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Ischaemic stroke associated with COVID-19 and racial outcome disparity in North America [Letter]

Dmytriw, Adam A; Phan, Kevin; Schirmer, Clemens; Settecase, Fabio; Heran, Manraj K S; Efendizade, Aslan; Kühn, Anna Luisa; Puri, Ajit S; Menon, Bijoy K; Dibas, Mahmoud; Sivakumar, Sanjeev; Mowla, Askan; Leung, Lester Y; Malek, Adel M; Voetsch, Barbara; Sehgal, Siddharth; Wakhloo, Ajay K; Wu, Hannah; Xavier, Andrew; Tiwari, Ambooj
PMID: 32801118
ISSN: 1468-330x
CID: 4583742

Acute stroke care in a New York City comprehensive stroke center during the COVID-19 pandemic

Agarwal, Shashank; Scher, Erica; Rossan-Raghunath, Nirmala; Marolia, Dilshad; Butnar, Mariya; Torres, Jose; Zhang, Cen; Kim, Sun; Sanger, Matthew; Humbert, Kelley; Tanweer, Omar; Shapiro, Maksim; Raz, Eytan; Nossek, Erez; Nelson, Peter K; Riina, Howard A; de Havenon, Adam; Wachs, Michael; Farkas, Jeffrey; Tiwari, Ambooj; Arcot, Karthikeyan; Parella, David Turkel; Liff, Jeremy; Wu, Tina; Wittman, Ian; Caldwell, Reed; Frontera, Jennifer; Lord, Aaron; Ishida, Koto; Yaghi, Shadi
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused unprecedented demand and burden on emergency health care services in New York City. We aim to describe our experience providing acute stroke care at a comprehensive stroke center (CSC) and the impact of the pandemic on the quality of care for patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke (AIS). METHODS:We retrospectively analyzed data from a quality improvement registry of consecutive AIS patients at New York University Langone Health's CSC between 06/01/2019-05/15/2020. During the early stages of the pandemic, the acute stroke process was modified to incorporate COVID-19 screening, testing, and other precautionary measures. We compared stroke quality metrics including treatment times and discharge outcomes of AIS patients during the pandemic (03/012020-05/152020) compared with a historical pre-pandemic group (6/1/2019-2/29/2020). RESULTS:A total of 754 patients (pandemic-120; pre-pandemic-634) were admitted with a principal diagnosis of AIS; 198 (26.3%) received alteplase and/or mechanical thrombectomy. Despite longer median door to head CT times (16 vs 12 minutes; p = 0.05) and a trend towards longer door to groin puncture times (79.5 vs. 71 min, p = 0.06), the time to alteplase administration (36 vs 35 min; p = 0.83), door to reperfusion times (103 vs 97 min, p = 0.18) and defect-free care (95.2% vs 94.7%; p = 0.84) were similar in the pandemic and pre-pandemic groups. Successful recanalization rates (TICI≥2b) were also similar (82.6% vs. 86.7%, p = 0.48). After adjusting for stroke severity, age and a prior history of transient ischemic attack/stroke, pandemic patients had increased discharge mortality (adjusted OR 2.90 95% CI 1.77 - 7.17, p = 0.021) CONCLUSION: Despite unprecedented demands on emergency healthcare services, early multidisciplinary efforts to adapt the acute stroke treatment process resulted in keeping the stroke quality time metrics close to pre-pandemic levels. Future studies will be needed with a larger cohort comparing discharge and long-term outcomes between pre-pandemic and pandemic AIS patients.
PMID: 32807471
ISSN: 1532-8511
CID: 4565632

Stroke Treatment Delay Limits Outcome After Mechanical Thrombectomy: Stratification by Arrival Time and ASPECTS

