures.
PMID: 37071879
ISSN: 1940-5480
CID: 5466112

Does a Modified Frailty Index Predict 30-day Complications After Long-Bone Nonunion or Malunion Surgery?

Chinta, Sree; Fisher, Nina D; Tejwani, Nirmal C
OBJECTIVE:To assess the ability of a modified frailty index (mFI-5) score, which includes the presence of congestive heart failure, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, and nonindependent functional status, and to identify patients at increased risk of complications after surgical treatment of long-bone nonunions/malunions. DESIGN/METHODS:Retrospective. SETTING/METHODS:Hospitals participating in the 2005-2018 American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program. PATIENTS/PARTICIPANTS/METHODS:Patients in the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database with upper extremity and lower extremity fractures were enrolled. INTERVENTION/METHODS:Surgical repair of nonunions/malunions of upper and lower extremity long bones. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE/METHODS:Postoperative complications after long-bone nonunion/malunion surgery. RESULTS:Respective univariate analysis of the 2964 UE [1786 (60.3%) with mFI-5 of 0 and 386 (13.0%) with mFI-5 ≥2] and 3305 LE [1837 (55.6%) with mFI-5 of 0 and 498 (15.1%) with mFI-5 ≥2] showed that increasing mFI-5 score was associated with medical complications, extended longer length of stay, adverse discharge, and readmission. Binomial logistic regression showed that UE patients with mFI-5 ≥2 had increased risk of wound complications [odds ratio (OR) 2.512, 95% (confidence interval) CI: 1.037-6.086, P = 0.041), adverse discharge (OR 1.735, 95% CI: 1.204-2.499, P = 0.003), and unplanned readmission (OR 2.102, 95% CI: 1.038-4.255, P = 0.039), while LE patients with mFI-5 ≥2 had an increased risk of medical complications (OR 1.847, 95% CI: 1.307-2.610, P = 0.001), cumulative morbidity (OR 1.835, 95% CI: 1.342-2.510, P < 0.001), extended longer length of stay (OR 1.809, 95% CI: 1.233-2.654, P = 0.002), and adverse discharge (OR 1.841, 95% CI: 1.394-2.432, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS:mFI-5 score ≥2 is associated with significant increase in postoperative complications after surgical repair of long-bone nonunions/malunions. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/METHODS:Prognostic Level III. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
PMID: 37016481
ISSN: 1531-2291
CID: 5534992

Racial, Ethnic and Socioeconomic Healthcare Disparities in Orthopaedics: What about Orthopaedic Trauma?

Cannada, Lisa K; Ortega, Gil; McLaurin, Toni M; Tejwani, Nirmal C; Little, Milton Tm; Benson, Emily; Lang, Gerald; Pierrie, Sarah N; Krumrey, Jacque
PMID: 36728383
ISSN: 1531-2291
CID: 5420252

Implications of COVID-19 on hip fracture care discharge locations during the early stages of the pandemic

Konda, Sanjit R; Esper, Garrett W; Meltzer-Bruhn, Ariana T; Ganta, Abhishek; Leucht, Philipp; Tejwani, Nirmal C; Egol, Kenneth A
OBJECTIVES/UNASSIGNED:To document discharge locations for geriatric patients treated for a hip fracture before and during the COVID pandemic and subsequent changes in outcomes seen between each cohort. DESIGN/UNASSIGNED:Retrospective cohort study. SETTING/UNASSIGNED:Academic medical center. PATIENTS/PARTICIPANTS/UNASSIGNED:Two matched cohorts of 100 patients with hip fracture treated pre-COVID (February-May 2019) and during COVID (February-May 2020). INTERVENTION/UNASSIGNED:Discharge location and COVID status on admission. Discharge locations were home (home independently or home with health services) versus facility [subacute nursing facility (SNF) or acute rehabilitation facility]. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS/UNASSIGNED:Readmissions, inpatient and 1-year mortality, and 1-year functional outcomes (EQ5D-3L). RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:= 0.029). COVID- patients discharged to an SNF in 2020 had a 3x increased 30-day mortality rate and 1.5x increased 1-year mortality rate compared with 2019. Patients discharged to an acute rehabilitation facility in 2020 had higher rates of 90-day readmission. There was no difference in functional outcomes. CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:All patients, including COVID- patients, discharged to all discharge locations during the onset of the pandemic experienced a higher mortality rate as compared with prepandemic. This was most pronounced in patients discharged to a skilled nursing facility in 2020 during the early stages of the pandemic. If this trend continues, it suggests that during COVID waves, discharge planning should be conducted with the understanding that no options eliminate the increased risks associated with the pandemic. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/UNASSIGNED:III.
PMID: 37122587
ISSN: 2574-2167
CID: 5544722

The 2-Window Posterolateral vs Single-Window Approach for Ankle Fracture Fixation

Herbosa, Christopher G; Leucht, Philipp; Egol, Kenneth A; Tejwani, Nirmal C
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:The posterolateral approach to the ankle allows for reduction and fixation of the posterior and lateral malleoli through the same surgical incision. This can be accomplished via 1 or 2 surgical "windows." The purpose of this study is to compare outcomes including wound complications following direct fixation of unstable rotational ankle fracture through the posterolateral approach using either 1 or 2 surgical windows. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:One hundred sixty-four patients with bi- or trimalleolar ankle fractures treated using the single-window posterolateral approach (between the peroneal tendons and the flexor hallucis longus [FHL]) or the 2-window technique (between the peroneal tendons and the FHL for posterior malleolus fixation; lateral to the peroneal tendons for fibula fixation) were reviewed for demographics, radiographic details, and clinical outcomes. We were able to review these 164 at the 3-month follow-up and a subset of 104 at a minimum of 12-month follow-up. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED: = .021). We did not find a significant difference in nerve complications for these 2 cohorts. CONCLUSION/UNASSIGNED:In our study, we found the single-window posterolateral approach to be associated with fewer wound complications and better postoperative range of ankle motion when compared to the 2-window approach. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/UNASSIGNED:Level III, retrospective cohort study.
PMID: 36946551
ISSN: 1944-7876
CID: 5462822