Snyder, Thomas; Agarwal, Shashank; Huang, Jeffrey; Ishida, Koto; Flusty, Brent; Frontera, Jennifer; Lord, Aaron; Torres, Jose; Zhang, Cen; Rostanski, Sara; Favate, Albert; Lillemoe, Kaitlyn; Sanger, Matthew; Kim, Sun; Humbert, Kelley; Scher, Erica; Dehkharghani, Seena; Raz, Eytan; Shapiro, Maksim; K Nelson, Peter; Gordon, David; Tanweer, Omar; Nossek, Erez; Farkas, Jeffrey; Liff, Jeremy; Turkel-Parrella, David; Tiwari, Ambooj; Riina, Howard; Yaghi, Shadi
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) has helped many patients achieve functional independence. The effect of time-to-treatment based in specific epochs and as related to Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) has not been established. The goal of the study was to evaluate the association between last known normal (LKN)-to-puncture time and good functional outcome. METHODS:We conducted a retrospective cohort study of prospectively collected acute ischemic stroke patients undergoing MT for large vessel occlusion. We used binary logistic regression models adjusted for age, Modified Treatment in Cerebral Ischemia score, initial National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, and noncontrast CT ASPECTS to assess the association between LKN-to-puncture time and favorable outcome defined as Modified Rankin Score 0-2 on discharge. RESULTS:Among 421 patients, 328 were included in analysis. Increased LKN-to-puncture time was associated with decreased probability of good functional outcome (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] ratio per 15-minute delay = .98; 95% confidence interval [CI], .97-.99; P = .001). This was especially true when LKN-puncture time was 0-6 hours (aOR per 15-minute delay = .94; 95% CI, .89-.99; P = .05) or ASPECTS 8-10 (aOR = .98; 95% CI, .97-.99; P = .002) as opposed to when LKN-puncture time was 6-24 hours (aOR per 15-minute delay = .99; 95% CI, .97-1.00; P = .16) and ASPECTS <8 (aOR = .98; 95% CI, .93-1.03; P = .37). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Decreased LKN-groin puncture time improves outcome particularly in those with good ASPECTS presenting within 6 hours. Strategies to decrease reperfusion times should be investigated, particularly in those in the early time window and with good ASPECTS.
PMID: 32592619
ISSN: 1552-6569
CID: 4503652

Mechanical Thrombectomy in Nonagenarians: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis

Agarwal, Shashank; Huang, Jeffrey; Scher, Erica; Farkas, Jeffrey; Arcot, Karthikeyan; Gordon, David; Turkel-Parrella, David; Tiwari, Ambooj; Liff, Jeremy; Yaghi, Shadi; Dehkharghani, Seena; Ishida, Koto; Riina, Howard; Frontera, Jennifer A
BACKGROUND:Little data exists on outcomes of mechanical thrombectomy (MT) in nonagenarians. We aimed to compare the procedural and discharge outcomes of MT for acute ischemic stroke (AIS) in nonagenarians versus younger patients. METHODS:Procedural outcomes and discharge disposition were compared in propensity score-matched groups of nonagenarians versus patients aged≤69 with AIS who underwent MT. Patients aged 70-89 were excluded in order to compare nonagenarians to a younger cohort that most closely approximates the age of patients in the seminal MT trials. Good discharge disposition was defined as a discharge to home or acute rehabilitation. RESULTS:Of 3010 AIS patients, 46/297(16%) nonagenarians underwent MT compared to 159/1337(12%) aged≤69 (P = 0.091). Of 78 propensity score-matched patients (N = 39 ≥90, N = 39 ≤69), the median admission NIHSS was 22 versus 20, median ASPECTS was 9 versus 9, pre-stroke mRS<4 was 82% versus 87%, 18% versus 8% received IV tPA, and mTICI≥2b was 90% versus 90%, respectively (all P>0.05). Revascularization time (569 versus 372 min), door to groin puncture time (82 versus 71 min) and groin puncture to revascularization times (39 versus 24 min) were similar in between nonagenarians and ≤69, respectively (both P>0.05). Symptomatic ICH (2.6% versus 10.3%; p = 0.165) and in-hospital death rates (10% vs 26%; p = 0.077) trended lower among nonagenarians versus aged≤69. Good discharge disposition occurred in 44% of nonagenarians versus 51% aged≤69 years (p = 0.496). CONCLUSIONS:In propensity score analysis, 90% of nonagenarians achieved successful recanalization and almost half (44%) were discharged to home/acute rehabilitation, which was similar to a younger (aged≤69 years) cohort.
PMID: 32414578
ISSN: 1532-8511
CID: 4438332

Safety and Efficacy of Flow Reversal in Acute and Elective Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting Using the Mo.Ma Device with Short-Term Follow-Up

Tiwari, Ambooj; Bo, Ryan; Sivakumar, Keithan; Arcot, Karthikeyan M; Ye, Philip; Parrella, David T; Farkas, Jeffrey
Objective/UNASSIGNED:To determine the safety and efficacy of flow reversal following proximal flow arrest as an embolic protection strategy for carotid angioplasty and stenting (CAS) with short-term follow-up. Method/UNASSIGNED:We performed a retrospective review of our CAS database for patients who underwent stent-supported carotid revascularization in the setting of acute/subacute stroke or TIA. We reviewed clinical and radiographic data during a 36-month period. Primary outcome was clinical evidence of ipsilateral stroke in the first 30 days. Secondary outcomes include clinical outcomes and sonographic and/or angiographic follow-up over 6 months, 6-month functional scale, and all-cause mortality. Results/UNASSIGNED:Fifty-five patients underwent CAS using flow reversal: 26 females and 29 males with a mean age of 69.7 years. Median time to treatment from index event was 3 days. 11% underwent stenting as part of hyperacute stroke therapy. Average luminal stenosis was 86%. The 9-Fr Mo.Ma device was used in combination with Penumbra aspiration in all cases. There were no ipsilateral strokes. Incidence of any ischemic event was 3.64%, but only 1 (1.82%) patient had a postoperative stroke. Clinical follow-up was available for 94.5%, while lesion follow-up was available for 73% of patients. Three patients had evidence of restenosis, but none were symptomatic. Luminal restenosis was ≤30% in all three. Median pre- and post-NIHSS were 1 and 1, respectively. Conclusion/UNASSIGNED:Flow reversal using the Mo.Ma device is a safe and effective strategy in preventing distal embolization during carotid artery revascularization.
PMID: 32508902
ISSN: 1664-9737
CID: 4474492

Etiologic Subtypes of Ischemic Stroke in SARS-CoV-2 Patients in a Cohort of New York City Hospitals

Tiwari, Ambooj; Berekashvili, Ketevan; Vulkanov, Volodomyr; Agarwal, Shashank; Khaneja, Amit; Turkel-Parella, David; Liff, Jeremy; Farkas, Jeffrey; Nandakumar, Thambirajah; Zhou, Ting; Frontera, Jennnifer; Kahn, David E; Kim, Sun; Humbert, Kelly A; Sanger, Matthew D; Yaghi, Shadi; Lord, Aaron; Arcot, Karthikeyan; Dmytriw, Adam A
Objective: To describe the ischemic stroke subtypes related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in a cohort of New York City hospitals and explore their etiopathogenesis. Background: Most neurological manifestations are non-focal, but few have reported the characteristics of ischemic strokes or investigated its pathophysiology. Methods: Data were collected prospectively April 1-April 15, 2020 from two centers in New York City to review possible ischemic stroke types seen in COVID-19-positive patients. Patient presentation, demographics, related vascular risk factors, associated laboratory markers, as well as imaging and outcomes were collected. Results: The age of patients ranged between 27 and 82 years. Approximately 81% of patients had known vascular risk factors, the commonest being hypertension (75%) followed by diabetes (50%) coronary disease or atrial fibrillation. Eight patients presented with large vessel occlusion (LVO) with median age 55 years (27-82) and all were male. Eight patients presented with non-LVO syndromes, with median age 65.5 years (59-82) and most were female (62.5%). Both groups were 50% African Americans and 37.5% South Asian. Both groups had similar D-dimer levels although other acute phase reactants/disease severity markers (Ferritin, CRP, procalcitonin) were higher in the LVO group. The LVO group also had a significantly higher mortality compared to the non-LVO group. The most common etiology was cryptogenic (6 patients) followed by small vessel occlusion (3 patients) and undetermined-unclassified (3 patients). For the remaining 4 patients, 2 were identified as cardioembolic and 2 with large artery atherosclerosis. Conclusion: COVID-19-related ischemic events can present as small vessel occlusions, branch emboli or large vessel occlusions. The most common etiology is cryptogenic. Patients with LVO syndromes tend to be younger, male and may have elevated acute inflammatory markers.
PMID: 33041972
ISSN: 1664-2295
CID: 4632392

COVID-19: Review of a 21st Century Pandemic from Etiology to Neuro-psychiatric Implications

Yamamoto, Vicky; Bolanos, Joe F; Fiallos, John; Strand, Susanne E; Morris, Kevin; Shahrokhinia, Sanam; Cushing, Tim R; Hopp, Lawrence; Tiwari, Ambooj; Hariri, Robert; Sokolov, Rick; Wheeler, Christopher; Kaushik, Ajeet; Elsayegh, Ashraf; Eliashiv, Dawn; Hedrick, Rebecca; Jafari, Behrouz; Johnson, J Patrick; Khorsandi, Mehran; Gonzalez, Nestor; Balakhani, Guita; Lahiri, Shouri; Ghavidel, Kazem; Amaya, Marco; Kloor, Harry; Hussain, Namath; Huang, Edmund; Cormier, Jason; Wesson Ashford, J; Wang, Jeffrey C; Yaghobian, Shadi; Khorrami, Payman; Shamloo, Bahman; Moon, Charles; Shadi, Payam; Kateb, Babak
COVID-19 is a severe infectious disease that has claimed >150,000 lives and infected millions in the United States thus far, especially the elderly population. Emerging evidence has shown the virus to cause hemorrhagic and immunologic responses, which impact all organs, including lungs, kidneys, and the brain, as well as extremities. SARS-CoV-2 also affects patients', families', and society's mental health at large. There is growing evidence of re-infection in some patients. The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of SARS-CoV-2-induced disease, its mechanism of infection, diagnostics, therapeutics, and treatment strategies, while also focusing on less attended aspects by previous studies, including nutritional support, psychological, and rehabilitation of the pandemic and its management. We performed a systematic review of >1,000 articles and included 425 references from online databases, including, PubMed, Google Scholar, and California Baptist University's library. COVID-19 patients go through acute respiratory distress syndrome, cytokine storm, acute hypercoagulable state, and autonomic dysfunction, which must be managed by a multidisciplinary team including nursing, nutrition, and rehabilitation. The elderly population and those who are suffering from Alzheimer's disease and dementia related illnesses seem to be at the higher risk. There are 28 vaccines under development, and new treatment strategies/protocols are being investigated. The future management for COVID-19 should include B-cell and T-cell immunotherapy in combination with emerging prophylaxis. The mental health and illness aspect of COVID-19 are among the most important side effects of this pandemic which requires a national plan for prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
PMID: 32925078
ISSN: 1875-8908
CID: 4606762

Recurrence and volumetric resolution of subacute and chronic subdural hematoma post-middle meningeal artery embolization [Meeting Abstract]

Farkas, N; Tiwari, A; Gordon, D; Arcot, K; Turkel-Perrella, D; Bo, R; Ye, P; Farkas, J
Objective: To study the efficacy of Middle Meningeal Artery (MMA) embolization for treatment of chronic subdural hematoma (SDH) and characterize its post-embolization volumetric resolution.
Background(s): Chronic subdural hematoma (cSDH) can be associated with slow neurological deterioration and increased mortality. Open surgical treatment may not always be feasible or successful. Recurrence has been estimated in among 10-20% of cases. MMA embolization has become a new approach used for both initial treatment and for recalcitrant lesions.
Method(s): 10 patients diagnosed with 13 cSDH underwent MMA embolization. SDH volume were measured from time of initial discovery on imaging to pre-operative, post-operative, short-term and long-term follow-up. Time between procedure to obliteration was also measured. Volumetric analysis was done using the 'Coniglobus' formula and recurrence rate as well as resolution timeline was defined using best-fit models.
Result(s): Out of 10 patients; 5 were recurrent lesions, 3 were bilateral and 7 unilateral cSDH. Average and median preoperative volumes were 105.3 cc and 97.4 cc, respectively. Embolization on average was performed 21 days after discovery. 60 percent of patients had concurrent use of antiplatelets or anticoagulation. 40% patients had embolization treatment as a primary modality. Recurrence was not seen in any patients treated with embolization. There was no peri- or post-operative complication. 5 patients reported complete or near-complete obliteration while those with partial resolution showed a composite average of 75% volumetric reduction in 45 days. Postembolization the volumetric resolution followed an exponential decay curve over time and was independent of initial volume.
Conclusion(s): MMA embolization is assosciated with a marked reduction in SDH volume post-operatively and can be used as a curative therapy for primary or recurrent SDH
ISSN: 1531-8249
CID: 4399842

Subclavian steal syndrome due to dialysis fistula corrected with subclavian artery stenting

Agarwal, Shashank; Schwartz, Lisa; Kwon, Patrick; Selas, George; Farkas, Jeffrey; Arcot, Karthikeyan; Tiwari, Ambooj
PMID: 30564504
ISSN: 2163-0402
CID: 3556582

Dose and Time Dependence of Eptifibitide Complications in Patients undergoing Neuroendovascular Therapy with and Without Hyperacute Stenting [Meeting Abstract]

Bo, Ryan; Shrestha, Ashik; Zhou, Ting; Turkel-Parrella, David; Arcot, Karthikeyan; Farkas, Jeffrey; Tiwari, Ambooj; Crotty, Danielle
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 3561892